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Midimew networks are mesh-connected networks derived from a subset of degree-4 circulant graphs. They have minimum diameter and average distance among all degree-4 circulant graphs, and are better than some of the most common topologies for parallel computers in terms of various cost measures. Among the many midimew networks, the rectangular ones appear to be most suitable for practical implementation. Unfortunately, with the normal way of laying out these networks on a 2D plane, long cross wires that grow with the size of the network exist. In this paper, we propose ways to lay out rectangular midimew networks in a 2D grid so that the length of the longest wire is at most a small constant. We prove that these constants are optimal under the assumption that rows and columns are moved as a whole during the layout process  相似文献   

In this paper we present our design tool GUIDE, which allows the user to explore a design in UML interactively by playing a game. The game incorporates both the design model and a specification of what it means for the design to be correct. The central idea of this approach is that the designer can increment the game during a play and gradually add more detail to it. Specification and design are refined by repeated plays of the game. The designer stops playing when design and specification are detailed enough for his purpose and match each other. The interactive game approach helps to cope with incompleteness and informal definition of UML models, which make strictly formal verification techniques difficult. The designer may resolve these problems when they arise during a play or let the GUIDE tool determine how the play should proceed. We discuss the potential impact of GUIDE and tools like it on software development.  相似文献   

现有的无线传感器网络路由协议普遍采用设定固定最小能量阈值的方法来避免低剩余能量的节点被选为数据转发节点,以防止因节点过早死亡而导致的网络结构破坏。然而这种方法缺乏应用灵活性。在本研究提出的能量感知增强树型路由协议中,设定了随着网络整体能量下降而动态变化的节点剩余能量阈值,以使得网络中所有节点的能量均衡下降,且采用了同质化加权求和的方法将邻居节点节省的路由跳数和剩余能量同时考虑进路由决策过程。最后,实验结果显示该协议可进一步提高网络稳定性。  相似文献   

Image-based interactive exploration of real-world environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interactive scene walkthroughs have long been an important computer graphics application area. More recently, researchers have developed techniques for constructing photorealistic 3D architectural models from real-world images. We present an image-based rendering system that brings us a step closer to a compelling sense of being there. Whereas many previous systems have used still photography and 3D scene modeling, we avoid explicit 3D reconstruction because it tends to be brittle. Our system is not the first to propose interactive video-based tours. We believe, however, that our system is the first to deliver fully interactive, photorealistic image-based tours on a personal computer at or above broadcast video resolutions and frame rates. Moreover, to our knowledge, no other tour provides the same rich set of interactions or visually complex environments.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that older Internet users seem to find it more difficult to locate navigation links than to find information content in web pages. One possibility is that older Internet users’ visual exploration of web pages is more linear in nature, even when this type of processing is not appropriate for the task. In the current study, the eye movements of young and older Internet users were recorded using an ecological version of the web pages or a discursive version designed to induce a linear exploration. The older adults found more targets when performing content-oriented compared to navigation-oriented searches, thus replicating previous results. Moreover, they performed less well than young people only when required to locate navigation links and tended to outperform the younger participants in content-oriented searches. Although the type of search task and type of web page resulted in different visual strategies, little or no support was found for the hypothesis that older participants explore web pages in a more linear way in cases where this strategy was not appropriate. The main conclusion is that differences in visual exploration do not seem to mediate the specific difficulty older adults experience in navigation-oriented searches in web pages.  相似文献   

Many existing systems provide extensive facilities for entry and manipulation of text. Typical of these are QED (Bell Telephone), TECO (MIT), TVEDIT (Stanford), and E (Yale). Text entry, insertion, deletion, search, and display are all performed interactively with a small number of key strokes. Unfortunately, similarly powerful and general interactive tools for editing of more general data structures have not been available.The system TREE provides these interactive editing facilities for tree structures. TREE enables insertion, deletion, copying, search, and display of any branch of a given tree structure. Any tree, whether a syntax tree or a decision tree, or a LISP program could be entered rapidly and changed quickly in TREE. The program itself is coded in PDP 10 fortran IV and will run with any of a number of inexpensive graphics terminals.  相似文献   

