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In this study, nanoporous silicon (PS) layers have been elaborated and used for hydrogen storage. The effect of the thickness, porosity and specific surface area of porous silicon on the amount of hydrogen chemically bound to the nanoporous silicon structures is studied by Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), cyclic voltammetry (CV), contact angle and capacitance –voltage measurements. The electrochemical characterization and hydrogen storage were carried out in a three-electrode cell, using sulfuric acid 3 M H2SO4 as electrolyte by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and galvanostatic charge/discharge. The results indicate the presence of two oxidation peaks at 0.2 V and 0.4 V on the anodic side corresponding to hydrogen desorption and a reduction peak at −0.2 V on the cathodic side corresponding to the sorption of hydrogen. Moreover, the EIS studies performed on PS electrode in 3 M H2SO4 show that the hodograph contains a semicircle at high frequency region and a line in the lower frequency zone. An equivalent circuit has been proposed; the values of the equivalent circuit elements corresponding to the experimental impedance spectra have been determined and discussed. Finally, the highest hydrogen storage in PS was 86 mAh/g. This storage capacity decreases by only 7% of the initial capacity value, after 40 cycles.  相似文献   

The use of porous silicon as an energy carrier is investigated. NaOH and solid Mg alloy are used to introduce OH in water to react with the porous silicon and the porous silicon treated with Mg alloy in water is converted to transparent silicon oxide hydride. The amount and release rate of hydrogen from the reaction between porous silicon and water are determined and the efficiency is also studied. The total amount of released hydrogen does not vary much with the pH value but the release rate is sensitive to the pH value. The average amount of hydrogen produced form porous silicon can reach 63.2 mmol per gram of porous silicon. A moderate rate of about 1.77 mol of H2 per mol of porous silicon can be obtained per day with the aid of the Mg alloy. This technique is potential useful in supplying hydrogen to fuel cells at normal temperature.  相似文献   

There is experimental evidence suggesting that metal adatoms enhance the physisorption of hydrogen molecules in porous silicon. However, theoretical reports about the physical properties for this material to be suitable for hydrogen storage are scarce. Thus, in this work we employ Density Functional Theory to study the effects of decoration with metals on the hydrogen-adsorption properties on hydrogen-passivated porous silicon. The results indicate that lithium and palladium decorating atoms are strongly bonded to the porous silicon—preventing the adverse effects of clusterization—while beryllium is not. Lithium and palladium exhibit physisorption capacity up to 5 and 4 hydrogen molecules per adatom, respectively. In contrast, adsorption of hydrogen molecules in beryllium is too weak as the adatom is not chemisorbed on the surface of the pore. The hydrogen passivation of the pore surface proves to be beneficial for a strong chemisorption of the decorating atoms.  相似文献   

The Mg-10.2 at.% V nanoparticles are prepared by hydrogen plasma-metal reaction (HPMR) method. These nanoparticles are made of Mg, VH2 and a small amount of MgH2. The Mg nanoparticles are hexagonal in shape with the particle size in the range of 50-150 nm. The VH2 nanoparticles are spherical in shape with the particle size around 10 nm, and disperse on the surface of the Mg nanoparticles. After the hydrogen absorption, the mean particle size of MgH2 decreases to 60 nm, while the V nanoparticles are still about 10 nm. The Mg-V composite nanoparticles can absorb 3.8 wt.% hydrogen in less than 30 min at 473 K and accomplish a high hydrogen storage capacity of 5.0 wt.% in less than 5 min at 623 K. They can release 4.0 wt.% hydrogen in less than 15 min at 573 K. The catalytic effect of the V nanoparticles and the nanostructure and the low oxide content of the Mg particles promote the hydrogen sorption process with the low hydrogen absorption activation energy of 71.2 kJ mol−1.  相似文献   

