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街道设计导则是一个城市交通政策的重要组成部分,对道路交通基础设施建设和城市公共空间环境营造起着指引战略方向和明确技术思路的作用,很大程度上决定了城市的形象特色和市民出行文化.本文首先介绍了世界城市街道设计导则的最新发展动态.然后,选取阿联酋阿布扎比、英国伦敦、美国纽约、美国洛杉矶四个典型世界城市为例,详细介绍了各自街道设计导则的编制背景、内容框架和技术亮点.最后,阐述对中国的启示,并提出中国城市街道设计导则的综合框架.  相似文献   

In this article I examine the relationship between post-industrial growth and planning in three great cities: New York, Paris, and London. Each has taken a different approach to its post-industrial transformation. New York's approach, the Manhattan strategy of intensive development, emphasizes growth in and around the central business district. The Parisian approach, the axes strategy of extensive development, spreads growth through the larger region. London's approach, containment by zoning, stresses a balance between commercial growth and the preservation of neighborhoods and green space. I analyze each strategy as a product of a city's governmental structure, its control over local markets, and its developmental conditions. Each strategy reflects the historic practices of its respective city and entails its own costs and benefits.  相似文献   

当代全球城市的城市空间重构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着全球化进程的不断深入,全球化正在从各个不同的层面影响着全球城市的空间结构的变化和发展。本文首先介绍了当代全球城市空间重构的宏观背景,然后总结了全球城市空间重构的共同特点,最后列举了纽约、伦敦和洛杉矶等3个全球城市的空间重构实例。  相似文献   

傅朝卿 《城市建筑》2009,(10):45-47
本文以纽约与芝加哥、台北与高雄等城市为例,揭示了暗藏在超高层建筑工程成就这一表象之后的企业及城市间的竞争。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):25-38
Using surveys collected from 10 major metropolitan cities across the world, this article examines the factors that affect the extent to which people feel connected to others who live in their neighborhood and feel proud and satisfied with life in their cities. The cities included in the analysis are: New York, London, Paris, Stockholm, Toronto, Milan, Berlin, Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo. We find that certain aspects of the built environment, the conditions of the public sphere, and the extent of positive social networks in the city are critically important for understanding residents’ connections to each other and to their cities. Our findings provide insights for policy makers and planners concerned with making cities viable and livable.  相似文献   

文章将上海与其他国际大都市如纽约、伦敦、圣保罗、柏林、墨西哥城和孟买进行了比较。根据城市发展的客观性指标的对照,包括城市规模和人口、城市密度、城市的形态特征、交通出行以及经济和就业概况等方面,作者分析了上海作为一个“世界城市”的优势与不足。  相似文献   

The availability of big data on human activity is currently changing the way we look at our surroundings. In this article, we present a technique and visualization tool which uses aggregated activity measures of mobile networks to gain information about human activity shaping the structure of the cities. Based on ten months of mobile network data, activity patterns can be compared through time and space to unravel the “city’s pulse” as seen through the specific signatures of different locations. Furthermore, the tool allows classifying the neighborhoods into functional clusters based on the timeline of human activity. The approach and the tool provide new ways of looking at the city structure from historical perspective and potentially also in real-time based on dynamic up-to-date records of human behavior. The online tool presents results for four global cities: New York, London, Hong Kong and Los Angeles.  相似文献   

本文从城市转型的背景出发,将转型城市分为全球城市和工业城市两类。通过梳理作为全球城市代表案例的东京、伦敦和纽约,作为工业城市代表案例的曼彻斯特、匹兹堡、多特蒙德和埃森,文章剖析了两类城市经济结构、社会结构和空间结构的转型特点。文章进而分析了案例城市在转型中的功能定位、空间规划和实施策略,并总结了规划在城市转型中的作用。  相似文献   

通过对美国几个城市的观光游,感受美国建筑与规划设计印象。居住区设计,顺其自然,以人为本;首都华盛顿核心区规划设计十字轴线,方尖碑点睛,重要建筑融入其中,重心突出。引河水造湖勃勃生机;下沉式纪念广场不干扰地上大局、创意设计深刻感人;为历史上贡献大的总统建纪念馆,民众称许;沙漠赌城筑商业奇迹显绝招;纽约站着的城市,商业街人气领世界潮流;大超市赛过商业街,现代模式。波士顿街心岛商业街、购物休闲、人性化设计十分得体。  相似文献   

在参考纽约、伦敦、悉尼新加坡和东京五大城市的长期规划或概念性规划的基础上,着重介绍其中对适应人口的变化和经济迅速发展等方面所采取的措施,并阐述了这些城市规划经验对我国各大城市规划的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

