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DVB-T单频网同步原理分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在简要介绍DVB-T单频网系统结构的基础上,着重分析了单频网适配器的原理以及兆帧、兆帧初始化包的结构,并举例说明了DVB-T单频网中发射机之间的同步原理. 相似文献
目前基于多载波调制技术的地面数字电视单频网,采用基带码流分配方式保证数据接收的可靠性,但存在调制离散性,长时延多径等产生的同频干扰问题.而基于射频分发产生的射频同步技术(RFST)为有效解决这些问题提供新的组网方案.通过对现有基带同步的调制离散性分析,得出调制误差率不一致对接收信号误码率的影响结果,并与采用RFST技术的单频网系统方案进行比较.理论推导表明,RFST技术保证各发射站点发射信号频谱特性一致.而仿真结果和实验网测试结果表明,RFST技术有效降低误码率,因此此中、小功率覆盖的方式可为小区域覆盖提供了更优性能的组网方案. 相似文献
数字调幅发射机把“音频+直流+抖动”的模拟信号转换成12 bit的数字信号去控制各个功放模块的开关状态,运用的数字调制技术包括模数(Analog/Digital,A/D)转换和数模(Digital/Analog,D/A)转换。基于此,介绍数字调制原理,并对转换错误问题进行分析和处理。 相似文献
导航卫星星载原子钟的在轨性能直接影响导航系统定位、导航与授时(Position, Navigation and Timing, PNT)服务的精度和稳定性。基于武汉大学MGEX分析中心发布的精密卫星钟差产品,对BDS-3卫星星载原子钟的频率稳定性、钟差预报精度和钟速变化特征开展了分析评估。对GPS III和Galileo FOC卫星的星载原子钟性能开展分析,并与BDS-3的星载原子钟性能进行了对比。结果表明,BDS-3 PHM的平均天稳定度为4.62×10-15, 7 d钟差预报精度为2.3 ns, 10 d钟率变化为1.79×10-14 s/s,其长期性能优于GPS III和Galileo FOC星载原子钟。值得指出的是,BDS-3 C19 RAFS的在轨性能远优于其他BDS-3 RAFS。 相似文献
信号调制是数字电视前端最后的一个物理环节,直接决定信号在网络中传输的质量.介绍了调制器的基本构成、调制原理,并根据工作中遇到的问题,对调制信号选择IF还是RF输出进行分析. 相似文献
A single-frequency communications system 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1974,23(1):1-8
In those radio communications applications where area coverage is not desired, a series of repeaters, each operating at low power, can be used to extend the radio over long distances. Microwave relay systems operate on this principle with each node representing a point of potential local distribution. Where it is desirable to have the nodes closely spaced, such as along a highway, it becomes desirable to utilize a single frequency for all transmissions in one direction in the interest of conserving spectrum. This paper covers such a system operating in the 935-MHz band. The system described provides both the "backbone" communications system which employs single-frequency repeaters and the "roadside" communications from the repeater node points to users in their vehicles. The functioning of the repeaters is described, and the relationship between signal levels, isolation, external noise levels, and thresholds is presented. Both analog and digital modulations are employed, and it is shown how each repeater is remotely switched between "backbone" and "roadside" communications modes. Extensions from current single-channel to multiple-channel operation is described in terms of the application to a variety of highway-related uses. The results of propagation experiments both along the "backbone" and on the "roadside" are described and related to theoretical models. From these data, conclusions can be drawn about the relationship between repeater spacing, height, and power level, as well as their relationship to user antenna height, output power, and receiver sensitivity. 相似文献
作者用高气压加纵向非均匀磁场获得了二种单频、自稳频高输出功率的外腔式He-Ne激光器,1m激光器的频率非稳定度为6.175×10-9(τ≤10s)和3.38×10-9(τ≤1s);1.8m激光器的频率非稳定度为1.1×10-8(τ≤1s)和2×10-8(τ≤10s),所有数据由中国计量科学院测定。本文是继文献[1],[8],[9]和[10]发表后,对这两种激光器的自稳频原理的再分析。 相似文献
作者用高气压加纵向非均匀磁场获得了二种单频、自稳频高输出功率的外腔式He-Ne激光器,1m激光器的频率非稳定度为6.175×10 ̄(-9)(τ≤10s)和3.38×10 ̄(-9)(τ≤1s);1.8m激光器的频率非稳定度为1.1×10 ̄(-8)(τ≤1s)和2×10 ̄(-8)(τ≤10s),所有数据由中国计量科学院测定。本文是继文献[1],[8],[9]和[10]发表后,对这两种激光器的自稳频原理的再分析。 相似文献
A spread-spectrum clock generator with triangular modulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, a spread-spectrum clock generator (SSCG) with triangular modulation is presented. Only a divider and a programmable charge pump are added into a conventional clock generator to accomplish the spread-spectrum function. The proposed circuit has been fabricated in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS single-poly quadruple-metal process. The proposed SSCG can generate clocks of 66, 133, and 266 MHz with center spread ratios of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5%. Experimental results confirm the theoretical analyses. 相似文献
The principle of operation of an optically pumped rubidium atomic beam clock is presented. Theoretical evaluation of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the detection of the atomic transition and the lineQ factor of the device are performed. The medium-term frequency stability of the standard is determined. We finally conclude with a brief survey of the metrological potentialities of this atomic frequency clock. 相似文献