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产品意象仿生设计作为产品设计的一种方法,其极具文化内涵的设计宗旨逐渐被人们认同和接受。文化元素作为最具代表性的设计对象,通过对其特殊性的研究进行重新分类,利用仿生设计的思维方式总结出文化元素在产品意象仿生设计中的运用过程,力求把握该方法的设计实质。  相似文献   

本文通过对仿生形态及其美感的研究、分析现有的成功的设计实例,总结出仿生设计的一些规律,为在家具设计中采用仿生形态设计方法提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

为提高产品意象形态辅助设计过程中的效率和质量,提出了模拟设计思维过程的 辅助方法。通过产品意象形态认知实验,对设计师的思维过程进行解析,将其设计活动分解为 3 个部分:命题分析、生成创意解、优化创意解。针对其中的关键节点策略,分别运用层次分 析法、有向相似性法、逼近理想解法、神经网络、遗传算法等建立对应的模拟模型,最后结合 复古造型水龙头的设计方案验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

多工作模式产品配色意象的灰色评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对产品开发过程中的色彩规划问题,考虑多工作模式产品的配色特征,构建一种多工作模式产品的配色意象评价模型.基于灰色关联分析法建立产品方案色彩与意象之间的关联模型,运用灰色聚类法判断产品配色方案的意象值;将产品各工作模式下的配色意象同时作为评价属性并赋予相应的权值,进行综合评价.文中方法兼顾了多工作模式产品色彩面积的可变性和消费者主观意象的不确定性,将多工作模式产品的配色意象评价方法置于灵活、直观的框架中.最后以工程机械产品为应用实例,证明该方法较单属性评价方法更为贴近消费者的主观意象.  相似文献   

文章从仿生学入手,通过描述它对人们生活产生的重要影响,说明了其与产品设计的密切关系;而后又分别从形态、功能、材料等几个要素角度出发,分析了仿生学思维在体育运动类产品设计中的实际应用以及今后在设计领域中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍仿生设计的相关概念,论述了仿生设计的方法,同时对该设计方法的特点进行了总结,指出了它的应用场合,为仿生设计法的实施奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

针对陶瓷茶具造型老旧、形式单一的问题,构建了基于用户感性意象的陶瓷茶具 形态设计方法。以感性意象理论为基础,采用定性及定量相结合的研究方法,研究用户感性意 象与陶瓷茶具形态要素之间的量化关系。通过对陶瓷茶具形态构成要素的分析,确定了茶壶为 主要研究对象;采用语义差分法、因素分析法和多元线性回归分析法,探测消费者对陶瓷茶壶 形态的感性评价,利用数据统计分析量化用户感性意象与陶瓷茶壶形态设计的对应关系,并通 过设计实例验证此方法的正确性。研究结果拓展了以用户为中心的产品形态设计的新方法,对 探求用户意象偏好的陶瓷茶具形态设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

产品形态设计思维是创造性思维在产品设计中的具体应用。产品形态设计是以可视的立体形态作为设计的起点和终点,具有不同于工程设计的思考方法。本文着重探讨设计过程中不同阶段的思维特点和思考方法。包括形态仿生思维、形态联想思维、形态发散思维、草图形象思维。旨在通过分析形态设计过程中各不同阶段思维的特点和方法,探讨出形态设计过程中的思维方式和应用方法。  相似文献   

针对概念设计中多意象设计方案决策困难的现象,提出了一种产品形态多意象蛛网灰靶决策方法。首先,运用感性工学相关方法获取设计主体的认知数据,结合熵权法及博弈论思想构建基于设计主体认知数据的综合评价模型,并根据各意象的设计主体综合评价数据确定各意象的权重关系;其次,通过人工选择的方式从产品形态进化系统中选择多个进化方案,运用蛛网图表征各进化方案的意象关系,构建多意象蛛网灰靶决策模型,计算决策系数,对其进行比较排序,得到符合设计主体认知的相对最优方案;最后,应用灰色关联分析法验证该决策模型的可行性。结果表明,该模型能够帮助设计师在设计决策阶段快速、准确地确定符合多设计主体认知的多意象方案,为产品方案的多意象决策提供了新的理论和方法。  相似文献   

本文通过从形态、功能、情趣等三方面对日用陶瓷产品的仿生设计进行分析,反映了日用陶瓷的仿生设计不仅巧妙地表达功效,传达自然审美,还借助仿生造型取得情感共鸣。  相似文献   

针对产品方案设计中用户反馈信息处理、转化问题,提出了交互式产品设计方法,建立了以用户交互式评价为核心的"指标-结构-基因"产品设计模型。该模型应用模糊集与粗糙集理论处理用户评价信息;利用灰色系统理论,应用层次分析法建立评价指标体系,实现由指标体系到产品结构的转换;采用遗传算法,通过产品结构基因编码,根据用户交互式评价,获得产品进化设计方案。以某企业婴儿手推车产品方案设计为例,阐述了应用该方法进行产品方案设计的一般步骤。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了计算机辅助设计中实体造型常用的方法。如基于树结构、基于关键点的遗传算法、同伦映射法等,并通过实验结果进一步加深了对上述各方法的解释。  相似文献   

This paper presents a neural network based approach to modeling consumers' affective responses for product form design. A theoretical framework for a single user's perception is developed. On the basis of this theoretical framework, a mathematical model which enables single users' responses to different products to be predicted was developed. The results obtained show that the mathematical models developed achieved highly accurate predictions.For the purpose of obtaining a global model various individual mathematical models were created, which were based on the opinions of users representing different groups of opinion. The results suggest that, under some conditions, the combined use of various models of individual users can perform as well as a single model generated on the basis of mean market responses.  相似文献   

