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Objective: There is a need for natural history chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) studies from random, community-based, multi-ethnic populations. Design: The present study examined the course of CFS from Wave 1 to Wave 2, which spanned over a ten year period of time, and, assessed whether socio-environmental and symptomatology factors were associated with CFS status over the ten year period. Results: There was relative stability over time on critical measures of disability, fatigue, support, optimism and coping over time. One cardinal symptoms of CFS, post-exertional malaise, best differentiated the CFS group from the others. By Wave 2, of the original group of 32 individuals diagnosed with CFS, 4 had died, and 24 were found and agreed to be re-evaluated, and of this group, 16 continued to have CFS, 5 developed exclusionary illnesses, 2 were classified as Idiopathic chronic fatigue, and one had remitted. Conclusions: The current study found that over time in a community-based sample, unbiased by help seeking behavior the CFS group remained rather ill with a variety of different conditions over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune disfunction syndrome) is also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), CEBV (chronic Epstein-Barr virus), M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis), yuppie flu and by other names. It is a complex illness characterized by incapacitating fatigue (experienced as exhaustion and extremely poor stamina), neurological problems and a constellation of symptoms that can resemble many disorders, including; mononucleosis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, AIDS-related complex (ARC) and autoimmune diseases such as lupus. These symptoms tend to wax and wane, but any often severely debilitating and may last for many months or years. All sections of the population (including children) are at risk, but women under 45 seem to be most susceptible. The investigators suggest that CFIDS results from dysfunction of the immune system. The exact nature of this dysfunction is not yet well defined, but it can generally be viewed as an unregulated or overactive state which is responsible for most of the symptoms. There is also evidence of some immune suppression in CFIDS. None of the treatments is consistently satisfactory, but some may be helpful: psychotherapy, physiotherapy, exercise programs, acupunctures, small doses of antidepressants, etc.  相似文献   

Comments on the article of L. A. Jason et al (see record 199705605-007) on the diagnosing of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and its comorbidity with psychiatric disorders. The present author points out that one of the most consistent research findings is the inconsistency and failure to replicate reports of pathophysiology in CFS. However, it is suggested, it is unlikely that either psychiatric disorder alone or physiological factors alone will sufficiently explain CFS. It is argued that ultimately, a biopsychosocial model should prove the most constructive way of conceptualizing this illness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BA Fallon  MR Liebowitz  DF Klein 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1992,149(12):1756; author reply 1756-1756; author reply 1757

The chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by fatigue, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and various other somatic complaints. Treatment studies to date reflect both the diversity of medical disciplines involved in the management of patients with CFS and the multiple pathophysiologic mechanisms proposed. There have been few attempts to study integrated treatment programs, and although several controlled studies have been reported, no treatment has been shown clearly to result in long-term benefit in the majority of patients. Good clinical care integrating medical and psychologic concepts, together with symptomatic management, may prevent significant secondary impairment in the majority of patients. Future treatment studies should examine differential response rates for possible subtypes of the disorder (eg, documented viral onset, concurrent clinical depression), evaluate the extent of any synergistic effects between therapies (ie, medical and psychologic), and employ a wide range of biologic and psychologic parameters as markers of treatment response.  相似文献   

