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The evaluation of nitrate and nitrite in homemade and industrialized cheeses commercialized in the southern region of Minas Gerais State, was the aim of this work. In Brazil, the use of these additives is permitted at maximum levels of 50 mg/kg. The basis of the previously validated method is the quantitative reduction of nitrate to nitrite through cadmium column and spectrophotometric determination after nitrite diazotation with sulphanilic acid/alpha-naphtol reagent. From all samples analyzed, 38 (88.37%) showed neither a nitrate nor nitrite detectable content; 5 samples (11.63%) presented nitrate, 4 of them being above the tolerated level and only one (2.33%) showed detectable nitrite, however below the permissible limit. The majority of samples did not show nitrate or nitrite at detectable levels. However, though probably safe from a toxicological point of view, the results can implicate an increased risk of bacteriological contamination.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the nutritional status of the population of Jequitinhonha Valley in regard to vitamin A deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia. A Program--"Programa de Combate à Hipovitaminose A e à Anemia Nutricional Ferropriva em Bols?es de Probreza de Minas Gerais"--is being implanted by the Instituto Nacional de Alimentac?o e Nutri?ao (INAN) aiming to the prevention of such deficiencies. A random sample of 2,357 children from the towns: Turmalina, Minas Novas and Capelinha (Vale do Jequitinhonha), Minas Gerais (1,604 living in the urban and 753 in the rural areas) was submitted to an eye examination. Blood was drawn from a random subsample of these children (157 from the urban area and 107 from the rural area), in oder to detect possible nutritional problems. The following results were observed (preschool and school children, respectively): 1. Hemoglobin: 23.9% and 20% of the population in the urban area, 34.6 and 18.2% in the rural area, had low and deficient values, respectively. 2. Hematocrit: 1.5 and 2.2% of the population in the urban area, 17.3 and 5.5% in the rural area, had low values. 3. Vitamin A: 8.9 and 4.4% of the population in the urban area, 5.8 and 0% in the rural area, had deficient values (less than 10 micrograms/dl); 26.9 and 31.1% in the urban area, 26.9 and 23.6% in the rural area, had low values (10-20 micrograms/dl). These results show the occurrence of nutritional anemia and vitamin A deficiency in the observed children. As to the eye examination this was performed in 2,357 children. A high incidence of conjunctival xerosis (3.16 and 6.04% in the urban area, 7.7 and 12.6% in the rural area, in preschool and school children, respectively), was detected. Five cases of conjunctival xerosis with Bitot spot (0.2%), corneal xerosis (0.08%) and kerotomalacia (0.04%) were observed. The therapeutic effect of 200,000 UI of oral vitamin A was more efficient in preschool children (90.3% of positive reactions) than in school children (25.9% of positive reactions). The causes of the different reactions are now under study.  相似文献   

Randon samples of children from both sexes from Belo Horizonte, the capital City, and from Turmalina, Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were submitted to nutritional evaluation before and after the intervention "Program to Overcome Vitamin A and Iron Deficiencies in Areas of Poverty in Minas Gerais, Brazil". After the first examination, all the children received, with an interval of 180 days, a single oral dose of vitamin A, oral iron sulfate during 50 days, and 200 mg of Mebendazol/day for three days. Thirty days after ending administration of the third dose of medicine, the children were subjected to a new evaluation. In Belo Horizonte, the first evaluation revealed a high prevalence of deficient and low values of vitamin A in preschool children (21.5%) and school children (21.7%). A small prevalence of low hematocrit values was also observed in both groups. Deficient and low values of hemoglobin were found as well in 21.5% of preschool children and in 17.5% of school children. The second evaluation, practiced 30 days after the third dose of medicine, showed a small incidence of low vitamin A values (4.3% in preschool children and 2.9% in school children) and low hemoglobin values (6.5% in preschool children and 2.9% in school children). No deficient values of hemoglobin and vitamin A were observed. Concerning the hematocrit value, only one school child presented a low value at the second evaluation. On the other hand, in Jequitinhonha Valley, five cases of Bitot spot with conjunctival xerosis, two cases of corneal xerosis, and one case of keratomalacia were detected at the first examination. Thirty days after ending the third dose of medicine, only one corneal scar was observed. Only a small number of children with deficient and low levels of vitamin A and hemoglobin was found in the final evaluation (less than 8%), while this number was high at the first evaluation (above 38 and 12%, respectively). These results show the efficiency of the intervention Program in relation to hypovitaminosis A and iron anemia prevention. The Program is now being implemented by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

