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A lack of surveillance system infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region is seen as hindering the global control of rapidly spreading infectious diseases such as the recent avian H5N1 epidemic. As part of improving surveillance in the region, the BioCaster project aims to develop a system based on text mining for automatically monitoring Internet news and other online sources in several regional languages. At the heart of the system is an application ontology which serves the dual purpose of enabling advanced searches on the mined facts and of allowing the system to make intelligent inferences for assessing the priority of events. However, it became clear early on in the project that existing classification schemes did not have the necessary language coverage or semantic specificity for our needs. In this article we present an overview of our needs and explore in detail the rationale and methods for developing a new conceptual structure and multilingual terminological resource that focusses on priority pathogens and the diseases they cause. The ontology is made freely available as an online database and downloadable OWL file.  相似文献   

Clinical proteomics, a rapidly growing field, intends to use specific diagnostic proteomic/peptidomic markers for initial diagnosis or prognosis of the progression of various diseases. Analyses of disease-associated markers in defined biological samples can provide valuable molecular diagnostic information for these diseases. This approach relies on sensitive and highly standardized modern analytical techniques. In the recent years, one of these technologies, CZE online coupled to MS (CZE-MS), has been increasingly used for the detection of peptide biomarkers (<20 kDa) in body fluids such as urine. This review presents the most relevant urinary proteomic studies addressing the application of CZE-MS in clinically relevant biomarker research between the years 2006 and 2014.  相似文献   

The controls an organization places in its information systems are largely determined by its employee's thinking. Employee awareness of system vulnerabilities and the recognition that information is a strategically important organizational resource are two central ideas critical to effective information systems security thinking. For many years a military physical security environment has been the reference model (or a way of thinking) to which people refer when attempting to organize their thoughts about the complex systems security environment. While certainly still of use, this reference model has severely limited the thinking of those of us in the systems security field. This article defines both a new reference model with which people can view information systems security and several reasons why this new reference model should be adopted.  相似文献   

Efficient human resource management needs accurate assessment and representation of available competences as well as effective mapping of required competences for specific jobs and positions. In this regard, appropriate definition and identification of competence gaps express differences between acquired and required competences. Using a detailed quantification scheme together with a mathematical approach is a way to support accurate competence analytics, which can be applied in a wide variety of sectors and fields. This article describes the combined use of software technologies and mathematical and statistical methods for assessing and analyzing competences in human resource information systems. Based on a standard competence model, which is called a Professional, Innovative and Social competence tree, the proposed framework offers flexible tools to experts in real enterprise environments, either for evaluation of employees towards an optimal job assignment and vocational training or for recruitment processes. The system has been tested with real human resource data sets in the frame of the European project called ComProFITS.  相似文献   

The clinical fertility tests, available in the market, fail to define the exact cause of male infertility in almost half of the cases and point toward a crucial need of developing better ways of infertility investigations. The protein biomarkers may help us toward better understanding of unknown cases of male infertility that, in turn, can guide us to find better therapeutic solutions. Many clinical attempts have been made to identify biomarkers of male infertility in sperm proteome but only few studies have targeted seminal plasma. Human seminal plasma is a rich source of proteins that are essentially required for development of sperm and successful fertilization. This viewpoint article highlights the importance of human seminal plasma proteome in reproductive physiology and suggests that differential proteomics integrated with functional analysis may help us in searching potential biomarkers of male infertility.  相似文献   

The interpretive processes required to understand the context and goals of an algorithmic task are illustrated in the use of an intelligent instructional system developed to train soldiers to monitor a computerized missile's system automatic identification of aircraft. The problems students had in understanding the identification task were addressed in INCOFT, a simulation-based intelligent instructional system that depends, in part, on human instructors to convey the task framework. Supported by recent advances in the cognitive science of instruction, the concept ofapprenticeship provides a model for the student-machine as well as the student-instructor interactions observed in the use of INCOFT. The system's instantiation of apprenticeship illustrates an alternative to conventional tutorial-based design of intelligent instructional systems.  相似文献   

