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The cortical representation of five simple hand and finger movements in the human motor cortex was determined in left- and right-handed people with whole-head magnetoencephalography. Different movements were found to be represented by spatially segregated dipolar sources in primary motor cortex. The spatial arrangement of neuronal sources for digit and wrist movements was nonsomatotopic and varied greatly between subjects. As an estimator of hand area size in primary motor cortex, we determined the smallest cuboid volume enclosing the five dipole sources within the left and right hemisphere of each subject. Interhemispheric comparison revealed a significant increase of this volume in primary motor cortex opposite to the preferred hand. This asymmetry was due to a greater spatial segregation of neuronal dipole generators subserving different hand and finger actions in the dominant hemisphere. Mean Euclidean distances between dipole sources for different movements were 10.7 +/- 3.5 mm in the dominant and 9.4 +/- 3.5 mm in the nondominant hemisphere (mean +/- SD; P = 0. 01, two-tailed t-test). The expansion of hand representation in primary motor cortex could not simply be attributed to a greater number of pyramidal cells devoted to each particular movement as inferred from current source amplitudes. The degree of hemispheric asymmetry of hand area size in the primary motor cortex was correlated highly with the asymmetry of hand performance in a standardized handedness test (r = -0.76, P < 0.01). These results demonstrate for the first time a biological correlate of handedness in human motor cortex. The expansion of hand motor cortex in the dominant hemisphere may provide extra space for the cortical encoding of a greater motor skill repertoire of the preferred hand.  相似文献   

We applied functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) to map the somatotopic organization of the primary motor cortex using voluntary movements of the hand, arm, and foot. Eight right-handed healthy subjects performed self-paced, repetitive, flexion/extension movements of the limbs while undergoing echo-planar imaging. Four subjects performed movements of the right fingers and toes, while the remaining subjects performed movements of the right fingers and elbow joint. There was statistically significant functional activity in the left primary motor cortex in all subjects. The pattern of functional activity followed a topographic representation: finger movements resulted in signal intensity changes over the convexity of the left motor cortex, whereas toe movements produced changes either at the interhemispheric fissure or on the dorsolateral surface adjacent to the interhemispheric fissure. Elbow movements overlapped the more medial signal intensity changes observed with finger movements. Functionally active regions were confined to the cortical ribbon and followed the gyral anatomy closely. These findings indicate that FMRI is capable of generating somatotopic maps of the primary motor cortex in individual subjects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the cortical motor areas activated in relation to unilateral complex hand movements of either hand, and the motor area related to motor skill learning. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured in eight right-handed healthy male volunteers using positron emission tomography during a two-ball-rotation task using the right hand, the same task using the left hand and two control tasks. In the two-ball-rotation tasks, subjects were required to rotate the same two iron balls either with the right or left hand. In the control task, they were required to hold two balls in each hand without movement. The primary motor area, premotor area and cerebellum were activated bilaterally with each unilateral hand movement. In contrast, the supplementary motor area proper was activated only by contralateral hand movements. In addition, we found a positive correlation between the rCBF to the premotor area and the degree of improvement in skill during motor task training. The results indicate that complex hand movements are organized bilaterally in the primary motor areas, premotor areas and cerebellum, that functional asymmetry in the motor cortices is not evident during complex finger movements, and that the premotor area may play an important role in motor skill learning.  相似文献   

Functional brain imaging studies have indicated that several cortical and subcortical areas active during actual motor performance are also active during imagination or mental rehearsal of movements. Recent evidence shows that the primary motor cortex may also be involved in motor imagery. Using whole-scalp magnetoencephalography, we monitored spontaneous and evoked activity of the somatomotor cortex after right median nerve stimuli in seven healthy right-handed subjects while they kinesthetically imagined or actually executed continuous finger movements. Manipulatory finger movements abolished the poststimulus 20-Hz activity of the motor cortex and markedly affected the somatosensory evoked response. Imagination of manipulatory finger movements attenuated the 20-Hz activity by 27% with respect to the rest level but had no effect on the somatosensory response. Slight constant stretching of the fingers suppressed the 20-Hz activity less than motor imagery. The smallest possible, kinesthetically just perceivable finger movements resulted in slightly stronger attenuation of 20-Hz activity than motor imagery did. The effects were observed in both hemispheres but predominantly contralateral to the performing hand. The attempt to execute manipulatory finger movements under experimentally induced ischemia causing paralysis of the hand also strongly suppressed 20-Hz activity but did not affect the somatosensory evoked response. The results indicate that the primary motor cortex is involved in motor imagery. Both imaginative and executive motor tasks appear to utilize the cortical circuitry generating the somatomotor 20-Hz signal.  相似文献   

