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文章从兰村泉域地下水开采及其动态的实际出发,对地下水开采量,水位,水质做了详细分析。并依据现有的动态资料对泉域内各水源地之间的关系做了进一步研究。  相似文献   

Groundwater constitutes the largest single source of fresh water in many parts of the world and provides a risk buffer to sustain critical water demands during cyclic and prolonged dry periods, especially in semi-arid and arid regions. However, unprecedented socio-economical growths are threatening the viability of these precious resources through fast depletion of already critically low stocks accompanied by persistent degradation of water quality due to salinization, and contamination by pesticides and fertilizers, urban sewage and industrial waste. These circumstances are particularly true of the Upper Litani Basin (ULB), which houses over 500,000 of Lebanon’s 4 million population and provides the bulk of the country’s agricultural output. Uncontrolled urban, agricultural and industrial growths following a prolonged civil strife and foreign occupation have resulted in the deterioration of the quality of the basin’s surface water and potentially its groundwater resources. An assessment study of groundwater quality conditions in the ULB was conducted in support of efforts to manage water quality in the basin. Geostatistical analysis of groundwater nitrate levels was conducted using data collected through an extensive basin-wide water quality survey sponsored by the USAID and covered two periods representing the summer and winter periods. The results of analysis include maps of nitrate contamination and probability of exceedance of drinking-water nitrate regulatory limit. The results indicate a significant, widespread and persistent nitrates contamination of groundwater in the ULB. Nitrate levels in groundwater exceed standard limits for drinking water in many parts of the basin. These findings were examined with respect to those of a DRASTIC groundwater vulnerability assessment conducted by the USAID BAMAS project. Comparative analysis of the two assessments shed the light on several issues related to the application and interpretation of DRASTIC scores and the groundwater nitrate contamination process.  相似文献   

Denmark is making continuous efforts to attain sustainable groundwater management. With groundwater constituting virtually the only resource for all water uses, groundwater management was addressed early on and has progressed over the last century. This article gives an overview of the advances, along with past and present challenges in securing sustainable groundwater utilization. The objective is to document comprehensively the Danish case and to highlight some of the unique conditions and principles that have shaped and facilitated groundwater management in the country.  相似文献   

本文介绍了澳大利亚含水层补给管理(含水层补给管理简称MAR )国家指南,使用其评估方法和程序对我国典型MAR项目黄水河地下水库进行初级评估。依次进行的可行性评价、难度评价、最大风险评价和残余风险评价结果表明该项目风险较低,可以正常运行,与实际运行状况相吻合。本研究对类似MAR项目的评估和建设运行能够起到良好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   


Inhabitants of the Peruvian Amazon enjoy plentiful water and other aquatic resources that enhance their well-being in many ways. However, the intimate and generally unbuffered connection between the region's inhabitants and their water resources leads to complex negative feedbacks when these resources are mismanaged. Due to severe water problems in other, more populated, parts of the country the Peruvian government currently devotes little attention to water management in the Amazon. Thus, organized management is mainly left to individual communities and households. This study reports on the results of 351 interviews of households in the Pachitea Basin of the central Peruvian Amazon. Our aim is to quantify the use of water and other aquatic resources among different social groups and within different geographical settings of the region. With these data, we evaluate and identify priorities for community-driven water management in the region. We found that 50 to 90 percent of households take their water directly from primary sources, 35 to 94 percent transport it manually to their homes, and 50 to 75 percent practice only the simplest form of treatment (boiling). Indigenous households tended to rely less on water infrastructure and water treatment. Fish and an assortment of other aquatic and riparian resources were important inputs to all social groups and in all geographic settings. Disposal of wastes in nearby water bodies was also found to be widespread. We conclude that water management efforts in the Pachitea Basin should focus on the protection of water quality in rivers and streams through careful disposal of wastes away from water bodies and the preservation of natural water purification features such as riparian forests and wetlands. We also recommend developing a basin-wide master plan, which empowers end-users and integrates more detailed plans developed at community and association levels.  相似文献   

关于缓解北方地区水供需矛盾方略的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缓解北方地区水供需矛盾要从社会,经济活动方式与资源条件协调来考虑,同时要提高人们对节水的认识,建立节约用水,提高用水效率的有效机制,《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》提出,要“要采取多种方式缓解北方地区缺水矛盾,加紧南水北调工程的前期工作,尽早开发建设”,是非常及时的,正确的,但南水北调工程中的许多问题仍然值得认真研究。  相似文献   