The use of software measures for project management and software process improvement has been encouraged for many years. However, the low level of acceptance and use of software measures in practice has been a constant concern. In this paper we propose and test a model which explains and predicts the use of software measures. The model is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and operationalizes the perceived usefulness construct according to the “desirable properties of software measures.” Our research provides guidance for software engineers in selecting among different software measures and for software metrics coordinators who are planning measurement programs.  相似文献   

This paper takes a cognitive cost-benefit approach to understanding model formulation. Work in the behavioral decision literature on the role of effort and accuracy in choice tasks indicates that effort, or cognitive cost, is a key factor in understanding decision behavior. However, the model formulation literature does not discuss how effort interacts with other factors, such as task complexity and decision aids, to influence model formulation. In this paper, based on the work on the cost-benefit theories of cognition, we posit that two types of effort, namely that associated with building or formulating a model and that associated with utilizing that model in the solution of a problem, will influence model formulation. We then examine how the methods used in the behavioral decision making literature and the reported findings concerning the interaction of effort with task and decision aids can be utilized to understand model formulation.  相似文献   

Organizations often under-utilize expensive information technology (IT) enabled work processes that automate routines or processes that were previously carried out manually. One reason for this phenomenon may lie in the types of decisions made by technological gatekeepers, who are key individuals charged with deploying new technologies in organizations. From an organizational learning perspective, technological gatekeepers are more likely to perform successfully when they make appropriate decisions about exploring or exploiting the routines associated with a new technology. The factors that influence gatekeepers’ decisions about exploration or exploitation, however, are still largely unexplored. In this study, we present a model based on the basic technology acceptance model (TAM) to examine this issue. We use concepts from the literatures on organizational learning, expertise, and cognitive styles to elaborate on the constructs in our model, and examine how these literatures can inform our understanding of technological gatekeepers’ decisions. The goal of this paper is to accelerate micro-level research on new technology deployment in organizations by identifying some key issues and propositions for future studies.  相似文献   

目的 针对口罩遮挡的人脸姿态分类新需求,为了提高基于卷积神经网络的人脸姿态分类效率和准确率,提出了一个轻量级卷积神经网络用于口罩人脸姿态分类。方法 本文设计的轻量级卷积神经网络的核心为双尺度可分离注意力卷积单元。该卷积单元由3×3和5×5两个尺度的深度可分离卷积并联而成,并且将卷积块注意力模块(convolutional block attention module,CBAM)的空间注意力模块(spatial attention module,SAM)和通道注意力模块(channel attention module,CAM)分别嵌入深度(depthwise,DW)卷积和点(pointwise,PW)卷积中,针对性地对DW卷积及PW卷积的特征图进行调整。同时对SAM模块补充1×1的点卷积挤压结果增强其对空间信息的利用,形成更加有效的注意力图。在保证模型性能的前提下,控制构建网络的卷积单元通道数和单元数,并丢弃全连接层,采用卷积层替代,进一步轻量化网络模型。结果 实验结果表明,本文模型的准确率较未改进SAM模块分离嵌入CBAM的模型、标准方式嵌入CBAM的模型和未嵌入注意力模块的模型分别提升了2.86%、6.41% 和12.16%。采用双尺度卷积核丰富特征,在有限的卷积单元内增强特征提取能力。与经典卷积神经网络对比,本文设计的模型仅有1.02 MB的参数量和24.18 MB的每秒浮点运算次数(floating-point operations per second,FLOPs),大幅轻量化了模型并能达到98.57%的准确率。结论 本文设计了一个轻量高效的卷积单元构建网络模型,该模型具有较高的准确率和较低的参数量及计算复杂度,提高了口罩人脸姿态分类模型的效率和准确率。  相似文献   

