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改革开放的30年是我国洗涤用品工业发展辉煌的30年。通过改革开放方针的全面贯彻落实,全行业得到了长足的发展.行业面貌发生了根本的变化。我国洗涤用品行业形成了以合成洗涤剂和肥(香)皂两大产品为主,并涵盖洗涤、清洁护理用品专用原材料、助剂以及油脂化工等的工业生产体系。  相似文献   

<正>1行业发展概述1.1行业概述洗涤用品行业是涉及到民生的重要行业,是日化产品的重要组成部分,主要由民用、工业与公共设施清洗产品组成,并涵盖洗涤用品用表面活性剂、助剂以及油脂化工原材料。民用洗涤用品主要用于个人、食品、织物和家居硬表面清洁护理,工业及公共设施清洗则涉及各种工业及餐饮和酒  相似文献   

1《中国洗涤用品工业》杂志简介《中国洗涤用品工业》杂志创刊于1984年,是中国洗涤用品工业协会的会刊。杂志经科技部和国家新闻出版总署批准出版,国内外公开发行,目前为月刊。其中,单月刊报道工业与公共设施清洁,双月刊报道个人与家居清洁护理。经过创刊30多年来的不懈努力,《中国洗涤用品工业》已发展成为向行业内外全面展示中国洗涤用品工业发展状况的权威媒体.  相似文献   

<正>来自全国150多位代表齐聚京西2014年5月30日,由中国洗涤用品工业协会主办、《中国洗涤用品工业》杂志社承办,主题为"凝聚行业力量,促进行业升级"的中国洗涤用品工业协会工业与公共设施清洁分会成立大会暨第一届(2014)中国工业与公共设施清洁行业年会,在北京京西宾馆盛大召开。这意味着中国工业与公共设施清洁行业从业者从此有了"娘家",工业与公共设施清洁行业将告别各自为战的一盘散沙局面,从此掀开了行业自律、共同发展的新篇章。  相似文献   

<正>感谢中国洗涤用品工业协会邀请希悦尔来参加工业与公共设施清洁分会成立大会。中国洗涤用品工业协会作为政府与行业组织的桥梁,积极凝聚行业力量,推动行业健康发展,我代表希悦尔对成立工业与公共设施清洁分会表示支持和欣慰。协会与希悦尔公司自2009年合作至今,已经是第5个年头。很荣幸希悦尔公司能成为工业与公共设施清洁分会副会长单位,我相信这将是一个里程碑。  相似文献   

2008年,中国洗协喜迎成立25周年,又适逢我国改革开放30周年。回顾过去30年,我国国民经济持续高速发展,为洗涤用品行业的快速发展营造了有利的市场环境,推动洗涤用品工业不断开拓创新、健康稳步地发展。  相似文献   

本网讯 为了更好地服务行业、促行业发展,进一步完善和加强行业机构建设,2012年8月16~18日,中国洗涤用品工业协会在黄海之滨——烟台召开信息统计中心、政策法规工作组工作会议和《中国洗涤用品工业》、《中国油脂化工》第二届期刊编委会会议。总结五年来信息统计、  相似文献   

正由中国洗涤用品工业协会主办的中国洗涤用品行业信息网(www.ccia-cleaning.org)全面改版后的新版网站将于2017年第一季度末正式上线!改版升级后的中国洗涤用品行业信息网页面设计、频道内容设置更符合现代行业发展实际需求,读者可通过改版后的网站及时查阅行业政策法规、科技前沿动态、产品质量标准、原材料即时价格、国内外市场新闻、协会日常工作动态,及洗涤用品、机械装备、油脂化工及原料、工业及公共设施清洁等细分产  相似文献   

正由中国洗涤用品工业协会主办的中国洗涤用品行业信息网(www.ccia-cleaning.org)全面改版后的新版网站将于2017年第一季度末正式上线!改版升级后的中国洗涤用品行业信息网页面设计、频道内容设置更符合现代行业发展实际需求,读者可通过改版后的网站及时查阅行业政策法规、科技前沿动态、产品质量标准、原材料即时价格、国内外市场新闻、协会日常工作动态,及洗涤用品、机械装备、油脂化工及原料、工业及公共设施清洁等细分产  相似文献   

