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本文首先阐述了什么是网络、互动、教学模式、网络环境下的互动以及国内外网络教学模式的研究现状,在此基础上提出了"主导—主体论"网络互动教学模式,并通过教学资源库建设和教学平台搭建,构建了"青海大学环境科学专业网络互动教学平台",开展了网络互动教学实践,结果表明,"主导—主体论"网络互动教学模式更能激发学生的学习兴趣,培养探索、研究精神,更有利于协作学习方式的形成,更有助于学生创新意识与能力的培养。  相似文献   

以能力为导向的一体化教学体系关注整个教学过程,解决高校传统教学模式中的不足,但应用该教学体系会带来一线教师教学工作量的增加、难以保证对学生评价的公平性、缺乏激励学生课外学习和自学的手段三大问题。文章深入分析产生以上三大问题的原因,在此基础上设计出多维互动教学模式,并开发一套"多维互动教学平台"软件。实际应用表明,该平台很好地解决以上三大问题,实现在减轻教师教学机械工作量的同时提高学生学习的整体效果。  相似文献   

中学英语的课堂教学具有很强的交流一互动特性,学生的参与是学习质量的重要保证,而利用网络环境可以使课堂的互动性得到明显加强.我们在英语课堂教学中利用网络环境进行了"交流一互动"教学的初步尝试,并取得了较为满意的效果.实施的基本流程为:教师导入-学生自学-小组讨论-组际交流-练习评定.  相似文献   

创新融合点①利用雨课堂教学平台实现了课前、课上、课后的有效延伸,拓展了教学空间。②交互式微课让课前自学更有效,帮助教师摸清了学情,提高了教学的针对性及有效性。③动画微课、Flash动画视频增强了课堂的趣味性,将抽象问题可视化,提高了教学效率。④交互式电子白板、原创拼图游戏及教学平台的限时答题等功能激发了学生参与课堂学习的积极性,增强了师生互动,直观呈现学生的课堂学习成果,提高了课堂教学的针对性。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的深入,小学语文课堂教学越来越注重教学方式的创新和教学理念的改革。启发教学、互动教学、自主探究教学等教学理念逐渐取代了传统"灌输式"的教学理念。多媒体等信息化教学手段的使用和普及丰富了小学语文课堂教学形式和教学内容,使新教学理念的贯彻实行成为可能。●激发学生习兴趣,创设直观情境小学生具有活泼好动、好奇心强的特点,通过多媒体技术将声音、图片、视频与文字叙述相结合的方法,可以巧妙地创设符合教学内容特点的直观教  相似文献   

C程序设计课程是一门经典的课程,但上好这门课却很难,除了需要丰富教学的资源、好的老师,还要占主体地位的学生能积极自学,师生互动.在教学环节上,教师注重讲法,学生注重理解吸收;在实践环节上学生注重练习,自学自解,教师只解惑和总结.  相似文献   

C程序设计课程是一门经典的课程,但上好这门课却很难,除了需要丰富教学的资源、好的老师,还要占主体地位的学生能积极自学,师生互动。在教学环节上,教师注重讲法,学生注重理解吸收;在实践环节上学生注重练习,自学自解,教师只解惑和总结。  相似文献   

本文针对Java程序设计课程从课程内容建设、课程体系的完善、网络平台建设方面进行了探讨。这里强调的是课程内容的动态更新和局部调整、新型的课程团队、"教学-自学-提问-上机-总结"的教学模式、"互动-欣赏"的教学方式,涵盖教学引导、教学内容扩充、案例扩充、教师与学生间交流方式的丰富、资源站点推波的网络平台建设。通过这些内容的研究和实践,促进Java程序设计的发展,从而推进教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

特色与亮点本学习工具主要包含韩国语的入门知识,适用于自学和计算机大屏幕教学,通过学习者的完整自学,学习者基本能够掌握韩国语最基础的知识。本学习工具是计算机辅助教学的工具,利用Flash软件开发制作,最大的特色是灵活、直观、实时和立体化。  相似文献   

◇以电子白板为载体的探究与合作学习。 利用电子白板的互动理念以及其技术本身的互动性特点,采取引导、探完、讨论、讲授相结合的教学方法,借助电子白板的书写、擦涂、照相记录、资源库调用以及函数作图器等直观的教学手段解决教学难点,促进师生之间、生生之间、人机之间的互动学习,改变教师与学生在课堂上的互动方式,建立以学生主功学习为中心的课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

针对高职院校学生学习的特点和需要设计并开发了基于B/S模式的在线学习平台。该平台依托网络实现师生之间的交流互动,并通过跟踪记录学生的网上互动和完成作业情况,使教师更好地掌握学生的课下学习水平,从而促进了学生的自主学习能力和学习效率。  相似文献   

