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用过渡金属氧化物MnO2、FeO3、CuO、CO2O3等为主要原料,掺入少量杂质,采用传统的电子陶瓷工艺,制备出红外陶瓷粉料,然后选择合适的粘合剂与粉料混合,调制成常温远红外辐射浆料,涂覆在织物上烘干,在40℃下测得其法向全发射率为87%。  相似文献   

江涛 《红外》1997,(3):20-24

高精度中远红外辐射定标技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
红外辐射定标是红外遥感信息定量化的关键技术之一.从我国空间红外传感器的发展要求出发,结合国外基于绝对低温辐射计的红外辐射定标技术研究状况,提出了利用宽波段可调谐激光器和球状InSb、HgCdTe光电探测器以及薄膜热电堆探测器TS-76来实现高精度中远红外辐射定标的技术方案.  相似文献   

王宝明  杨滨 《红外技术》1998,20(3):42-44
研究了一类常温,高效有要无机物相结合的新型远红外辐射材料。通过对30种不同配方材料热发射率的测试,分析了它与材料成份,含量,加工条件等的关系,这些材料对防病治病和康复有一定作用。  相似文献   

陆燕  王媚君  葛逸伦  许晨 《红外》2022,43(3):40-52
对地观测任务"远红外出射辐射认知和监测(Far-infrared Outgoing Radia-tion Understanding and Monitoring,FORUM)"在2019年被选定为欧洲空间局(Eu-ropean Space Agency,ESA)"生命的行星计划"中"地球探测器"的第9个任务.FORU...  相似文献   

顾聚兴 《红外》2003,(12):37-37
美国空军研究实验室和Lehigh大学的研究人员用一块GaSe晶体产生出具有宽可调范围的中远红外辐射,其长波可延伸至28μm以外,其4μm波长处的峰值功率达2.2kW。该装置采用了差频发生原理,其形  相似文献   

李杨  刘贤德 《红外技术》1991,13(4):26-28
本文首次偿试将Monte Carlo计算方法引入红外辐射和传输特性的研究中,建立了辐射源的物理模型,空气传输介质的物理模型,应用了计算机模拟。计算机模拟计算结果与实验结果很吻合。  相似文献   

张达有 《红外技术》1991,13(3):25-27
论述了YHW直热式远红外元件在没有外敷涂料和电炉丝作发热源的情况下,靠自身导电发热、辐射红外线的工作原理及其在工业生产中的应用特点。  相似文献   

远红外辐射釉料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴玮  刘永芬 《红外技术》1992,14(1):41-44
远红外辐射釉料是一种非晶态结构的高效远红外辐射材料,由高效辐射材料和过渡性基质材料组成。本文介绍了高效辐射材料和基质材料各自的和组成后的配方、特性以及烧结工艺,给出了远红外辐射釉料光谱图、X射线衍射图等,得出在高于500K时的全法向发射率ε>0.90,热膨胀系数为3×10~(-6)℃~(-1),与金属基底相近,机械强度高,可广泛应用于军事加温装置和民用加热设备。  相似文献   

景丽珠 《红外技术》1992,14(2):44-46
本文介绍了镀金双孔异型远红外石英玻璃加热器的应用概况,以及它的结构、特点、原理、技术性能和设计、使用方法。  相似文献   

We have carried out a detailed investigation on the application of resonant cavities to the photon-frequency-upconversion-based far-infrared (FIR) semiconductor imaging devices. The employment of a bottom mirror (BM) enhances the FIR photon absorption efficiency and, therefore, increases the quantum efficiency of GaAs homojunction interfacial work- function internal photoemission (HIWIP) FIR detectors. Significant improvement of the extraction efficiency could be achieved in resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) GaAs-AlGaAs near-infrared (NIR) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) through redirecting as many NIR photons as possible into the escape cone. Under the optimal structural parameters, we have predicted that the upconversion quantum efficiency of the integrated HIWIP-BM-RCE-LED imaging device could be boosted to 5-6 times of the normal HIWIP-LED upconverter without any resonant cavities. As a consequence of few reincarnation cycles needed by NIR photons to escape in the photon recycling process, we can further expect sharp and high-resolution imaging in HIWIP-BM-RCE-LED  相似文献   

