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Sera from 30 of 303 (9.9%) unselected term newborn infants were deficient in their ability to opsonize heat-killed baker's yeasts, an incidence which is almost double that seen in adults. Genetic influence is important in some since the mothers of 10 infants with defective opsonization showed the same defect, but it was not related to the sex or race of the infant or to the atopic state of the parents. In others the defect could be due to a functional maturation delay of the complement system, but not to inhibitory factors in neonatal serum since correction of opsonization was achieved with subopsonizing amounts of normal sera. Significantly more infants had sera with high opsonizing capacity (greater than 80% yeasts phagocytosed) when compared with adults; perhaps antibody independent immune mechanisms like this are important in the newborn. This study shows that a common specific immunodeficiency which may predispose to severe infection or atopy can be identified at birth.  相似文献   

Examined the relation of marital complaints to family history in 1,624 psychiatric outpatients. Marital complaints were recognized to be an aspect of a broader "depressive spectrum disorder" with distinctive age, gender, alcohol, and neurotic depressive symptom characteristics. However, holding constant the depressive spectrum characteristics, a specific independent relation of marital complaints to family history of parental marital discord was verified. It is concluded that marital problems have 2 primary etiologies in the psychiatric population, one as part of a broader depressive spectrum disorder and the other a more specific familial behavior patterning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study of 71 patients shows that the initial symptoms often cannot differentiate spinal cord arteriovenous malformation from other lesions causing cord dysfunction, but the picture at the time of presentation may suggest the diagnosis. Most patients are males with neurologic findings referable to the thoracolumbar area who present with gradually progressive pain, weadness, sensory distubance, and disturbance of micturition. Early impairment of micturition may help suggest this lesion because it is less likely to be an early complaint in patients with disk disease or tumor affecting the spinal cord. Symptoms occasionally vary with posture and exercise and menses. Most commonly there are combined upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron manifestations with nonradicular sensory deficit. The cerebrospinal fluid is abnormal in more than 75% of cases. The myelogram is positivie in 75 to 90% of cases and the angiogram is almost always diagnostic.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests a reduced pain sensitivity in hypertensive individuals. This study sought to extend this work to normotensive individuals with hypertensive parents. Men with a positive (PH+) or negative (PH-) parental history for hypertension rated their pain every 15 s during a 90-s hand cold pressor test and for 90 s after the cold pressor test. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures and heart rate were measured throughout. After the cold pressor test, the men recalled their pain using the McGill Pain Questionnaire. PH+ men showed greater SBP and DBP responses to the cold pressor test. Although pain ratings during the cold pressor test did not differ between groups, posttest reported pain receded faster in the PH+ than in the PH- men. The PH+ men also reported less total pain on the McGill. These findings support the hypothesis that risk for hypertension may be associated with attenuated pain responses to nociceptive stimuli.  相似文献   

We investigated the familial associations of asthma and atopic disease in a population in which the prevalence of asthma and atopy is increasing. Interviewer administered abbreviated family history questionnaires were applied in 416 families with a total of 1005 children ascertained through index children attending fracture and dressing clinics. The prevalence of reported asthma (22.5%), eczema (24%) and hayfever (20%) in the children was high but similar to previous studies in this population. Asthma was reported in 20.8% of children of parents without a history of asthma and 18% of children of parents without any history of atopic disease. Logistic regression analysis of outcomes in the index children showed increased risk of atopic disease associated with parental history of the same atopic disease. The presence of an affected sibling was associated with an increased risk of eczema (OR 3.04 CI 1.83-5.05) or hayfever (OR 1.79 CI 0.97-3.3) but not asthma (OR 1.18 CI 0.66-2.08). Increasing number of siblings was associated with reduced risk although this was significant only for hayfever (OR 0.62 CI 0.41-0.86). Although the presence of affected relatives is associated with an increased risk of atopic disease the high prevalence of reported atopic disease, particularly asthma. in children of parents without a family history of atopic disease suggests that much of the increase in asthma prevalence is occurring in children without a significant genetic predisposition. Childhood asthma developing in what would previously have been regarded as low risk families may differ in its aetiology from classical atopic asthma.  相似文献   

