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为解决反射信号损害系统性能的问题,提出了一种具有高带外抑制和高带外吸收的小型化吸收式低通滤波器。该滤波器通过高通通路和低通通路实现了吸收式低通滤波器;通过抑制增益支路实现了高带外抑制。利用ADS和HFSS仿真软件对滤波器结构进行优化设计,并进行了实物的加工和测试。实测结果表明:该滤波器的3 dB截止频率为4 GHz,其带内最小插入损耗0.88 dB,通带内DC到3.5 GHz的回波损耗大于20 dB,阻带回波损耗大于10 dB,10.5 GHz处的阻带抑制大于45dB,从8 GHz到30 GHz的带外抑制大于33 dB,实测结果与仿真结果有较好的吻合。该滤波器尺寸仅为1220μm×650μm×87.71μm,相比传统PCB、LTCC工艺的滤波器,体积大大缩小,符合现代射频与微波系统小型化的发展趋势。 相似文献
提出了一种新型的短接环形多模谐振器,适合于构成超宽带带通滤波器。利用该多模谐振器的前三个谐振模式构成滤波器的整个通带.并提出通过改变多模谐振器阻抗比来控制该带通滤波器的相对带宽的方法。该结构具有易于级联的特性。通过级联可明显改善阻带特性。给出了一个单元以及三个单元级联后的滤波器结构以及通过仿真和实验获得的性能参数,验证了所设计的新型超宽带带通滤波器的有效性。 相似文献
提出了基于复合左右手结构传输线(Composite Right/left-handed Structure Transmission Lines.简称CRLH TLs)的小型化超宽带带通滤波器.给出了滤波器的设计结构及其等效电路,仿真表明,该超宽带带通滤波器可在3.2~8.6 GHz的通带范围内插入损耗小于0.7 dB.回损大于17dB.带内群时延小于0.4ns.新的滤波器的尺寸约为中心波导波长的1/3.便于实现结构的小型化. 相似文献
文中设计并实际开发了一种基于砷化镓(Gallium Arsenide, GaAs)集成无源器件(Integrated Passive Device, IPD)技术的小型化高选择性宽带带通滤波器。首先,所提出的带通滤波器是通过引入集总参数谐振器来设计的,以实现高选择性和宽带性能。其次,进一步研究了实现高选择性和宽带性能的工作原理。最后,为了证明所述性能,基于GaAs-IPD技术设计、制造和测量了一个紧凑型高选择性宽带带通滤波器。该滤波器工作频率覆盖了整个X波段(6~13 GHz),相对带宽为74.0%,带外实现了四个传输零点,从而实现了高选择性和良好的带外性能,芯片尺寸为0.05λ0×0.03λ0。比较了实测结果与电磁仿真结果,验证了该设计的可行性。 相似文献
为了提高滤波器的带外噪声抑制,并兼顾小型化,提出了一种新型超宽带滤波器设计。首先,利用分路电磁耦合结构在通带两侧实现了2个传输零点,通过调节中间金属片与螺旋缺陷地可实现对2个零点的单独调节,由此实现了高带外抑制,且有利于滤波器的小型化;然后,利用基片集成波导与周期性缺陷地结构,在进一步提高频率选择性的同时,实现了较好的阻带性能;最后,设计并加工了一款工作频率为8.1 GHz、带宽为67%的滤波器。结果表明,仿真与测试结果吻合良好,证明了该设计方法的可靠性。 相似文献
通过对传统滤波器预畸设计法进行改进,得到一种新型的带通滤波器设计公式,它克服了在采用电容耦合或电感耦合带宽过窄及线性相位的问题.使用此方法设计了一个超宽带线性相位带通滤波器,并通过实验仿真证明其可行性. 相似文献
为有效减小S波段基片集成波导(Substrate Integrated Waveguide,SIW)滤波器的尺寸和插入损耗,提出了一种基于四分之一模基片集成波导(Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide,QMSIW)和八分之一模基片集成波导(Eighth-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide,EMSIW)交叉排列耦合的小型化带通滤波器;并针对提高滤波器选择性和带外抑制水平,通过设计源与负载耦合,实现传输零点的引入。设计了一款小型化带通滤波器,中心频率为3.7 GHz,相对带宽为18.9%,仿真测得最小插入损耗为0.55 dB,带外抑制大于40 dB,且标准化尺寸仅为0.24λ_0×0.11λ_0。通过制作实物验证,测试与仿真相吻合。 相似文献
在传统哑铃型缺陷接地结构(defected ground structure,DGS)的基础上,提出了一种分割地结构(split ground structure),通过在传统哑铃型DGS上添加一条缝,形成了SGS结构,不仅有低通特性,而且产生了高通特性,即具有带通特性。借助于HFSS软件,比较了传统哑铃型DGS与SGS的仿真结果,分析了SGS结构参数变化对其频率特性的影响。并以此为基础设计了一种新颖的超宽带(UWB)带通滤波器,中心频率6.85 GHz,相对带宽110%,上边带20 dB阻带抑制达20 GHz。仿真结果表明,该滤波器具有较好的频率特性,说明基于SGS的UWB带通滤波器设计的有效性和可行性。 相似文献
a compact microstrip-line ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter (BPF) using aperture-backed interdigital coupled lines and a stub-loaded folded stepped-impedance resonator (SLFSIR) is presented. in the design, the first four resonant frequencies of this SLFSIR are properly adjusted to be placed evenly within the UWB while the fifth resonant frequency is raised above 16.0 GHz to improve upper-stopband performance. furthermore, the aperture-backed interdigital coupled lines can create a transmission zero to cancel the fifth resonant mode of the SLFSIR to make a wider upper-stopband as well as raising the coupling degree to relax the tight line spacing. after optimisation of this filter, good UWB bandpass behaviour is theoretically realised and experimentally confirmed. 相似文献
