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H Uyttendaele JV Soriano R Montesano J Kitajewski 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,196(2):204-217
The ab initio folding problem can be divided into two sequential tasks of approximately equal computational complexity: the generation of native-like backbone folds and the positioning of side chains upon these backbones. The prediction of side-chain conformation in this context is challenging, because at best only the near-native global fold of the protein is known. To test the effect of displacements in the protein backbones on side-chain prediction for folds generated ab initio, sets of near-native backbones (< or = 4 A C alpha RMS error) for four small proteins were generated by two methods. The steric environment surrounding each residue was probed by placing the side chains in the native conformation on each of these decoys, followed by torsion-space optimization to remove steric clashes on a rigid backbone. We observe that on average 40% of the chi1 angles were displaced by 40 degrees or more, effectively setting the limits in accuracy for side-chain modeling under these conditions. Three different algorithms were subsequently used for prediction of side-chain conformation. The average prediction accuracy for the three methods was remarkably similar: 49% to 51% of the chi1 angles were predicted correctly overall (33% to 36% of the chi1+2 angles). Interestingly, when the inter-side-chain interactions were disregarded, the mean accuracy increased. A consensus approach is described, in which side-chain conformations are defined based on the most frequently predicted chi angles for a given method upon each set of near-native backbones. We find that consensus modeling, which de facto includes backbone flexibility, improves side-chain prediction: chi1 accuracy improved to 51-54% (36-42% of chi1+2). Implications of a consensus method for ab initio protein structure prediction are discussed. 相似文献
The expression patterns of laminin A, B1, B2, and nidogen genes were identified by in situ hybridization in postimplantation mouse extraembryonic tissues and maternal decidua during the period when the chorioallantoic placenta is established. Laminin and nidogen genes were not coordinately expressed either in the decidua or in trophoblast cells, indicating that these genes are regulated independently in these cell types during the establishment of the placenta. Laminin A mRNA was absent from the decidua except in the outer layer of cells adjacent to the myometrium and in the central decidual zone adjacent to the remnant of the uterine epithelium on Day 9. At this stage laminin B1, B2, and nidogen genes were strongly expressed in these cells and also in other regions of the decidua. Laminin B1 mRNA was present at higher levels in the decidua capsularis than in the decidua basalis, while nidogen mRNA showed highest expression in the decidua basalis. Laminin B2 mRNA was produced uniformly throughout the decidua at very high levels, suggesting that laminin B2 chains may be an important component of the decidual matrix. By Day 11, the nidogen gene was expressed only in endothelial cells lining the maternal blood spaces within the decidua. Laminin B1 and nidogen mRNAs were found at high levels within trophoblast giant cells at all stages, while laminin A mRNA was detected in trophoblast giant cells at later stages and laminin B2 mRNA was not produced in high levels by these cells. The patterns of gene expression show a very high degree of regional specialization, suggesting that the extracellular matrices in different regions of the decidua and extraembryonic membranes are likely to be composed of quite different ratios of laminin and nidogen polypeptides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
The secretory granules of the terminal and pre-terminal tracts of the rabbit submandibular gland display distinct features, while the cell morphology is quite similar. Among these cells, some smaller ones presenting an highly dilated endoplasmic reticulum have been identified in the pre-terminal tracts. Some hypothesis have been formulated concerning the function of these cells. 相似文献
The establishment of the permissible levels for the use of additives in foods must be based on the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). A method that may be applied for this purpose is the Danish Budget Method which estimates the maximum amount of the additive that may be added to the food based on the functional properties of the additive, and on the categories of the food in which the additive will be used. Based on the latest information B?r and Würtzen propose some modifications to the original Budget Method, one of which is the addition of a correction factor which takes into account the competition between different food additives with the same functional properties. In the present paper, both the Budget Method and the B?r and Würtzen-modified method were applied to evaluate whether the maximum levels of food colours use exceeded their ADI or not. Applying the original Budget Method, the results showed that the colours Sunset Yellow, Amaranth, Erythrosine, Ponceau 4R and Cochineal possibly exceeded the ADI; while applying the modified method only the colours Erythrosine and Cochineal would exceed the ADI. Brazilian regulatory authorities should be advised to establish maximum limits of use for the following categories of colours: Caramel, Inorganic, Natural and Artificial Colours Identical to the Natural Ones, where ADIs have been evaluated by JECFA. 相似文献