Over the last 25 years more than 70 million ha of the native vegetation in Brazil have been replaced by pastures for beef production planted to grasses of the genus Brachiaria, and to a lesser extent Andropogon gayanus, both of African origin. Some years after implantation, these pastures decline in productivity, probably due to low availability of P, and immobilisation of N in the soil due to the large quantities of senescent leaves (litter) of high C:N ratio deposited on the soil surface. In this paper we report the effects of the introduction of a forage legume (Desmodium ovalifolium) and different animal stocking rates on the deposition and decomposition of plant litter in pastures of Brachiaria humidicola at a site in the coastal Atlantic forest region of the south of Bahia State (Brazil). Litter existing on the ground, and that deposited in 14-day periods, was monitored at monthly intervals during 3 years of the study. Doubling the stocking rate from 2 to 4 animals ha-1 caused a highly significant decrease in litter deposition, but the presence of the legume in the sward had little effect. Calculations made directly from the quantities of litter deposited in the 14-day periods showed that between 15 and 18 tons of litter dry matter (dm) were deposited annually, but the relatively small quantities of existing litter (annual means of 0.8 to 1.5 t dm ha-1), showed that decomposition was rapid, showing values for half life of between 22 and 33 days. This technique was assumed to underestimate true litter disappearance rates, as with such rapid decomposition a significant proportion of the litter disappeared within the 14-day collection periods. An equation was developed to correct for this loss of litter during the collection periods and corrected litter decomposition constants of 0.037 to 0.097 g g-1 day-1 were recorded resulting in half lives of between 9 and 20 days. Using these data and adding them to estimates of animal consumption the net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) of the pastures ranged from 28 to 34 t dry matter ha-1 yr-1. Experiments with litter bags, and a "covered litter" system which allowed access of soil fauna to the litter, indicated that soil faunal activity had little impact on litter disappearance and such techniques underestimated true litter decomposition by at least an order of magnitude. We suggest that this underestimation is due to the fact, that in contrast to litter bags, in the open field situation fresh litter is being added continuously. As this material consists of both easily degradable ("active") and recalcitrant fractions, the easily degradable fraction fuels an active microbial biomass which continuously degrades the less decomposable material. It is concluded that the approach used in this study gives more realistic, and much higher estimates, of net primary aerial production of tropical grasslands and pastures than techniques heretofore utilised.  相似文献   

It has been shown that with careful grazing management and addition of Pand K, but not N, fertilisers Brachiaria pastures are ableto maintain sustainable live weight gains over many years. However, standardon-farm practice, which generally involves high stocking rates, leads after afew years to pasture decline due mainly to N deficiency for grass regrowth. Togenerate an understanding of the mechanism of pasture decline and possiblemanagement options to mitigate this process, a study was performed in theAtlantic forest region of the south of Bahia state to study the N dynamics inpastures of Brachiaria humidicola subject to threedifferent stocking rates of beef cattle, with and without the presence of theforage legume Desmodium ovalifolium. Despite the fact thatthe C:N ratio of the deposited litter was high (60 to 70) the rate ofdecomposition was very rapid (k –0.07 gg–1 day–1) and annual rates of Nturnover through the litter pathway were between 105 and 170 kg Nha–1 year–1. In the grass-onlypasturesas stocking rate increased from 2 to 3 head ha–1, N recycledinthe litter decreased by 11%, but a further increase to 4 headha–1 decreased N recycling by 30% suggesting thatbeyonda certain critical level higher grazing stocking rates would lead to pasturedecline if there was no N addition. High stocking rates decreased theproportionof the legume in the sward, but at all rates the concentration of N in both thegreen and dead grass in the forage on offer and in the litter was higher in themixed sward. The presence of the legume caused a decrease in the C:N ratio ofthe microbial biomass while both soil N mineralisation and nitrificationincreased. This increased rate of turnover of the microbial biomass and thecontribution of N2 fixation to the legume resulted in largeincreasesin the N recycled via litter deposition ranging from 42 to 155 kg Nha–1 year–1.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) cycling was determined in monocultures of Sorghumbicolor (L.) Moench and alley cropped sorghum with Acaciasaligna (Labill.) H. Wendl. in semiarid Northern Kenya. N inputthrough biological N2 fixation of the acacia, N transfer from thelegume to the intercrop and losses of applied N through harvest and leachingwere estimated using 15N enrichment. The biological N2fixation and N transfer estimates clearly demonstrated the limitations of15N enrichment techniques in field experiments showing even highertransfer than actually fixed N. Therefore, N transfer in the hedgerowintercropping system could not be determined by the 15N dilutionmethodology. The 15N balance approach, however, yielded reliableresults even 1.5 years after 15N application. 74 to 88% of theapplied 15N was recovered after three cropping cycles, most of it inthe soil (0–1.2 m). Only about 10% of the15N was taken up by the above-ground vegetation of both monocultureand agroforestry. The trees took up more of the applied 15N(8.4%) than the sorghum (1.3%) in the agroforestry system,indicating nutrient competition between tree and crop. Leaching losses below 1.2m depth were low in this semi-arid environment with 3 and 6%of the applied 15N in the monoculture and agroforestry system,respectively. 15N losses from leaching were 2.5 times higher in thealley than under the tree row. Incorporating the leguminous tree into thesorghum cropping system had no effect on total leaching and total uptake ofapplied 15N in above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) use and cycling in a dairy farming system. The data were collected from the experimental farm at the National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, using about 11 ha of forage crop fields and about 30 dairy cows. Forage crops grown in the field were ensiled and offered to the cows, and the subsequent compost from the animals’ excretion was applied to the field. The dairy farming system consisted of soil/crop, feed storage, animal, and compost components. Nutrient inputs and outputs and flows of the soil–plant–animal pathway for the whole farm and each component were measured for 5 years. Nutrient utilization was evaluated using nutrient balances, use efficiencies, and cycling indices. The 5 year average nutrient balances and nutrient use efficiencies of N, P, and K for the whole farm (kg ha?1 year?1) were 378, 97, and 199 and 0.25, 0.19, and 0.18, respectively. The characteristics of nutrient balances and use efficiencies for each component differed among N, P, and K. The average cycling indices of N, P, and K were 0.12, 0.11, and 0.37, respectively. Significant positive relationships between use efficiencies and cycling indices were observed in N and K. Year-to-year variations in flows were relatively large for compost application. The results suggested that improving N balance would be the most effective option for solving many of the environmental problems related to dairy farming.  相似文献   