This study develops a production well management model for the conjunctive management of water resources in semi-arid areas. The management model integrates a large-scale pressurized water distribution system and a three-dimensional groundwater model under an optimization framework. The well pump operations optimization problem is formulated as a Boolean integer nonlinear programming (BINLP) problem to optimize the periodic 24-h pump on/off operations over a 1-week operation horizon. The management model considers multiple objectives and is solved by a parallel genetic algorithm (PGA) to overcome the difficulty of solving the BINLP problem. The PGA significantly reduces computation time for a case study in Chandler, Arizona. The Chandler water distribution model is built based on EPANET, and the Chandler three-dimension groundwater model is developed using MODFLOW. The high performance computing (HPC) of the genetic algorithm makes it possible to obtain 24-h real-time operations in the 7-day forecast model. The tank reliability, resilience, and vulnerability (R-R-V) are evaluated to infer the system reliability. The Pareto curve provides compromise solutions between the two competing objectives of energy reduction and pressure violation reduction.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the only source of drinking water for the inhabitants of the Kalahari. Thus understanding spatial and temporal variations in groundwater recharge is very important and a regional-scale water balance model has therefore been set up for a 209,149 km2 catchment in north-eastern Namibia and north-western Botswana. The model has a spatial resolution of 1.5 × 1.5 km, daily model time-steps, and climatic input parameters for 19 years are used. The distributed, GIS-based, process-oriented, physical water balance model (MODBIL) used in this study considers the major water balance components: precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and surface runoff/interflow. Mean precipitation for the study area is 409 mm a−1, while mean actual evapotranspiration is 402 mm a−1 and mean groundwater recharge is 8 mm a−1 (2% of mean annual precipitation). The recharge pattern is mainly influenced by the distribution of soil and vegetation units. Groundwater recharge shows a high inter- and intra-annual variability, but not only the sum of annual precipitation is important for the development of groundwater recharge; a large amount of precipitation in a relatively short period is more important. Published independent data from the Kalahari in Namibia, Botswana and the Southern African region under similar climatic conditions are used to verify the modelling results.  相似文献   

本文根据北疆供水工程概况,主要介绍了北疆供水工程总干渠工程特点,分析了在运行管理方面所采用的先进的管理体系和取得的管理经验和成果,可为国内同类工程运行管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对水电站安全鉴定的现场查勘进行了从常规手段到补充手段的探索,并从互联网数据参考和现场简易量测两方面,阐述了现场查勘各种补充手段的原理和经验技巧,展望了水利技术跨越式发展的前景。  相似文献   

针对地下水不合理开发利用所引发的环境地质问题,指出地下水勘查评价中需要体视化技术,对当前国内外地下水体视化软件进行了详细的分析和比较。分析了体视化技术在地下水勘查和评价中的作用及应用,运用现有体视化软件和针对具体的问题开发新的软件是实现地下水勘查评价的体视化的两个途径。展望了体视化技术在地下水勘查评价中的应用前景。  相似文献   

准确获取地下水开采量对于区域地下水资源评价和管理工作具有十分重要的意义。但由于地下水开采活动过于分散,目前管理和计量的手段不足,导致地下水开采量统计数据存在较大误差。通过建立华北平原地下水流区域数值模型,利用模拟水位与实际观测水位相拟合的方法,完成了华北平原开采量的反演估算,最终获得了华北平原2002年-2008年各年的地下水开采量,其平均年开采量为249.20亿m3。  相似文献   

Jordan is one of the countries with the scarcest water resources in the world. The aquifers of the Lower Jordan River Basin, a region of prime importance for the country, are exploited well beyond their sustainable rate. In 1997, Jordan’s officials designed a new water strategy, with emphasis on demand-management instruments. Water pricing policies, and notably the bylaw no. 85 of 2002, were deemed to assist in controlling agricultural groundwater abstraction with the ambitious task of taking the abstraction rate close to the annual recharge. While much hope has been placed in such strategies, this paper argues that substantial increases in volumetric charges would not result in major water savings but would further decrease the income from low-value or extensive crops. A shift towards high-value crops would raise water productivity but would also entail a transfer of wealth to the government and to wealthier entrepreneurs. It is therefore essential that negative incentives be accompanied by positive measures offering attractive alternatives (market opportunities, subsidies for modernization, technical advice, etc.) and exit options with compensation. Prices are unlikely to enable regulation of groundwater abstraction and significant reduction will only be achieved through policies that reduce the number of wells in use, such as buying out of wells.  相似文献   

