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O phase precipitation and variant selection in Ti–22Al–25Nb alloy during the hot shear spinning are investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron backscattered second diffraction (EBSD), and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results show that the random O phase precipitates from the B2 matrix during the hot shear spinning. With the increase of reduction ratio, the average thickness of O precipitates increases from ≈0.18 to ≈0.50 μm. Meanwhile, the O precipitates show various morphologies, including lamella, short rod, and sphere. Twelve O variants simultaneously form in the parent B2 phase and the orientation relationship between the B2–O phases is confirmed as [?111] B2//[1–10] O and (110) B2//(001) O. Different patterns of dislocation are also found in the B2 matrix, such as dislocation tangles, dislocation nets, and dislocation arrays. They play an important role in the variant selection of O precipitates, resulting in the different angled combinations of O variants. In addition, massive dislocation piles up along the O/B2 interface and some dislocation wall generates within the O phase, which are benefit for the globularization of O precipitates.

目的 研究Nb47Ti合金在变形温度为600~750℃、应变速率为0.001~1s?1条件下的热变形行为和微观组织。方法 采用Gleeble-3500型热/力模拟试验机进行等温恒应变速率压缩实验,获得Nb47Ti合金热变形的真应力应变曲线,并利用EBSD技术手段分析热变形后的微观组织。结果 Nb47Ti合金在变形温度小于650℃、应变速率小于0.1s?1下热变形的真应力-应变曲线为动态再结晶型曲线,变形温度大于等于700℃时呈现为动态回复型曲线;峰值应力随变形温度的升高和应变速率的减小而减小;在变形温度为650℃、应变速率为0.001 s?1下热变形组织以再结晶晶粒和亚晶粒为主,随着应变速率的增大,动态再结晶晶粒不断减少,而亚晶粒和变形晶粒增多,晶粒得到显著细化。当应变速率为0.1 s?1时,随着变形温度的增加,晶粒尺寸增大,变形温度升高至750℃,热变形组织中亚晶粒所占比例高达50.5%。结论 Nb47Ti合金是温度和正应变速率敏感材料,随变形温度的升高和应变速率的增大,变形过程中动态回复软化机制更为显著,低温、高应变速率下变形获得的再结晶晶粒尺寸小。  相似文献   

The yield strengths of Ti–Al–Nb alloys, which undergo stress-induced martensitic transformation, prior to the onset of plastic deformation during tensile testing, were found to obey the Hall–Petch relationship with grain size. The overall friction stress was observed to decrease with increase in Nb content while it remained more or less unchanged with increase in Al content in these alloys. On the other hand, the overall , the unpinning constant, which is an index of the efficiency of boundaries as obstacle to dislocation motion, was found to increase with increase in Nb and decrease with increase in Al content in these alloys.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate the fatigue strength of Ti–6Al–4V using an ultrasonic fatigue system. Fatigue testing up to 109 cycles under fully reversed loading was performed to determine the ultra-high cycle fatigue behavior of Ti–6Al–4V. Endurance limit results were compared to similar data generated on conventional servohydraulic test systems and electromagnetic shaker systems to determine if there are any frequency effects. Fatigue specimens were tested with and without cooling air to determine the effects of increased specimen temperature caused by internal damping due to cycling at a very high frequency. An infrared camera was also used to record specimen temperatures at various load levels. Results indicate that the effects of frequency, including internal heating, on the very high cycle fatigue behavior of Ti–6Al–4V are negligible under fully reversed loading conditions.  相似文献   

Hot compressive behaviors of Ti–6Al–2Zr–1Mo–1V alloy at 1073 K, as well as the evolution of microstructure during deformation process, were investigated in this paper. The results shows that flow stress increases up to a peak stress, then decease with increasing strain, and forms a stable stage at last. The grain size also shows an decrease at first and increase after a minimum value. Dislocations are observed to produce at the interface of α/β phase, and the phase interface and dislocation circle play an important role in impeding the movement of dislocation. As strain increase, micro-deformation bands with high-density dislocation are founded, and dynamic recrystallization occurs.  相似文献   

Dynamic recrystallization(DRX) behaviors of a heat-resistant martensitic stainless steel 403Nb during hot deformation have been investigated by single-pass thermo-mechanical simulative experiment at temperatures of 900-1150 C and strain rates of 0.01-1 s 1.The results show that the true stress-true strain curves of this alloy can be classified into two types,one is of dynamic recovery and the other is of dynamic recrystallization.The DRX in 403Nb alloy is easy to occur at strain rates lower than 0.5 s 1 and deformation temperatures higher than 1000 C.Using regression analysis,the stress multiplier(α) and apparent stress exponent(n) were calculated to be 0.0153 and 3.22,respectively,while the activation energy(Q d) for DRX of 403Nb was calculated to be 367.293 kJ/mol.The constitutive equation of peak stress for DRX was also obtained.Based on P-J method,the critical strain for DRX was accurately determined.The mathematical models of peak strain and kinetic equation for DRX of 403Nb steel were finally established.  相似文献   

The tensile deformation behavior of Ti–3Al–4.5V–5Mo titanium alloy was studied. The results show that there are obvious yield points on true stress–true strain curves of annealing structures, then a stress drop occurs. The curves show linear work-softening after yielding at annealing temperature of 720–780 °C and linear work-hardening at annealing temperature of 800–840 °C. Elastic energy stored in the α-phase is dramatically released after plastic deformation of the β-phase, which leads to the stress drop.  相似文献   

Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE), with simultaneous application of back pressure, has been applied to the consolidation of 10 mm diameter billets of pre-alloyed, hydride–dehydride Ti–6Al–4V powder at temperatures ≤400 °C. The upper limit to processing temperature was chosen to minimise the potential for contamination with gaseous constituents potentially harmful to properties of consolidated product. It has been demonstrated that the application of ECAE with imposed hydrostatic pressure permits consolidation to in excess of 96% relative density at temperatures in the range 100–400 °C, and in excess of 98% at 400 °C with applied back pressure ≥175 MPa. ECAE compaction at 20 °C (back pressure = 262 MPa) produced billet with 95.6% relative density, but minimal green strength. At an extrusion temperature of 400 °C, the relative density increased to 98.3%, for similar processing conditions, and the green strength increased to a maximum 750 MPa. The relative density of compacts produced at 400 °C increased from 96.8 to 98.6% with increase in applied back pressure from 20 to 480 MPa, while Vickers hardness increased from 360 to 412 HV. The key to the effective low-temperature compaction achieved is the severe shear deformation experienced during ECAE, combined with the superimposed hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

目的 通过Deform-3D软件模拟42CrMoA钢的热压缩过程,研究在压缩量为60%、变形温度为950~ 1 100 ℃和应变速率为0.01~10 s1条件下42CrMoA钢再结晶模型的可靠性。方法 将热压缩试样沿轴线对半分开,以试样中心和边部位置作为金相观察区,分析42CrMoA钢的热变形行为,将计算得到的动态再结晶临界模型输入Deform-3D软件的前处理模块中,模拟过程的变形参数与实验过程的相同,通过在模拟试样的心部和边部位置进行点追踪,实现模拟结果和实验结果中组织的对比分析。结果 在压缩过程中42CrMoA钢真应力的变化受加工硬化和动态软化协同作用影响。随着温度的升高,试样心部和边部的再结晶体积分数均有所上升,且试样心部动态再结晶体积分数大于边部的。模拟结果显示,当温度由1 000 ℃升高至1 100 ℃时,试样心部动态再结晶体积分数由75.6%升高至89.5%,在相同条件下,通过金相观察到试样心部的动态再结晶体积分数由73.2%升高至85.3%。结论 基于Johnson-Mehl-Avrami模型改进的Yada再结晶模型可以较好地描述42CrMoA钢的动态再结晶过程,实验结果与模拟结果间的相对误差小于8.35%,验证了动态再结晶模型的准确性。  相似文献   

目的 研究GH3028镍基合金动态再结晶过程中的晶粒尺寸变化情况,明晰微观组织形貌的演变规律。方法 利用DST3000PC型动态热模拟实验机,在温度为1 050~1 300℃、应变速率为1×10-3~1×10-1 s-1、最大应变量为58%的条件下对GH3028镍基合金进行热压缩实验,通过构建动态再结晶和晶粒尺寸演变数值计算模型并结合实验进行验证。结果 峰值应力随温度的上升而有所下降,在1050~1300℃温度范围内,温度越高,合金试样越容易趋于稳态,动态再结晶特点越为明显。通过对实验数据进行优化和拟合,根据峰值应力值计算出热变形激活能Q为516 kJ/mol,进而求解出热变形方程。建立动态再结晶模型及晶粒尺寸模型,观察动态再结晶过程中的微观组织,发现当温度、应变速率不变时,动态再结晶的体积分数随应变量的增大而增大。温度的提升会显著增大动态再结晶体积分数和动态再结晶晶粒尺寸。晶粒尺寸受温度和应变速率的双重影响逐渐趋于稳态变化。结论 通过对模型预测值与实际实验数据进行对比,发现该模型可以实现对晶粒尺寸变化的预测,模型预测平...  相似文献   

采用Gleeble-1500D热模拟实验机研究ZnAl10Cu2合金在变形温度180~330℃、应变速率0.01~30s-1、真应变0.3~1.2时的热变形组织演化行为。结果表明:在不同变形条件下,共晶中的片状α2相发生了不同程度的球化和弯折,其球化程度随着应变速率的降低、变形温度的升高、真应变的增大而增加;同时,基体β相发生了动态再结晶。当变形温度小于270℃时,随着变形温度的升高,再结晶晶粒更为细小均匀。变形温度进一步升高,晶粒出现局部长大;当应变速率小于1s-1时,动态再结晶晶粒随应变速率的增大而减小;应变速率约为1s-1时,晶粒细小均匀;应变速率继续增加时,动态再结晶晶粒出现不均匀现象。  相似文献   

目的 建立本构方程及动态再结晶模型,描述热变形条件对Ti-Al-Nb合金动态再结晶以及合金软化的影响规律。方法 基于热模拟压缩变形试验,获得Ti-Al-Nb系合金在不同热变形工艺参数下的应力应变曲线。采用双曲正弦模型表征流动应力,通过线性回归等数据处理方式求得各参数的具体数值。结果 求得动态再结晶活化能Q=197.626 kJ/mol,材料常数A的平均值为3.173×106,建立流动应力本构方程。Z/A为无量纲参数,通过最小二乘线性拟合求得ε*=344×105(Z/A)0.495,εc=16.15(Z/A)0.24。结论 Ti-Al-Nb系合金在峰值应力出现之前均发生了动态再结晶:当应变速率较高时,在流动稳定前会发生强烈的软化,曲线显现双峰;当应变速率较低时,在加工硬化和软化作用达到平衡后逐渐进入稳定阶段,此时曲线显现单峰。研究结果将为Ti-Al-Nb系合金的精密塑性成形提供一定的技术参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

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