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重复压裂选井选层模糊综合评判方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响重复压裂选井的因素很多,各因素之间关系复杂且存在一定的模糊性。本文中,采用模糊综合评判方法,全面考虑了影响重复压裂效果的多种因素,求解了重复压裂过程中的选井问题,对于各影响因素给出了权重的计算方法,建立了相应的模糊模型和求解方法,可对重复压裂候选井按从优到劣进行排序,定量判断合适的候选井。经矿场实例验证该方法具有较高的可靠性,对重复压裂选井具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

重复压裂选井选层分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章不仅选择了重复压裂选井选层的影响因素,而且通过因子分析法对影响因素进行分析,用几个主因子来代替所有影响因素的信息,从而达到了降维、简化数据的作用。而通过因子解释将影响因素归类分析,能够更加明确影响因素与评价指标之间的关系。同时,提出以压后日增油量为压裂效果评价标准,运用改进的BP神经网络方法建立了预测模型、评价方法,克服了由于人的主观因素等方面的不足,达到了很好的效果。并通过实例分析验证了该分析方法的可行性,对现场采取压裂措施有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

重复压裂选井选层一直是水力压裂设计人员关心的首要问题,针对目前的重复压裂选井选层的验方法和数学方法,分别进行了分析比较。重点针对改进的神经网络方法和基于统计学习理论的最小二乘支持向量机算法进行论述,实践证明,两种方法都能够很好地指导重复压裂选井选层,而在样本“数据有限”的情况下,最小二乘支持向量机算法的精度高于神经网络算法。  相似文献   

鉴于重复压裂选井选层的重要性,本文研究了重复压裂的选井选层模型,其中包括影响参数的权重确定,应采用选井选层模型对新民油田进行了重复压裂井进行了排序,并对重复压裂井层的优选,在现场实施取得很好的增产效果。  相似文献   

本文针对A油田不同区块单元储层物性及开发效果差异很大的特点,结合不同压裂方式,以区块单元为基础,分析重复压裂效果好与坏。在"全井厚度与单层厚度结合"、"动态与静态结合"、"历史与现实结合"、"压裂与调整结合"、"地质条件与规模结合"等"五结合"的压裂选井选层原则基础上,通过单井实例分析,总结出适于A油田开发现状的新原则、新标准,为油田的可持续发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   

应用以关联度为评判标准的模糊物元理论,结合1-9标度法及熵值法,采用线性加权确定的综合权重来建立模糊物元优选模型,以某矿井巷道爆破掘进的具体实例对该模型进行验证,结果表明,同时考虑了主、客观权重的综合权重较为合理;该优选模型的评判结果较符合实际情况;应用以关联度为评判标准的模糊物元理论进行爆破方案优选是可行的。  相似文献   

本文针对XX作业区近几年油井压裂效果逐渐变差的问题,利用精细研究成果和回归分析方法对以往压裂油井进行研究,探讨适合XX油层性质的油井压裂选井选层标准,为措施增产提供参考依据。  相似文献   

油层压裂是提高低效井产能的有效措施之一,随着油田聚合物开发的不断深入,地下油藏的分布越来越复杂,压裂选井选层的难度也逐渐变大。针对以上情况,利用静态资料、试井资料、以及聚合物驱采出井的压裂效果,深入分析,总结影响压裂效果的重要因素,确定聚驱采出井压裂时机和选井选层标准。  相似文献   

油层压裂是提高低效井产能的有效措施之一,随着油田聚合物开发的不断深入,地下油藏的分布越来越复杂,压裂选井选层的难度也逐渐变大。针对以上情况,利用静态资料、试井资料、以及聚合物驱采出井的压裂效果,深入分析,总结影响压裂效果的重要因素,确定聚驱采出井压裂时机和选井选层标准。  相似文献   

油井重复压裂是中低渗透油藏提高采收率的重要手段,近年来M油田在油层动用程度高、综合含水高、剩余油高度分散、压裂增产效果逐年变差的的情况下,通过深化油藏认识、寻找剩余油分布规律,精细压裂选井选层和优化压裂施工参数,提出以尾追大粒径陶粒代替大粒径石英砂,提高裂缝长期导流能力;运用桥堵技术,实现压裂过程中裂缝转向,提高油层纵向利用率,现场试验增油效果显著,总结形成了一套高含水期油藏选井选层和压裂优化设计方法,控制了油田递减,能有效指导同类油藏的措施挖潜。  相似文献   

机采井微生物清防蜡工艺及应用效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有机采井化学清防蜡存在药剂用量大、加药频率高、作用时间短、污染环境等问题,开发了一种微生物清防蜡菌剂.通过现场8口易结蜡井试验,发现试验期间机采井电流变化较小,基本处于平稳状态;微生物清防蜡菌剂用量比化学清防蜡药剂减少40%以上,成本节约20%~50%,加药周期延长1倍以上,该微生物清防蜡菌剂效果优于或等效于化学...  相似文献   

以分离自海区的海洋细菌为实验对象,采用室内短期挂板的方法对海洋有机防污剂进行快速评价.实验得到几种防污剂抑菌效果:TBTO> CPT> ZPT> DCDMA> Diuron.由3种海洋细菌的OD-t生长曲线所得到的几种防污剂抑菌顺序与室内短期挂板结果具有一致性,证明了研究方法的可行性.将此法应用于不同粒径纳米Cu2O抑菌效果的评价,得到其防污效果随Cu2O粒径的减小而提高.  相似文献   