The nature of maltose- and trehalose-induced electrical potential increments across everted small intestines of toads were investigated. A Michaelis-Menten-like relation was seen between the amplitude of PD increments (deltaPD) and the mucosal concentration of disaccharides over a wide range of concentration, but, at a higher concentration range, Lineweaver-Burk type plot of data always deviated from the linear line for the low and moderate concentration range. The extrapolation of the linear segment of the plots intercepted the ordinate at the same point as that of the line for the glucose-induced potential increments. Both the disaccharide- and the glucose-evoked potentials were not additive and were equally sensitive to phlorizin. Tris depressed the disaccharide-evoked potentials to about the same extent as that of inhibition of enzyme activities. The amplitude and time course of the disaccharide-induced potentials, however, could not be accounted for by the mucosal concentration of liberated glucose. These qualitative and quantitative characteristics were explained properly on the basis of a simple well-type local pool for liberated glucose assumed to exist at the brush border. In conclusion, a close functional linkage between brush border membrane disaccharidase activities and the electrogenic hexose transport is well reflected in the disaccharide-evoked potentials in the small intestine. 相似文献
We summarize recent findings on the organization of the protein actin in eucaryotic cells. In particular we focus on how actin can be used to generate a vectorial force that is required for cell movement. These forces arise from protein molecules that recruit actin to the plasma membrane in such a manner that actin filaments extend outward from the cell body. This type of actin dependent force generation has been described in a nucleation-release model, which is one of several models currently being tested to explain actin dependent cell movement. Data in support of this model has arisen unexpectedly from studies of an intracellular bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes. This bacteria uses actin to propel itself during infection of eucaryotic cells. By studying Listeria movement, the roles of several eucaryotic actin interacting proteins have been identified. One of these is zyxin, a human protein that shares important structural and possibly functional properties with ActA, an actin dependent force generating protein of Listeria. We intend to test the function of these and other actin interacting proteins in a simplified system that should facilitate precise measurement of their properties of force generation in vitro. 相似文献
The effect of neonatal sympathectomy on the response of the rat submandibular gland to isoproterenol
The right superior cervical ganglion was removed from 1-day-old rat pups. For four consecutive days (22-26 days of age), the rats were injected twice daily with isoproterenol-HCl (IPR) at a dose of 2.0 mg/100 g.b.w. and killed on the 27th day of age. Control animals were injected with the solvent, 0.1% Na2S2O5, according to the same protocol. In both control and IPR-treated rats, fluorescence microscopic examination of glands prepared by the Falck-Hillarp method showed a total absence of adrenergic nerve fibers on the side of sympathectomy, and a normal innervation on the unoperated side, while light microscopic examination of Epon-embedded glands revealed no differences in structure between the noninnervated and intact glands. However, after IPR treatment the noninnervated glands consistently showed greater absolute and relative weight, and total DNA, RNA and protein than the corresponding intact gland from the same animal. It is suggested that this greater hyperplastic and hypertrophic response in the noninnervated gland represents a postjunctional supersensitivity of acinar cells to the beta agonistic action of IPR. 相似文献
Schwannomas (neurilemmomas) are neurogenic tumors that arise from the Schwann cells of the neural sheath. They are most often benign and solitary. Extracranial schwannomas are rare, and can be mistaken for metastatic disease or other non-neurogenic tumors. Ancient schwannoma is a rare variant of schwannoma with a course typical of a slow-growing benign tumor. Histologically, it can be confused with a malignant mesenchymal tumor. An unusual case of an ancient schwannoma of the submandibular gland is reported. The clinical, histological and surgical aspects of this tumor are discussed, and the literature regarding this rare entity is reviewed. 相似文献
The activities of chymotrypsin-like esteroproteases in the mouse submandibular gland were additively induced by 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and triiodothyronine (T3). Zymograms showed that there are many isozymes whose activities are regulated by DHT and/or T3. Some isozymes seemed to be hormone-independent. Histochemical studies revealed that all these isozymes are localized in the granular convoluted tubules. 相似文献
T Lallier R Deutzmann R Perris M Bronner-Fraser 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,162(2):451-464