“C语言程序设计”课程教学实践与创新   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据"C语言程序设计"课程的内容及特点,探讨了如何在"C语言程序设计"实验教学中采用科学的实验教学手段和方法,合理组织实验教学,培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学生自主学习的热情,从而提高学生的实践与创新能力,为提高教学质量,培养高素质计算机人才打下良好基础。  相似文献   

计算机网络的蓬勃发展为学生的自主学习提供了前所未有的技术支持,该文论述了网络环境下学生自主学习的内涵、理论依据及传统的教学模式存在许多弊端。随着数字化校园建设的飞速发展,网上自主学习就成了解决这些弊端的最有效的方法。并对网络环境下学生自主学习模式进行了初步的探讨。因为它有利于学生开展自主学习、合作学习和研究性学习,能实现教学评价的实时化,直接影响学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

Abstract Types of learning with a strong emphasis on the responsibility of the learner (such as discovery learning) are gaining popularity over traditional forms of (expository) instruction. Discovery learning distinguishes itself by the central role of learning processes such as hypothesis generation (induction), experiment design, and data interpretation. Expository instruction pays more attention to directly ‘exposing’ definitions and equations to learners. In the current study, students worked with either a simulation (discovery learning) or a hypertext learning environment (expository instruction) with the same domain content. Each of the environments contained a large number of assignments. The study followed a pre‐test, post‐test design. To measure the knowledge acquired a definitional knowledge test, an intuitive knowledge test (where both correctness and speed of answering are aspects that are measured) and a test in which relations needed to be explained were administered. It was predicted that the hypertext group would outperform the simulation group on the definitional knowledge test and it was expected that the simulation group would perform better on the intuitive knowledge test. Results showed that both the interaction with the simulation and with the hypertext resulted in substantial learning gains. It was found that the hypertext group performed better on the definitional knowledge test. On the intuitive knowledge test the hypertext scored better than the simulation group on the correctness of the items but not on the time needed to answer items. On the explanation test there was no difference between the two groups. An analysis of interaction processes as recorded in the logfiles indicates that the differences between both environments in their actual usage were less distinctive than expected. In the simulation group many students followed the assignments given and did not engage in self‐guided discovery. Since the assignments were rather directive, this resulted in ‘discovery behaviour’ that focused on generating outcomes; outcomes that were also, and more directly presented in the hypertext environment. For research and practice, this implies that simulations are to be considered only when clear benefits of discovery are expected, and only with complex domains, sufficient learning time and freedom for students in the assignments to engage in discovery.  相似文献   

本文提出理论知识的教学可分为"以理为据"和"以史为据"两大类;展示了按照类似历史的发展方式来讲授数制及数据表示的教学方法。通过虚拟的历史发展来讲解权重,不需要使用复杂的数学推理,就能启发学生直观地理解数制转换方法。  相似文献   

Focused on inclusive public policies, the relationship between students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and mobile devices was examined for discussing the limits and possibilities of the 1:1 technological configuration for supporting educational and digital inclusion programs in the Brazilian public schools. This was a qualitative research, with exploratory and explanatory approaches. Data collection was carried out through direct observation and document analysis, interviews and focus groups. From the data collected, we could observe the flaws and the potential of the interaction of three research subjects, all attending the first years of Elementary School, with mobile devices. The laptop is not user-friendly and not easy to understand, due to the complexity of the operational system, with its multiple choices and configurations. The interaction with the tablet showed a more friendly and intuitive use, since it is used more naturally, using fingers to touch the screen. The tablet can be used anywhere and in any position, which is good for students who are hyperactive and can quality strategies for pedagogical mediations.  相似文献   

网络课程是基于网络平台能够在网上进行自主学习、研究性学习和协作学习的一种教学模式。对“网站开发与网页制作”网络课程的教学和系统结构设计进行了研究,给出了一个较为合理的网络课程理论构架。  相似文献   

Learning style is traditionally assumed to be a predictor of learning performance, yet few studies have identified the mediating and moderating effects between the two. This study extends previous research by proposing and testing a model that examines the mediating processes in the relationship between learning style and e-learning performance and the moderating effects of prior knowledge. The results show that the sensory/intuitive dimension of learning style predicts learning performance indirectly through the mediation of online participation. However, other types of learning styles do not affect online participation. Sensory students demonstrate a higher level and intuitive students a lower level of online participation. Prior knowledge plays an important role as a moderator between online participation and learning performance. This study was conducted in the context of software usage instruction using empirical data from 219 undergraduate students.  相似文献   

利用VMware虚拟机和Mikrotik路由操作系统搭建了网络实践自学平台,用于在普通PC机上进行大部分的网络实验。该平台不但可以有效缓解实验设备不足给高校网络实践教学带来的困难,更有助于学生自主完成规定的网络实践任务,提高学生学习的自觉性。  相似文献   

对《数据结构》高职教学中引入工学结合模式做了初步的改革探索,收到了良好的教学效果,有效激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

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