We propose INDIANA, a system conceived to support a novel paradigm of database exploration. INDIANA assists the users who are interested in gaining insights about a database though an interactive and incremental process, like a conversation that does not happen in natural language. During this process, the system iteratively provides the user with some features of the data that might be “interesting” from the statistical viewpoint, receiving some feedbacks that are later used by the system to refine the features provided to the user in the next step. A key ability of INDIANA is to assist “data enthusiastic” users (i.e., inexperienced or casual users) in the exploration of transactional databases in an interactive way. For this purpose, we develop a number of novel, statistically-grounded algorithms to support the interactive exploration of the database. We report an in-depth experimental evaluation to show that the proposed system guarantees a very good trade-off between accuracy and scalability, and a user study that supports the claim that the system is effective in real-world database-exploration tasks.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) contain sensor nodes in enormous amount to accumulate the information about the nearby surroundings, and this information is...  相似文献   

We report four experiments in which we manipulated the conditions under which subjects explored an unfamiliar interactive device without the benefit of assistance or instruction. Our aim was to increase the amount of knowledge subjects acquired about the device and to influence how efficient they were at later applying the operational procedures they discovered. The interventions were to interrupt subjects' exploration at regular intervals and ask them to verbally report on what they had learned so far (Experiment I) or to state their future intention (Experiment II). Both manipulations yielded significant benefits, when compared to subjects who explored the same device without such interruptions. In Experiment III there were four conditions in which interrupted subjects reported on topics of different levels of relevance to the task. This experiment showed that it is the relevance of the verbalised content as opposed to an “incubation” period which affects performance in a beneficial manner. Finally we investigated whether it was necessary to employ external prompts to obtain these effects (Experiment IV). It was found that subjects were in fact able to effectively interrupt their work in order to review their progress.  相似文献   

One of the most prominent topics in climate research is the investigation, detection, and allocation of climate change. In this paper, we aim at identifying regions in the atmosphere (e.g., certain height layers) which can act as sensitive and robust indicators for climate change. We demonstrate how interactive visual data exploration of large amounts of multi-variate and time-dependent climate data enables the steered generation of promising hypotheses for subsequent statistical evaluation. The use of new visualization and interaction technology--in the context of a coordinated multiple views framework--allows not only to identify these promising hypotheses, but also to efficiently narrow down parameters that are required in the process of computational data analysis. Two datasets, namely an ECHAM5 climate model run and the ERA-40 reanalysis incorporating observational data, are investigated. Higher-order information such as linear trends or signal-to-noise ratio is derived and interactively explored in order to detect and explore those regions which react most sensitively to climate change. As one conclusion from this study, we identify an excellent potential for usefully generalizing our approach to other, similar application cases, as well.  相似文献   


With new architectures providing astonishing performance on many vision tasks, the interest in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has grown exponentially in the recent past. Such architectures, however, are not problem-free. For instance, one of the many issues is that they require a huge amount of labeled data and are not able to encode pose and deformation information. Capsule Networks (CapsNets) have been recently proposed as a solution to the issues related to CNNs. CapsNet achieved interesting results in images recognition by addressing pose and deformation encoding challenges. Despite their success, CapsNets are still an under-investigated architecture with respect to the more classical CNNs. Following the ideas of CapsNet, we propose to introduce Residual Capsule Network (ResNetCaps) and Dense Capsule Network (DenseNetCaps) to tackle the image recognition problem. With these two architectures, we expand the encoding phase of CapsNet by adding residual convolutional and densely connected convolutional blocks. In addition to this, we investigate the application of feature interaction methods between capsules to promote their cooperation while dealing with complex data. Experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach performs better than existing solutions.