We attempted to map the representations of movements in 2 normal subjects by delivering five transcranial magnetic stimuli (TMS) with a focal coil to each of a grid of positions over the primary motor area (M1). Isometric forces were recorded from the contralateral index finger. Maps were made with the hand in a semiflexed "neutral" position, and with the thumb and index finger opposed in a "pincer" grip. The electromyogram (EMG) was monitored to ensure relaxation. The wrist was immobilized. In the neutral position, TMS at almost all positions produced abduction. Flexion was produced in the pincer position. Thus, while sensitive to changes in posture, TMS mapping may not be sensitive to the topographical organization of the M1 by movements as detected with direct cortical stimulation.  相似文献   

Infant monkeys were subjected to unilateral lesions of the motor cortex (mainly its hand representation). After maturation, they showed normal use of the contralateral hand for global grip movements. However, as compared with the ipsilateral hand, precision grip tasks requiring relatively independent finger movements were performed with less dexterity, particularly if adjustments of the wrist position were necessary. The purpose of this study was to investigate mechanisms which may be responsible for the rather well, although not complete, preservation of manipulative behaviour of these adult monkeys. To this end, the hand representations were mapped bilaterally with intracortical microstimulation in the mature monkeys, and the dexterity of both hands assessed quantitatively in a precision grip task. The behavioural effects of reversible inactivations of the primary (M1) and supplementary (SMA) motor cortical areas were then tested. The following were found. (i) The hand contralateral to the lesion exhibited subtle but significant dexterity deficits, as compared with the ipsilateral hand; the deficit was essentially for complex movements requiring dissociation of the thumb-index finger pinch from the other digits, involving also an arm rotation. (ii) Reversible inactivation of the M1 hand representation in the intact hemisphere dramatically impaired dexterity of the opposite hand without affecting the ipsilateral hand (contralateral to the early lesion). (iii) A relatively complete hand representation was found to occupy a new territory, medial to the old lesion. (iv) The role of this new displaced representation was crucial for the preserved dexterity of the opposite hand, as evidenced by its functional inactivation. In contrast, inactivation of both SMA cortices did not interfere with the manipulative behaviour. It is thus concluded that the preserved functional capacity of manipulations with the hand opposite the early lesion can be essentially attributed to a cortical reorganization around the old lesion. Under the present experimental conditions, contributions from either the SMA or the intact M1 appear not to be crucial.  相似文献   

In this study we tested a neuroplasticity/learning origins hypothesis for repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), including occupationally induced focal dystonia. Repetitive movements produced in a specific form and in an appropriate behavioral context cause a degradation of the sensory feedback information controlling fine motor movements, resulting in the "learned" genesis of RSIs. Two adult New World owl monkeys were trained at a behavioral task that required them to maintain an attended grasp on a hand grip that repetitively and rapidly (20 msec) opened and closed over short distances. The monkeys completed 300 behavioral trials per day (1,100 to 3,000 movement events) with an accuracy of 80 to 90%. A movement control disorder was recorded in both monkeys. Training was continued until the performance accuracy dropped to below 50%. We subsequently conducted an electrophysiologic mapping study of the representations of the hand within the primary somatosensory (SI) cortical zone. The hand representation in the true primary somatosensory cortical field, SI area 3b, was found to be markedly degraded in these monkeys, as characterized by (1) a dedifferentiation of cortical representations of the skin of the hand manifested by receptive fields that were 10 to 20 times larger than normal, (2) the emergence of many receptive fields that covered the entire glabrous surface of individual digits or that extended across the surfaces of two or more digits, (3) a breakdown of the normally sharply segregated area 3b representations of volar glabrous and dorsal hairy skin of the hand, and (4) a breakdown of the local shifted-overlap receptive field topography of area 3b, with many digital receptive fields overlapping the fields of neurons sampled in cortical penetrations up to more than four times farther apart than normal. Thus, rapid, repetitive, highly stereotypic movements applied in a learning context can actively degrade cortical representations of sensory information guiding fine motor hand movements. This cortical plasticity/learning-based dedifferentiation of sensory feedback information from the hand contributes to the genesis of occupationally derived repetitive strain injuries, including focal dystonia of the hand. Successful treatment of patients with RSI will plausibly require learning-based restoration of differentiated representations of sensory feedback information from the hand.  相似文献   

