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This paper presents one of the largest databases on the quality of urban wet weather discharges measured since the development of continuous in-sewer water quality sensors in the late 1990s. Five years of continuous turbidity measurements enabled the validation of 263 and 239 rainfall events, respectively on two experimental catchments in Lyon (France), Chassieu (185 ha separate sewer) and Ecully (245 ha combined sewer). Except for high rainfall events of summer and second half of winter, analysis of database representativeness showed that all seasons were relatively well represented. As a first analysis of the database, traditional tools used in the urban drainage field were applied to assess: i) statistics and analysis of distributions of TSS and COD events loads and event mean concentrations (EMCs) and ii) the correlations between these statistics and events characteristics and iii) M(V) curves describing the intra-event mass distribution. Results showed that: i) EMCs and loads were approximately log-normally distributed, with a clear impact from wastewater contribution in Ecully, ii) EMCs are not correlated with storm event characteristics, whereas loads have shown significant correlation with key storm event variables such as total event volume, rainfall depth, maximum rainfall intensity and discharge and iii) M(V) curves dynamic could be classified in three categories, however with no clear correlation with storm event characteristics. The visual analysis of continuous time series of TSS and COD pollutographs, derived from turbidity time series showed that event pollutographs were highly variable, due to complex interacting processes during and between events, and suggests that further progress in knowledge and modelling of urban wet weather pollutant loads and pollutographs should be based on more detailed analyses of continuous time series rather, than on the traditional single event approach.  相似文献   

明尼苏达州双城地区是美国中西部最大的都市区之一,购物中心的发展在这里有比较特殊的历史。本文介绍双城地区购物中心的发展历史与现状(包括购物中心的种类、分布和发展挑战),并探讨了购物中心的规划。购物中心的规划与城市管治的模式关系密切。和美国很多其他都市区一样,双城地区的城市管治有着显著的分散化、分权化和自由化的特征。同时,都市区内各个城市之间彼此独立但又相互合作,有专门的组织(譬如大都市理事会)负责规划、协调都市区的整体发展。在研究购物中心的规划时,文章首先介绍购物中心的规划过程、规划的主要参与者及资金来源;然后分析了公众参与、城市发展规划(特别是土地利用规划和交通规划)和区域经济政策(特别是《财政分税法案》)对购物中心发展的影响。毫无疑问,购物中心对城市的发展也有重要影响。最后,文章还简要讨论了双城地区购物中心的发展对城市人口分布以及城市交通发展的影响。  相似文献   

He LM  He ZL 《Water research》2008,42(10-11):2563-2573
Beach advisories are issued to the public in California when the concentration of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), including total coliform, fecal coliform (or Escherichia coli), and Enterococcus, exceed their recreational water health standards, or when the amount of a rainfall event is above the pre-determined threshold. However, it is not fully understood about how and to what degree stormwater runoff or baseflow exerts impacts on beach water quality. Furthermore, current laboratory methods used to determine the FIB levels take 18-96 h, which is too slow to keep pace with changes in FIB levels in water. Thus, a beach may not be posted when it is contaminated, and may be posted under advisory when bacterial levels have already decreased to within water quality standards. The study was designed to address the above critical issues. There were large temporal and spatial variations in FIB concentrations along two popular State Beaches in San Diego, CA, USA. The rainstorm-induced runoff from the watersheds exerts significant impacts on the marine recreational water quality of the beaches adjacent to lagoons during the first 24-48 h after a rain event. The large volume of stormwater runoff discharging to beaches caused high FIB concentrations in beach water not only at the lagoon outlet channel and the mixing zone, but also at the locations 90 m away from the channel northward or southward along the shoreline. The geomorphology of beach shoreline, distance from the outlet channel, wind strength, wind direction, tide height, wave height, rainfall, time lapse after a rainstorm, or channel flow rate played a role in affecting the distribution of FIB concentrations in beach water. Despite the great temporal and spatial variability of FIB concentrations along a shoreline, the artificial neural network-based models developed in this study are capable of successfully predicting FIB concentrations at different beaches, different locations, and different times under baseflow or rainstorm conditions. The models are based on readily measurable variables including temperature, conductivity, pH, turbidity, channel water flow, rainfall, and/or time lapse after a rainstorm. The established models will help fill the current gap between beach posting and actual water quality and make more meaningful and effective decisions on beach closures and advisories.  相似文献   

