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1. Receptive field properties of adult retinal ganglion cells are well documented, but little is known about their development. We made extracellular recordings of activity from turtle retinal ganglion cells during embryogenesis (stages 22-26), during the first 40 days posthatching, and in adults. 2. From stage 22 the cells fired in spontaneous recurring bursts, and from stage 23 they responded to light. Polar plots of the responses to motion were highly anisotropic in early embryonic cells. More than 40% of embryonic cells exhibited multiaxis anisotropy, and only 6% were statistically isotropic. The incidence of anisotropic cells gradually decreased throughout development. The incidence of isotropic cells and the excitatory receptive field diameters of all ganglion cells gradually increased during development and their maturation coincided with the disappearance of the spontaneous bursts (2-4 wk posthatching). 3. Both sensitivities to stimulus orientation and direction of motion were observed at the earliest stages of development. However, orientation selectivity reached a peak incidence at hatching, whereas directional selectivity completely disappeared, only to reappear in adults. 4. These results show that mature spatiotemporal receptive field properties of retinal ganglion cells emerge from initially highly anisotropic properties, which may reflect an immature, polarized dendritic layout. Their maturation might be mediated by dendritic outgrowth and strengthening of excitatory synaptic connections, which could be induced by spontaneous activity and driven to maturation by exposure to light at birth. Mature directional selectivity seems to require visual experience or the late establishment of a specialized inhibitory synaptic drive.  相似文献   

本文介绍了电工圆铝杆物理性能检测过程及方法,检测仪器的正确使用方法及注意事项。探讨改进圆铝杆直径均匀程度,控制试样恒温时间,提高检测结果的准确性,并提高工作效率。  相似文献   

Mammalian rods respond to single photons with a hyperpolarization of about 1 mV which is accompanied by continuous noise. Since the mammalian rod bipolar cell collects signals from 20-100 rods, the noise from the converging rods would overwhelm the single-photon signal from one rod at scotopic intensities (starlight) if the bipolar cell summed signals linearly (Baylor et al., 1984). However, it is known that at scotopic intensities the retina preserves single-photon responses (Barlow et al., 1971; Mastronarde, 1983). To explore noise summation in the rod bipolar pathway, we simulated an array of rods synaptically connected to a rod bipolar cell using a compartmental model. The performance of the circuit was evaluated with a discriminator measuring errors in photon detection as false positives and false negatives, which were compared to physiologically and psychophysically measured error rates. When only one rod was connected to the rod bipolar, a Poisson rate of 80 vesicles/s was necessary for reliable transmission of the single-photon signal. When 25 rods converged through a linear synapse the noise caused an unacceptably high false positive rate, even when either dark continuous noise or synaptic noise where completely removed. We propose that a threshold nonlinearity is provided by the mGluR6 receptor in the rod bipolar dendrite (Shiells & Falk, 1994) to yield a synapse with a noise removing mechanism. With the threshold nonlinearity the synapse removed most of the noise. These results suggest that a threshold provided by the mGluR6 receptor in the rod bipolar cell is necessary for proper functioning of the retina at scotopic intensities and that the metabotropic domains in the rod bipolar are distinct. Such a nonlinear threshold could also reduce synaptic noise for cortical circuits in which sparse signals converge.  相似文献   