Asthma and airways hyperresponsiveness are the respiratory manifestations of sensitization to exogenous materials including protein allergens and chemical sensitizers that may trigger ongoing inflammation and respiratory symptomatology in those people who are predisposed to develop the asthmatic syndrome. That genetics plays a major role in this particular syndrome is without question, since twin studies have shown a greater prevalence of disease for monozygotic as opposed to dizygotic twins. There have been the beginnings of the development of an approach to a number of candidate genes for major genetic input in the asthmatic syndrome. However, unlike cystic fibrosis or even other autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as juvenile diabetes and/or multiple sclerosis, a single gene or a significant set of major genes may not be easily identified. Rather the small contribution of multiple genes and/or sets of genes may be summed together and added to environmental exposure in people who will develop asthmatic syndromes. The identification of a genetic component to asthma would be of great significance. Even without a major or predominant gene, identification of the minor sets of genes interacting to cause asthma would represent a great advance. Knowledge of those minor genetic alleles involved in asthma susceptibility would allow great latitude in offering diagnostic screening and new therapeutic interventions in asthma.  相似文献   

Objective: Examined the relation of alcohol abuse history to emotional adjustment and pressure sore occurrence during the 1st 3 years following Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Study Design: Comparisons were made between varying levels of prior abuse and depression and disability acceptance. A model predicting pressure sore occurrence over 3 years was computed. Participants: One hundred seventy-five persons completed the self-report measures; 105 were available for pressure sore evaluations. Main Outcome Measures: The Inventory to Diagnose Depression, the Acceptance of Disability Scales, and pressure sore occurrence. Results: Alcohol abuse was not associated with depression or disability acceptance. Severe alcohol abuse history was associated with pressure sores over the 3 years. Conclusions: Persons with prior history of severe alcohol abuse may be at increased risk for pressure sore occurrence during the 1st years of SCI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1986, we reported a group of 29 patients who were positive in serum for antimitochondrial antibody (AMA), the disease-specific marker for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), but who had normal liver function test results and no symptoms of liver disease. However, liver histology was diagnostic or compatible with PBC in 24 patients and normal in only two. The aims of this 10-year follow-up study were to establish whether patients with AMA have very early PBC, to assess the outlook for such patients, and to follow the progression of the disease. METHODS: All patients were assessed every year at our PBC clinic: records were reviewed, cause of death verified when applicable, and current clinical and biochemical data collected, including repeat liver histology as indicated. Serum samples from the original study were located. Original and follow-up serum samples were tested by ELISA for E2 components of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. FINDINGS: Five patients died during follow-up; no deaths were attributable to liver disease. Median follow-up of patients who survived was 17.8 years (range 11.0-23.9) from first-detected AMA to the last follow-up review. Overall, 22 (76%) developed symptoms of PBC and 24 (83%) had liver function tests persistently showing cholestasis. Repeat liver biopsy samples were obtained from ten patients; among these patients PBC progressed from Scheuer grade 1 to grade 2 in two and from grade 1 to grade 3 in two. No patient developed clinically apparent cirrhosis. ELISA of baseline serum samples from 27 patients was positive in 21, all of whom had original liver histology compatible with or diagnostic of PBC. Of the six patients who tested negative, only one had an original liver biopsy sample that was compatible with PBC. INTERPRETATION: This study confirms that before the advent of any clinical or biomedical indications, individuals positive for AMA do have PBC. This finding extends the natural history of PBC back in some cases for many years. What determines the eventual progression to biochemically and clinically apparent disease is not yet understood. During our study no patient developed clinically apparent portal hypertension or cirrhosis. Thus, although the finding of a solitary persistently raised AMA is confirmation of a diagnosis of PBC, patients with AMA but no other signs or symptoms of PBC seem to have slow progression of the disease.  相似文献   