白栋 《南方建筑》2013,(4):13-17
城市已经成为气候变化应对的核心。近年来,全球范围内特大城市纷纷展开行动,在气候变化应对中发挥主导作用。论文选取伦敦、东京、纽约作为案例,从区域的视角审视它们通过空间规划减缓气候变化、建设低碳城市的经验。论文认为构建轨道交通为主体的公共交通网络、推动多层次的低碳空间策略、偏重能源、建筑和交通的减排领域、运用情景分析等新的规划编制研究方法、建立部门协调为核心的政策实施机制形成了三座案例城市低碳发展策略的主要特色,并从空间战略、近期实施、政府治理、规划体系等方面对我国特大城市低碳发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

Urban theorists forecast greater political cooperation within city regions in response to globalization, yet signs of this remain relatively scant in Western Europe and North America. This article helps to explain the gap between theory and reality, as well as suggesting another way of looking at the comparative politics of city regions. The central argument: theorists are correct about the renewed importance of regional politics, but wrong about the importance of intergovernmental political cooperation. Local governments have other ways of pulling together for compelling metropolitan-wide objectives. This is done through processes of political coordination???institutionalized systems of mutual adjustment. Pluralist, associational and macropolitical varieties of political coordination among cities and suburbs empower them to act regionally without much governmental innovation. Each process has specific political limitations, however. They also influence the prospects for political cooperation among governments. Cases in New York, north-central Italy and Holland illustrate this perspective.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the unique characteristics that define globalization and global cities through an investigation of recent design trends in New York City restaurants, specifically gentrification , new users of global cities , casualization , and the processes of contestation and absorption of the dominant as well as nondominant cultures and classes in the city as they are played out in the physical, social, and economic morphology of the city over the past fifteen years. I will argue that these features define place in very specific and complex ways. Although locally oriented, restaurants reflect deeper and broader social and economic global forces that help to create the meaning of that space. The importation and exportation of specific restaurants to other existing and emerging global cities is already in progress. As such, restaurants offer a basis for analyzing emerging cities—those that, although not global, have an important relationship to global cities. The findings offered here are part of a larger five-year study of restaurants and come from personal interviews, questionnaires, onsite observations, and sources internal to the restaurant industry as well as other relevant sources.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1970s, urban policy makers have responded to the pressures of fiscal crisis and unemployment by reducing expenditures and subsidizing business for the purpose of stimulating economic growth. The behaviour of urban governments largely corresponded with the argument of Paul Peterson that cities were forced to pursue economic growth at the expense of redistribution. Nevertheless, the response to economic forces, while generally in a market‐oriented direction, was not uniform within western cities. In particular, the Amsterdam municipality remains notable for its egalitarian policies when compared with London or New York. Housing policy has been a major instrument in maintaining the quality of life for the city's lower‐income population. Because subsidized housing units, as well as recipients of individual housing benefits, are scattered throughout the city, housing policy has sharply restricted spatial inequality of households by income. Moreover, the very large public subsidy involved in housing construction, by keeping rent levels low and thereby raising disposable income, has contributed substantially to popular welfare, mitigating class differentiation and thereby weakening resistance to residential integration of different income groups. This paper examines policies for physical and economic development in Amsterdam and their effect on social and spatial inequality. The conclusion briefly compares Amsterdam's trajectory with that of London and New York, then finally attempts to explain the continuing differences.  相似文献   

研究了二战以来纽约、伦敦和东京近60年的发展历程,指出这3大世界城市虽然在不同的历史环境、社会经济、城市体系和政治背景中成长起来,但在城市发展和功能结构演变上却表现出一些共同的规律,这对我国特大城市的发展和建设具有重要借鉴意义,包括将“可持续发展”作为总体发展目标,强调城市发展实力和整体地位的提升,通过区域整合推进地区发展,注重城市要素的处理,以及重点关注人文社会领域等。  相似文献   

PLAGUES AND PEOPLES, by William H. McNeill, Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York, 1976. xviii + 340 pp. (U.S. $3.50)

CLIMATE AND MAN'S ENVIRONMENT. AN INTRODUCTION TO APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, by John E. Oliver. John Wiley and Sons, New York, London, Sydney and Toronto, 1978. vii + 517pp. illustr. (£10.00, $18.50)

SAHARAN DUST. MOBILIZATION, TRANSPORT, DEPOSITION (SCOPE 14), edited by C. Morales. Published on behalf of SCOPE and ICSU by John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, New York, Brisbane and Toronto, xvi + 297 pp. (£13.25, U.S. $33.00)