Typical porous carbons were obtained from waster biomass, melaleuca bark activated by potassium hydroxide (KOH), and characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR, XPS and N2-sorption. The different samples with tunable morphologies and texture were prepared by controlling synthesis reaction parameters. The resulting samples demonstrate both high surface area (up to 3170 m2 g−1) and large hydrogen storage capacity (4.08 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar), implying their great potential as hydrogen storage materials.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage by spillover in porous carbon material (PCM) has achieved great success in experiments. During the past 20 years, a large number of theoretical works have been performed to explore the hydrogen spillover mechanism, look for high-performance hydrogen storage materials and high-efficiency catalysts. In this paper, we summarize and analyze the results of the past researches, and draw the following conclusions: (1) In PCM surface, the stability of chemisorbed H can be reached through phase nucleation process, which can be initiated in the vicinity of surface impurities or defects. (2) To achieve the 2020 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) target, the PCM material used for hydrogen storage by spillover should have a sp2 carbon ratio greater than 0.43 and a surface area less than 3500 m2/g, which gives us an inspiration for exploring hydrogen spillover materials. (3) Due to a high barrier, the hydrogen spillover almost can not be initiated on pure PCM substrate at room temperature. By introducing the defects or impurities (e.g. holes, carbon bridges, oxygen functional groups, boron atoms and fluorine atoms), the spillover barriers can be reduced to a reasonable range. In addition, hydrogen atoms may also migrate in a gas phase. (4) According to our previous results of kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, there is a linear relationship between the reaction temperature and the migration barrier. The optimal barrier for the hydrogen spillover should be in the range of 0.60–0.88 eV. (5) Once the hydrogen atoms are chemically adsorbed on the carbon substrate, it is difficult to diffuse again due to the strong strength of C–H bond. Several theoretical diffusion mechanisms have been proposed. For example, the H atoms in physisorption state can diffuse freely on carbon surfaces with high mobility, using the shuttle gases (e.g. BH4, H2O, HF and NH3) to make the migration thermodynamically possible and decrease the migration barrier, the H atoms diffuse inside the interlayer space of the bi- and tetralayer graphene, and introducing the impurities on the surface to facilitate the hydrogen diffusion. (6) The H desorption through the directly recombination or the reverse spillover is unlikely to occur at normal temperature. The Eley-Rideal reaction may be the only possible mechanism for desorption of the adsorbed H atoms in carbon substrate. Finally, we have made a prospect for further research works on hydrogen storage by spillover.  相似文献   

High pressure H2 adsorption isotherms at N2 liquid temperature were recorded for the series of cubic nitroprussides, Ni1−xCox[Fe(CN)5NO] with x = 0, 0.5, 0.7, 1. The obtained data were interpreted according to the effective polarizing power for the metal found at the surface of the cavity. The cavity volume where the hydrogen molecules are accumulated was estimated from the amount of water molecules that are occupying that available space in the as-synthesized solids considering a water density of 1 g/cm3. The calculated cavity volume was then used to obtain the density of H2 storage in the cavity. For the Ni-containing material the highest storage density was obtained, in a cavity volume of 448.5 Å3 up to 10.4 hydrogen molecules are accumulated, for a local density of 77.6 g/L, above the density value corresponding to liquid hydrogen (71 g/L). Such high value of local density was interpreted as related to the electrostatic contribution to the adsorption potential for the hydrogen molecule within the cavity.  相似文献   

Considerable effort is focused on developing alternative approaches to generating and storing energy to reduce the world's reliance on fossil fuels. Hydrogen offers one such alternative, which is zero-emission at the point of use when used to supply a fuel cell to generate electricity. However, the availability of hydrogen by methods that are both cost-effective and environmentally friendly remains a significant challenge.The formulation presented in this work, which we call Silicon Fuel, contains 90% silicon and can generate high hydrogen yields of 70% or more in just a few minutes. This means that the dry material effectively has a hydrogen content of at least 9 wt% and a realistic specific energy of at least 1.5 kWh/kg if the hydrogen supplies a fuel cell with 50% efficiency. As the hydrogen can be generated in a commercially useful time frame, it is suitable for applications such as automotive refuelling, where consumers expect to be able to refuel their vehicle within a few minutes.  相似文献   

Silicon material electrodes as proton carriers for high-capacity proton battery have only been proposed for such a short period of time that their physicochemical properties and electrochemical hydrogen storage behavior during charge and discharge processes remain nearly uncharted territory. Herein, the hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin film electrodes are prepared by radio frequency sputtering followed by ex-situ hydrogenation. The electrochemical properties of a-Si:H electrodes are tested experimentally, and the electrochemical hydrogen storage behaviors of a-Si:H electrodes are analyzed by first-principles calculations. The results show that the hydrogenation process significantly increases the electrochemical capacity of the electrodes and reduces the band gap of the electrode structure. The electrode exhibits weak conductivity during the initial charging, but the instability of the electrode electronic structure during the later charging results in a slight fluctuation of the electrochemical charging process. The a-Si:H electrode have better electrochemical hydrogen storage/release reversibility than non-hydrogenated electrodes, but this reversibility is weakened by oxygen atoms covered on the electrode surface. The electrochemical hydrogen storage process is easier to accomplish than the electrochemical desorption process of hydrogen evolution reaction for the a-Si:H electrodes. The a-Si:H thin film electrode is more stable on the Ni(111) substrate surface and the good conductivity of the electrode/substrate interface provides convenient conditions for the free transport of electrons in the electrochemical charge/discharge processes. We believe that these results perfectly explain the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the electrode reaction and electrochemical behavior of a-Si:H electrodes in this type of proton battery, and have a certain reference value in understanding the physicochemical properties and electrochemical hydrogen storage behavior of silicon material electrodes applied to other types of batteries during charge/discharge processes.  相似文献   

