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Molecular weight (M) dependence of the lateral growth rate (V) of α form crystal of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) was studied. Reliable equilibrium melting temperature determined in our previous study was used for the analysis of supercooling dependence of V. A power law of M of V, , was obtained, where H is a small constant (H = 0.7). The small H, which is similar to that of the hexagonal phase of polyethylene (H = 0.7) in comparison with the value of H = 1.7 for the orthorhombic phase of polyethylene, confirmed our prediction of smaller H for “rod like” chain polymers because of easier chain sliding within the interface between the crystalline phase and the melt. Thus, the universality of the important role of topological nature in polymer crystallization was confirmed. Lateral surface free energy (σ) of the α form of iPP was obtained as σ ≅ 1.59 × 10−6 J/cm2.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of linear crystal growth rate (G) for various polymers shows a bell shape with the maximum growth rate (Gmax). The Gmax shows remarkable molecular weight dependence. The Gmax was formulated on the basis of a crystallization theory, both for Arrhenius and WLF expressions in the molecular transport term. The plots of the reduced growth rate (G/Gmax) against the reduced temperature (T/Tcmax) for a given polymer showed a single master curve without molecular weight dependence. The ratio of G0/Gmax gave a constant value for each polymer, indicating a material constant. On the basis of Gmax for many polymers, a universal master curve was observed when the ratio of ln(G/Gmax)/ln(G0/Gmax) was plotted against the reduced temperature (T/Tcmax).  相似文献   

J. Jancar  K. Fiore 《Polymer》2011,52(25):5851-5857
The spherulite growth rate, GII, was measured for three monodisperse linear polyethylenes filled with up to 4 vol. % of SiO2 nanoparticles in the crystallization regime II of small undercooling, ΔT. The fumed SiO2 used did not exhibit any measurable nucleation activity. The GII scaled with the number average molecular weight, Mn, as Mnν with the scaling exponent, ν, equal to (2.2 ± 0.1). This corresponds to the reptation controlled surface self-diffusion of loop-train adsorbed chains with the contour length fluctuation (CLF) and the chain constraint release (CR) contributions. In order to verify the hypothesis of the chain reptation as the molecular mechanism responsible for the chain transport, logGII was plotted against the logarithm of the number of effective entanglements per chain, logNeff. The Neff was the sum of the number of “true” entanglements in the neat resin of a given Mn and the number of apparent “temporary” entanglements due to adsorption/desorption of segments of PE chains onto SiO2 nanoparticles with their inter-particle distance equal or shorter than the average entanglement length. Adding 2 vol % and 4 vol. % SiO2, respectively, resulted in an increase of the Neff by 40% and 80% of apparent “temporary” entanglements, respectively. When plotted against logNeff, all the experimental logGII data for a given undercooling, ΔT, collapsed to a single line. The slope of the logGII vs. logNeff dependence was independent of ΔT and varied from −2.13 to −2.24, similarly to the slope of the logGII vs. logMn dependence. This supported the conclusion that the effects of increasing the Mn and/or adding the non-nucleating nanometer sized SiO2 on the spherulite growth rate were additive in nature and their effect can be superimposed. The retarded reptation of the chains to the growing crystal front was identified as the primary molecular mechanism of chain transport controlling the reduction of the spherulite growth rate in the model PE/SiO2 nanocomposites investigated.  相似文献   

We have investigated the scaling relationship between rheological behavior and concentration for both salt-free and saline solutions of hyaluronan (HA), and adopted three viscoelastic constitutive models to predict the linear/non-linear viscoelastic behavior of these aqueous solutions of HA with different molecular weights at different concentrations up to 20 mg/ml. A series of concentration equations are obtained to describe the influence of HA concentration on solution viscosity. Corresponding to dilute and semi-dilute concentration region, salt-free HA solutions have scaling relationship between specific viscosity and HA concentration as ηsp ∼ c1.0 and ηsp ∼ c3.5, respectively, while for 0.15 M NaCl HA solutions, the scaling exponents are 1.5 and 4.2, respectively. Simulation results indicate that these constitutive models have good applicability to describe quantitatively the rheological properties of HA entangled solutions under either dynamic or steady shear flow. In addition, the plateau modulus scaling of HA solutions can be well described by the concentration-dependent length scale.  相似文献   

M.A. Shcherbina 《Polymer》2006,47(15):5505-5512
Most melt-grown and many solution-grown lamellar polymer crystals have curved lateral faces. Mathematical treatments by Mansfield, Point and Villers, and Toda, have provided a satisfactory interpretation of the shape of such crystal faces in terms of nucleation and relatively slow propagation rates of layers of attaching stems. The treatments by these authors, which start with the Frank-Seto growth model, assume that the propagation rates of growth steps to the right (vr) and to the left of the secondary nucleus (vl) are equal. However, for many crystal growth faces this is not the case; faces which lack a mirror plane perpendicular to the lamella have vrvl, resulting in asymmetric curvature. Here, we set up and solve the differential equations and reconstruct the shape of the growth front for the case of asymmetric spreading of steps. The solution is presented for the simple square lattice model. The asymmetric growth front is still described as part of an ellipse, as in the symmetric case, except that the centre of the ellipse is translated parallel to the underlying crystallographic plane in the direction of fast v. In forthcoming publications we will adapt the solution to other 2D Bravais lattices, appropriate to the crystal structures of specific polymers. Thus we will analyze complete habits of polymers such as polyethylene, poly(ethylene oxide), and poly(vinylidene fluoride), whose {110}, {120} and {110} growth faces, respectively, are asymmetric. The results of the present work allow a detail kinetic analysis of any well-developed polymer growth face in terms of the step initiation rate i and the propagation rates vr and vl. The present work also quantifies explicitly the deviations from elliptic shape and the substrate edge effects, and discusses when these can be ignored.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been implemented to study the effect of polar and non-polar solvents on the different faces of the aspirin crystal and the possible mechanisms of surface growth. We focus on the role of the H-bond in stabilizing the crystal faces and do a systematic study on the effect of the solvents at intermediate stages of the process of growth. Our results show that for both polar and non-polar solvents, the (0 1 0) surface of aspirin maintains its robustness and lattice order after equilibration, which allows for the fast deposition of additional aspirin molecules onto the existing surface. We find that the growth on this face can be mostly accomplished in a molecule-by-molecule manner, which is favored both thermodynamically and kinetically. The (0 0 1) surface shows that the molecules lose their lattice structure completely if they are not paired with other aspirin molecules before they are in contact with any solvent. For this reason, growth in this direction can only be in a layer-by-layer manner if there is any at all. Our results also show that as the unpaired (1 0 0) surface of aspirin is populated with-OH groups, their hydrophilic nature favors the interaction with a polar solvent and thus growth along this face is enhanced when contacting with ethanol. The methyl and carboxyl groups covering the unpaired (0 0 1) plane cause unfavorable interaction with the polar solvent. On the (0 1 0) plane, the interlaced arrangement of hydrophilic hydroxyl groups and hydrophobic phenyl groups stabilizes the surface structure in both polar and non-polar solvents.  相似文献   

