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随着国民经济的不断增长,城市化进程的不断加快,出行成为了人们生活中的一个必不可少的问题,公交车作为一种常见的出行交通工具,与人们的日常生活息息相关,城市的街头巷尾分布着各条公交路线,公交车站是伴随着城市的发展而形成的,是人们与外界沟通交流的纽带。公交站台起初是为了方便人们出行使用,也是为了人们的安全舒适、提高效率而设置的。但是时代在发展,城市化文明的进程也随之加快,公交站台已经不仅是满足人们在出行上的方便以及视觉上的审美,也可以作为一个展示城市整体形象的平台,并且从较高层次来说也反映了城市的总体文明进程。近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,在城市繁华路段,传统公交站台的弊端逐渐凸显。比如,在城市繁华路段传统公交站台存在其附近经常发生安全事故、道路拥挤的状况,且遭遇不良天气乘客候车条件差,客流量大时乘客交换效率低等问题。文章主要是基于以上现状设计了一个新型公交站台,并对此公交站台的设计原理、优点、创新点等方面进行了详细地介绍。  相似文献   

公共交通系统的本质是能够为居民的出行提供快速、便捷的服务。公共交通网络结构是公交系统的基础,其合理性与科学性直接影响了公交系统运行有效性和居民出行的便捷性。基于复杂网络理论的公交网络结构优化研究已成为解决此问题的新兴方法。但是,现有研究主要集中于公交网络的实证分析及其拓扑结构优化,而作为影响居民出行便捷性的地理信息因素很少被纳入网络模型中。为此,提出了一种能够描述公交网络与空间地理信息的复合公共交通网络模型。基于该模型基于该复合网络模型和居民小区的地理位置建立了公交线路居民小区复合网络,来描述公交线路对居民出行的影响并对公交系统的网络结构和居民出行的便捷性进行分析。  相似文献   

时刻表是公交企业运输服务的承诺,也是乘客选择公交线路制定出行决策的主要依据.该文通过对公交出行者问卷调查数据分析,总结了上海市乘客对于时刻表信息服务的需求;并选取已发布时刻表的典型公交线路,从道路通行条件和运营管理两个方面提出影响公交准点运行的因素及相应的改善对策;最后,提出上海市时刻表公布及实施保障的建议.  相似文献   

介绍中山市BRT站台的智能化系统结构组成,阐述BRT站台工程中各智能化系统的设计要点,包括网络及通信系统、UPS电源系统、乘客信息服务系统、辅助通信及辅助定位系统、网络视频监控系统、IP数字广播系统、售检票系统、安全门系统及无线网络系统等。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,人们对候车环境舒适性的需求也逐渐增强,传统公交站台存在的诸多问题,并不能满足人们基本的舒适性需求,因此我们设计了一款可以满足现代城市人群需要、节约能源的智能化公交站台,可以为乘客提供更安全、更舒适、更便捷的候车环境,吸引更多的市民通过公共交通出行来减轻环境污染。  相似文献   

共享经济正改变着人们的生活方式,城市公共交通系统应该顺应共享经济的潮流进行转型,构建新的公交服务模式,该模式以乘客体验为核心,以提升出行服务质量为目标。文章在指出目前公共交通系统发展存在问题的基础上,分析新的交通技术、交通工具与共享出行理念对交通行业的影响,进而介绍"出行即服务"这一全新的交通理念,在该理念指导下各公共交通系统在未来将打破系统界限,强化合作和服务资源共享,形成多模式、多层级的公交体系。  相似文献   

车站是乘客候车、换乘、疏散的公共场所,是智能轨道快运系统(ART)运营最重要的组成部分之一。通过在站台配置乘客信息、广播、视频监控、售检票及站台门等车站服务系统,不仅可保证ART的高效运营与乘客安全,而且能提高乘客的乘坐体验感。为进一步提高车站系统的稳定性,开发了ART车站现地系统,保证了车站服务系统即便在通信故障情况下仍能正常运行。文章对ART车站服务系统的架构及所含各系统的功能进行了详细介绍,并对其未来的发展提出展望。  相似文献   

本文从现状问题调研出发,结合乘客意愿调查,找出公交站台存在的问题及乘客的需求,有针对性地提出相应的公交站台设置与设计优化方案,包括通透式候车亭、结合绿化候车亭、反向候车亭的设置,站名、线路名、线路图、时刻表、电子站牌、休息座椅等的设置,消除公交车与自行车冲突的岛式站台设计等,为今后提升公交站台的服务水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

