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Seventy-seven reports of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were received by the Adverse Drug Reaction Subcommittee (ADRSc) of the Australian Veterinary Association from April 1993 to December 1994 inclusive. The number of reports received/number of animals involved per species were: dogs (32/44), cats (18/31), horses (17/48), and cattle (10/21). Of these, 49 (64%) were classified as definite ADRs and 9 (12%) as probable ADRs. In 11 (14%) reports an ADR could not be substantiated or there was insufficient information available to make a decision. Eight reports were not classified because the manufacturer and the ADRSc disagreed as to the appropriate classification. Sixteen reports involved apparent hypersensitivity reactions, which resulted in death on 6 occasions. Six reports were associated with 'off label' use and 1 report with use of an expired product. Of the definite, probable and unclassified reports of suspect ADRs, the most frequent types of drugs involved were antimicrobial drugs (13 reports), anthelmintics (13), insecticides (11), vaccines (10), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory preparations (5), chondroprotective agents (4),anaesthetic/sedative agents (4) and vitamin preparations (2). Single reports concerning definite, probable or unclassified ADRs to a vasodilator, a corticosteroid, a local anaesthetic and a disinfectant were received.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of school injuries in the northern part of Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this one-year investigation of school accidents is to obtain more knowledge for preventive work. In the age-group 7-19 years, 547 injuries were registered, mainly at three hospitals. The incidence rate was 25 per 1000 boys and 20 per 1000 girls per year. Most injuries occurred in intermediate and upper secondary school among boys and in upper school among girls. The relative risk of school injury compared with spare-time injury was 1.8 for boys and 2.6 for girls of compulsory school age. Most injuries occurred in sports area (boys: 34%, girls: 46%). The incidence of sports injuries showed no gender differences. The highest incidence rate was found in senior school girls. Twenty-five percent of all injuries were caused by other pupils, intentional violence being one important mechanism. Head injuries were more common among school injuries compared with spare-time injuries.  相似文献   

应用C语言和FoxBASE设计系统,并从系统分析,系统功能,系统特点,系统维护等几方面对系统进行了说明,经试运行达到预期目的.  相似文献   

通过对7个烤烟品种产量和产值性状与环境互作的联合方差分析,结果表明:Y106具有丰产稳产的特性,Y102丰产性好,但稳定性较差;H8190丰产性较好,稳定性一般;8182丰产性差,稳定性好;8122丰产性较差,稳定性较差;优选1号丰产性差,稳定性较好;对照NC89丰产性差,稳定性一般.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many studies have, in small and highly selected study populations, described how cardiovascular risk factors tend to cluster in subjects with insulin resistance. Recently, interest has focused on possible relationships between this insulin resistance syndrome and fibrinolysis, and the role of triglycerides in this association. The present study addresses these issues in a general population. METHODS: A subsample of participants in the population-based Northern Sweden MONICA (MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular diseases) Study, consisting of 353 men and 403 women in the 25-64 year age range, was investigated. Insulin resistance was estimated indirectly from the fasting levels of insulin and glucose. Fibrinolytic activity was measured both as plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) activity and tissue plasminogen activator ((t)PA) activity. RESULTS: Insulin resistance was highly correlated with those cardiovascular risk factors that have been associated with the insulin resistance syndrome, and to the measures of fibrinolytic activity. Subjects in the upper tertile of insulin resistance had a PAI-1 activity that was three times higher than that of the lower third men and twice as high in women. There was a strong interaction between insulin resistance and serum triglycerides. Low versus high levels of both variables together were associated with a fivefold difference in PAI-1 activity in men and a threefold difference in women. The (t)PA activity was inversely correlated to both insulin resistance and serum triglycerides. CONCLUSIONS: In a general population, the 'insulin resistance syndrome' is closely associated with low fibrinolytic activity. Serum triglyceride levels interact with insulin resistance to predict fibrinolytic activity.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that there is a higher prevalence of asthma in northern Sweden than in southern Sweden. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) has been shown to be associated with asthma. The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence of bronchical hyper-responsiveness in different parts of Sweden. As part of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS), interviews, skin prick tests, lung function tests and methacholine provocation tests of the airways were performed in 1448 randomly selected subjects in southern, central and northern Sweden. The Mefar dosimeter was used according to the ECRHS protocol. The responsiveness was calculated both as the PD20 and as the dose response slope (DRS). BHR was defined as a PD20 of < or = 1.6 mg. Atopy was defined as at least one skin prick test of > or = 3 mm. The prevalence of BHR was 12.7%, 10.6% in men and 15.0% in women. No difference in prevalence was found between the three different regions of Sweden. The prevalence of BHR was higher in women than in men and higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Using multiple logistic regression, with BHR as the dependent variable, atopy, being female, having a low FEV1 (% predicted) and smoking (both own and passive) increased the odds of having BHR, while age and the region of Sweden did not influence BHR. Defining BHR as a PD20 of < or = 1.0 mg or a PD20 of < or = 2.0 mg did not change this. Multiple regression using log DRS as the dependent variable produced the same result. Both BHR and increasing DRS were associated with self-reported wheezing, attacks of shortness of breath during the daytime at rest or after strenuous activity, being awakened by a feeling of tightness in the chest or an attack of shortness of breath. In subjects without self-reported asthma, BHR was associated with self-reported wheezing and attacks of shortness of breath after strenuous activity. In conclusion, we found that the prevalence of BHR in the three investigated areas was 12.7%. We found a trend towards a higher prevalence of BHR in the most northerly of the study areas, but the difference between the areas was not statistically significant. BHR and DRS were associated with atopy, smoking, female sex and FEV1 (% predicted). The reporting of symptoms from the airways was associated with the degree of bronchical responsiveness.  相似文献   