An observatory of urban pollutants was created in Paris for the purpose of assessing the dynamics of wastewater and wet weather flow (WW and WWF) pollutant loads within combined sewers. This observatory is composed of six urban catchments, covering land areas ranging in size from 42 ha to 2581 ha. For a wide array of parameters including total suspended solids (TSS), chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD5), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), heavy metals (Cu and Zn) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), this article is intended to evaluate the contributions of wastewater, runoff and in-sewer processes to WWF pollutant loads through the use of an entry–exit mass balance approach. To achieve this objective, a total of 16 rain events were sampled on these sites between May 2003 and February 2006. This study has confirmed that at the considered catchment scale (i.e. from 42 ha to 2581 ha) the production and transfer processes associated with WWF pollutant loads do not vary with basin scale. Entry–exit chemical mass balances over all catchments and for a large number of rain events indicate that wastewater constitutes the main source of organic and nitrogenous pollution, while runoff is the predominant source of Zn. For Cu, PAHs and TSS, the calculation underscores the major role played by in-sewer processes, specifically by sediment erosion, as a source of WWF pollution. A significant loss of dissolved metals was also observed during their transfer within the sewer network, likely as a consequence of the adsorption of dissolved metals on TSS and/or on sewer deposits. Moreover, the nature of eroded particles was examined and compared to the various sewer deposits. This comparison has highlighted that such particles exhibit similar organic and PAH contents to those measured in the organic layer, thus suggesting that the deposit eroded during a wet weather period is organic and of a nature comparable to the organic layer. Despite the extent of initial field investigations, no organic deposit was observed to be present on sewer lines within the catchments, which implies that this organic deposit is probably present in another form or to be found elsewhere in the main trunks.  相似文献   

Fecal contamination in stormwater is often complex. Because conventional fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) cannot be used to ascertain source of fecal contamination, alternative indicators are being explored to partition these sources. As they are assessed for future use, it is critical to compare alternative indicators to conventional FIB under a range of stormwater delivery conditions. In this study, conventional FIB and fecal Bacteroides spp. were monitored throughout the duration of five storm events from coastal stormwater outfalls in Dare County, North Carolina, USA to characterize relationships among FIB concentrations, alternative fecal markers, and loading of contaminants. Water samples were collected multiple times during each storm and analyzed for Enterococcus sp. and Escherichia coli using enzymatic tests and fecal Bacteroides spp. by QPCR. Both conventional FIB and fecal Bacteroides spp. concentrations in stormwater were generally high and extremely variable over the course of the storm events. Over the very short distances between sites, we observed statistically significant spatial and temporal variability, indicating that stormwater monitoring based on single grab-samples is inappropriate. Loading of FIB and fecal Bacteroides spp. appeared to be affected differently by various hydrologic factors. Specifically, Spearman correlations between fecal Bacteroides spp. and drainage area and antecedent rainfall were lower than those between conventional FIB and these hydrologic factors. Furthermore, the patterns of fecal Bacteroides spp. concentrations generally increased over the duration of the storms, whereas E. coli and Enterococcus sp. concentrations generally followed the patterns of the hydrograph, peaking early and tailing off. Given the greater source-specificity and limited persistence of fecal Bacteroides spp. in oxygenated environments, differences in these patterns suggest multiple delivery modes of fecal contamination (i.e. landscape scouring versus groundwater discharge).  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(4):219-231
A two-year study of pollutants in both the stormwater and wastewater of urban watersheds has been conducted in Nantes (France). The present paper discusses the characteristics of pollutants transported by stormwater and wastewater collection networks in two urban watersheds. A physicochemical characterisation of the effluents was performed, along with an estimation of pollutant fluxes discharged into the Gohards River. Suspended solids (SS), trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides were studied. SS, Zn, Cu and glyphosate were the main pollutants in stormwater and wastewater. In the watersheds examined, the pyrolitic origin of PAHs (mainly from traffic) was determined through ratios, with fluoranthene and pyrene being predominant. Despite a reduction in the use of pesticides in Nantes Metropolitan area, herbicides containing glyphosate were still detected in stormwater. It should be noted that this herbicide is widely used by homeowners, a fact that may explain its occurrence in stormwater.  相似文献   

