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<正>(上接《塑料包装》2014年第5期)3塑料包装生命周期绿色化各环节技术的进展塑料包装生命周期绿色化的整体技术是各环节绿色化技术的组合,各环节的绿色化技术水平越高,生命周期绿色化的水平进步越快。了解和掌握塑料包装绿色化技术的进展及发展趋势,才能实施塑料包装绿色化生命周期的全套方案的创新创造。近年来,塑料包装绿色化技术的进展为我们展现了广阔的发展空间和努力的方向。应用  相似文献   

(上接《塑料包装》2015年第2期)3.3.4智能化视觉检测技术智能化检测技术是塑料包装制品绿色化不可缺少的技术。塑料包装制品及其灌装等整套工艺向超高速方向发展,普通的检测方法远远不能适应,研发和提高检测技术科技含量是塑料包装制品绿色化发展的可持续技术。智能化的视觉检测技术可以快速获取大量信息而且自动处理,根据判断的结果控制现场的设备运行,满足企业对产品越来越严格的绿色化检  相似文献   

(上接《塑料包装》2015年第1期)3.2.7安全健康化辅料塑料辅料成为塑料包装制品安全卫生的隐患。辅料使用导致的品质问题已成为塑料包装制品安全卫生指标不合格的重要原因之一,例如,国家质量监督检验总局通报2014年6月份不合适食品化妆品名单,食品添加剂超标、微生物污染和品质不合格等项目为主要不合格原因。国际上十分重视增塑剂的健康化。最近,美国消费品安全委员会慢性危害顾问小组(CHAP)  相似文献   

(上接《塑料包装》2014年第6期) 可降解生物基塑料 研发可降解生物基塑料,既减少对石油资源的消耗,更有利于减少“白色污染”、保护生态环境,是生物基塑料应用于薄膜类包装的发展方向.工业发达国家研究完全生物降解塑料已经数年,但至今真正的工业化产品还不多,这其中涉及到许多试验研究和工业生产的难题.绿色化包装材料的开发工作不仅是包装工业的事情,而且需要整个工业协作.不仅是工业企业,而且也需科研院所、高等院校合作.2011年,我国生物基材料总产量约45万吨,其中生物分解塑料的产量仅为4万~5万吨.  相似文献   

塑料包装是塑料加工业中发展最为迅速的行业之一。绿色化技术是塑料包装经济结构战略性调整的可持续发展观。我国是塑料包装“生产大国”和“应用大国”,但塑料包装技术与两个“大国”极不相称。特别在塑料包装绿色化技术更是远远落后于发达国家。发展缓慢。我国政府进一步加大塑料包装绿色化的扶持力度,财政部出台《包装行业高新技术研发资金管理办法》,支持包装行业积极开发新产品和采用新技术,促进循环经济和绿色环保包装产业发展,支持范围包括具有国际领先水平或填补国内空白、保障人身健康安全及符合环境保护要求的新型环保包装材料、包装减量化和节能化、包装废弃物处理和利用等符合国家宏观政策、环境保护和循环经济政策的项目。  相似文献   

塑料包装材料经历的20多年的发展历程,产量达到800多万吨,已经从最初的无包装、简陋包装发展到今天的精包装。随着社会经济的发展和物质文明程度的提高,人们的包装理念在发生着变化。如今越来越多的人们意识到,树立环境意识,跟上国际绿色包装的潮流,是缩短我国塑料包装与发达国家同行业的差距,  相似文献   

在全球可持续发展的浪潮下,混凝土这种消耗大量能源资源的行业成为了绿色化发展的重点对象。应从开发环保型混凝土、研究新水泥品种、大量使用人工骨料和矿物掺合料、合理使用减水剂、废弃混凝土的再生利用等几个方面推动混凝土的绿色化发展。  相似文献   