The carrier lifetime of crystalline silicon wafers that were passivated with hydrogenated silicon nitride (SiNx:H) films using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition was investigated in order to study the effects of hydrogen plasma pre-treatment on passivation. The decrease in the native oxide, the dangling bonds and the contamination on the silicon wafer led to an increase in the minority carrier lifetime. The silicon wafer was treated using a wet process, and the SiNx:H film was deposited on the back surface. Hydrogen plasma was applied to the front surface of the wafer, and the SiNx:H film was deposited on the hydrogen plasma treated surface using an in-situ process. The SiNx:H film deposition was carried out at a low temperature (<350 °C) in a direct plasma reactor operated at 13.6 MHz. The surface recombination velocity measurement after the hydrogen plasma pre-treatment and the comparison with the ammonia plasma pre-treatment were made using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements. The passivation qualities were measured using quasi-steady-state photoconductance. The hydrogen atom concentration increased at the SiNx:H/Si interface, and the minority carrier lifetime increased from 36.6 to 75.2 μs. The carbon concentration decreased at the SiNx:H/Si interfacial region after the hydrogen plasma pre-treatment.  相似文献   

In this study, we prepared highly porous carbon-nanofiber-supported nickel nanoparticles as a promising material for hydrogen storage. The porous carbons were activated at 1050 °C, and the nickel nanoparticles were loaded by an electroless metal-plating method. The textural properties of the porous carbon nanofibers were analyzed using N2/77 K adsorption isotherms. The hydrogen storage capacity of the carbons was evaluated at 298 K and 100 bar. It was found that the amount of hydrogen stored was enhanced by increasing nickel content, showing 2.2 wt.% in the PCNF-Ni-40 sample (5.1 wt.% and 6.4% of nickel content and dispersion rate, respectively) owing to the effects of the spill-over of hydrogen molecules onto the metal–carbon interfaces. This result clearly indicates that the presence of highly dispersed nickel particles can enhance high-capacity hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

In this paper, a common low-cost chemical material-polyacrylonitrile (PAN) is transformed into porous carbon with excellent specific surface area (2564.6–3048.8 m2 g−1) and highly concentrated micropore size distribution (0.7–2.0 nm). Benefit to the unique structure, the as-prepared materials show appealing hydrogen adsorption capacity (4.70–5.94 wt % at 20 bar, 7.15–10.14 wt % at 50 bar), demonstrating a promising prospect of practical application. This work also confirmed that the narrow and deep ultramicropore (<0.7 nm) could facilitate adsorption of hydrogen molecules significantly at atmospheric pressure, and the volume increase of supermicropore (0.7–2.0 nm) could lead to hydrogen capacity promotion at relative high pressure (>20 bar), which provides valuable guidance for the construction of ideal porous adsorbent for efficiency hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

In this work the results of a structural investigation by SEM of porous silicon (PS) before and after diffusion processes are reported. The formation of PS n+/p structures were carried out on PS p/p silicon wafers with two methods: from POCl3 in a conventional furnace and from a phosphorous doped paste in an infrared furnace. Sheet resistance was found to be a strong function of PS structure. Further details on sheet resistance distribution are reported. The electrical contacts in prepared solar cells were obtained by screen printing process, with a Du Ponte photovoltaic silver paste for front contacts and home-prepared silver with 3% aluminium paste for the back ones. Metallization was done in the infrared furnace. Solar cell current–voltage characteristics were measured under an AM 1.5 global spectrum sun simulator. The average results for multi-crystalline silicon solar cells without antireflection coating are: Isc=720 (mA), Voc=560 (mV), FF=69%, Eff=10.6% (area 25 cm2).  相似文献   

Hydrogen safety is a primary obstacle to the widespread use of hydrogen energy, and the risk of hydrogen utilization can be avoided by eliminating unnecessary hydrogen immediately. Here we report a new kind of hydrogen elimination catalyst based on ZrVFe hydrogen storage alloy supported Pt. The chemical reduction temperature and the Pt loading have a great influence on the hydrogen elimination performance. When the reduction temperature is 60 °C and the Pt loading is 2 wt%, the ZrVFe/Pt catalyst exhibits excellent hydrogen elimination ability at 2–20 vol% hydrogen concentration, especially the efficiency of hydrogen elimination at 20 vol% hydrogen concentration is as high as 99%. The hydrogen adsorption capacity of the ZrVFe/Pt catalyst was 13 times higher than that of the commonly used metal carrier FeCrAl/Pt catalyst. This work paves a new direction for the design and on-going development of hydrogen elimination catalyst for hydrogen energy applications.  相似文献   