In primates the corticospinal neurons of the hand representation of the primary motor cortex (M1) give rise to direct contacts with the cervical motoneurons that control distal forelimb muscles. We investigated, at the light-microscopy level, whether corticospinal cells present in the hand area of the supplementary motor area (SMA) also establish direct connections with cervical motoneurons, particularly those innervating hand and finger muscles. The hand representation of the M1 (two monkeys) or SMA (two monkeys) was located using intracortical microstimulation and injected with the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine to label corticospinal terminals. Forearm muscles acting on the wrist and hand as well as hand muscles acting on the thumb and index finger, thus including those activated by intracortical stimulation, were injected with the retrograde tracer cholera-toxin B subunit, in order to label the motoneurons. A consistent zone of overlap between the two markers was found in the cervical cord. Close appositions between corticospinal axonal terminals and the somata or dendrites of motoneurons were found after injection in the M1, confirming previous observations. The new finding is the observation of similar close appositions after injection in the SMA, suggesting its control of hand movements in parallel with the M1.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Low-grade brain tumors may remain asymptomatic in contrast to malignant gliomas. The mechanisms underlying the preservation of cerebral function in such gliomas are not well understood. METHODS: We used positron emission tomography and transcranial magnetic stimulation for presurgical monitoring of motor hand function in six patients with gliomas of the precentral gyrus. All patients were able to perform finger movements of the contralesional hand. RESULTS: Movement-related increases of the regional cerebral blood flow occurred only outside the tumor in surrounding brain tissue. Compared with the contralateral side, these activations were shifted by 20 +/- 13 mm (standard deviation) within the dorsoventral dimension of the precentral gyrus. This shift of cortical hand representation could not be explained by the deformation of the central sulcus as determined from the spatially aligned magnetic resonance images but was closely related to the location of the maximal tumor growth. Dorsal tumor growth resulted in ventral displacement of motor hand representation, leaving the motor cortical output system unaffected, whereas ventral tumor growth leading to dorsal displacement of motor hand representation compromised the motor cortical output, as evident from transcranial magnetic stimulation. In two patients, additional activation of the supplementary motor area was present. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence for the reorganization of the human motor cortex to allow for preserved hand function in Grade II astrocytomas.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography was used to identify neural systems involved in the acquisition and expression of sequential movements produced by different effectors. Subjects were tested on the serial reaction time task under implicit learning conditions. In the initial acquisition phase, subjects responded to the stimuli with keypresses using the four fingers of the right hand. During this phase, the stimuli followed a fixed sequence for one group of subjects (group A) and were randomly selected for another group (group B). In the transfer phase, arm movements were used to press keys on a substantially larger keyboard, and for both groups, the stimuli followed the sequence. Behavioral indices provided clear evidence of learning during the acquisition phase for group A and transfer when switched to the large keyboard. Sequence acquisition was associated with learning-related increases in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in a network of areas in the contralateral left hemisphere, including sensorimotor cortex, supplementary motor area, and rostral inferior parietal cortex. After transfer, activity in inferior parietal cortex remained high, suggesting that this area had encoded the sequence at an abstract level independent of the particular effectors used to perform the task. In contrast, activity in sensorimotor cortex shifted to a more dorsal locus, consistent with motor cortex somatotopy. Thus, activity here was effector-specific. An increase in rCBF was also observed in the cingulate motor area at transfer, suggesting a role linking the abstract sequential representations with the task-relevant effector system. These results highlight a network of areas involved in sequence encoding and retrieval.  相似文献   