Zekai Sen  Niaz Ahmad 《国际水》2013,38(2):271-278

The concept of multi-rectangular diagrams (MRD) is introduced to replace many classical and triangular coordinates (Piper diagrams) to examine the multi-variate association of chemical constituents present in groundwater. MRD eliminates the drawbacks of classical trilinear diagrams effectively. Comparison between MRD and the classical trilinear diagram is presented. MRD is used for the assessment of groundwater quality in Chaj Doab area of Pakistan. The differentiated dominant groundwater types in the study area are sodium bicarbonate, calcium bicarbonate and sodium sulfate. Sodium bicarbonate is the most abundant type of groundwater in the central part of the study area.  相似文献   

供水系统脆弱性评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供水系统是基础性的、复杂的、开放性的系统。面对不断升级的安全需求,供水企业不得不重新审视评价自己的系统,以应对复杂严峻的形势。脆弱性评价可以帮助检验系统范围内可能存在的薄弱环节,以及确定能够减少风险的合理方法。对当前脆弱性评价的技术应用情况进行了全面的总结。  相似文献   

北京岩溶水勘查开发的现状与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
回顾了北京地区岩溶水开发的历史,简述了各岩溶水分布区的特征与当前的开发规模。在南水北调中线工程通水推迟到2014年的形势下,相比较2.5亿m3/a的开采量,北京的岩溶水仍具有一定开采潜力,是进一步保障北京城市供水安全的有力补充。探讨了在当前应急条件下,应当加强多种技术的联合运用,以查清岩溶系统的边界,阐明岩溶水的运动规律,评价可采资源量,提出2~3处岩溶水水源地靶区。此外,指出在开发过程中应当特别注意预防伴生灾害,加强岩溶水的保护以可持续利用。  相似文献   

For this study, we conducted a quantitative water resources assessment of the Mae Chaem River Basin, Thailand, an area with dry season water scarcity and water use conflicts between upstream and downstream inhabitants. The block-wise TOPMODEL with the Muskingum–Cunge flow routing method (BTOPMC) was used to predict run-off in 21 sub-basins and Geographic Information System (GIS) was employed to collect information for crop water demand evaluation. Four sub-basins exhibited critical water conditions in 2000. The conversion of forestlands into agricultural lands during the past decade has engendered water scarcity in the dry season and flooding in the wet season.  相似文献   

李洁  李红岩  郑蓓  于志勇 《给水排水》2022,48(1):45-49,68
农村饮水安全保障农村人民群众的生活质量和健康安全,为促进农村供水管理升级,围绕北方某城市农村供水开展了13个涉农区61座农村供水站管理情况的调查和风险评估.结果表明,农村供水存在的问题主要在于消毒环节造成的水质安全隐患和制度、技术、人员因素导致的运行管理不足.农村供水(特别是小规模供水站)需优先控制微生物污染相关因素引...  相似文献   

John W. Shomaker 《国际水》2013,38(2):181-184

Before 1983, the market allocated water in New Mexico under the prior-appropriation system; we prohibited export of groundwater to other states. We found, however, that the simple prohibition is unconstitutional, and that water can be withheld only if shown to be needed for the “public welfare.” Water planning began in 1987, to determine which waters (perhaps all) would be needed during the next 40 years. It has become clear that water planning has another value —the reconciliation of future supply with expected demands—which may provide more orderly reallocation than the market would, especially for aesthetic and environmental water uses that are not directly represented in the market. Our water planning seems to be supplanting the legal processes with negotiation, and to be shifting the emphasis from administration of water rights to management of real water. Diverse water-use interests within the planning regions in New Mexico are learning to negotiate their future water-management, and the 16 regions are beginning to interact with each other toward the same end. A strictly technical “wet-water” management plan that shows how the needs of all interests can be best met with the water and the capital available, and at least temporarily setting aside the legal issues, seems to be the best foundation for negotiation. The tentative settlement of a long, unfruitful legal struggle over the Pecos River is a case in point. The same principal seems promising for dealing with transboundary groundwater allocation on a larger scale.  相似文献   

通过供用水现状调查分析,探讨了辽阳市水资源开发利用的特点和存在的问题。并结合对辽阳市各种水源供用水指标及综合用水效率等调查结果,采用多种预测方法,预测辽阳市规划水平年、远景展望年供需水量,为制订辽阳市水资源优化配置实施方案提供参考。  相似文献   

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