DRINKING WATER DETOXIFICATION, edited by M. T. Gillies. (Pollution Technology Review No. 49). Noyes Data Corporation, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1978. 347 pp. ($48.00)

ANIMAL FEEDS FROM WASTE MATERIALS (Food Technology Review No. 46), by M. T. Gillies. Noyes Data Corporation, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1978. 347 pp. ($39.00)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN PLANNING, edited by W. R. D. Sewell and J. T. Coppock. Wiley, New York and London, 1977. 217 pp. (£9.00)

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS: EMERGING ISSUES IN PLANNING, edited by R. K. Jain and B. L. Hutchings. Urbana, Chicago, London: University of Illinois Press, 1978. xii‐+ 241 pp. (£7.50)

ECONOMIC GROWTH: THE ALLOTMENTS CAMPAIGN GUIDE, by P. Riley. Friends of the Earth, 1979, London, v + 62 pp. (£1.40)

THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, edited by J. Lenihan and W. W. Fletcher. Vol. 8 in the series “Environment and Man.” Blackie, London, 1978. 171 pp. (Hardcover £9.95; paperback £4.95)

THE DECLINING NORTH‐EAST, edited by B. Chinitz. Praeger Publishers, 1978. 182 pp.

SYMPOSIUM ON THE SAFETY OF NUCLEAR SHIPS. A Symposium organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency, OECD, Paris, 1978. OECD/HMSO, 1978. (£17.00)

INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION, edited by Jay Dun‐kerley. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1978. ($ 7.50)

ENERGY USE IN THE UNITED STATES BY STATE AND REGION, by I. Hoch. Resources for the Future Research papers R‐9 and R‐10. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1978. 218 and 737 pp. ($15.00)

TOPICS AND TERMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS, by John R. Holum. John Wiley, New York, 1977. (£17.00)

DICTIONARIES: A DICTIONARY OF EARTH SCIENCES, edited by Stella E. Stregeler; A DICTIONARY OF LIFE SCIENCES, edited by E. A. Martin; A DICTIONARY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES, edited by John Daintith. Macmillan Press, London, 1976 (£5.95) and Pan Books, London, 1978 (£1.50)  相似文献   

马武定 《规划师》2008,24(11):5-9
在全球化背景下,新的以消费主义为特征、以消费社会为其统一语景的全球文化网络正在形成,世界各地的城市文化和城市文化精神正被解构和重组,不同的城市文化具有各自的核心价值,不同的城市文化精神决定了不同的城市空间。在全球化的消费主义语景下,我国城市也在发生变化,传统的中国城市文化精神与西方消费主义的结合正创造出一种具有显著地方特色的新文化城市景观。  相似文献   

陈彦光 《城市规划》2006,30(8):24-30
城市的发展是一种自组织过程,无论东方城市抑或西方城市概莫例外。自组织是城市演化背后的一只“看不见的手”。城市系统构成可以划分为三种成分:随机成分、可预测成分和受控成分,中央计划和城市规划主要是对控制成分而言。城市或者城市体系是否自组织系统,可以借助三个临界指标进行检测:一是时间尺度的1/f涨落,二是空间尺度的分形结构,三是等级尺度的济夫(Zipf)定律。计算表明,中国的城市化过程、城市体系的空间网络和位序-规模分布分别服从这三个定量判据。由此可以得出结论:中国的城市具有自组织系统的演化特征,这对我们今后的城市规划工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

世界城市住房保障政策比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房保障是一个国际性大城市成熟稳定发展的基础.本文通过对纽约、伦敦和东京等世界城市住房保障政策的比较研究,认为保障性住房制度建设既是一个长期过程,不可能一蹴而就,同时又有一定的规律可循.我国可以借鉴吸收世界城市在住房保障方面的成功经验,通过加强政府对住房市场的宏观调控、完善灵活的住房金融政策、健全配套体系、加大房租补贴力度等措施,构建独具中国特色的住房保障新模式.  相似文献   

Despite extensive studies on neighborhood change, the role of municipal‐level factors in neighborhood economic change has been underexplored. This article reviews diverse social science literature and makes theoretical connections between city size and homogeneity of city population and municipal performance, which is accordingly associated with neighborhood economic health. Building on the insights from the literature, this study hypothesizes that neighborhoods stay economically healthier in smaller cities and more homogeneous cities. This study presents a multilevel analysis of neighborhood economic change in 35 U.S. metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2000 and finds empirical evidence to support the proposed hypothesis.  相似文献   

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