Excessive intensification of dairy and beef cattle production systems in the industrialised countries has led to serious problems of pollution of water resources and the atmosphere. In order to develop an appropriate alternative, a few studies have been made by various research teams in Brazil, using low fertiliser inputs and modest animal stocking rates. The objective of this present study was to evaluate the effect of different stocking rates of beef cattle, and the introduction of a forage legume (Desmodium ovalifolium (Prain) Wall.), on the long-term sustainability of pastures of Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick established in the Atlantic forest region of Brazil in the extreme south of the State of Bahia. Annual maintenance fertilisation was restricted to additions of 11 and 6 kg ha−1 of P and K, respectively (and no N). Live weight gain (LWG) of Zebu steers was evaluated for stocking rates of 2, 3 and 4 head ha−1 during six grazing periods from 1988 to 1997. Forage intake and the proportion of legume in the acquired ration was determined using steers fitted with oesophageal fistulae. The bolus samples were analysed manually in 1988–1989, and using the 13C natural abundance technique in 1995. There was no significant response of LWG to the presence of the legume in the acquired ration. LWG in the final grazing period (1995–1996) was similar to that recorded in 1988–1989 at all stocking rates, suggesting that this management regime resulted in long-term sustainable production even in the absence of the legume or of a N fertiliser input. This was confirmed by the soil fertility analyses for 1988 and 1997, where only levels of P showed a significant decrease. The net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) of the pasture was determined for 1995, the largest component being deposited litter (21–33 Mg DM ha−1 year−1), followed by forage intake (6.4–12.2 Mg DM ha−1 year−1).  相似文献   

A major future challenge in agriculture is to reduce the use of new reactive nitrogen (N) while maintaining or increasing productivity without causing a negative N balance in cropping systems. We investigated if strategic management of internal biomass N resources (green manure ley, crop residues and cover crops) within an organic crop rotation of six main crops, could maintain the N balance. Two years of measurements in the field experiment in southern Sweden were used to compare three biomass management strategies: anaerobic digestion of ensiled biomass and application of the digestate to the non-legume crops (AD), biomass redistribution as silage to non-legume crops (BR), and leaving the biomass in situ (IS). Neither aboveground crop N content from soil, nor the proportion of N derived from N2 fixation in legumes were influenced by biomass management treatment. On the other hand, the allocation of N-rich silage and digestate to non-legume crops resulted in higher N2 fixation in AD and BR (57 and 58 kg ha?1 year?1), compared to IS (33 kg ha?1 year?1) in the second study year. The N balance ranged between ??9.9 and 24 kg N ha?1, with more positive budgets in AD and BR than in IS. The storage of biomass for reallocation in spring led to an increasing accumulation of N in the BR and AD systems from one year to another. These strategies also provide an opportunity to supply the crop with the N when most needed, thereby potentially decreasing the risk of N losses during winter.  相似文献   