Elevated numbers of enteric pathogens in the receiving waters following a storm event can be a serious public health concern. The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation into the presence of human pathogens of concern in urban stormwater runoff. The involvement of a human sewage as a potential source of contamination was also investigated by using microbial source tracking methods. Water samples (20 L) were collected after storm events and during the dry weather from six sites in Brisbane, Australia. Collected samples were analyzed for fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), and then concentrated using hollow fiber ultrafiltration followed by molecular detection of selected enteric pathogens. The levels of FIB were found to frequently exceed the upper limit of Australian guidelines for managing risks in recreational water, during the dry periods and by further several orders of magnitude in the stormwater runoff. Enterococcus spp. numbers as high as 3 × 104 100 mL?1 were detected in the stormwater runoff at the Fitzgibbon site. Human adenovirus and polyomavirus were frequently detected from all six sampling sites during wet and dry weather conditions suggesting their wide spread presence in the urban aquatic environments. Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Salmonella enterica were also detected during both dry and wet weather conditions. Presence of human-specific HF183 Bacteroides marker in most of the samples tested suggests ubiquitous sewage contamination in the urban environment. Since stormwater runoff routinely contains high numbers of FIB and other enteric pathogens, some degree of treatment of captured stormwater would be required if it were to be used for non-potable purposes.  相似文献   

A. A. Qureshi 《Water research》1979,13(10):977-985
The microbiological quality of urban stormwater runoffs was investigated at three different locations in Southern Ontario, Canada. Microbial densities in these waters were similar to those found in dilute raw wastewaters and, therefore, represent a potential health hazard. The recovery of pathogenic bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and salmonellae) further substantiated the existence of health hazards. There appeared to be little relationship between the duration, intensity and amount of rainfall and the occurrence of peak microbial populations. As a result, no typical pattern of time-related distribution of indicator and pathogenic bacteria could be established in this investigation. This suggests that “initial flushing” has minimal effect on the microbiological quality of an individual storm event. Furthermore, the results indicate the seriousness of urban stormwater runoffs as a major factor in nonpoint source pollution of receiving waters and that it would be illogical to disinfect specific portions of these runoffs for removing health hazards as there was no predictable pattern of pathogen occurrence.  相似文献   

The presence of taste and odor compounds can greatly reduce the quality of drinking water supplies. Because the monetary costs associated with the removal of these compounds can be high, it is impractical for most facilities to continuously treat their raw water. Instead, new tools are needed to help predict when taste and odor events may be most likely to occur. Water quality data were collected between June and October in 2006-2007 from five Kansas (USA) reservoirs in order to develop predictive models for geosmin, a major taste and odor compound; two of these reservoirs were also sampled during specific taste and odor events in December 2006 and January 2007. Lake trophic state alone was not a good predictor of geosmin concentrations as the highest average geosmin concentration was observed in the reservoir with the lowest nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations. In addition, taste and odor events were not confined to summer months; elevated geosmin concentrations were observed in several reservoirs during the winter. Growth limitation by inorganic phosphorus appeared to be the primary determinant of geosmin production by algal cells in these reservoirs.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(4):255-265
Managing stormwater runoff is crucial to preserving water quality in rapidly developing urban watersheds. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology to test existing stormwater drainage infrastructure, identify potential areas of improvement, and estimate potentially contaminated runoff by combining two widely used stormwater runoff prediction models. A watershed containing much of the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville campus was targeted for this study because stormwater from this watershed drains into a local river designated as an impaired water body due to siltation. The curve number method was used to estimate runoff for various flood-return periods and antecedent moisture conditions, while a flow-direction model integrated topography, land use, and stormwater drainage infrastructure in a GIS. The methodology developed and results generated will help stormwater planners visualise localised runoff and potentially adapt existing drainage networks to accommodate runoff, prevent flooding and erosion, and improve the stormwater quality entering nearby surfacewater bodies.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(2):116-125
The subsurface of the Earth is facing evermore thermal impact due to global warming, urban heat islands, and the widespread use of ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. This potentially causes changes in its physical, mechanical, microbiological, and chemical properties, and in the subsurface water quality. To predict and evaluate this thermal impact (or thermal pollution), a better understanding and improved models for the thermal properties governing heat transport in subsurface sediments are needed. Also, data acquisition in high spatial resolution for the thermal properties and basic physical properties of the subsurface sediments are essential. In this study, the main thermal properties (the thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and thermal diffusivity) together with the basic physical properties (the soil texture, water content, and dry bulk density) were measured on boring core samples representing depths from 0 to 50 or 80 m, at three study sites in the Kanto area of Japan. Based on the measured data, models for thermal conductivity as functions of gravimetric water content, dry bulk density, and volumetric sand content were developed. The new models performed markedly better than presently available models from the literature and, in combination with a modified de Vries type model for heat capacity, the resulting model for thermal diffusivity was capable of describing the measured data well. The usefulness of the newly developed models were validated and illustrated by using data from a two-day thermal response test (TRT) performed at one of the three study sites. The new predictive models for the thermal properties used in a numerical heat transport simulation accurately predicted subsurface (5–50 m) temperature changes during the TRT.  相似文献   