The most common gas phase hydrogen sorption measurement techniques used for the characterisation of potential hydrogen storage materials are the volumetric, or manometric, and gravimetric methods and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), also known as thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). In this article previous work relating to the accuracy of these measurements, including some comparative studies, is reviewed, together with some relevant standards and related guidelines. The potential sources of error in hydrogen sorption measurements performed volumetrically and gravimetrically are also discussed, together with some of those related to TPD. The issues covered include sample degassing procedures, hydrogen compressibility, gas purity and differences in helium and hydrogen leak rates.  相似文献   

In this work, porous carbons were prepared from polymeric ion-exchangeable resin by a chemical activation method in order to obtain novel hydrogen storage materials, and the adsorption characteristics of the porous carbons were investigated. The textural properties were studied by BET and D–R methods with adsorption isotherms. The hydrogen storage behaviors of the porous carbons at 298 K and 100 bar were studied using a PCT apparatus. In the observed post-activation result, the hydrogen storage capacity was markedly improved. However, it was also found that the total amount of adsorption was not proportional to the specific surface area of the adsorbates. This indicates that hydrogen storage could be a function not only of specific surface area or total pore volume but also of microporevolume fraction or the average pore size of adsorbents.  相似文献   

We prepared Mg-based thin films by magnetron sputtering and presented a comparative and systematic study in their structural, optical and electrical characteristics. We built a thin film model to investigate their hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics in ambient air, as well as chemical and electrical switching behaviors by analyzing transmittance and resistance data. The remarkably enhanced kinetics was achieved by preparing the sandwich-like structured film. The Pd–Mg–Pd film was found to exhibit better gasochromic, chemochromic and electrochromic properties, which could be attributed to the enhanced cooperation effect and more extended Mg–Pd interfaces. The structural effect of kinetics in thin films shed light on how to further improve the hydrogen storage performance in bulk Mg-based materials.  相似文献   

Porous carbon has been constructed in various strategies for hydrogen storage. In this work, a simple-effective strategy was proposed to transform sustainable biomass into porous carbon by degrade partial lignin and hemicellulose with Na2SO3 and NaOH aqueous mixture. This method collapses the biomass structure to provide more active sites, and also avoid the generation and accumulation of non-porous carbon nanosheets. As a result, the as-prepared sample possesses high specific surface area (2849 m2 g?1) and large pore volume (1.08 cm3 g?1) concentrating almost completely on micropore. Benefit to these characteristics, the as-prepared sample exhibits appealing hydrogen storage capacity of 3.01 wt% at 77 K, 1 bar and 0.85 wt% at 298 K, 50 bar. The isosteric heat of hydrogen adsorption is as high as 8.0 kJ mol?1, which is superior to the most biochars. This strategy is of great significance to the conversion of biomass and the preparation of high-performance hydrogen storage materials.  相似文献   

In this paper, a three-dimensional hydrogen absorption model is developed to precisely study the hydrogen absorption reaction and resultant heat and mass transport phenomena in metal hydride hydrogen storage vessels. The 3D model is first experimentally validated against the temperature evolution data available in the literature. In addition to model validation, the detailed 3D simulation results show that at the initial absorption stage, the vessel temperature and H/M ratio distributions are uniform throughout the entire vessel, indicating that hydrogen absorption is very efficient early during the hydriding process; thus, the local cooling effect is not influential. On the other hand, non-uniform distributions are predicted at the subsequent absorption stage, which is mainly due to differential degrees of cooling between the vessel wall and core regions. In addition, a parametric study is carried out for various designs and hydrogen feed pressures. This numerical study provides a fundamental understanding of the detailed heat and mass transfer phenomena during the hydrogen absorption process and further indicates that efficient design of the storage vessel and cooling system is critical to achieve rapid hydrogen charging performance.  相似文献   

A kind of porous carbon with high specific surface area (approximately 4000 m2/g) was prepared from rice hull through carbonization and sodium hydroxide activation. The effects of preparation parameters on the characteristics of the porous carbon were studied. The properties of these porous carbon samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The rice hull based porous carbon exhibits high hydrogen storage capacity of 7.7 wt% at 77 K and 1.2 MPa.  相似文献   

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