The sustainable management of soils has proved a key challenge for the smallholder agriculture in southeastern Amazonia, Brazil. We assessed the capacity of an alley cropping system to sustain corn productivity. The experiment included six treatments: Clitoria + Pigeon Pea; Leucaena + Pigeon Pea; Acacia + Pigeon Pea; Clitoria + Leucaena; Leucaena + Acacia and Control treatment (no legumes). We determined chemical and physical indicators of soil quality. Leucaena had the highest macronutrient concentrations (40.17 g N kg−1), except for P. All legumes had high Ca (13.82–17.84 g kg−1) and very low P (0.51–2.83 g kg−1) and Mg (1.73–2.92 g kg−1) concentrations. Acacia had the lowest N, P, K and Mg concentrations. Pre-planting soil analysis indicated that soil quality indicators were below the critical levels needed for a productive agricultural system, especially for phosphorus, sum of bases and base saturation. Physical indicators of quality, such as bulk density (1.40–1.30 Mg m−3), total porosity (0.46–0.50 m m−3) and soil aeration capacity (0.10–0.17 m m−3), were substantially improved as a result of the surface application of residues. There was a cumulative effect of residue application on corn crop productivity. Because of its capacity to recycle nutrients and improve soil quality over the period of 3 years, alley cropping in association with no-tillage, can be an efficient strategy for maintaining productivity in the low-fertility soils of the humid tropics.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to build an N mass balance for the potato crop under irrigation conditions in the southeast pampas (Argentina) as a function of N rate and gravitational water. The experiment was developed in a Typic Argiudoll soils during five growing seasons using N treatments. Yield, N concentration, N accumulated and dry matter content in the tubers were different between years by effect of the N rates, the irrigation management and precipitations. Fertilizer N recovery in tubers decreased as the N rate and the volume of gravitational water increased. Soil residual N increased with the N rate and decreased with gravitational water. N loss increased with the N rate and the volume of gravitational water, so it is highly possible that nitrate leaching is the most important loss process. N loss means ranged from 12 to 57 % with the lowest and highest hydric excess (73 and 479 mm, respectively). N loss may become the largest N sink when there is excess of water. It is recommended to adapt N fertilization strategies with a proper irrigation management.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the most important constraints to food production, particularly in tropical Oxisols. This study aimed to characterize the inorganic and organic P (Pi and Po) fractions in the soil in three smallholding coffee cultivation fields managed under either agroforestry (AGF) or full sun (FSC) agroecosystems. The work was carried out in areas situated at the municipalities of Divino and Araponga in the Zona da Mata in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Soil P forms including H2O–Pi; NaHCO3–Pi,Po; NaOH–Pi,Po; diluted HCl–Pi; concentrate HCl–Pi,Po and Residual-P were sequentially extracted in samples from 0 to 5 and 5 to 10-cm soil layers. Together, H2O–Pi and NaHCO3–Pi accounted on average for only 4% of soil total P in the cultivated soils. HClconc.-Pi ranged from 142.8 to 372.4 mg kg−1 being the predominant Pi fraction. AGF systems promoted an increment of 8% in the NaHCO3–Po fraction in relation to the FSC systems in the upper soil layer. The AGF systems increased HClconc.-Po pool in relation to the FSC systems in Divino and Araponga(I) soils, indicating that agroforestry is an important management strategy to increase bioavailable P and for the maintenance of organic P pool. The distribution of inorganic and organic P pools varied among the different study sites, showing that P cycling depends on the inherent characteristic of each agroecosystem. The availability of P to plants in coffee-agroforestry fields is directly associated with the cycling of the organic P pool.  相似文献   