The Gr?ndal Bridge is a large freivorbau bridge (prestressed concrete box bridge), approximately 400?m in length with a free span of 120?m. It was opened to tram traffic in the year 2000. Just after opening cracks were noticed in the webs, these cracks have then increased, the size of the largest cracks exceeded 0.5?mm, and at the end of 2001 the bridge was temporarily strengthened. This was carried out with externally placed prestressed steel stays. The reason for the cracking is still debated and will be further discussed in this paper. Nevertheless, it was clear that the bridge needed to be strengthened. The strengthening methods used were CFRP plates at the serviceability limit state and prestressed dywidag stays at the ultimate limit state. The strengthening was carried out during 2002. At the same time monitoring of the bridge commenced, using LVDT crack gauges as well as optical fiber sensors.  相似文献   

Electronic information in the 'Internet' is exploding day-by-day. This article reviews the important databases and information on toxinology available on the Internet.  相似文献   

Reaction between Lanthanum and Phosphorus in Steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Reaction between Lanthanum and Phosphorus in Steel   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
P always causes low temperature emhrittlement and temper embrittlement owing to itsgrain boundary segregation[']. Garcia C I etal. [2) reported a complex compound containingLa, O I S and P, in which LaZOZS acted as anucleation site and Fe-P precipitated on thesurface of the oxysulfide. Nevertheless, thermodynamic calculation by Seah M P showedthat La could not react with P in steel unlesstemperature is lower than 1100 T, sinceGibbs free energy of formation of LaP is positive above thi…  相似文献   

Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) mediates certain aspects of synaptic plasticity and neurotoxicity associated with NMDA-type glutamate receptors. Neuronal NO synthase contains a modular protein-protein interaction motif, termed the PDZ domain, that links the synthase to a synaptic protein complex containing postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 and NMDA receptors. Characterization of this pathway has provided new insights into the role of NO in brain physiology and disease.  相似文献   

铝带分切机有张力锥度控制的要求,一般解决办法比较困难。丹佛斯的运动控制卡有很高的精度控制能力,丹佛斯专为卷绕行业开发的中心卷绕程序能很好地解决这个问题。本文介绍了用丹佛斯变频器和中心卷绕卡实现带张力锥度控制要求的中心卷绕的办法。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) and polypropylene (PPM) in a rabbit abdominal wall defect model using a double-layer repair technique. Fifty-four New Zealand white rabbits had full thickness resection of a 5 x 5-cm segment of the mid portion of at the abdominal wall. The defect was repaired with two 6 x 6-cm layers of prosthesis in an underlay/overlay fashion incorporating a 1-cm edge of abdominal wall and grouped accordingly. Group I: inner and outer layer of PPM; Group II: inner layer e-PTFE, outer layer PPM; Group III: inner and outer layer e-PTFE. Animals from each group were sacrificed at 3, 6, and 12 months. The abdominal wall was assessed for herniations and bowel adhesions to the inner layer of the prosthesis. Adhesions were graded according to an adhesion scoring system (grade 0-3). No herniations were observed. Intestinal adhesions to PPM were quite dense at 3 months with a mean adhesion score of 2.5; at 12 months, adhesions were more dense and extensive, having a mean score of 3. Adhesions to e-PTFE were thin and filmy with a mean score of 0.4 at 3 months and 0.6 at 12 months (P < 0.001, 95% CI for each time period). Histologically, PPM fibers were consistently surrounded by dense fibrous connective tissue; foreign body giant cells were present. A thin connective tissue capsule covered the inner e-PTFE layer; its pores were progressively infiltrated by fibroblasts. The double-layer technique prevented hernias in all groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of intravenous somatostatin on basal and gastrin-stimulated human lower esophageal sphincter pressure (LESP) was examined with the rapid pull-through technique. In a group of 7 healthy volunteers LESP was not influenced under basal conditions, but there was an augmented response to pulse-doses of pentagastrin (0.6 mug/kg) during infusion of somatostatin (250 mug/kg-h). The physiological importance of these findings still has to be evaluated.  相似文献   

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