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The hydrometallurgical extraction of rhenium from copper industrial wastes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt has been made in this investigation to develop a wet chemical method for treating a rhenium-containing lead slime produced during copper manufacture. The effects of temperature, grain size, oxygen partial pressure, and leaching time as well as the kinetics of the leaching process were studied.  相似文献   

AMAX Metals Recovery, Inc., operates a metals recycling plant near New Orleans, Louisiana, for converting spent petroleum catalysts into four commercial products: molybdenum sulfide, alumina trihydrate, vanadium pentoxide and a nickel-cobalt concentrate. In 1989, the facility was expanded to recycle a chromium-aluminum hazardous waste material generated by aluminum finishing operations. The aluminum content of this waste is conveniently coprocessed and aluminum is recovered as alumina trihydrate within the existing spent catalyst plant. This article emphasizes several alternatives for recovering chromium from the waste materials as a chromium oxide concentrate, or as a high-purity salt or solutions of chromates and/or dichromates.  相似文献   

以工业污泥为原料,分别利用双水解和通人二氧化碳气体的方法制备Al(OH)3(胶体),在1100℃煅烧后制得α-Al2O3粉体。并通过场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、能量发射能谱(EDS)以及X衍射仪(XRD)研究污泥原料、Al(OH),(胶体)和α-Al2O3粉体的形貌、成分和结构。结果表明:两种方法中,双水解的方法制备α—Al2O3工艺简单?产物杂质少、产量高。EDS分析结果显示:氧化铝平均纯度达98%。  相似文献   

In many instances, by-products or wastes containing antimony are generated during metallurgical processes. Although these materials pose environmental, recycling, and marketing challenges worldwide, the use of antimony hydrometallurgical leaching principles and technologies may provide a remedy. This paper outlines techniques for treating antimony-containing wastes and offers examples of applications for those wastes and by-products. For more information, contact C.G. Anderson, Montana Tech of the University of Montana, the Center for Advanced Mineral and Metallurgical Processing, Room 221 ELC Building, Butte, Montana 59701; telephone/fax (406) 496-4794; e-mail: CAnderson@mtech.edu.  相似文献   

The Romelt technology for liquid-phase reduction has been developed for processing metallurgical wastes containing nonferrousmetal components. Thermodynamic calculations were made to investigate the behavior of silver, copper, zinc, manganese, vanadium, chrome, and silicon when reduced from the slag melt into the metallic solution containing iron. The process can be applied to all types of iron-bearing wastes, including electric arc furnace dust. The distribution of elements between the phases can be controlled by adjusting the slag bath temperature. Experiments at a pilot Romelt plant proved the possibility of recovering the metallurgical wastes and obtaining iron. For more information, contact Y. Pokhvisnev, Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, Leninsky pr. 4, Moscow 117936, Russia; fax 095955-0019; e-mail pokh@aha.ru.  相似文献   

介绍热处理可强化工业铝合金挤压材的在线淬火条件、可能性及其工艺。  相似文献   

由于工业生产中产生的有害废弃物(如有毒性、腐蚀性、放射性、传染性等)对人体健康和环境的危害极大,因此对有害废弃物安全填埋的技术设施(主要是防渗层的设计)至关重要.  相似文献   

The automotive product design and manufacturing community is continually besieged by Hercule an engineering, timing, and cost challenges. Nowhere is this more evident than in the development of designs and manufacturing processes for cast aluminum engine blocks and cylinder heads. Increasing engine performance requirements coupled with stringent weight and packaging constraints are pushing aluminum alloys to the limits of their capabilities. To provide high-quality blocks and heads at the lowest possible cost, manufacturing process engineers are required to find increasingly innovative ways to cast and heat treat components. Additionally, to remain competitive, products and manufacturing methods must be developed and implemented in record time. To bridge the gaps between program needs and engineering reality, the use of robust computational models in up-front analysis will take on an increasingly important role. This article describes just such a computational approach, the Virtual Aluminum Castings methodology, which was developed and implemented at Ford Motor Company and demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of integrated computational materials engineering. This article appears on the JOM web site (www.tms.org/JOMPT) in html format and includes links to additional on-line resources.  相似文献   

对中国发展工业铝挤压材的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在中国把挤压铝材按用途分为建筑及结构材(简称建筑材)与工业材(除建筑材以外的其他一切挤压铝材)。中国已跨过铝挤压强国门槛,自2001年成为挤压材净出口国以来,2005年的净出口量324.56kt。铝挤压工业的地区结构合理,与经济发展相适应;全球21个工业发达国家2004年的平均工业材与建筑材之比为54:46,没有一个国家工业材的比例达65%以上,中国2005年工业材的比例占34%,2012年的这个比例可达45%。截止到2006年底中国拥有16台大挤压机,总挤压力1170MN,总生产能力约140kt/a,但高速铁路与磁悬浮铁路车辆制造所需要的大挤压材仍不能满足需求,需要进口相当大的一部分。不是生产能力与产量不够,而是在品质方面存在诸多不尽人意之处。大挤压工业型材面临的最大挑战是市场与技术,是自主创新力量薄弱。中国还需要增建200MN与150MN的工业材挤压机各1台。  相似文献   