包天鹏 《建筑知识》2014,(3):23-23,39
信号交叉口的公交站台设置,是城镇交通公交站台设置中的重要工作内容。同时,也是保证城市交通通畅的关键因素。如果在信号交叉口设置的公交站台不合理,会导致交叉口通行能力下降,造成一些乘客、公交车和其它车辆之间的交通冲突。针对信号交叉口的三种不同公交站台设置方法,选择科学合理的评价指标体系,进行分析对比之后,可以为信号交叉口公交站台的设置,提供科学的指导意见。选择适合的信号交叉口公交设置方法,保证城市交通的通畅,促进城市交通的建设和发展。  相似文献   

为提升公交车辆在交叉口处的通行效率,以乘客出行延误为优化目标,构建下游停靠站影响下的交叉口公交优先信号控制优化模型,有效降低了乘客出行总延误,提高了公交车辆的通行效率。  相似文献   

黄磊 《福建建筑》2014,(2):106-109
省级交通地理信息公共服务平台是以各种交通地理空间信息为基础,结合交通领域各专业信息数据库,为交通领域各部门信息化系统提供多方面空间信息服务,并对不同业务在交通地理空间的表现进行动态分析、专题展示。本文围绕平台的设计、实现、应用及建设与运行模式等层面的问题,对福建省交通地理信息公共服务平台的相关建设思路进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

在大都市地区,要想为市民提供符合需求的公交服务,需形成十分复杂的公共交通体系。一站多点上落的组织方式有效地解决了公交车的停靠站问题但却又衍生出信息的碎片化问题。伦敦采用了对一个站场的多个上落点进行统一编号和设计科学的信息查找与标识系统来解决信息的破碎问题。伦敦这样简明适用的公交站点信息组织和标识系统,对于日益国际化的中国大城市有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市公交换乘模型与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前大部分的城市公交换乘模型均是基于数据库模式。该模式具有数据管理方便、查询效率高等特点,但仍然存在一些问题与不足,如在处理空间数据上的缺陷以及查询结果无法进行图形可视化显示等。另外,基于数据库的换乘模型普遍忽视人们的出行心理,将换乘区间设置为同站换乘或以中转站为中心,一定距离内的站点设为可换乘站点,这与人们出行的实际情况并不一致。本文在已有公交换乘模型的基础上,结合GIS在处理空间数据方面的优势,提出了基于GIS的城市公交换乘模型。通过Dijkstra算法解算城市中站点间的最短路径,根据最短路径设定站点的公交换乘区,并利用换乘矩阵记录公交换乘区。本文设定了300 m换乘矩阵、500 m换乘矩阵和800 m换乘矩阵,乘客可以根据可以忍受的最大步行换乘距离选择换乘矩阵以设定适合其自身的公交换乘区,并以此为基础通过数据分析解算最优公交路线,并以可视化的方式进行显示。以杭州市的公共交通系统为例进行了试运算,结果表明加入换乘矩阵的公交换乘模型与实际情况更加吻合,最后总结了实现步骤和试算结果。  相似文献   

Oversaturated conditions are often observed during peak‐hour periods, especially for commuting metro lines serving as a corridor connecting suburb and urban areas due to its unidirectional passenger flow pattern. System operators are concerned about the amount of passengers accumulated inside station and at platform when train service cannot meet the travel demand. In this article, we tackle the metro system congestion issue and develop a compound strategy integrating passenger flow control and bus‐bridging service, to mitigate overcrowded situation. A two‐stage mathematical modeling procedure is proposed. Stage 1 determines the stations and time periods for taking passenger flow control strategy. Stage 2 identifies the optimal bus‐bridging services. Mixed integer linear programming models are developed to find the demand‐responsive flow control pattern and bus‐bridging services. The proposed passenger flow control and bus‐bridging strategy is applied to a commuting metro line in Shanghai. The results show that the proposed strategy is effective in reducing the number of stranded passengers, releasing the overcrowding pressure, and improving passengers’ satisfaction.  相似文献   

我国城市快速公交发展策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
交通、环境与能源的巨大压力,使优先发展公共交通从理念逐步转变为政府的公共政策乃至具体行动。传统公交存在结构性缺陷,导致公交服务水平长期徘徊不前,已经成为持续提高公交分担率的瓶颈。积极稳妥地推进城市快速公交建设是全面提升公交服务品质,满足现代居民出行多元化、高质化需求、构建城市居民合理出行方式结构,应对城市交通、环境和能源危机,实现城市可持续发展的重要手段。系统地进行城市快速公交适应性研究,提出快速,公交规划建设指导标准,建设复合型的城市快速公交系统是我国城市快速公交发展的正确策略。  相似文献   