Current birdseed binders are mainly based on animal protein and fat. However, exporting the seed cakes containing animal products to European countries can be difficult due to their import policies. A plant oil-based adhesive may be capable of binding loose seeds together, enabling it to be used as an alternative to the animal protein-based and fat-based binders used currently and making the exportation possible. A soybean oil-based adhesive was, therefore, synthesized and tested for birdseed binding in this study. The effects of the quantity of saturated fatty acylglycerols (i.e., fully hydrogenated soybean oil, FHSO) introduced into epoxidized soybean oil (ESO) and a phosphoric acid (H3PO4) cross-linker on product characteristics were investigated. Increased quantity of FHSO improved the glass transition point (T g), hardness, and adhesion while further increasing the quantity led to various degrees of phase separation of the product. Increased quantity of H3PO4 also improved hardness and adhesion of the binder. A binder-MDAG (a mixture of mono and diacylglycerols at about a 1:1 ratio as a hardening agent) mixture (BMD) having an average hardness and adhesion of 4024 and 1197 g, respectively, was selected for seed binding. Seed cakes bound with 15 wt.% BMD were about twice as hard as gelatin-bound ones. Storage of the BMD itself in open air led to increased hardness, adhesion, and melting point, and storage of the seed cakes bound by BMD in open air led to increased hardness and high temperature tolerance. Seed cakes bound with BMD also presented much better water resistance.  相似文献   

电石渣配料生产水泥熟料新工艺的开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电石渣作为生产水泥熟料的原料之一是综合利用电石渣的重要途径.本文主要介绍了电石渣配料及采用"干磨干烧"新工艺生产新型干法水泥熟料的工业化生产线.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(10):2409-2426

A simplified mathematical model for the relative gas-particle motion in a confined jet impingement dryer is developed. Model predictions based on an unsteady momentum balance are in good agreement with the observed cycling motion of a spherical particle. The model is applied to coriander seeds submerged in a flow field of superheated steam. It is found that relative motion occurs in unsteady turbulent regime, and that steady settling velocity of particles is never achieved. Model results are applied to correlate experimental heat transfer data of an impingement dryer. Experimental Nu numbers compare fairly well with correlations for fluidized systems.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp), the primary pathogen causing Mycoplasma pneumonia of swine (MPS), brings massive economic losses worldwide. Genomic variability and post-translational protein modification can enhance the immune evasion of Mhp, which makes MPS prone to recurrent outbreaks on farms, even with vaccination or other treatments. The reverse vaccinology pipeline has been developed as an attractive potential method for vaccine development due to its high efficiency and applicability. In this study, a multi-epitope vaccine for Mhp was developed, and its immune responses were evaluated in mice and piglets. Genomic core proteins of Mhp were retrieved through pan-genome analysis, and four immunodominant antigens were screened by host homologous protein removal, membrane protein screening, and virulence factor identification. One immunodominant antigen, AAV27984.1 (membrane nuclease), was expressed by E. coli and named rMhp597. For epitope prioritization, 35 B-cell-derived epitopes were identified from the four immunodominant antigens, and 10 MHC-I and 6 MHC-II binding epitopes were further identified. The MHC-I/II binding epitopes were merged and combined to produce recombinant proteins MhpMEV and MhpMEVC6His, which were used for animal immunization and structural analysis, respectively. Immunization of mice and piglets demonstrated that MhpMEV could induce humoral and cellular immune responses. The mouse serum antibodies could detect all 11 synthetic epitopes, and the piglet antiserum suppressed the nuclease activity of rMhp597. Moreover, piglet serum antibodies could also detect cultured Mhp strain 168. In summary, this study provides immunoassay results for a multi-epitope vaccine derived from the reverse vaccinology pipeline, and offers an alternative vaccine for MPS.  相似文献   

A simplified mathematical model for the relative gas-particle motion in a confined jet impingement dryer is developed. Model predictions based on an unsteady momentum balance are in good agreement with the observed cycling motion of a spherical particle. The model is applied to coriander seeds submerged in a flow field of superheated steam. It is found that relative motion occurs in unsteady turbulent regime, and that steady settling velocity of particles is never achieved. Model results are applied to correlate experimental heat transfer data of an impingement dryer. Experimental Nu numbers compare fairly well with correlations for fluidized systems.  相似文献   

Radical-scavenging antioxidants play crucial roles in the protection of unsaturated oils against autoxidation and, especially, edible oils rich in omega-3 because of their high sensitivity to oxygen. Two complementary tools are employed to select, among a large set of natural and synthetic phenols, the most promising antioxidants. On the one hand, density functional theory (DFT) calculations provide bond dissociation enthalpies (BDEs) of 70 natural (i.e., tocopherols, hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes, lignans, and coumarins) and synthetic (i.e., 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT), 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisol (BHA), and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)) phenols. These BDEs are discussed on the basis of structure–activity relationships with regard to their potential antioxidant activities. On the other hand, the kinetic rate constants and number of hydrogen atoms released per phenol molecule are measured by monitoring the reaction of phenols with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. The comparison of the results obtained with these two complementary methods allows highlighting the most promising antioxidants. Finally, the antioxidant effectiveness of the best candidates is assessed by following the absorption of oxygen by methyl esters of linseed oil containing 0.5 mmol L−1 of antioxidant and warmed at 90 °C under oxygen atmosphere. Under these conditions, some natural phenols namely epigallocatechin gallate, myricetin, rosmarinic and carnosic acids were found to be more effective antioxidants than α-tocopherol.  相似文献   

Luikov's system of partial differential equations for heat, mass and pressure transfer war applied to describe the drying process in a capillary porous body. A two dimensional finite element model were formulated to solve the system of equations. The simulated results agreed  相似文献   

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