Stress during delivery has been associated with elevated umbilical cord plasma beta-endorphin levels. Published research suggests that much cord beta-endorphin originates from fetal pituitary. Intact pituitary function is required for normal growth and development. Relationships between cord beta-endorphin and child development have not been previously reported. We measured paired maternal and cord plasma beta-endorphin concentration in a set of 106 low risk deliveries by solid phase two-site immunoradiometric assay. Geometric mean maternal and cord beta-endorphin concentrations were 128 pg/ml and 196 pg/ml, respectively, with corresponding ranges of 33-533 pg/ml and 70-579 pg/ml. Cord beta-endorphin concentration was significantly higher than maternal, regardless of delivery mode, and the two were significantly correlated (r = 0.231; P = 0.017). Multiple regression modeling showed that forceps delivery, maternal beta-endorphin concentration, bradycardia, vaginal delivery, and birth weight each made independent contributions to elevated cord beta-endorphin. Depressed cord beta-endorphin predicted more day 2 neurological soft signs, lower 6-month mental development, and lower 36-month motor score on psychometric tests of the children. Poorer fine motor control and coordination were predominantly associated with lower beta-endorphin. Level of cord beta-endorphin independent of delivery stress exerted the primary influence upon child motor development. Higher levels of stress-independent beta-endorphin may play a direct role in motor development.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that highly psychologically minded individuals perceive having grown up with rejecting parents. A Psychological Mindedness (PM) Scale, and the Parent-Child Relations Questionnaire II (PCR), were administered to 120 college students. Contrary to prediction, a significant negative correlation was found between PM and perceptions of early maternal rejection. Psychological-mindedness, it was suggested, may be attributable to "good enough mothering" and may be learned through modeling and imitation of mothers' empathic perceptions, affective responses, and behavior.  相似文献   

Investigated reported anomalies in verbal communication by parents of schizophrenics. Content structured speech samples from 15 sets of parents of good (G) and poor premorbid (P) schizophrenic daughters and nonpsychiatric controls (N) were obtained. These samples were analyzed by content area (neutral, aggression, dependency, and sex) for communicability, amount of speech anxiety, and source pathology. Communicativeness was assessed by cloze procedure using male and female college raters. Contrary to prediction, P parents tended to have the least amount of speech anxiety and the highest predictability, whereas N parents tended to have the highest speech anxiety and lowest predictability. However, raters tended to correctly identify which parents had the most disturbed offspring. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We describe here two new specimens of the mammal Deltatheridium pretrituberculare from the Late Cretaceous period of Mongolia. These specimens provide information on tooth replacement in basal therian mammals and on lower jaw and basicranial morphology. Deltatheroidans, known previously from isolated teeth, partial rostra and jaws from the late Cretaceous of Asia and possibly North America, have been identified variously as eutherians, as basal metatherians (the stem-based clade formed by marsupials and their extinct relatives), or as an outgroup to both eutherians and metatherians. Resolution of these conflicting hypotheses and understanding of the early evolution of the therian lineage have been hampered by a sparse fossil record for basal therians. The new evidence supports metatherian affinities for deltatheroidans and allows a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of basal metatherians and marsupials. The presence of specialized marsupial patterns of tooth replacement and cranial vascularization in Deltatheridium and the basal phylogenetic position of this taxon indicate that these features are characteristic of Metatheria as a whole. Other morphological transformations recognized here secure the previously elusive diagnosis of Metatheria. The new specimens of Deltatheridium illustrate the effectiveness of fairly complete fossil specimens in determining the nature of early evolutionary events.  相似文献   

The notion of professional boundaries is a relatively recent addition to psychoanalytic practice. Freud and his early disciples indulged in a good deal of trial and error as they evolved psychoanalytic technique. The study of these early boundary violations illuminates the study of the evolution of the concepts of transference and countertransference. The recent publication of the correspondence between Freud and Jung, between Freud and Ferenczi, and between Freud and Jones has provided us with extraordinary insights into the boundary transgressions that occurred in the early days of psychoanalysis. The boundary violations of the analytic pioneers have contributed to the legacy inherited by future generations of analysts. Institutional resistance to addressing these difficulties in contemporary psychoanalytic practice may relate in part to the ambiguities surrounding boundaries in the training analysis itself.  相似文献   

In a prospective study of twenty-six patients with ischemic ulcerations of the lower extremity, the predictive reliability with regard to spontaneous wound healing of diabetes, pedal pulses, ankle blood pressure (ABP) as measured by doppler ultrasound, and "leg ulcer scan" as performed by the intra-arterial injection of radioactive albumin was evaluated. The results suggest that only the leg ulcer scan is significantly reliable in predicting the likelihood of spontaneous healing. The following format for the evaluation of the ischemic leg ulcer is therefore suggested: (1) If pedal pulses are present, a three week trial of conservative therapy is indicated before further evaluation. (2) If the doppler ABP is 50 mm Hg or less, the ulcer will not heal spontaneously. (3) Leg ulcer scan is indicated: (a) in the absence of pedal pulses if ABP is less than 50 mm Hg; (b) in the presence of pedal pulses if there is no evidence of spontaneous healing after three weeks of conservative therapy.  相似文献   

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