Recent interest in nitric oxide and its relationship to cGMP has produced many attempts to anatomically localize the enzyme synthesizing nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase. In the retina, numerous previous studies have used the NADPH-diaphorase enzyme activity of nitric oxide synthase as a histochemical method to localize nitric oxide synthase. However, all NADPH-diaphorase activity is not necessarily nitric oxide synthase, because several enzymes have similar biochemical activity. Additionally, various histochemical methods have been used to demonstrate NADPH-diaphorase activity, which makes comparisons between studies difficult. The purpose of this study was twofold. First, we wanted to examine the histochemical labeling of NADPH-diaphorase in the turtle retina to allow comparisons to previous studies. Second, we wanted to compare the histochemical localization of NADPH-diaphorase activity to the immunocytochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase in the turtle retina. Our histochemical localization of NADPH-diaphorase activity and our localization of nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity in the turtle retina both produced similar results. Both the histochemistry and immunocytochemistry consistently labeled photoreceptor inner segments, at least three amacrine cell types, and processes in the inner plexiform layer. In optimized double-labeled preparations, all cells with NADPH-diaphorase activity were also positive for nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity, although some somata in the ganglion cell layer only had nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity. The immunocytochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase in photoreceptors, amacrine cells, and putative ganglion cells indicates that nitric oxide may function at several levels of visual processing in the turtle retina.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made of the slow hyperpolarizing light responses of single rods in the retina of the snapping turtle. Physiological criteria used to identify rods were verified by intracellular injections of Procion Yellow. 2. The amplitudes of the responses elicited by fixed intensity flashes increased as the stimulus was enlarged to a diameter of 300 mum. Scattered light was found incapable of accounting for this effect, which must result from summative interaction of rods with neighbouring receptors. Effects of summative interaction were observed even at stimulus intensities that produced maximal responses. Enlarging the diameter of the higher intensity stimuli from 100 to 300 mum increased the peak response amplitude by almost 50%; it also produced a distinct initial peak of the response which we term overshoot. The amplitude of this overshoot was graded with stimulus size. 3. Complete intensity-response relationships were determined using stimulus diameters of 100 and 750 mum for each rod. With the smaller stimulus the intensity response range was 4-5 log units, and with the larger stimulus this was increased to 5-0 log units. For intensities below about 60 quanta/mum2 per flash (514 nm) the amplitudes elicited by the large stimulus followed a sigmoid-shaped curve. However, at higher intensities an additional lobe appeared on the intensity-response relationship. The appearance of this lobe correlated with the emergence of the overshoot on the response wave form. 4. Determinations of rod flash sensitivity (mV per quantum per mum2) showed that it increased with stimulus size up to a stimulus diameter of about 300 mum. With diameters between 50 and 150 mum, a linear relationship existed between the flash sensitivity and stimulus area. Absolute quantal sensitivities increased with stimulus area by a factor of 26, from a value of 28 muV per photoisomerization per rod with a stimulus 25 mum in diameter, to 720 muV per photoisomerization per rod with a stimulus 300 mum in diameter. 5. By comparison, red-sensitive cones showed increased sensitivity as a function of stimulus size only up to a stimulus diameter of 120 mum. Their over-all sensitivity was lower than that of rods and proved linear with stimulus diameter rather than with stimulus area. 6. Simultaneous recordings were made from rod-cone pairs to determine whether the overshoot, and hence the lobe on the amplitude-intensity function, could result from a cone input to the rod response. The time course of the cone response proved much too rapid to fit the overshoot of the rod response. 7. The spectral sensitivity of the dark-adapted rod response closely followed the difference spectrum of the rod photopigment for wave-lengths greater than 450 nm. This was true throughout the intensity range of the response, including low intensities where response averaging was necessary. 8. At low response amplitudes (approximately 1 mV), about 70% of the 40 rods tested showed responses to long wave-length stimuli consisting of two components...  相似文献   

Cone photoreceptors in the turtle retina are involved in intricate neuronal interactions with other retinal neurons that modify the responses of the cones to photons absorbed in their outer segments. Therefore, the action spectra of cones strongly depend upon the conditions of measurements. This study describes an attempt to derive the action spectra of turtle cones which are the least distorted by neuronal interactions. To achieve this goal, the photoresponses of cones and horizontal cells were recorded from the turtle retina under different conditions of adaptation using different patterns of the stimulating test flashes. The sensitivity action spectra, derived from small-amplitude (<1 mV) photoresponses, were strongly affected by the recording conditions indicating the contributions of multiple neuronal inputs. Action spectra, constructed from large criterion photoresponses, were less distorted by neuronal interactions and better described the spectral properties of the "isolated" cones. The action spectra of the hyperpolarizing inputs to chromaticity-type horizontal cells were derived by stimulating these cells with mixtures of a saturating red light and a monochromatic light of different wavelength and intensity. The action spectra were constructed from the intensity of the addend component needed to "pull down" the depolarizing response to the red component by a fixed criterion. These spectra, measured in red/green and yellow/blue C-type horizontal cells, are suggested to best represent the "isolated" M-cones and S-cones, respectively.  相似文献   

We studied spiking neurons isolated from turtle retina by the whole cell version of the patch clamp. The studied cells had perikaryal diameters > 15 microns and fired multiple spikes in response to depolarizing current steps, indicating they were ganglion cells. In symmetrical [Cl-], currents elicited by puffs of 100 microM gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were inward at a holding potential of -80 mV. All of the GABA-evoked current was blocked by SR95331 (20 microM), indicating that it was mediated by a GABAA receptor. The GABA-evoked currents were unaltered by eliciting a transmembrane calcium current either just before or during the response to GABA. On the other hand caffeine (10 mM), which induces Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, inhibited the GABA-evoked current on average by 30%. The caffeine effect was blocked by introducing the calcium buffer bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) into the cell but was unaffected by replacing [Ca2+]o with equimolar cobalt. Thapsigargin (10 microM), an inhibitor of intracellular calcium pumps, and ryanodine (20 microM), which depletes intracellular calcium stores, both markedly reduced a caffeine-induced inhibition of the GABA-evoked current. Another activator of intracellular calcium release, inositol trisphosphate (IP3; 50 microM), also progressively reduced the GABA-induced current when introduced into the cell. Dibutyryl adenosine 3'5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP; 0.5 mM), a membrane-permeable analogue of cAMP, did not reduce GABA-evoked currents, suggesting that cAMP-dependent kinases are not involved in suppressing GABAA currents, whereas calmidazolium (30 microM) and cyclosporin A (20 microM), which inhibit Ca/calmodulin-dependent phosphatases, did reduce the caffeine-induced inhibition of the GABA-evoked current. Alkaline phosphatase (150 micrograms/ml) and calcineurin (300 micrograms/ml) had a similar action to caffeine or IP3. Antibodies directed against the ryanodine receptor or the IP3 receptor reacted with the great majority of neurons in the ganglion cell layer. We found that these two antibodies colocalized in large ganglion cells. In summary, intracellular calcium plays a role in reducing the currents elicited by GABA, acting through GABAA receptors. The modulatory action of calcium on GABA responses appears to work through one or more Ca-dependent phosphatases.  相似文献   