We have identified the sites of neural crest cell interaction with laminin in vitro by examining their ability to attach to and migrate on proteolytic fragments of the molecule and the ability of fragment-specific antibodies to inhibit these interactions. The binding site on laminin was localized to the E8 domain on the long arm of laminin, as well as the T8' fragment within this domain, but not the E1', E3, or E4 fragments. Only subfragments containing the carboxy-terminal rod-like portion of the A chain plus the corresponding B1 and B2 chains retained the attachment-promoting activity of the parent E8 fragment. In addition, interactions required maintenance of the triple-stranded and alpha-helical coiled-coil structure of this domain. Reduction and alkylation of laminin and the E8 and T8 fragments significantly reduced neural crest cell attachment and migration. An antiserum against chick alpha 1 integrin reduced migration and adhesion of neural crest cells on an intact laminin-nidogen complex, the E8 fragment, and all its active subfragments. Furthermore, we observed that neural crest cells modified laminin substrata prepared in the absence of divalent cations. Early stable attachment to these substrata was mediated by an integrin other than alpha 1, whereas later attachment and migration were mediated by alpha 1 integrins. Our results suggest that neural crest cells selectively bind to the B1-A-B2 mid-portion (T8') of the E8 domain of laminin, requiring structural integrity of this region and that they modify laminin substrata as a result of prolonged cell-matrix interactions. 相似文献
We report the clinical and pathologic features of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the submandibular gland that metastasized to the ovaries 10 years after initial presentation. A 30-year-old woman underwent excision of a right submandibular adenoid cystic carcinoma followed by regional external beam radiation therapy. Three years later, she underwent extended hepatic resection and localized radiotherapy to the hepatic region for metastatic disease. The patient was without evidence of disease for 7 years when she developed pelvic pain and a pelvic mass was found. A solid and cystic 10-cm left ovarian mass and a single metastatic tumor nodule involving the right ovary were excised via the laparoscope. Histologically, the tumor was identical to the patient's initial salivary gland neoplasm. The neoplastic cells were CAM 5.2 positive, S100 positive, muscle-specific actin positive, and smooth muscle actin positive. Ultrastructurally, characteristic pseudocysts (pseudolumina) with abundant basal lamina and true glandular lumina lined by short microvilli were present. Other than a single anecdotal account of a parotid gland adenoid cystic carcinoma, this case represents the first documented report of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland origin that was associated with symptomatic ovarian metastases. This case demonstrates that the ovary is a potential site for metastatic disease many years following the diagnosis and treatment for a primary neoplasm however uncommon or remote the site of origin. Since metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma can rarely present as an ovarian mass, a clinical history of this neoplasm should be heavily weighed in the differential diagnosis of any unusual ovarian tumor with a predominant cribriform, trabecular, or tubular pattern. 相似文献
B Liu GD Offner DP Nunes FG Oppenheim RF Troxler 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,250(3):757-761
High molecular weight salivary mucin (MG1) is an important component of saliva, contributing to the lubricative and tissue-protective functions of this biological fluid. We have shown previously that the human mucin gene MUC5B is expressed at high levels in sublingual gland and is a significant constituent of MG1. Since many epithelia express multiple mucin genes, it seemed likely that MG1 in salivary secretions is also a heterogeneous mixture of mucin gene products. The aim of this study was to determine whether MUC4, a mucin shown in Northern blotting experiments to be expressed in salivary glands, was a significant protein component of MG1 in salivary secretions. Two cDNA clones containing MUC4 tandem repeats were isolated from a human submandibular gland cDNA library. In addition, recombinant MUC4 produced in a bacterial expression system cross-reacted with an antibody directed against deglycosylated MG1. This shows conclusively that human salivary mucin MG1 contains both MUC5B and MUC4 gene products suggesting that each mucin may perform distinct functions in the oral cavity. 相似文献
Y Yang KC Palmer N Relan C Diglio L Schuger 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,125(14):2621-2629
Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells were isolated from mouse embryonic lungs and plated at subconfluent and confluent densities. During the first 5 hours in culture, all the cells were negative for smooth muscle markers. After 24 hours in culture, the mesenchymal cells that spread synthesized smooth muscle alpha-actin, muscle myosin, desmin and SM22 in levels comparable to those of mature smooth muscle. The cells that did not spread remained negative for smooth muscle markers. SM differentiation was independent of cell-cell contact or proliferation. In additional studies, undifferentiated lung mesenchymal cells were cocultured with lung embryonic epithelial cells at high density. The epithelial cells aggregated into cysts surrounded by mesenchymal cells and a basement membrane was formed between the two cell types. In these cocultures, the mesenchymal cells in contact with the basement membrane spread and differentiated into smooth muscle. The rest of the mesenchymal cells remained round and negative for smooth muscle markers. Inhibition of laminin polymerization by an antibody to the globular regions of laminin beta1/gamma1 chains blocked basement membrane assembly, mesenchymal cell spreading and smooth muscle differentiation. These studies indicated that lung embryonic mesenchymal cells have the potential to differentiate into smooth muscle and the process is triggered by their spreading along the airway basement membrane. 相似文献