A novel bandpass filter is presented using ring resonators employing corrugated couplers in order to provide suppression of the second harmonic. The filter exhibits a 2.0% bandwidth at a centre frequency of 2.604 GHz and provides a 39 dB suppression of the second harmonic. The constituent resonator is described and an analogous bandpass filter without corrugations is presented for comparison. 相似文献
高可靠性发夹型带通滤波器的设计与制作 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
依据微带发夹型带通滤波器的原理,进行了数学建模,并结合ADS2008的优化仿真功能对滤波器进行了优化设计。根据仿真结果,在高介电常数的陶瓷基板[MgTiO3-CaTiO3-Nd2O3,εr=18,Q·f=65000(7GHz),板厚度0.8mm]上制作了中心频率f0=3.5GHz、带宽为3.25~3.75GHz的滤波器。经测试发现,制得的滤波器具有良好的端口反射特性,可靠性高,基本满足3.25~3.75GHz频率范围内的特殊通讯要求。这表明本研究所用设计方法合理,适合于工程应用。 相似文献
A novel ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter with four resonant modes is proposed based on a parallel coupled microstrip line (PCML) with L- and C-shaped resonators. The coupling factor of the PCML structure depends on the impedance of the feeding network. The PCML coupling factor can be enhanced by using a feeding network with smaller characteristic impedance. With an L-shaped feeding network and C-shaped middle microstrip line a non-uniform resonator is constructed with the first two resonant modes falling within the UWB. The other two resonant modes within the UWB can be obtained by adjusting the width of both the L- and C-shaped resonators. Overall the designed filter exhibits good UWB passband behaviour with insertion loss < -0.2 dB and group delay < 0.15 ns. 相似文献
A compact planar microstrip UWB bandpass filter is proposed. It is realised by cascading a lowpass filter and a highpass filter. A transmission line with U-shaped slots coupled with two DGS units on the back of the circuit board has the characteristic of highpass, while a periodic uniform DGS array has the characteristic of lowpass. Combining these two structures, a new UWB bandpass filter (BPF) is fabricated and measured. Measured results show that the proposed BPF has wide bandwidth from 3.0 to 10.9 GHz, all the measured return loss less than 13 dB in the passband. The BPF achieves a wide stopband with 18 dB attenuation up to 18.0 GHz 相似文献
Tasher Ali Sheikh Janmoni Borah Sahadev Roy 《Radioelectronics and Communications Systems》2016,59(6):269-273
This paper considers a novel compact tri-band microstrip bandpass filter, the design of which employs asymmetric SIRs and DGS for achieving the characteristics of low insertion loss, high selectivity, wider range of bandwidth, and low group delay for 2.5/3.4 GHz (WiMAX) and 4.14–5.32 GHz (UWB) bands. The novel filter design implies the intentional selection of impedance ratio R and the length of the microstrip of asymmetric SIRs; in addition, DGS is used to improve the coupling strength of the last band. The scattering parameters of the three passbands have the following values: insertion losses S21 are–0.26/–0.07/–0.05 dB, and return losses S11 are–11.29/–19.25/–22.64 dB, respectively. The response of the filter was simulated using Ansoft HFSS simulator. 相似文献