The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) varies significantly among hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers from different geographic regions. We compared serological markers of HBV infection in adult male carriers from Haimen City, China and Senegal, West Africa, where the prevalence of chronic infection is similar. HCC mortality among HBV carriers is much higher in Haimen City than it is in Senegal (age-standardized rate, 878 versus 68 per l0(5) person-years). A dramatic difference was observed when HBV DNA levels in serum were assessed among carriers by Southern blot. In the Senegalese group (n = 289), 14.5% were HBV DNA positive by Southern blot in their 20s, and this percentage declined in each subsequent decade of age to 3.3, 2.9, and 0% thereafter. In the Chinese group (n = 285), a higher prevalence of HBV DNA positivity and a less consistent reduction were seen; 29.4% were positive in their 20s, and 30.2, 23.6, and 20.6%, respectively, were positive in each subsequent decade of age. Among 102 male Asian-American HBV carriers, the prevalence of HBV DNA positivity was intermediate between the Chinese and Senegalese populations (36.8, 10.7, 3.0, and 4.6% in each subsequent decade of age). Viral titers were similar among those who were HBV DNA positive in all three populations [median value, 10(7) virions/ml (range, 10(6)-10(9) virions/ml)]. The presence of HBV DNA in serum was positively associated with serum glutathione S-transferase, a marker of liver damage. These findings suggest that the more prolonged maintenance of productive virus infection in the Chinese carriers compared with the Senegalese carriers may explain their higher risk of HCC. This profound difference in the natural history of chronic infection may be due to earlier age of infection in China or to as yet unknown environmental or genetic factors.  相似文献   

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) is a common complication of antibiotics and recent findings on the epidemiology, etiologies and treatment strategies are reviewed. Rates of AAD vary from 5 to 39% depending upon the specific type of antibiotic. The severity of AAD may include uncomplicated diarrhea, colitis or pseudomembranous colitis. The pathogenesis of AAD may be mediated through the disruption of the normal flora and overgrowth of pathogens or through metabolic imbalances. The impact of AAD is reflected by increased hospital stays, higher medical costs and increased rates of comorbidity. The key to decreasing these consequences is prompt diagnosis followed by effective treatment and institution of control measures.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is essential for tumour growth and important in tumour metastasis and prognosis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) stimulates endothelial proliferation in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo. VEGF expression has been correlated with high vascularity in tumours, including carcinoma of the breast. This study investigated VEGF expression and vascularity of invasive lobular (n = 10) and invasive ductal carcinoma (n = 28), and pure ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast (n = 33). VEGF protein expression was studied with immunohistochemistry and VEGF mRNA with in situ hybridization. Vascular density was assessed on sections stained for von Willebrand factor. There was more expression of both VEGF protein (P = 0.006) and mRNA (P = 0.002) in invasive ductal than in invasive lobular carcinoma. VEGF protein (rs = 0.32, P = 0.047) and mRNA (rs = 0.56, P = 0.04) correlated with vascular density in invasive ductal carcinoma. In invasive lobular carcinoma, vascular density did not correlate with VEGF mRNA (rs = 0.15, P = 0.35) and was inversely related to VEGF protein (rs = -0.57, P = 0.04). There were no significant differences in vascular density between the two types of invasive carcinoma, suggesting that VEGF is important in angiogenesis in invasive ductal carcinoma, but that other angiogenic factors are important in invasive lobular carcinoma. Although VEGF protein was frequently expressed in ductal carcinoma in situ, no relationship was found between VEGF and the two patterns of angiogenesis previously described.  相似文献   