Wikipedia is an example of the collaborative, semi-structured data sets emerging on the Web. These data sets have large, non-uniform schema that require costly data integration into structured tables before visualization can begin. We present Vispedia, a Web-based visualization system that reduces the cost of this data integration. Users can browse Wikipedia, select an interesting data table, then use a search interface to discover, integrate, and visualize additional columns of data drawn from multiple Wikipedia articles. This interaction is supported by a fast path search algorithm over DBpedia, a semantic graph extracted from Wikipedia's hyperlink structure. Vispedia can also export the augmented data tables produced for use in traditional visualization systems. We believe that these techniques begin to address the "long tail" of visualization by allowing a wider audience to visualize a broader class of data. We evaluated this system in a first-use formative lab study. Study participants were able to quickly create effective visualizations for a diverse set of domains, performing data integration as needed.   相似文献   

Categorical data dimensions appear in many real-world data sets, but few visualization methods exist that properly deal with them. Parallel Sets are a new method for the visualization and interactive exploration of categorical data that shows data frequencies instead of the individual data points. The method is based on the axis layout of parallel coordinates, with boxes representing the categories and parallelograms between the axes showing the relations between categories. In addition to the visual representation, we designed a rich set of interactions. Parallel Sets allow the user to interactively remap the data to new categorizations and, thus, to consider more data dimensions during exploration and analysis than usually possible. At the same time, a metalevel, semantic representation of the data is built. Common procedures, like building the cross product of two or more dimensions, can be performed automatically, thus complementing the interactive visualization. We demonstrate Parallel Sets by analyzing a large CRM data set, as well as investigating housing data from two US states.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action addressed not only to governments but also to businesses and civil society. In this...  相似文献   

The Internet and other interactive networks are diffusing across the globe at rates that vary from country to country. Typically, economic and market structure variables are used to explain these differences. The addition of culture to these variables will provide a more robust understanding of the differences in Internet and interactive network diffusion. Existing analyses that identify culture as a predictor of diffusion do not adequately specify the dimensions of culture and their impacts.This paper presents a set of propositions to be used in analyses of the impact of culture on the diffusion of interactive networks. The propositions were developed using cultural constructs presented by Hofstede (1991), Herbig (1994) and Hall and Hall (1987). Diffusion of innovations theory and critical mass theory provide the theoretical base. The development of the propositions resulted from a close examination of the theories for relationships mediated by culture. The resulting propositions use cultural variables in relationships established by the theories. It is hoped that the propositions will serve as a starting point for future research in the area of cultural influences on the diffusion of interactive networks.  相似文献   

The problem of scheduling time-critical messages over a tree network is considered. Messages arrive at any of the nodes and have to reach the root node before their deadlines expire, else they are considered lost. The network is assumed to be operating in discrete time and the messages need one time unit for transmission from one node to the next along its path. The arrival and deadline processes are arbitrary. The policy which transmits messages with smallest extinction (arrival+deadline) time at every link is shown to minimize the number of lost messages over all time intervals and for every sample path  相似文献   

主要讨论树形网络的平均节点介数,刻画了树形网络中具有最大和最小平均节点介数的网络。  相似文献   

This paper describes an immersive system,called 3DIVE,for interactive volume data visualization and exploration inside the CAVE virtual environment.Combining interactive volume rendering and virtual reality provides a netural immersive environment for volumetric data visualization.More advanced data exploration operations,such as object level data manipulation,simulation and analysis ,are supported in 3DIVE by several new techniques,In particular,volume primitives and texture regions ae used for the rendering,manipulation,and collision detection of volumetric objects;and the region-based rendering pipeline is integrated with 3D image filters to provide an image-based mechanism for interactive transfer function design.The system has been recently released as public domain software for CAVE/ImmersaDesk users,and is currently being actively used by various scientific and biomedical visualization projects.  相似文献   

We give a denotational framework for composing interactive components into closed or open systems and show how to adapt classical domain-theoretic approaches to open systems and to timed systems. For timed systems, prior approaches are based on temporal logics, automata theory, or metric spaces. In this paper, we base the semantics on a CPO with a prefix order, as has been done previously for untimed systems. We show that existence and uniqueness of behaviors are ensured by continuity with respect to this prefix order. Existence and uniqueness of behaviors, however, do not imply that a composition of components yields a useful behavior. The unique behavior could be empty or smaller than expected. We define liveness and show that appropriately defined causality conditions ensure liveness and freedom from Zeno conditions. In our formulation, causality does not require a metric and can embrace a wide variety of models of time.  相似文献   

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