Concentrations and loads of total mercury and methylmercury were measured in streams draining abandoned mercury mines and in the proximity of geothermal discharge in the Cache Creek watershed of California during a 17-month period from January 2000 through May 2001. Rainfall and runoff were lower than long-term averages during the study period. The greatest loading of mercury and methylmercury from upstream sources to downstream receiving waters, such as San Francisco Bay, generally occurred during or after winter rainfall events. During the study period, loads of mercury and methylmercury from geothermal sources tended to be greater than those from abandoned mining areas, a pattern attributable to the lack of large precipitation events capable of mobilizing significant amounts of either mercury-laden sediment or dissolved mercury and methylmercury from mine waste. Streambed sediments of Cache Creek are a significant source of mercury and methylmercury to downstream receiving bodies of water. Much of the mercury in these sediments is the result of deposition over the last 100-150 years by either storm-water runoff, from abandoned mines, or continuous discharges from geothermal areas. Several geochemical constituents were useful as natural tracers for mining and geothermal areas, including the aqueous concentrations of boron, chloride, lithium and sulfate, and the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water. Stable isotopes of water in areas draining geothermal discharges showed a distinct trend toward enrichment of (18)O compared with meteoric waters, whereas much of the runoff from abandoned mines indicated a stable isotopic pattern more consistent with local meteoric water.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(1):43-49
The objective of this study was to evaluate chemical compositions of first flush and composite storm water runoff in four small, mixed land use watersheds in north-central Texas. The watersheds range from urban to rural, all discharging to a local lake providing aquatic habitat, recreation, flood control and drinking water. Automated devices near watershed outlets collected samples from seven storm events, from April 2001 to September 2003. Samples were analyzed for suspended solids, pesticides (diazinon, triazine and chlorpyrifos), nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), fecal coliforms and metals. Observed concentrations of most parameters were low relative to drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and aquatic life criteria. Fecal coliforms and lead were detected in most samples, with highest lead concentrations in the most developed watershed, likely influenced by building material and automobile traffic. Pesticide concentrations were higher in an initial spring storm event following applications to control weeds and insects. Typical of urban runoff, most ammonia and phosphorus observations exceeded freshwater criteria for streams draining to lakes. Treated wastewater effluent accounted for the highest nitrogen and phosphorus observations. For most constituents, composite concentrations exceeded first flush concentrations, though differences were significant only for fecal coliforms.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):183-191
Architectural applications of copper on roofs, gutters and facades exposes it to weathering forces, such as wind and all forms of precipitation. This leads to the dissolution of copper from these surfaces and its introduction into local watersheds. The potential for exposure in local watersheds is a function of the amount of copper entering the watershed and the assimilation capacity of a wide variety of natural and manmade substrates that transform and sequester copper, thus reducing exposure of sensitive organisms to bioavailable copper. This study investigates one type of manmade substrate, stormwater conduit, commonly used to transport stormwater away from buildings. Conduits made of PVC and cast iron did not significantly remove copper from a synthetic stormwater spiked with copper averaging 2391 μg Cu/L. Concrete conduit significantly removed copper from the synthetic water and at high rates (12 – 18%) over a short distance (610 cm). A high percentage (81 – 100%) of the copper removed from the water was from the dissolved copper fraction. Once adsorbed to the concrete, copper did not readily leach back into copper-free water subsequently pumped into the conduit. These characteristics have significant implications for watershed management and best management practices for reducing concentrations of copper in stormwater runoff.  相似文献   