第10讲 洗涤剂与环境保护 2010年,我国人均洗涤用品占有量为6.36kg,较十年前增长近一倍以上,但与工业发达国家相比仍有相当大的差距.随着人们生活水平的提高和清洁健康意识的增强,洗涤剂工业还将会有较大的发展空间.洗涤用品使用后全都要排放到环境中,因此其环境安全性一直受到业界的高度关注.  相似文献   

An attempt is being made to determine the importance of palm and lauric oil today and in the coming years of this decade whereby their industrial use in western Europe is considered outside the field of human and animal nutrition. The basic oleochemicals like fatty acids, fatty acid methyl esters, fatty alcohols and their most important derivatives are discussed as the essential products. Detergents are one of the most significant areas of application for basic oleochemicals and their derivatives. Changes in the application profiles of the final products are expected for the detergent industry in the coming years. These tendencies have been scrutinized with respect to their influence on future demand for palm and lauric oil. The competitiveness of natural oil-based oleochemicals versus ethylene-and paraffin-based synthetics is of great significance for the development of natural oils. It is attempted to elucidate the chances of natural oleochemicals in connection with petrochemical raw material developments.  相似文献   

Oleomines represent the largest class of oleochemicals used in the oil patch and are used in virtually all phases of the oil industry. Although the largest volume is used in production and refining, many amines are used prior to production in drilling operations and well completions, as well as postprocessing as additives in finished products. Other oleochemicals widely used include various surfactants made by ethoxylation and sulfation of fatty acids as well as polymerized fatty acids. The amines of interest start with simple primary amines and include secondary, tertiary and quaternary amines. They extend into higher amines such as diamines, triamines and beyond as well as all of these further reacted with other chemical species. Oleoamines in a generic sense also include amino amides, amphoteric amines, cyclic amidines, ether amines, as well as some high molecular weight polymeric materials. The oleoamines are used per se in suitable solvent systems, or as components in a wide variety of finished products containing several chemical entities to obtain specified product properties. Oleoamines, their derivatives, and other oleochemicals are used to prevent corrosion, inhibit and kill bacteria, condition waters for improved injectivity, emulsify, deemulsify, foam, gel, remove deposits, disperse solids, wet solids, solubilize or disperse otherwise incompatible liquids, produce or stabilize foaming systems, lubricate and produce detergent properties in liquid systems. They are used in drilling fluids. well completion fluids, oil and gas wells, water source wells, injection wells, gathering systems, filters, storage tanks, pipelines, refineries, and in finished products for all of the purposes listed above. This paper covers the oil patch operating parameters that determine the need for using oleochemicals, and describes for each system appropriate oleochemicals whose properties satisfy those needs.  相似文献   

Today’s oleochemicals are substances which are used not mainly because of their sophisticated chemical structures or their chemical reactivity, but rather because of their adaptability as auxiliaries in a great variety of formulated products. This has determined their success in the marketplace. The conversion to long-chain building blocks for polymers is one possibility to move oleochemicals into a larger scale position as feedstocks. In the near future, this objective cannot be reached because two factors limit their economical chemical derivation; namely, the missing technologies to separate chemical individuals with one or two double bonds in the alkyl chain from the natural mixtures, and to cleave double bonds in a controlled way, without forming larger quantities of byproducts. In any case, before oleochemicals (e.g., fatty acid methyl esters) are used as substitutes for gasoil, as is already tried in certain countries, the chemical potential of oleochemicals should be exploited. That means: “Use it-don’t burn it!” Today’s chemical processes and uses for oleochemicals are discussed.  相似文献   