Muscle wasting and weakness are common features of patients with critical illnesses, and may impair their recovery. This study examines whether cytoskeletal and contractile proteins are damaged, and which proteolytic mechanisms might be involved, in the muscle fibre atrophy or necrosis associated with the acute myopathy of critically ill patients. Ninety-eight muscle biopsies were obtained by the conchotome method from 57 critically ill patients and examined morphometrically and by immunohistochemical labelling. Sequential biopsies showed a mean reduction in fibre cross-sectional areas of 3-4% per day. More intense immunolabelling for desmin was seen in the smaller fibres of 52% of the biopsies, while immunolabelling for dystrophin, actin and myosin heavy chains was maintained. Myosin ATPase activity was weak in the smaller fibres in some biopsies, and electron microscopy showed the loss of myosin filaments in atrophic fibres. These changes suggest that loss of the filamentous structure of myosin, without degradation of the immunolabelled epitopes, leads to the collapse of the intermyofibrillar desmin network. Fibres with abnormal desmin labelling showed increased cathepsin B, lysozyme and ubiquitin immunolabelling. Nine cases showed increased immunolabelling for heat shock protein 72. The changes in desmin immunolabelling were more prevalent in patients with higher APACHE II scores on admission, but were not related to other clinical features. The results indicate that fibre atrophy is associated with myosin filament depolymerization and the presence of several proteolytic enzymes. In our study, these changes occurred in patients who were critically ill but who did not receive large doses of steroids or neuromuscular blocking agents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our goals were to determine the prevalence of unusual, debilitating fatigue and the frequency with which it was associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or other physical or psychological illness in an outpatient clinic population. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated a cohort of 1000 consecutive patients in a primary care clinic in an urban, hospital-based general medicine practice. The study protocol included a detailed history, physical examination, and laboratory and psychiatric testing. RESULTS: Five patients who came because of CFS studies were excluded. Of the remaining 995, 323 reported fatigue, and 271 (27%) complained of at least 6 months of unusual fatigue that interfered with their daily lives. Of the 271, self-report or record review revealed a medical or psychiatric condition that could have explained the fatigue in 186 (69%). Thus, 85 (8.5%) of 995 patients had a debilitating fatigue of at least 6 months' duration, without apparent cause. Of these patients, 48 refused further evaluation, and 11 were unavailable for follow-up; 26 completed the protocol. Three of the 26 were hypothyroid, and one had a major psychiatric disorder. Of the remaining 22 patients, three met Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for CFS, four met British criteria, and 10 met the Australian case definition. The point prevalences of CFS were thus 0.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0% to 0.6%), 0.4% (95% CI, 0% to 0.8%), and 1.0% (95% CI, 0.4% to 1.6%) using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, British, and Australian case definitions, respectively. These estimates were conservative, because they assumed that none of the patients who refused evaluation or were unavailable for follow-up would meet criteria for CFS. CONCLUSIONS: While chronic, debilitating fatigue is common in medical outpatients, CFS is relatively uncommon. Prevalence depends substantially on the case definition used.  相似文献   

Phosphate depletion is associated with neuromuscular dysfunction due to changes in mitochondrial respiration that result in a defect of intracellular oxidative metabolism. Phosphate diabetes causes phosphate depletion due to abnormal renal re-absorption of phosphate be the proximal renal tubule. Most of the symptoms presented by patients with phosphate diabetes such as myalgia, fatigue and mild depression, are also common in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, but this differential diagnosis has not been considered. We investigated the possible association between chronic fatigue syndrome and phosphate diabetes in 87 patients who fulfilled the criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Control subjects were 37 volunteers, who explicitly denied fatigue and chronic illness on a screening questionnaire. Re-absorption of phosphate by the proximal renal tubule, phosphate clearance and renal threshold phosphate concentration were the main outcome measures in both groups. Of the 87 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, nine also fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for phosphate diabetes. In conclusion, we report a previously undefined relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and phosphate diabetes. Phosphate diabetes should be considered in differential diagnosis with chronic fatigue syndrome; further studies are needed to investigate the incidence of phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and the possible beneficial effect of vitamin D and oral phosphate supplements.  相似文献   