Microbial association with particles can significantly affect the fate and transport characteristics of microbes in aquatic systems as particle-associated organisms will be less mobile in the environment than their free phase (i.e. unattached) counterparts. As such, similarities or dissimilarities in the partitioning behavior of indicator organisms and pathogens may have an impact on the suitability of a particular indicator to act as a surrogate for a pathogen. This research analyzed the partitioning behavior of two pathogens (Cryptosporidium, Giardia) and several common indicator organisms (fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, Enterococci, Clostridium perfringens spores, and coliphage) in natural waters under both dry and wet weather conditions. Samples were taken from several streams in two distinct sampling phases: (i) single grab samples; and (ii) intrastorm samples obtained throughout the duration of four storms. Partitioning behavior varied by microbial type, with 15-30% of bacterial indicators (fecal coliform, E. coli, and Enterococci) associated with settleable particles compared to 50% for C. perfringens spores. Both pathogens exhibited similar levels of particle association during dry weather (roughly 30%), with increased levels observed during wet weather events (Giardia to 60% and Cryptosporidium to 40%). The settling velocities of particle-associated microbes were also estimated, with those of the bacterial indicators (fecal coliform, E. coli, and Enterococci), as well as C. perfringens spores, being similar to that of the Giardia and Cryptosporidium, suggesting these organisms may exhibit similar transport behavior. With respect to intrastorm analysis, the highest microbial concentrations, in both particle-associated and free phase, occurred during the earlier stages of a storm. The total loadings of both indicators and pathogens were also estimated over the course of individual storms.  相似文献   

Soils from the Napoli metropolitan area (Italy) were evaluated for Pt and Pd concentrations. One hundred and ninety-five (195) samples were collected from residual soils and non-residual soils from flower-beds in a 120 km(2) area on a 0.5 km grid in the downtown-urbanized area and on 1 km grid in suburban zones. The soils <100 mesh size fraction (150 microm) was analyzed for Pt, Pd and 37 other elements by ICP-ES and ICP-MS after aqua regia digestion. Pt and Pd contents range between <2 and 52 microg/kg and between <10 and 110 microg/kg, respectively. A large number of samples from the metropolitan area were characterized by anomalous values for Pt (>6 microg/kg) and Pd (>17 microg/kg). Non-residual soils from flower-beds are located mainly in the urbanized downtown areas subject to heavy traffic and have higher Pt and Pd contents than residual soils from suburban areas. Geochemical maps show a strong correlation between roads with major traffic flow and high Pt and Pd concentrations. In addition, data from most of the downtown flower-beds fall within the three-way catalytic converters (TWC) field identified by [Ely JC, et al. Environ Sci Technol; 35:3816-3822]. This suggests that emissions of abraded fragments from vehicle exhausts may be the source of the high values and geographic distributions of Pd and especially Pt in urban soils of Napoli. Catalytic converters (Pt/Pd/Rh) have been mandatory for gasoline-powered vehicles in Europe since 1993. Italy permitted the use of non-catalytic motor until January, 2002. This is responsible for the high values for both Pt and Pd in the non-residual soils of the urban areas of Napoli.  相似文献   

In order to understand the actual status and mechanism of acid rain, it is important to know the pH of precipitation and its chemical constituents on a continuous and regular basis over a wide area. This study examines acid rain over a wide area using an observational network in the Tokyo metropolitan area of Japan, and analyzes the major chemical constituents of every precipitation sample. Precipitation was collected continuously for a period of 12 years from June 1990 to May 2002 at several sampling sites in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and its pH and chemical constituent concentrations were measured. The average pH ranged from 4.23 to 4.62, clearly indicating acidification of precipitation over the entire Tokyo metropolitan area. A time-trend model was applied to describe temporal variations of chemical constituent concentrations, including annual change rate, seasonal variation, and precipitation effects. Seasonal and annual trends for the past 12 years were examined with the model, using the least squares method. Nonsea salt (nss)-Ca2+ shows a maximum value in early spring, a seasonality probably caused by calcium-rich particles in airborne yellow dust from Asia. Slightly decreasing annual trends of nss-SO4(2-) may correspond to the recent decreasing trend of atmospheric SO2 gas concentrations in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The annual trends of NO3-, NH4+, and nss-Ca2+ show a large site-to-site difference. The increasing NO3-, NH4+, and nss-Ca2+ concentrations at inland suburban sites may be caused by increases in their local sources such as vehicle traffic and municipal waste incineration. The annual change rate of H+ is slightly negative or almost zero at every site, so the acidification of precipitation has not become worse since 1990 over the Tokyo metropolitan area.  相似文献   