Intracranial lesions may compromise structures critical for motor performance, and mapping of the cortex, especially of the motor hand area, is important to reduce postoperative morbidity. We investigated nine patients with parietal lobe tumours and used functional MRI sensitized to changes in blood oxygenation to define the different motor areas, especially the primary sensorimotor cortex, in relation to the localization of the tumour. Activation was determined by pixel-by-pixel correlation of the signal intensity time course with a reference waveform equivalent to the stimulus protocol. All subjects showed significant activation of the primary sensorimotor cortex while performing a finger opposition task with the affected and unaffected side. In five patients the finger opposition task additionally activated the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex and the supplementary motor area (SMA). Extension and flexion of the foot, additionally performed in two patients, also activated the sensorimotor cortex, in one case within the perifocal oedema of the tumour. Tumour localization near the central sulcus induced displacement of the sensorimotor cortex as compared to the unaffected side in all patients with a relevant mass effect. The results of our study demonstrate that functional MRI at 1.5 T with a clinically used tomograph can reproducibly localize critical brain regions in patients with intracranial lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanisms underlying recovery from middle cerebral artery infarction in 7 patients with an average age of 53 years who showed marked recovery of hand function after acute severe hemiparesis caused by their first-ever stroke. INTERVENTIONS: Assessment of motor functions, transcranial magnetic stimulation, somatosensory evoked potentials, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomographic measurements of regional cerebral blood flow during finger movement activity. RESULTS: The infarctions involved the cerebral convexity along the central sulcus from the Sylvian fissure up to the hand area but spared the caudate nucleus, thalamus, middle and posterior portions of the internal capsule, and the dorsal part of the precentral gyrus in each patient. After recovery (and increase in motor function score of 57%, P<.001), the motor evoked potentials in the hand and leg muscles contralateral to the infarctions were normal, whereas the somatosensory evoked potentials from the contralateral median nerve were reduced. During fractionated finger movements of the recovered hand, regional cerebral blood flow increases occurred bilaterally in the dorsolateral and medial premotor areas but not in the sensorimotor cortex of either hemisphere. CONCLUSIONS: Motor recovery after cortical infarction in the middle cerebral artery territory appears to rely on activation of premotor cortical areas of both cerebral hemispheres. Thereby, short-term output from motor cortex is likely to be initiated.  相似文献   

To evaluate the hypothesis that self-paced movements are mediated primarily by the supplementary motor area, whereas externally triggered movements are mainly affected by the lateral premotor cortex, different movements in 6 healthy volunteers were studied while changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were measured using positron emission tomography (PET) and 15O-labeled water. Subjects made a series of finger opposition movements initiated in a self-paced manner every 4 to 6 seconds, and separately, made continuous finger opposition movements at a frequency of 2 Hz paced by a metronome. The primary motor cortex, lateral area 6, cerebellum on both sides, and caudal cingulate motor area, and the putamen and thalamus on the contralateral side were more active during the metronome-paced movements. The increases in rCBF in these areas are likely the result of the larger number of movements per minute made with the externally triggered task. The anterior supplementary motor area and rostral cingulate motor area in the midline, prefrontal cortices bilaterally, and lobus parietalis inferior on the ipsilateral side were more active during the self-paced movements. Increases in rCBF in those areas, which include medial premotor structures, may be related to the increased time devoted to planning the movement in this condition.  相似文献   

The ipsilateral primary motor cortex (M1) plays a role in voluntary movement. In our studies, we used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to study the effects of transient disruption of the ipsilateral M1 on the performance of finger sequences in right-handed normal subjects. Stimulation of the M1 ipsilateral to the movement induced timing errors in both simple and complex sequences performed with either hand, but with complex sequences, the effects were more pronounced with the left-sided stimulation. Recent studies in both animals and humans have confirmed the traditional view that ipsilateral projections from M1 to the upper limb are mainly directed to truncal and proximal muscles, with little evidence for direct connections to distal muscles. The ipsilateral motor pathway appears to be an important mechanism for functional recovery after focal brain injury during infancy, but its role in functional recovery for older children and adults has not yet been clearly demonstrated. There is increasing evidence from studies using different methodologies such as rTMS, functional imaging and movement-related cortical potentials, that M1 is involved in ipsilateral hand movements, with greater involvement in more complex tasks and the left hemisphere playing a greater role than the right.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if cortical motor representation and generators change after partial or complete paralysis after spinal cord injury (SCI). Previously reported evidence for a change in cortical motor function after SCI was derived from transcranial magnetic stimulation. These studies inferred a reorganization of the cortical motor system. We applied the new technique of high-resolution EEG to measure changes in cortical motor representation directly. We recorded and mapped the motor potential (MP) of the movement-related cortical potentials in 12 SCI patients and 11 control subjects. Results were analyzed using a distance metric to compare MP locations between patients and control subjects. EEG was coregistered with subject-specific MR images and a boundary element model created for dipole source analysis (DSA). When compared with normal control subjects, seven quadriparetics had posteriorly located MPs with finger movements. One paraparetic had a posterior MP with toe movements, but three who could not move the toes had normally located MPs on attempts to move. DSA confirmed the electrical field map distributions of the MPs. We are reporting a reorganization of cortical motor activity to a posterior location after SCI. These results suggest an important role of the somatosensory cortex (S1) in the recovery process after SCI.  相似文献   