The intensity of the immunohistochemical reaction (IIR) against the alpha species of protein kinase C (PKC) was quantified in the rod bipolar cells (RBC) of the goldfish retina using of image analysis. Retinae incubated in control Ringer solution showed similar IIR in both the soma and the axon terminal (IIR-ratio approximately 1). Activation of PKC induces the 'transport' of the enzyme to the synaptic terminal of RBC and an increase in the IIR-ratio. In the present report, the effect of retinal neurotransmitters on the IIR-ratio and the time course of PKC transport was studied.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Effects of intravenous iodoacetate (a glycolysis inhibitor) and iodate (a metabolism inhibitor selective to retinal pigment epithelium) on light-evoked alkalinizations and hypoxia-induced acidifications were studied in the dark-adapted cat retina, in vivo, to learn about pH regulation. METHODS: pH was recorded in the extracellular space surrounding rod photoreceptors with double-barrelled H(+)-selective microelectrodes. RESULTS: Intravenous infusion of 5 mg/kg iodoacetate-induced alkalinizations in the outer nuclear layer and suppressed both light-evoked and hypoxia-induced pH responses immediately. Iodate injection (30 mg/kg) produced acidifications in the subretinal space and affected light-evoked alkalinizations gradually but not hypoxia-induced acidifications. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that rods glycolysis plays an important role in both light-evoked and hypoxia-induced pH responses. And the retinal pigment epithelium may have little concern with light-evoked alkalinizations except that it plays an important role in regenerating the rhodopsin to be needed for the light responses of photoreceptors. Furthermore, the finding of the intravenous-iodoacetate-induced alkalinization in the outer nuclear layer supports that acid production by rods in the dark is originated from glycolysis to support the dark current. The iodate-induced acidification in the subretinal space indicators that the retinal pigment epithelium might actively transport acids from the subretinal space to the choroid.  相似文献   

Current understanding suggests that mammalian rod photoreceptors connect only to an ON-type bipolar cell. This rod-specific bipolar cell excites the All amacrine cell, which makes connections to cone-specific bipolar cells of both ON and OFF type; these, in turn, synapse with ganglion cells. Recent work on rabbit retina has shown that rod signals can also reach ganglion cells without passing through the rod bipolar cell. This route was thought to be provided by electrical gap junctions, through which rods signal directly to cones and thence to cone bipolar cells. Here, we show that the mouse retina also provides a rod pathway bypassing the rod bipolar cell, suggesting that this is a common feature in mammals. However, this alternative pathway does not require cone photoreceptors; it is perfectly intact in a transgenic mouse whose retina lacks cones. Instead, the results can be explained if rods connect directly to OFF bipolar cells.  相似文献   

The cGMP-gated channel of the rod photoreceptor cell plays a key role in phototransduction by controlling the flow of Na+ and Ca2+ into the outer segment in response to light-induced changes in cGMP concentrations. The rod channel is composed of two homologous subunits designated as alpha and beta. Each subunit contains a core region of six putative membrane spanning segments, a cGMP binding domain, a voltage sensor-like motif and a pore region. In addition the beta-subunit contains an extended N-terminal region that is identical in sequence to a previously cloned retinal glutamic acid rich protein called GARP. Three spliced variants of GARP (the GARP part of the beta channel subunit; full length free GARP; and a truncated form of GARP) are expressed in rod cells and localized within the outer segments. Immunoaffinity chromatography has been used to purify the channel from detergent solubilized rod outer segments. A significant fraction of the rod Na+/Ca(2+)-K+ exchanger copurifies with the channel as measured by western blotting suggesting that the channel can interact with the exchanger under certain conditions.  相似文献   