基于组合原理和遗传算法的产品形态创新设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析遗传算法在产品形态设计领域中的现状和局限性,在结合遗传算法本身的特点上引入了组合原理。提取不同产品的形态特征曲线,采用曲线树的方式来编码曲线,通过组合原理和遗传算法对由树节点编码的形态特征曲线实施交叉、变异、选择等操作,产生新的后代。最后通过实例,验证了文中算法的执行过程和可行性。  相似文献   

The parameter-based technique provides an efficient and valid means of constructing 3-D geometric models in many CAD software systems. However, its use is generally restricted to the design of mechanical components with regular configurations, and it is not ideally suited to product form and color design. This paper proposes a rapid conceptual design approach, which creates color-rendered forms and combines parameter-based features with fuzzy neural network theorems and gray theory to predict their image evaluation. Two evaluation models (Evaluation Model I and Evaluation Model II) are developed and applied in a case study of an electronic door lock design. Model I uses a fuzzy neural network to predict the overall image, while Model II uses a gray clustering operation for the color image evaluation and two fuzzy neural networks for the form image evaluation and the overall image evaluation. The results show that the image prediction capability of Model II is superior to that of Model I (RMSE: 0.062 versus 0.105). Furthermore, the overall image evaluation is dominated by the door lock's color rather than by its form (RMSE: 0.071 versus 0.162). The dominance of color in determining the image evaluation may be due to the specified image words, form evolution restrictions, or the membership grade ranges of the test color samples and the test form samples, etc. Having established the superiority of Model II, it is applied to develop a consultative design interface integrated with a professional CAD system in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed product design and image evaluation approach. The design system presented in this study enables a designer to predict the likely image tendencies of a designed product without the need to create and test a prototype model. Hence, he or she can make any design parameter modifications necessary to ensure that the finished product meets its specified image goals.  相似文献   

带形状参数样条曲线的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何通过调整形状参数修改曲线形状是计算机辅助几何设计中一个有意义的研究课题.为了有效地利用形状参数来调整曲线的形状,增强修改曲线的灵活性,研究了5种带形状参数B样条曲线的表示方法及性质,这些曲线模型都可以通过改变形状参数的取值,调整曲线接近控制多边形的程度,从而得到不同位置的连续曲线.分析了每种造型方法的形状参数对曲线形状的影响,给出了形状参数的适用范围,比较了5种造型方法的特点.通过大量的公式推导和实验,提出了利用形状参数不同取值来表示一些自由曲线的新方法,并用实例进行了说明.实验证明,C-B样条曲线、带形状参数的均匀B样条曲线、带形状参数双曲多项式的均匀B样条曲线、带形状参数三角多项式的均匀B样条曲线都可利用形状参数的特定取值表示一些工业领域常用的自由曲线,这比起用控制顶点表示同样的自由曲线更为简单.  相似文献   

为设计出符合消费者感性需求的产品,提出基于结合分析的产品意象造型 设计方法。首先采用多元尺度法和聚类分析法选择典型样本,进而应用形态分析法确定产品 的属性和各属性的水平。其次,利用因子分析法确定产品的感性意象,并用造型吸引力对其 进行整合。在此基础上,使用对应分析法对感性意象和产品属性的关系进行探讨。最后,利 用结合分析建立二者之间的数学模型。该文结合办公座椅进行研究,结果表明该方法是正确 可行的。  相似文献   

Consumer preferences regarding product design are often affected by a large variety of form features. Traditionally, the quality of product form design depended heavily on designers’ intuitions and did not always prove to be successful in the marketplace. In this study, to help product designers develop appealing products in a more effective manner, an approach based on fuzzy support vector machines (fuzzy SVM) is proposed. This constructs a classification model of product form design based on consumer preferences. The one-versus-one (OVO) method is adopted to handle a multiclass problem by breaking it into various two-class problems. Product samples were collected and their form features were systematically examined. To formulate a classification problem, each product sample was assigned a class label and a fuzzy membership that corresponded to this label. The OVO fuzzy SVM model was constructed using collected product samples. The optimal training parameter set for the model was determined by a two-step cross-validation. A case study of mobile phone design is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The performance of fuzzy SVM is also compared with SVM. The results of the experiment show that fuzzy SVM performed better than SVM.  相似文献   

Form and color matching design are vital links in product design. Recently, many scholars have focused on quantifying visual aesthetics to improve design efficiency in form or color matching design activities. However, few scholars have considered both form and color matching. Therefore, we propose a more comprehensive and practical design model based on the aesthetics theory of form and color matching. This model includes 3 phases: preparation (Phase I), form design (Phase II), and color matching design (Phase III). In Phase I, the target product's functional system and design objectives are clarified. In Phase II, the spatial layouts of the target product are analysed, and several reasonable layouts are designed in detail. Finally, the form with the highest aesthetic measurement is selected from alternatives using the modified equilibrium formula and questionnaire. In Phase III, a group of colors conforming to the target imagery is selected from a color palette. Meanwhile, a set of appropriate observation angles are chosen using an expert questionnaire. Subsequently, three-color combinations with higher color harmony are filled into images with different observation angles. Finally, the aesthetics of color matching schemes are obtained using the formula of color matching, and the scheme with a higher average value of the aesthetic measurement from all observation angles is considered the best scheme. This paper takes the fresh food vehicle and leafless fan as the cases. The best form and color matching scheme are obtained using the formula of aesthetic measurement and verified with an expert questionnaire. The result shows consistency between the results of the quantization formula and the expert questionnaire, which confirms the effectiveness of this design model. The proposed design model could improve the design efficiency and ensure the products' visual aesthetics.  相似文献   

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