张世兴  刘新田 《电焊机》2004,34(8):24-26,58
将蒙特卡罗(MC)技术引入到晶粒生长模拟中,结合焊接工艺和热模拟试验,模拟了单相合金焊接热影响区(HAZ)晶粒生长过程。首先应用实验和统计学的方法确定了材料晶粒生长的动力学模型,然后计算了焊接热循环,同时基于蒙特卡罗技术编制了模拟程序。最后在不同焊接热输入情况下,模拟了晶粒生长过程。模拟结果动态演示了晶粒生长过程,并且体现了焊接热钉扎效应。模拟得出数据与试验结果非常接近,为评定焊接工艺和材料可焊性提供了依据。  相似文献   

铝产业属于朝阳产业,具有蓬勃的生命力,是国内材料产业的重要组成部分。新时代我国铝产业正由高速发展转向高质量发展,既面临增速放缓、效益下滑的严峻考验,也呈现出结构优化、创新能力增强等积极变化。铝企业要主动控制运营成本,重视人才培养和装备升级,正确应对国际贸易摩擦;政府应积极引导铝产业健康发展,通过调整产业结构和优化产业布局,推动铝企业齐头并进、合作共赢。  相似文献   

工业铝型材等温挤压技术的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍铝合金等温挤压的原理及在国内外应用现状;分析不同等温挤压方法的特点;阐述等温挤压的关键技术.  相似文献   

介绍了4种典型的复杂工业铝型材的特点以及挤压缺陷.着重研究复杂型材的模具结构、尺寸设计,以及模具制造、试模修理等方面的关键问题.分析了这几种复杂铝合金型材模具的设计和试生产情况,结果表明:本设计能较好地保证产品质量.  相似文献   

An aluminum foam sandwiches (AFSs) consisting of ADC12 Al–Si–Cu die casting aluminum alloy foam and ADC6 Al–Mg die casting aluminum alloy face plates were fabricated. Using ADC12 die casting plates containing large amounts of gases as the starting material of the foam, ADC12 foam can be fabricated without using a blowing agent. Using FSW, both the uniform dispersion of the segregated gases and pore stabilization powder in the ADC12 die casting plates used to fabricate a foamable ADC12 precursor and the bonding of the ADC12 precursor to the ADC6 plates can be simultaneously achieved. Namely, the AFS precursor is expected to be obtained in fewer processing steps. From the visual observation of the fabricated AFSs, no deformation of the ADC6 plates occurred and the ADC6 plates on both sides of the aluminum foam remained parallel. From the X-ray CT observation of the fabricated AFSs, good pore structures without the infiltration of ADC12 foam into the ADC6 plates can be obtained at a holding temperature of 948 K and holding times of t = 10 and 11 min. In tensile tests on the fabricated AFSs, fracture occurred in the ADC12 foam parts but no fractures were observed at the bonding interface between the ADC12 foam and the ADC6 plates, that is, good bonding was obtained between the ADC12 foam and the ADC6 plates.  相似文献   

简要介绍金胜铝业公司研发的几种生产工业挤压材的专用铝合金的化学成分和性能,它们是超高强度的H755铝合金、无粗晶环的H601铝合金、高蠕变性能的MO34铝合金、绿色的可高速切削的M662铝合金和有特色的6063型铝合金。这几种铝合金在替代同类传统铝合金生产某些工业挤压材时表现出了优越性。  相似文献   

稀土元素对工业纯铝导电性的影响   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
研究了稀土元素对工业纯铝导电性的影响。结果表明:混合稀土对工业纯铝的导电性没有改善作用;在一定的数量范围内纯稀土元素镧、铈的加入,对铝的常温导电性有一定的改善作用,高温时则使电阻率略微上升。还对镧、铈降低铝常温电阻率的机理作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

中国铝加工业发展的成就与趋势及问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经过半个多世纪的发展,中国铝加工业取得了举世公认的辉煌成就。特别是改革开放以来的持续高速发展,使中国已经成为世界铝加工的大国,并向铝加工强国迈进。较详细地介绍了中国铝加工业在产能、产量、装备技术、产品质量、外贸出口等方面所取得的成就,阐述了中国铝加工业发展的趋势,并指出了中国铝加工业发展中的问题。  相似文献   

Pretreatment of high content of Si- and Al-containing cyanide tailings by water leaching to remove some impurities, such as the major impurities minerals of Si and Al, as well as its effect on Fe extraction in the water leaching process was investigated. The effects of different parameters on iron recovery were studied, and the reaction parameters were proposed as follows: sodium carbonate content of 30%, water leaching at 60 °C for 5 min, liquid/solid ratio of 15:1, and exciting current of 2 A. Under these optimal conditions, magnetic concentrate containing 59.11% total iron and a total iron recovery rate of 76.12% was obtained. In addition, the microstructure and phase transformation of the process of water leaching were studied by X-ray powder diffraction technique (XRD), Electronic image of backscattering (BEI), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The results indicate that the soluble compound impurities generated in the roasting process are washed out, and the dissoluble substances enter into nonmagnetic materials by water leaching, realizing the effective separation of impurities and Fe.  相似文献   

在火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铝及铝合金中痕量铅的分析中,本文首次采用在强碱性介质下的水合二氧化锰共沉淀法,实现了对铝及铝合金中痕量铅与铝基体的分离富集,沉淀用硝酸与双氧水混合液溶解后,在原子吸收光谱仪上进行测定.本方法操作简单,快速,无有机试剂,干扰少,铅的加标回收率在98.6%~101.2%之间.相对标准偏差小于2.40%,测量下限达1.0μg/g,准确度和精密度都取得了极佳的效果.  相似文献   

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