Field surplus nitrogen (N) and farm disposal N are major sources of water pollution in farming systems. These sources are estimated from N budgets in field and whole farms, which are associated with the production and consumption of food. This study was conducted to evaluate these two pollution sources in the steep mountainous karst region of Quibainong, Guangxi Province, southern China. The region is, characterized as an area of upland farms, due to the shallow soils and rapid water drainage through cracks in the limestone. Although field surplus N in 1960 was only 4.1 kg N ha–1, current field surplus N ranged from 10.1 to 463 kg N ha–1, with values above 50 kg N ha–1 in farms along roads and less than 40 kg N ha–1 in the farms away from roads. The results obtained in near-road farms were similar to those in a previous study of N budgets in China. There was a significant positive correlation between the field surplus N and N application rate, including when the previous data were incorporated. The proportion of manure to total N application decreased with increase of N application. Chemical fertilizer was applied in greater quantity in economically rich farms. Therefore, the increase of field surplus N in Quibainong may be caused by economic improvement. Although livestock and human excreta were stocked in manure barns, unused excreta N increased with the increase of N excreted. The unused excreta N also increased with the decrease of feed self-sufficiency, but was not related to N application rate. These facts indicate that livestock husbandry in Quibainong is related to economic status of farms, but independently of crop production.The N application rate of more than 160 kg N ha–1 increased field surplus N to an extent greater than crop uptake N, and a N application rate of more than 185 kg N ha–1 increased the potential nitrate-N concentration to more than 10 mg L–1. Therefore, 160–185 kg N ha–1 is suggested to be the environmental capacity to sustain optimal N cycling in Quibainong. The average value of excreta N produced on near-road farms in Quibainong was 171 kg N ha–1. If excreta N was used evenly for crop cultivation without chemical fertilizer in whole fields, the optimal N cycling would be maintained.The survey conducted here using a questionnaire was effective in evaluating all kind of N flows in the farming systems.  相似文献   

Optimizing the process of forest fertilization as a control system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a new method for determining optimal fertilization strategies for tree plantations. The method is based on principles of Control Theory and basically consists in evaluating approximately the equations governing the dynamics of the system fertilizer-tree, and then applying optimization techniques adapted to additive cost functions. We describe the procedure as used in a real experiment withEucalyptus rostrata. The main advantage of the method lies in the possibility of taking into account sequences of potentially different amounts of fertilizer added at different times. The results are interpreted as recommendations about when and how much fertilizer should be applied to a similar plantation in order to maximize profit.
Resumen Proponemos un método nuevo para encontrar estrategias óptimas de fertilización en bosques implantados. El método se funda en principios de Teoría de Control, y básicamente consiste en determinar aproximadamente las ecuaciones que gobiernan la dinámica del sistema árbol-fertilizante, y luego aplicar técnicas usuales de optimización para costos aditivos. Describimos el procedimiento mediante un experimento real con ejemplares deEucalyptus rostrata. La ventaja principal del método consiste en la posibilidad de tomar en cuenta sucesiones de aplicaciones de fertilizantes que puedan ser distintas en magnitud y también efectivizadas en momentos distintos. Los resultados producen recomendaciones sobre cuándo y cuánto fertilizante debería aplicarse en una plantación similar para maximizar las ganancias globales.

Chernogolovka. Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 32–38, March–April, 1988.  相似文献   

We report mineralogical studies of clayey soils collected in various sites of the middle plateau in Rio Grande do Sul in the southern region of Brazil. The analysis of the XRD patterns indicated quartz, rutile, goethite, hematite and kaolinite in the samples. Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used to study the Fe-bearing species. The Mössbauer spectra of all the samples at room temperature consist of a large paramagnetic doublet, in some cases superimposed on a small sextet, whereas at 77 K a prominent sextet appears, which is associated with goethite and/or a hematite substituted structure. The results indicate that the studied soils have iron oxides with high contents of aluminum.  相似文献   

张华  陈莉莉 《广东化工》2014,(9):194+202-194
文章对化工储罐的氮气密封系统进行研究。讨论了氮气密封系统的典型流程及工作原理,并对系统中氮气补充量的计算进行深入探讨。为实际生产中的氮气密封系统工艺设计提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The Taihu Lake region in China is highly developed, but surface water pollution has become a serious environmental problem in recent years, with nitrogen (N) a major pollutant. To assess the impact of human activity on N cycle and to evaluate the sources of N in surface water in the region, a N-budget for Changshu, a representative county in the Taihu Lake region, was established by using N-related human activities data from an intensive household survey conducted in 2007, measurement data on N fluxes and literature data on other necessary parameters. Chemical fertilizer was the largest N input, accounting for 56.3%. Nearly 30% of the N ended up in surface water. Untreated human and animal waste was the major source of N transported to water. The huge amount of N load to surface water would result in N concentrations of >6.0 mg N L−1 even after denitrification removal in wetlands.  相似文献   

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