世界油脂化工市场(英)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油脂化工产品的原料来自于动物性和植物性的油和脂肪,它们也衍生许多化工产品。然而,由于油脂化工产品的独特性质,它主要为肥皂、清洁剂和洗发水等产品提供广泛的表面活性剂原料。通常在制成品前,这些基本的油脂化工产品需进行进一步的转化程序。油脂化学品原料取之天然可再生,可生物降解,而石油原料却无法再生。因此,从这一点来讲油脂化学品对环境更友好。指出油和脂肪的价格变化无常,以及副产品甘油的价格因供求而变是造成油脂化工生产经济不稳定的两大因素。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the published literature on the uses of oleochemical surfactants and lubricants in the textile industry with a dual emphasis on textile technology and effects that oleochemicals can have on that technology. Oleochemical derivatives are used in the textile industry as surfactants, emulsifiers, wetting agents, antistatic agents, softeners, antimicrobial agents, water and oil repellents, antisoil agents, lubricants, cohesive agents and dyeing assistants. The relationship between the amount of fatty acid derivatives consumed in textile operations and global fiber production is discussed. Small amounts of oleochemicals acting at interfaces are invaluable in their effects on textiles. Oleochemical surfactant chemical and physical properties of importance in textile operations are described, and the relationships between certain properties of oleochemicals and their performance on textile fibers are reviewed. The basic principles and technology of spin finishes and textile processing aids are discussed. The effects of oleochemical surfactants in dyeing and as finishing agents for textile fibers are described briefly. The conclusion presents the prognosis for the future of oleochemicals in the textile industry.  相似文献   

The number of oleochemicals used in the plastics industry are many and varied. Usually the chemicals sold are designed for a specific application that depends on the end use and the economics of production. The percentage of oleochemicals that end up in the finished product is small, usually 0.1–1%, but it is there for a very important physical specification that the chemical imparts to the finished resin. The chemicals and applications are discussed by the structure of the additive and the property it imparts to the finished resin. The marketing of oleochemical to the plastics industry usually requires considerable application and process research to develop specialized molecules that impart the desired properties to the finished resin. Market size and economics numbers refer only to the US markets.  相似文献   

The approximate quantity of 3 million tons estimated to be required at present for the production of oleochemicals is to be covered from a total production of more than 60 million tons of vegetable and animal fats. While the quantity of eleochemicals produced has nearly doubled in recent years, vegetable oil production alone has increased from 25 to 40 million tons in the same period. More than half the feedstocks required for oleochemicals are acid oils and other fats and oils which are unsuitable for human food. The demand for fats and oils for oleochemicals will certainly grow for price and technological reasons, but only the use of large quantities of oils and fats for diesel engines could shift this balance drastically and endanger the world supply of edible fats. A bottleneck may arise in the supply of fatty acids of medium chain length, although the use of coconut and palm kernel oil by the food industry in the highly developed countries has been on the decline. The green revolution goes on and the fat supply grows faster than the population. In addition, new approaches to plant breeding and agriculture, and biochemical processes as well, might help circumvent any conceivable shortage in the supply of oils and fats in general, and in the supply of special fatty acids in particular.  相似文献   

我国基础油脂化学品的生产工艺水平   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对中国基础油脂化学品生产工艺与世界水平的差距进行了对比,说明我国油脂工业具有光明的发有景和空间,提出成立中国油脂化学家协会,加强油脂化工大联合的初步建议。  相似文献   

随着油脂化工生产的扩张,价格和基本原材料的获得是其成功的关键。月桂油(棕榈仁油和椰子油)对于油脂化学品的需求而言,在价格方面是最敏感的油品。目前月桂油主要用于食品方面,因此,油脂化工需求的增加必然导致月桂油的供应面临困难。月桂油的供应取决于椰子油和棕榈仁油的产量。油棕的产油率比椰棕高。很明显,将来月桂油供应主要取决于棕榈仁油生产的增加,这是棕榈油产量提高的结果。因此,为了提供充足的月桂油以满足油脂化学工业的需要,其用于食用方面的量将不得不减少。  相似文献   

A method using high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection is optimized and validated for the determination of Dowtherm ATM in spiked oleochemicals and edible oils. The samples are directly injected into a reversed-phase C18 column, and Dowtherm A is detected using a fluorescence detector set at 247 nm excitation and 310 nm emission wavelengths. The simple isocratic mobile phase used is a mixture of methanol and water (90∶10, vol/vol) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The limits of quantitation are from 0.1 to 0.2 μg/g. Mean recoveries ranged from 93.0 to 116% with reproducibilities of 1.29–3.84%. The procedure provides a simple, reliable and sensitive method for determining Dowtherm A residue in oleochemicals and edible oils without prior sample cleanup or extraction.  相似文献   

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