The Hermite transform is introduced as an image representation model that can be used to tackle the problem of fusion in multimodal medical imagery. This model includes some important properties of human visual perception, such as local orientation analysis and the Guassian derivative model of early vision. Local analysis is achieved by windowing the image with a Gaussian function, then a local expansion into orthogonal polynomials takes place at every window position. Expansion coefficients are called Hermite coefficients and it is shown that they can be directly obtained by convolving the image with Gaussian derivative filters, in agreement with psychophysical insights of human visual perception. A compact representation can be obtained by locally steering the Hermite coefficients towards the direction of local maximum energy. Image fusion is achieved by combining the steered Hermite coefficients of both source images with the method of verification of consistency. Fusion results are compared with a competitive wavelet-based technique, proving that the Hermite transform provides better reconstruction of relevant image structures.  相似文献   

This study investigates the now-common action of looking at a mobile phone display, thereby offering insight into the present communication situation in an era in which the use of high-performance mobile phones has become ubiquitous. In this study, the action of looking at a mobile phone display is considered nonverbal behavior/communication. This study applies a basic, general model to elucidate the present situation of face-to-face communication in light of the increasing prevalence of social interaction via mobile phone use. The results derived from the model include mobile phone users’ increasing social power and an accumulation of potential discontent in relation to different interpretations. This study concludes that in an era of high-performance mobile phones, the social context in face-to-face communication can be influenced by the act of looking at a mobile phone display.  相似文献   

The success of crowdsourcing (CS) systems depends on sustained participation, which is an ongoing challenge for the majority of CS providers. Unfortunately, participants are frequently demotivated by technical difficulties and the incorrect use of CS systems, which can result in CS failure. Although the literature generally assumes that sustained participation in CS is determined by a shift between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the role of system-use practices in facilitating such a shift remains unknown. We explore how CS system-use practices influence participants' sustained motivation, evolving from initiation to progression to sustention. Using the notion of technology-in-practice as a lens, we develop and examine a process model using an in-depth case study of a large-scale ongoing CS project, the Australian Newspaper Digitisation Program. The findings suggest that CS participants' motivation is shaped by an evolving combination of three basic components (i.e., contextual condition, outcome and action intensity) and mediated by two types of system-use practice (i.e., passive and active). Passive-use practices facilitate sustaining motivation from initiation to progression, whereas active-use practices have a key role in sustention. Our study contributes to the emerging literature on the substantial role of system-use practices in sustaining motivation, resulting in sustained participation. The findings also offer actionable insights into improving the viability of CS systems in retaining and motivating continuous and increased contributions from participants.  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychology purports to explain human capacities as adaptations to an ancestral environment. A complete explanation of human language or human reasoning as adaptations depends on assessing an historical claim, that these capacities evolved under the pressure of natural selection and are prevalent because they provided systematic advantages to our ancestors. An outline of the character of the information needed in order to offer complete adaptation explanations is drawn from Robert Brandon (1990), and explanations offered for the evolution of language and reasoning within evolutionary psychology are evaluated. Pinker and Bloom's (1992) defense of human language as an adaptation for verbal communication, Robert Nozick's (1993) account of the evolutionary origin of rationality, and Cosmides and Tooby's (1992) explanation of human reasoning as an adaptation for social exchange, are discussed in light of what is known, and what is not known, about the history of human evolution. In each case, though a plausible case is made that these capacities are adaptations, there is not enough known to offer even a semblance of an explanation of the origin of these capacities. These explanations of the origin of human thought and language are simply speculations lacking the kind of detailed historical information required for an evolutionary explanation of an adaptation.  相似文献   

The main aim of this research is to propose a conceptual model that explains the factors that can predict behavioral intention to use smartphones and the actual use of smartphones by young Arab consumers in three Arab countries: Iraq, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). The findings indicate that the proposed extended model fits well in the three countries. The research provides information that can help policymakers and mobile companies.  相似文献   