In this study, the temperature, precipitation and groundwater level variations and changing patterns with varied time scales are presented for Taipei metropolitan area which consists of the capital city with neighboring counties. Along with the continuous city expansion during the past decades, global warming and heat island effect have generated perceivable negative impacts on environmental and reflect on the climatic and hydrological parameters. In addition to accelerating climate warming, hydrological extremity becomes more evident during the past decades and greatly elevates the risks of drought and floods in the study area. These observations in the Taipei metropolitan area support the common hypothesis that climate variability would increase as climate warms. The air temperature records, in conjunction with hydrological data, provide useful and invaluable information for the ongoing study of subsurface environmental changes resulting from nature and anthropogenic influences in Taipei metropolitan area. The continuing climatic warming and hydrological extremity would create observable impacts on the subsurface environment of Taipei metropolitan area and need to pursue in a fast and efficient pace.  相似文献   

Watershed mass balances for solutes of atmospheric origin may be complicated by the residence times of water and solutes at various time scales. In two small forested headwater catchments in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA, mean annual export rates of SO4= differ by a factor of 2, and seasonal variations in SO4= concentrations in atmospheric deposition and stream water are out of phase. These features were investigated by comparing 3H, 35S, δ34S, δ2H, δ18O, δ3He, CFC-12, SF6, and chemical analyses of open deposition, throughfall, stream water, and spring water. The concentrations of SO4= and radioactive 35S were about twice as high in throughfall as in open deposition, but the weighted composite values of 35S/S (11.1 and 12.1 × 10− 15) and δ34S (+ 3.8 and + 4.1‰) were similar. In both streams (Shelter Run, Mill Run), 3H concentrations and δ34S values during high flow were similar to those of modern deposition, δ2H and δ18O values exhibited damped seasonal variations, and 35S/S ratios (0-3 × 10− 15) were low throughout the year, indicating inter-seasonal to inter-annual storage and release of atmospheric SO4= in both watersheds. In the Mill Run watershed, 3H concentrations in stream base flow (10-13 TU) were consistent with relatively young groundwater discharge, most δ34S values were approximately the same as the modern atmospheric deposition values, and the annual export rate of SO4= was equal to or slightly greater than the modern deposition rate. In the Shelter Run watershed, 3H concentrations in stream base flow (1-3 TU) indicate that much of the discharging ground water had been deposited prior to the onset of atmospheric nuclear bomb testing in the 1950s, base flow δ34S values (+ 1.6‰) were significantly lower than the modern deposition values, and the annual export rate of SO4= was less than the modern deposition rate. Concentrations of 3H and 35S in Shelter Run base flow, and of 3H, 3He, CFC-12, SF6, and 35S in a spring discharging to Shelter Run, all were consistent with a bimodal distribution of discharging ground-water ages with approximately 5-20% less than a few years old and 75-95% more than 40 years old. These results provide evidence for 3 important time-scales of SO4= transport through the watersheds: (1) short-term (weekly to monthly) storage and release of dry deposition in the forest canopy between precipitation events; (2) mid-term (seasonal to interannual) cycles in net storage in the near-surface environment, and (3) long-term (decadal to centennial) storage in deep ground water that appears to be related to relatively low SO4= concentrations in spring discharge that dominates Shelter Run base flow. It is possible that the relatively low concentrations and low δ34S values of SO4= in spring discharge and Shelter Run base flow may reflect those of atmospheric deposition before the middle of the 20th century. In addition to storage in soils and biota, variations in ground-water residence times at a wide range of time scales may have important effects on monitoring, modeling, and predicting watershed responses to changing atmospheric deposition in small watersheds.  相似文献   

茹雷  裴钊 《时代建筑》2011,(5):96-97
成都与重庆共享西南腹地资源,在城市发展上呈现双强竞争态势。"绿"与"红"两种色彩分别抽象概括了成都"田园城市"与重庆"五个重庆"的宏观定位。文章自两个色彩标签切入,从城市肌理、日常生活、人文环境、产业发展等层面对城市展开分析,使城市色彩变得丰富与多元,剖析城市定位的宏观政策层面与具体的市民生活层面的互动与对接,让田园城市在城市生活中永续发展。  相似文献   

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