简要地介绍了塑料包装材料的发展状况,列举了塑料包装材料的优点。指出了塑料包装材料的几个发展方向。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used by practitioners and policy‐makers to help them understand the sustainability impacts of packaging. LCA is useful because it quantifies the impact of a product throughout its life cycle, from raw materials extraction through to disposal or recovery. However, it can only ever be one input to decisions about the design or procurement of packaging. LCA has limitations as a tool to measure environmental impact and it does not currently evaluate social or financial impact. This paper provides a critical review of the role of LCA in evaluating packaging sustainability. It does this by evaluating the results of LCA studies that compare different types of carry bags and their implications for policy and practice. The benefits and limitations of this type of analysis are discussed. The case study of plastic carry bags demonstrates that while a scientific understanding of life cycle impacts is essential to support informed decision‐making, a broader sustainability analysis is required to ensure that all relevant issues are considered. These include the functionality of alternative bags, their relative cost, convenience for consumers and retailers, and the availability of reuse and recovery systems. An alternative approach, which evaluates packaging design within a broader sustainability framework, is presented and discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the environmental performance of the process currently used to package and palletize ceramic floor and wall tiles, and to propose and analyse improvements from an environmental point of view. After developing a life cycle inventory of the primary and tertiary packaging, the life cycle assessment was applied according to mandatory and optional elements of ISO 14042. The results are presented in three parts: the first quantifies the environmental behaviour of the current packaging system, the second examines strategies focused on minimizing the environmental burdens of such critical elements, and the third quantifies the environmental improvements, compared with the initial situation, that are obtained with the application of each improvement. The simultaneous incorporation of all the proposed improvements into the packaging system can reduce impact within the 18–45% range, depending on the impact method that is applied. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By comparing existing studies and additional scenario calculations it was shown that energy data plays a central role in environmental life cycle assessments (LCA) of packaging materials. More attention should be paid to correctly linking environmental data from energy studies to packaging LCA, if possible adapting the data base to the local conditions. In general terms, it was shown that it is possible to calculate energy and packaging systems separately, because of the predominantly static links between the two. Scenario calculations show that the potential for reducing the environmental impact of packaging production by the use of cleaner energies is still considerable.  相似文献   

Today's demanding distribution challenges require engineers to choose from various types of materials, design and construction methods, to develop containers that can deliver goods with minimal damage. The challenge is even greater when packing and shipping goods which are perishable and sensitive to both physical and climatic changes in environment. In recent years the type of packaging material used to design and construct containers has undergone more scrutiny than ever, due to environmental challenges. This study focuses on two types of containers that have been designed and are being used to pack and ship fresh fruits and vegetables. The study compares the re‐usable plastic containers to single‐use display‐ready paper corrugated trays. Results show that, based on the scope of this study and comparing 10 different produce items, such as apples, carrots, grapes, oranges, onions, tomatoes, strawberries, etc., the re‐usable plastic containers require 39% less total energy, produce 95% less total solid waste and generate 29% less total greenhouse gas emissions. This study focused on the North American market. Major European nations have been using a large number of re‐usable plastic containers for these types of fresh produce for the past three decades. This study was initiated by the Franklin Associates, an independent consulting firm for allowing an in‐depth review of all data and results from a two year study titled: Life Cycle Inventory of Reusable Plastic Containers and Display‐Ready Corrugated Containers Used for Fresh Produce Applications. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents systematic packaging design tools integrating functional and environmental consequences on product life cycle. To design packaging for sustainability, the trade-offs between functional and environmental aspects of packaging throughout the product life cycle should be considered. However, it is difficult for packaging designers to understand the overall trade-offs because the extent of the design consequences on the entire life cycle of packaging and its contents is unclear. We developed two tools for packaging design: the Life Cycle Association Matrix (LCAM) and the Function Network Diagram (FND). The following three steps, based on literature reviews and interviews with industrial experts, were applied. Firstly, we listed the product functions and design variables related to the functions as the attributes allocated to the product life cycle. Secondly, the attributes were connected appropriately based on causal relationships. Lastly, we identified the factors to support decision making in the packaging design procedure. As a result, the LCAM depicts the design consequences on the life cycle, and the FND determines the stakeholders affected by the design consequences. Two case studies were demonstrated to analyze the trade-offs by using our tools. In the case studies, a liquid laundry detergent bottle and a milk carton were redesigned. The tools identified the design consequences and stakeholders affected by the redesign of the usability and protective function for the detergent and milk cases, respectively. The results showed the significance of understanding the design consequences on the product life cycle by integrating the functional and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