The output intensity of optically pumped NH3 molecules far-infrared laser (NH3-OPFIRL) was calculated by solving the density matrix equation and by means of iteration method. Meanwhile, the spectral characteristic of AC Stark splitting was studied. Finally, the F-P interferogram of NH3-OPFIRL pumped by CO2-10R(8) line was measured. The experimental results were in good agreement with the theoretical calculation results.  相似文献   

In an optically pumped far-infrared laser (OPFIRL) system, the infrared (IR) pumping laser with collision broadening which was closer to the practice was considered. A more precise mathematical model was set up. When the IR pumping laser line had the Lorentz function structure, by solving the semi-classic density matrix equations, the generalized form of FIR signal gain Gs and IR pumping signal absorption coefficient Gp were obtained.  相似文献   

Gyrokinetic study is presented to the effect of the electron-beam misalignment on a far-infrared cylindrical-cavity gyrotron oscillator constructed by a Japanese research group. Agreement is found between the theory and the experimental observation. The influences of the operating magnetic field and the electron-beam energy are discussed with the electron-beam misalignment taken into account. It is found that the starting current notably increased because of the existence of the electron-beam misalignment.  相似文献   

Magnetoplasma reflection-beam isolators for submillimeter-wave use are discussed in theory and experiment. The basic device uses the Kerr transverse magnetooptic effect (plane of polarization of the EM wave in the plane of incidence, which is perpendicular to a dc magnetic field) in InSb near room temperature. When the semiconductor slab is covered with a thin dielectric layer acting as a matching transformer, improved performance is predicted and observed at 337 /spl mu/m, and very efficient isolator performance is predicted for 118 /spl mu/m. Physical arguments are presented to explain the nonreciprocal phenomenon and lead to better device design.  相似文献   

Reported far-infrared laser lines for five different transition systems of CH3NH2 optically pumped by a CO2 laser have been identified spectroscopically through a high-resolution Fourier transform infrared study of the C-N stretching band together with CO2-laser/microwave-sideband broad-scan and Lamb-dip measurements. From the infrared analysis plus previous far-infrared (FIR) results for the ground vibrational state, quantum numbers have been assigned for seven methylamine FIR laser transitions and their C-N stretching pump absorptions coincident with the CO2 laser lines. The assignments are confirmed through the use of closed frequency combination loops that also provide improved FIR laser frequencies to spectroscopic accuracy.  相似文献   

Compact quasi-optics are difficult to design with any confidence using techniques developed for visible wavelengths. In this paper we investigate the performance of existing software design tools (ASAP, CODE V, GLAD) as well as a Gaussian beam mode analysis technique not yet available as commercial software. We have devised a set of test cases and used these to study the underlying methodologies and physics of these packages and we probe their suitability for the analysis of submillimetre-wave systems and components. We have used the physical optics package GRASP as our benchmark software.  相似文献   

磷烟的远红外遮蔽特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文应用Mie理论,计算了磷烟在7.6~12.8μm波段各波长下的消光因子Q_(ex)、散射效率因子Q_(sc)和吸收效率因子Q_(ab),并用遥光源傅里叶变换红外光谱法测量了磷烟在相应波段的消光光谱。研究结果表明,磷烟对远红外辐射具有一定的遮蔽效果,理论计算与实验测量结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

为实现远红外大气窗口(8~14 μm)的低红外透过率,基于六边形环状结构设计了双屏远红外频率选择表面(FSS).仿真结果表明,该结构在8~14 μm波段的平均透过率低于5%.对该结构的表面电流分析说明,谐振单元表面感应出的对称分布电流以及双屏结构之间的耦合效应使得散射场增强,透过率降低.研究了该结构在不同入射角和不同极化条件下的传输特性,结果表明该结构在8~14μm具有良好的角度稳定性和极化稳定性.分析了介质层介电常数、厚度以及损耗角正切对该FSS传输特性的影响,结果表明介质层介电常数对FSS的谐振频率和带宽有较大影响.  相似文献   

A compact and efficient mirror-less cavity is presented for an optically pumped 192-μm far-infrared laser. With a gold-coated mirror and 30°-inclined anti-reflection coated Ge plate serving as highly reflective mirrors, a folded mirror-less CH3F cavity is achieved. Maximum energy of 0.72 mJ is obtained with the pump energy of 600 mJ, which gives an energy increment of 75% in comparison with the previous 1.85-m mirror-less system. The beam divergence angle of the FIR radiation from this folded mirror-less cavity is measured to be 14.2 mrad.  相似文献   

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