We investigated cortical areas involved in the control of self-determined finger movements. In a tapping task, subjects tapped with different movement frequencies in two different movement conditions (predetermined vs self-determined). fMRI provided evidence for the involvement of the horizontal and ascending parts of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), the left superior frontal gyrus and the posterior cingulate gyrus in the control of self-determined finger movements. Higher movement frequency increased the extent of activated area only in the horizontal part of IPS. The results suggest a major role of the IPS in controlling sequences of finger movements. This area probably serves as a region for integration of motor, sensory and sensorimotor feedback information used for movement control.  相似文献   

A hemispheric asymmetry in the functional activation of the human motor cortex during contralateral (C) and ipsilateral (I) finger movements, especially in right-handed subjects, was documented with nuclear magnetic resonance imaging at high field strength (4 tesla). Whereas the right motor cortex was activated mostly during contralateral finger movements in both right-handed (C/I mean area of activation = 36.8) and left-handed (C/I = 29.9) subjects, the left motor cortex was activated substantially during ipsilateral movements in left-handed subjects (C/I = 5.4) and even more so in right-handed subjects (C/I = 1.3).  相似文献   

Many voluntary movements involve coordination between the limbs. However, there have been very few attempts to study the neuronal mechanisms that mediate this coordination. Here we have studied the activity of cortical neurons while monkeys performed tasks that required coordination between the two arms. We found that most neurons in the primary motor cortex (MI) show activity specific to bimanual movements (bimanual-related activity), which is strikingly different from the activity of the same neurons during unimanual movements. Moreover, units in the supplementary motor area (SMA; the area of cortex most often associated with bimanual coordination) showed no more bimanual-related activity than units in MI. Our results challenge the classic view that MI controls the contralateral (opposite) side of the body and that SMA is responsible for the coordination of the arms. Rather, our data suggest that both cortical areas share the control of bilateral coordination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the cortical physiology of fast repetitive finger movements. METHODS: We recorded steady-state movement-related magnetic fields (ssMRMFs) associated with self-paced, repetitive, 2-Hz finger movements in a 122-channel whole-head magnetometer. The ssMRMF generators were determined by equivalent current dipole (ECD) modeling and co-registered with anatomical magnetic resonance images (MRIs). RESULTS: Two major ssMRMF components occurred in proximity to EMG onset: a motor field (MF) peaking at 37+/-11 ms after EMG onset, and a postmovement field (post-MF), with inverse polarity, peaking at 102+/-13 ms after EMG onset. The ECD for the MF was located in the primary motor cortex (M1), and the ECD for the post-MF in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1). The MF was probably closely related to the generation of corticospinal volleys, whereas the post-MF most likely represented reafferent feedback processing. CONCLUSIONS: The present data offer further evidence that the main phasic changes of cortical activity occur in direct proximity to repetitive EMG bursts in the contralateral M1 and S1. They complement previous electroencephalography (EEG) findings on steady-state movement-related cortical potentials (ssMRCPs) by providing more precise anatomical information, and thereby enhance the potential value of ssMRCPs and ssMRMFs for studying human sensorimotor cortex activation non-invasively and with high temporal resolution.  相似文献   

We report a 42-year-old left-handed woman with congenital right hemiparesis and bilateral mirror movements in the hands. She had a porencephaly of the left hemisphere and the brain MRI demonstrated cortical and subcortical defect of the left hemisphere from Brodmann's area 6 to 40 including the left motor cortex. By electrical stimulation of the left median nerve at the wrist, N20 of the somatosensory evoked potential was recorded in the right postcentral gyrus by using the dipole tracing method. Long-loop reflexes from the bilateral thenar muscles were recorded and their latencies were almost the same. The stimulation of the right median nerve did not evoke N20, nor long-loop reflex. These electrophysiological findings suggest that the reorganization of the motor system made the right motor cortex to innervate bilateral hands, and caused bilateral mirror movements. In other words, the mirror movements managed to relieve the paralysis of the right hand though the damage of the left motor cortex was present. In the previous literature we are able to find hypotheses regarding the mechanism of mirror movements in congenital hemiparesis. Here we discussed about the reorganization of the motor system in the damaged brain.  相似文献   

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