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit messenger RNAs are widely expressed in the retina and several types of second and third order neurons are responsive to N-methyl-D-aspartate. Functional N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors are assembled from the NR1 subunit with at least one of the four NR2 subunit variants (NR2A-2D). We have analysed immunohistochemically the cellular distribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors containing the NR2D subunit in the rat and rabbit retina. Using a subunit-specific NR2D antiserum, exclusively bipolar cells with somata localized close to the outer plexiform layer were labelled in both species. The axons were immunoreactive and arborized in the innermost inner plexiform layer. The morphology and localization of these cells, which were much more numerous in rat than in rabbit, suggested that they are rod bipolar cells. This was confirmed in both species by co-localization of the NR2D subunit immunoreactivity with protein kinase C-alpha, a selective marker for rod bipolar cells. At the subcellular level, a distinct polarization in the distribution of NR2D immunoreactivity was demonstrated by confocal laser scanning microscopy: staining was moderate in dendrites arborizing within the outer plexiform layer, intense at that pole of the soma facing the outer plexiform layer, and low in the portion of the soma embedded in the inner nuclear layer. Proximal axonal segments and axonal end-feet in the inner plexiform layer displayed the strongest NR2D subunit immunoreactivity. The axonal staining suggests that neurotransmission of the rod bipolar cells is modulated within the inner plexiform layer by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors containing the NR2D subunit.  相似文献   

Senosory neurons manifest pronounced changes in excitability during maturation, but the factors contributing to this ubiquitous developmental phenomenon are not well understood. To assess the contribution of intrinsic membrane properties to such changes in excitability, in the present study whole cell patch-clamp recordings were made from developing ganglion cells in the intact retina of postnatal rats. During a relatively brief developmental period (postnatal days P7-P27) ganglion cells exhibited pronounced changes in the discharge patterns generated by depolarizing current injections. The youngest cells (P7-P17) typically responded to maintained depolarizations with only a single spike or a rapidly adapting discharge pattern. In contrast, the predominant response mode of more mature cells (P21-P27) was a series of repetitive discharges that lasted for the duration of the depolarization period, and by P25 all cells responded in this manner. These functional changes characterized all three morphologically defined cell classes identified by intracellular labeling with Lucifer yellow. To determine if expression of the potassium current (Ia) and the kinetics of the Na-channel related to the increased excitability of developing ganglion cells described above, current- and voltage-clamp recordings were made from individual neurons. The different firing patterns manifested by developing retinal ganglion cells did not reflect the presence or absence of the Ia conductance, although cells expressing Ia tended to generate spikes of shorter duration. With maturation the speed of recovery from inactivation of the Na current increased markedly and this related to the increased excitability of developing ganglion cells. Neurons yielding only a single spike to maintained depolarization were characterized by the slowest speed of recovery; cells with rapidly adapting discharges showed a faster recovery and those capable of repetitive firing recovered fastest from Na-channel inactivation. It is suggested that these changes in intrinsic membrane properties may relate to the different functional roles subserved by ganglion cells during development.  相似文献   

Double-label immunocytochemistry was carried out on cryostat sections of rat retina to test for the presence of calretinin in cholinergic starburst and the rod pathway-related glycinergic (All) amacrine cells. All cholinergic cells contained calretinin, but calretinin-immunoreactive cells were much more numerous in both the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers than the cholinergic cells. Glycinergic All amacrine cells have been found to contain calretinin in cat, monkey and rabbit retinas. Since All amacrine cells in rat can be selectively labeled with antibodies against parvalbumin, in a second experiment we attempted to colocalize these proteins. We found that calretinin- and parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons belonged to distinct amacrine cell populations permitting the conclusion that, in the rat retina, All amacrine cells do not contain calretinin. The results indicate that even those amacrine cells of the mammalian retina that are highly conserved with respect to morphology and transmitter content, may differ with respect to other neurochemical characteristics, such as their calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of Valonia ventricosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cytoplasmic electrical potential and membrane resistance of mature cells of Valonia ventricosa have been measured by inserting a microelectrode concentric with another electrode into the vacuole of the cell. The cytoplasmic region was investigated by advancing the microelectrode into the cell wall from the vascuolar side. The results revealed a unique region where the vascuolar electric potential and membrane resistance changed in a simultaneous single step to values close to zero. The measured potential always remained positive immediately after the step. At no time was a highly negative potential region encountered. Further penetration of the microelectrode revealed a low resistance negative potential region of --12.6 +/- 1.1 mV associated with the cell wall. Experiments were also carried out on aplanospores of V. ventricosa to compare mature and immature cells. The chemical composition of the vacuolar and protoplasmic phases of mature cells was determined. The results agreed with previous results except that the C1- ion content of the protoplasm was significantly higher at 381 +/- 20 mmoles/liter (H2O). It was concluded that mature cells of Valonia are significantly different from immature cells in that no highly negative potential cytoplasmic region was found in mature cells. It was considered that the measured step change in electric potential and membrane resistance occurred at the plasmalemma and that the tonoplast was a region of very low resistance. The implications of these findings in terms of models of ion transport into Valonia are discussed.  相似文献   

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