This paper presents a snapshot of key challenges encountered by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) devoted to green production systems acting on the call to substantiate their environmental claims. It highlights the overriding barriers of SMEs to meeting the standards for conducting credible product life cycle assessment (LCA), in terms of accessibility to customised data and epistemological limitations. This is illustrated using a real-world example describing the material and process flows for a recycling company. We demonstrate that the rigour towards compiling large (and in some cases nested) data sets, involving expert know-how and adequate representation of system boundary can pose operational barriers. This is underpinned by complications of conducting green production and process-based LCA, deemed essential in ascertaining product and process sustainability. Finally, the paper discusses issues highlighted by the case study and provides useful directions for production researchers, SMEs and consultants.  相似文献   

The manner in which recycling of plastic packaging is developing in the USA is outlined and the probable changes in the next decade are discussed. Suggestions as to how packaging professions should deal with the subject are made.  相似文献   

基于模糊层次分析法的可降解包装材料绿色度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了可降解包装材料的绿色度评价指标体系,运用模糊层次分析模型对其进行了评价和分析。通过问卷调查得到定性评价后,利用概率统计的原理对数据进行了处理,构造比较矩阵,并采用和积法计算最大特征根和特征向量,最终得到各指标的相对重要度。然后又计算得到各指标相对于被评价产品的综合重要度。用逻辑推理指派法确定各指标的隶属函数后,得到该指标的隶属度。根据各评价指标的隶属度和综合重要度运用线形加权的方法得到的植物纤维淀粉可降解包装材料的绿色度。最后把6种典型可降解包装材料和传统发泡塑料包装材料的绿色度进行了对比,认为生物质类可降解包装材料具有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

This study describes a holistic methodology for sustainable packaging design. This methodology studies the combined systems of packaging and the packaged products across the whole distribution chain from manufacturer to end consumer and the life cycle from raw material extraction to the waste phase. It contains a number of indicators that are grouped into the following main categories: environmental sustainability, distribution costs, product protection, market acceptance and user friendliness. The methodology integrates a number of different analytical methods. It is intended to be used in packaging design and optimisation, for idea generation, decision support and as documentation of properties of existing packaging systems. The study describes experiences with the methodology from one case study in the Norwegian Food Industry. The experiences show that the methodology is very comprehensive, and gives a good overview of the properties of a packaging solution. It enables quantitative comparisons between different packaging solutions throughout the design process. The methodology reduces the risk of implementing sub‐optimal packaging solutions. An additional benefit of the methodology is gained by working in cross‐functional teams. One potential drawback is that the methodology can be resource and data intensive. The methodology can be used as a tool box in packaging design, i.e. it is not necessary to use all methods and quantify all indicators to gain benefit. However, all indicators and requirements should be evaluated and considered. In all cases, it should be considered to include additional indicators if important sustainability issues have not been addressed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A streamlined (simplified) life cycle assessment of a conventional wooden pallet and an all‐weather, washable, re‐usable and fully recyclable plastic bulk transit packaging system used to transport empty yoghurt pottles, has been conducted using surrogate/proxy data from the Environmental Priorities Strategy (EPS) 2000 Default Method. This paper accounts for the life cycle inventory for each material used in the two transit packaging systems and their associated fabrication processes. The life cycle assessment was simplified by ignoring common factors such as the common nylon strap of both packaging systems, the common in‐house transportation, and the manufacture and maintenance of capital equipment. The system boundaries and assumptions made are also discussed. The functional unit adopted was the Environmental Load Units (ELU) of the EPS 2000 Default Method. The grand overall ELU for the wooden pallet and plastic packaging system are computed by considering the weight of the material, the volume of inventory and the distance travelled. The ELU of the wooden pallet was 18.455, while that for the plastic packaging was 4.574 at a 96.5% level of certainty. In the case of the wooden pallet, truck transport, the corrugated cardboard boxes and the LDPE liner and shrinkwrap impacted the environment most, while for the plastic packaging system truck transport and the LDPE liner were significant. The plastic packaging has a lower environmental impact than the wooden pallet for various reasons. It is lighter in weight, has more re‐usable parts and can transport more yoghurt pottles per trip. It has a long service life and is virtually fully recyclable. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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