The study had two primary aims. The first aim was to combine a human resources costing and accounting approach (HRCA) with a quantitative statistical approach in order to get an integrated model. The second aim was to apply this integrated model in a quasi-experimental study in order to investigate whether preventive intervention affected sickness absence costs at the company level. The intervention studied contained occupational organizational measures, competence development, physical and psychosocial working environmental measures and individual and rehabilitation measures on both an individual and a group basis. The study is a quasi-experimental design with a non-randomized control group. Both groups involved cleaning jobs at predominantly female workplaces. The study plan involved carrying out before and after studies on both groups. The study included only those who were at the same workplace during the whole of the study period. In the HRCA model used here, the cost of sickness absence is the net difference between the costs, in the form of the value of the loss of production and the administrative cost, and the benefits in the form of lower labour costs. According to the HRCA model, the intervention used counteracted a rise in sickness absence costs at the company level, giving an average net effect of 266.5 Euros per person (full-time working) during an 8-month period. Using an analogue statistical analysis on the whole of the material, the contribution of the intervention counteracted a rise in sickness absence costs at the company level giving an average net effect of 283.2 Euros. Using a statistical method it was possible to study the regression coefficients in sub-groups and calculate the p-values for these coefficients; in the younger group the intervention gave a calculated net contribution of 605.6 Euros with a p-value of 0.073, while the intervention net contribution in the older group had a very high p-value. Using the statistical model it was also possible to study contributions of other variables and interactions. This study established that the HRCA model and the integrated model produced approximately the same monetary outcomes. The integrated model, however, allowed a deeper understanding of the various possible relationships and quantified the results with confidence intervals.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the process of eliciting scheduling knowledge from a simulation model and the development of a dynamic modelling approach to the scheduling process in the precast concrete industry. Due to the problems associated with eliciting scheduling knowledge from an ‘expert’ in the precast industry or perhaps in most of the manufacturing industries, simulation is used to complement human knowledge in this paper. Such knowledge will be used for online support to advise production schedulers and for further development of the simulation model by incorporating the knowledge in the model and making it more dynamic. The paper suggests that dynamic selection of scheduling rules during real-time operation has been recognised as a promising approach to the scheduling process in the precast industry. For this strategy to work effectively, sufficient knowledge is required to enable the model to predict the most effective scheduling rule to meet current factory status. The paper concludes that if the knowledge rules are used effectively, they could be a considerable managerial tool for exploring and improving managerial practices. Recommendations have been made regarding the development of a more realistic and practical scheduling system.  相似文献   

Despite the positive expectations and although they are nowadays considered the most spread Business to Business (B2B) solution, e-marketplaces are still far from representing a real tool for the extended enterprise: as the dramatic down-turn in the e-commerce sector demonstrated, e-business initiatives require solid business models that clearly relate the services provided to the overall profitability of the company. In this paper, we take a particular but quite general e-marketplace business model as our point of departure and use that model to motivate the development of algorithms to support management of trade among buyers and sellers. Specifically, e-marketplaces profitability can be increased by an integration of production planning, negotiation and coalition support tools. Production planning tools allow to create a link between commercialization and production activities, supplying a better service for customer, negotiation tools allow to make transactions taking into account both buyers’ and sellers’ goals and, finally, coalition represent the proposed course of action for small and medium suppliers not able to fully respond to the customer requests. This paper presents an innovative approach, based on multi-agent system, and a concerning simulation test-bed conducted to demonstrate, in a quantitative way, the advantages arising by adopting the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper explains how Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) can provide a principled mathematical framework for modelling the inherent uncertainty in spoken dialogue systems. It briefly summarises the basic mathematics and explains why exact optimisation is intractable. It then describes in some detail a form of approximation called the Hidden Information State model which does scale and which can be used to build practical systems. A prototype HIS system for the tourist information domain is evaluated and compared with a baseline MDP system using both user simulations and a live user trial. The results give strong support to the central contention that the POMDP-based framework is both a tractable and powerful approach to building more robust spoken dialogue systems.  相似文献   

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