Fluoxetine is a 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin)-selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and is one of the main drugs used for the treatment of depression. Because it takes 2 to 3 weeks of treatment before clinical efficacy is manifest, the acute actions of fluoxetine cannot account for the clinical actions of the drug. The chronic effects of fluoxetine have not been completely delineated. The experiments detailed here investigate the chronic effects of fluoxetine on 5-HT and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor-mediated actions using intracellular recording techniques in hippocampal brain slices. Rats were treated with fluoxetine for 3 weeks via osmotic minipumps implanted s.c. Fluoxetine and norfluoxetine plasma levels were determined. The hippocampal pyramidal cell characteristics and the 5-HT1A and GABA(B) receptor-mediated hyperpolarization were measured in the CA1 and the CA3 subfields. The 5-HT4 receptor-mediated decrease in the slow afterhyperpolarization amplitude was also recorded in area CA1. The time constant, magnitude of the change in resistance during 300-ms hyperpolarizing current pulses and half-decay time of the sAHP were altered by chronic fluoxetine treatment in area CA1 pyramidal cells. No changes were seen in any of the active or passive membrane properties of the CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells. Fluoxetine treatment increased the potency of 5-HT for the 5-HT1A receptor-mediated hyperpolarization in area CA1, but not area CA3, and decreased the potency of baclofen for the GABA(B) receptor-mediated hyperpolarization in area CA1, but not area CA3. The characteristics of the concentration-response curve for the 5-HT-mediated decrease in sAHP amplitude in area CA1 were not altered by fluoxetine treatment. Chronic fluoxetine selectively and differentially altered the cell characteristics and the 5-HT1A and GABA(B) receptor-mediated responses in area CA1 of the hippocampus, which forms the final common output of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The IgG and secretory IgA (S-IgA) responses to the HIV-1 envelope (gp160 antigen) were analyzed in the colostrum (Col) and in the cervicovaginal fluid (CVF) of HIV-l-infected women. We show IgG antibodies (Abs) to the recombinant gp160 to be predominant as compared with the corresponding S-IgA isotype. The low level of the S-IgA response cannot be related to a general disturbance of the mucosal-associated Iymphoid tissue (MALT) because the level of a current Ab to a caries-associated antigen from Streptococcus sobrinus was in the normal range in these secretions. The major subclass of IgA to gp160 was of the alpha1 isotype both in Col and in CVF. However, the specific activities of S-IgA1 and S-IgA2 were different when expressed as the ratio of the anti-gp160 related to total Ig of each subclass. Indeed, the specific activity of the S-IgA2 was predominant over S-IgA1 in the Col, whereas the reciprocal results were found in CVF, showing a subcompartmentalization of these secretions. The ability of S-IgA and IgG to block one of the pathways involved in the HIV-1 penetration across mucosa, i.e., transcytosis through epithelial cells, was evaluated using a functional in vitro assay. Both S-IgA and IgG Abs impaired virus transcytosis, irrespective of the level of antigp160 specific activities. However, specific S-IgA was more efficient than IgG. These features suggest that mucosal specific S-IgA to HIV-1 could be relevant in decreasing infectivity of HIV-1 in corporal fluids.  相似文献   

The nutcracker esophagus, a primary motor disorder, is frequently associated with noncardiac chest pain. However, there are no data on whether its diagnosis, as in other esophageal motility disorders, is delayed. Since the disorder is frequently heralded by alarming symptoms such as chest pain and dysphagia, diagnosis should be made as soon as possible. In this study we assessed the diagnostic delay, if any, in patients with the nutcracker esophagus. Moreover, we were interested in whether the abnormalities described in the distal esophagus could also involve the entire viscus. Fifty-four subjects (age range 23-78 yr) with the nutcracker esophagus were assessed for clinical and manometric variables as an overall group and after dividing them into subgroups according to their symptoms. The manometric variables were compared with those obtained in 61 controls (age range 21-67 yr). Overall, a diagnosis of nutcracker esophagus was made after an average period of 36 +/- 6 months, and surprisingly, this was not different in the various subgroups complaining of either chest pain, dysphagia, or both. Analysis of manometric variables showed that the mean amplitude of contractions was significantly higher in the patients' group at all esophageal body levels, even in the proximal portions. Again, there were no significant differences among the subgroups of nutcracker esophagus with respect to the symptoms. Notwithstanding the presence of alarming symptoms, such as chest pain and dysphagia, the nutcracker esophagus is diagnosed on average after 3 years from the onset of symptoms. Manometric assessment seems to confirm that this entity may indeed represent a primary esophageal motor disorder. The major dysfunction is due to an abnormal increase of contraction amplitude of the entire esophageal body.  相似文献   

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