Drawing on an agency theory approach, this paper examines conflict of interests and the resulting agency costs in the provision of urban public transport services in Istanbul's public transport system, particularly the private bus and minibus operators' relationship with local government. The agency problem in Istanbul's urban mobility system shows itself most explicitly in private bus and minibus operators because of the net-cost (NC) contract model in place. The private bus and minibus operators' relationship with local government is examined as a case study of agency relationships. Conceptually, government transport authorities and transport operators, together with the passengers, are the main actors of this urban public transport system. They all have distinct needs, interests and requirements and interact with each other, all embedded in a specific institutional environment. Service quality provided by public transport operators depends on the positive interactions between these actors. Whereas passengers demand reliable, affordable, safe and comfortable mobility services, private bus and minibus operators aim to increase their revenue and maximise their profits. In contrast to this, government bus operators provide in-house bus services without much concern for profitability. Regulators or local authorities, on the other hand, are expected to set up an institutional environment where passengers' and operators' expectations are met in a satisfactory manner. Empirical analyses and interviews with key agents demonstrate that agency costs are shown to be the result of misaligned interests between the government transport authority and private operators that lead to reduced service quality in terms of safety, comfort, reliability and affordability. We conclude that the agency costs of current NC contracting on passengers in Istanbul has deficiencies and propose instead a performance-based gross-cost (PrGC) contracting model. PrGC contracting can alleviate agency costs by changing the incentives of operators where regulatory and financing mechanisms are not enough to handle NC contracting. Istanbul represents some transferable lessons and implications, especially for developing cities around the world.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The transportation authority serving Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky purchased a set of lift-equipped buses to be placed in service in January 1988 and needed to know on which routes to place them. Soon afterward, they would need to make a decision whether to purchase additional lift-equipped buses. More generally, they wanted to know how best to plan for the needs of people with disabilities. A single general population survey that could provide all the information needed would have been too costly. An alternative method, using three stages of data collection, was selected: a survey of agencies and organizations serving people with disabilities, a canvass of people identified by these organizations, and telephone interviews with a subset of canvass respondents. This article reports on information collected through the canvass. Simultaneous to public media coverage of the study, canvass questionnaires were mailed to the members or clients of local organizations and agencies made up of or serving people with disabilities. A follow-up telephone interview was completed with a sample of those who did not return the canvass questionnaires. It was estimated that 5.5% of the Jefferson County, Kentucky population have disabilities, and that one-half of these people are under 65 years of age. As many as one-fourth of them may require lift access to use a public bus. The findings showed that most people with disabilities are driven by a relative or a friend when they need to travel; the second most common means of transportation for them is driving their own cars. Fixed-route bus users are younger than users of other types of transportation. They have fewer limitations overall, but are more likely to have communication or learning limitations than are disabled people driving their own cars. About half of the respondents had problems getting places; reaching places that provide health care was highest on the problem list. Although, half said they would use the bus if it were more easily accessible, current users were more likely to use the bus if it were better accessible in terms of schedule, route, or vehicle. Subsequent experiences of the transportation authority and other information suggest the canvass procedure produced reasonably reliable information.  相似文献   

A Dynamic Bus-Arrival Time Prediction Model Based on APC Data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:   Automatic passenger counter (APC) systems have been implemented in various public transit systems to obtain bus occupancy along with other information such as location, travel time, etc. Such information has great potential as input data for a variety of applications including performance evaluation, operations management, and service planning. In this study, a dynamic model for predicting bus-arrival times is developed using data collected by a real-world APC system. The model consists of two major elements: the first one is an artificial neural network model for predicting bus travel time between time points for a trip occurring at given time-of-day, day-of-week, and weather condition; the second one is a Kalman filter-based dynamic algorithm to adjust the arrival-time prediction using up-to-the-minute bus location information. Test runs show that this model is quite powerful in modeling variations in bus-arrival times along the service route .  相似文献   

孙彦飞 《山西建筑》2010,36(16):200-201
针对山东省临沂市公交车行业经营体制、线路规划、人员素质三方面存在的问题进行了分析,探讨了各种问题的成因,在此基础上阐述了如何搞好公交车行业管理,提出了城市公交业管理与发展的新思路,以期为群众出行提供方便快捷的交通方式。  相似文献   

刘强 《山西建筑》2010,36(4):365-366
介绍了广州市实时路况信息公共服务平台建设构想,阐述了该信息服务平台系统的基本组成,以提高人们对该系统的认识,进一步完善该平台的结构和功能,推广该实时路况信息公共服务平台的应用。  相似文献   

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