We immunopurified a surface antigen specific for the collecting duct (CD) epithelium. Microsequencing of three polypeptides identified the antigen as the neuronal cell adhesion molecule L1, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The kidney isoform showed a deletion of exon 3. L1 was expressed in the mesonephric duct and the metanephros throughout CD development. In the adult CD examined by electron microscopy, L1 was not expressed on intercalated cells but was restricted to CD principal cells and to the papilla tall cells. By contrast, L1 appeared late in the distal portion of the elongating nephron in the mesenchymally derived epithelium and decreased during postnatal development. Immunoblot analysis showed that expression, proteolytic cleavage, and the glycosylation pattern of L1 protein were regulated during renal development. L1 was not detected in epithelia of other organs developing by branching morphogenesis. Addition of anti-L1 antibody to kidney or lung organotypic cultures induced dysmorphogenesis of the ureteric bud epithelium but not of the lung. These results suggest a functional role for L1 in CD development in vitro. We further postulate that L1 may be involved in the guidance of developing distal tubule and in generation and maintenance of specialized cell phenotypes in CD. 相似文献
G Hager H Pawelzik GW Kreutzberg W Zieglg?nsberger 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,86(4):1145-1154
Laminins form a family of large multidomain glycoproteins of the extracellular matrix. The cellular distribution of laminin immunoreactivity in the adult mammalian central nervous system suggests an important role for laminins in mature brain function in addition to their role during brain development. To characterize the effects of this group of extracellular matrix molecules on mature brain function, intracellular recording techniques were applied to in vitro slice preparations of the rat neocortex. The experiments show that a peptide homologous to the C-terminal part of the gamma 1 chain of laminin modulates the electrical activity of pyramidal neurons in the adult neocortex of the rat. The peptide is part of the neurite outgrowth-promoting domain of the gamma 1 chain on the E8 fragment of laminin and it displays the neurite outgrowth-promoting activity of the native laminin molecule. Perfusion of in vitro brain slices with the peptide increased the input resistance of the neuronal membrane. In addition, a rise in inward rectification could be observed. These events were accompanied by a strong increase in direct excitability of the treated neurons. Immunohistochemistry techniques were applied to sections of the adult rat neocortex and hippocampus to demonstrate the presence of both the neurite outgrowth-promoting domain and the native laminin in the adult brain. An antiserum raised against the neurite outgrowth-promoting domain on the gamma 1 chain of laminin, which also recognized the free synthetic peptide, showed immunoreactivity on neurons. In addition, a population of glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive astrocytes in the hippocampus displayed immunoreactivity for this antibody. These results were confirmed by using several antibodies directed against the whole laminin-1 molecule. Neurons in the neocortex and hippocampus, as well as astrocytes in the hippocampus, demonstrated immunoreactivity for antibodies directed against the whole laminin-1 molecule. The results suggest that laminins containing the gamma 1 chain have the potential to modulate neuronal activity. This effect may be mediated either by direct cell-cell contact from surrounding cells, or through the neuronal expression of laminin or laminin-like molecules which are inserted into the neuronal cell membrane. 相似文献
Sympathetic neurones supplying the submandibular salivary gland innervate blood vessels, secretory and myoepithelial cells. Here we examined whether these functionally different sympathetic neurones show distinct reflex response patterns. In anaesthetized rats, single unit activity was recorded from postganglionic axons projecting to the gland. Neurones were tested for their responses to stimulation of baroreceptors, cutaneous nociceptors and cold receptors and to gustatory stimuli applied to the tongue. Respiratory modulation was also analysed. Only a few postganglionic neurones identified electrically (5-10%) were spontaneously active. They were excited by noxious and cold stimuli, inhibited by baroreceptor stimulation and exhibited respiratory modulation. None of the units responded to gustatory stimuli. Thus, in anaesthetized rats spontaneously active sympathetic neurones supplying the submandibular gland behave like vasoconstrictor neurones. Sympathetic neurones with other functions are probably silent. 相似文献