R. Alamo  J.G. Fatou  J. Guzmán 《Polymer》1982,23(3):379-384
The morphology and growth rates of crystallized molecular weight fractions of poly(1,3-dioxolane) covering the range Mn = 8 800 to 120 000 have been studied by polarized light microscopy. Two different supermolecular structures, dependent on molecular weight and crystallization temperature have been found. Spherulites are formed after rapid crystallization and a more disordered morphology is formed at the lowest undercoolings but there is a temperature region where both forms are observed. The disordered form appears first and a consecutive spherulitic growth takes place. The crystallization kinetics were analysed over the temperature range 10°C to 36°C. At crystallization temperatures lower than 15°–18°C, the growth rate is linear and only spherulites are found. In the temperature range from 18°C to 36°C a well defined break is observed in the growth rate but the spherulitic growth rate is always higher than that of the irregular form. The growth rate temperature coefficient was studied and the usual plots are not linear in the whole range of crystallization temperatures. For the high crystallization temperature region, the slope is about twice as great as the low crystallization temperature slope. This is the region where regular spherulites are formed. The comparison between dilatometric and growth rate data has shown that the overall rate and growth rate temperature coefficients are the same.  相似文献   

Rice bran oil (RBO) is well known for its high wax content (2–4%). A good separation of waxes must be ensured through the formation of crystals that can be removed with a minimal retention of oil to maintain high yields of refined oil. In the present study, the form and size distribution of RBO wax crystals were investigated using a laser diffraction technique. An attempt was made to study the effect of cooling on growth and size distribution of RBO wax crystals in hexane medium, and it showed that high cooling rate and low temperature induces the formation of a great number of small nuclei. In addition, experiments were performed to evaluate the effect on the growth of wax crystals of successive additions of gum and pure TG to the medium. The entire experiment was designed to optimize the temperature and incubation time of wax crystallization to facilitate the efficient separation of wax from crude RBO-hexane miscella using membrane technology.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of D-Mannitol(mannitol) is reviewed in this paper. It was found that the structure of the stable form is consistent in most literatures, but different authors have given different information about the two metastable forms. Therefore the commonly used nomenclature of mannitol was summarized based on the crystal unit cell parameters with the help of X-ray powder diffraction. Moreover, the crystal growth mechanism of mannitol polymorphs was summarized. Considering the lack of kinetic data for the metastable form especially, a reported method was attempted to apply to δ mannitol in an aqueous cooling crystallization process based on the induction time previously measured, and it was identified that the growth of the δ form follows the two-dimensional(2D) nucleationmediated mechanism. The results also indicate that the method based on induction time and supersaturation should have the potential to be expanded to the metastable polymorphs for the growth property study in a bulk system.  相似文献   

Melt crystallization behavior and corresponding crystal morphology of five low molecular weight (3,900 ≤ MW ≤ 20,800) linear polyethylene (PE) fractions have been investigated. The overall crystallization data indicate that the lower molecular weight (MW) fraction possesses a higher crystallization rate at the same undercooling (ΔT). On the contrary, at the same crystallization temperature (Tc) the rate increases with MW. The Avrami exponent (n) varies from ca. 3 to 4 with decreasing ΔT for the fractions studied, which implies the nucleation process changes from athermal type to thermal type as Tc increases. For the low MW PE’s, the different crystal growth regimes (regime I and II) have been first time identified via linear crystal growth rate (G) measurements. The regime I/II transition temperatures are close to previously reported data, which were obtained through a different method. As reported for intermediate MW PE’s, the transitions occur at an almost constant ΔT of 17.5±1 °C for each fraction studied. Morphological study shows that single crystals could be formed isothermally at low ΔT’s. Typical banded spherulites and axialites, which are MW and ΔT dependent, are also observed. Orthorhombic structure is ascertained to be the dominant crystal structure that exists irrespective of MW and crystal growth regime.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of electronic and optoelectronic industry, the demand for crystal materials increased dramatically for the past two decades. The requirement for better, cheaper, and larger single crystals has driven extensive research and development in crystal growth. To understand the interplay of associated transport processes and phase transformation, as well as to provide a design basis, crystal growth modeling is becoming more important in both fundamentals and practice. In this article, we review some recent progress of numerical modeling in crystal growth through three subjects: (1) hot-zone design, (2) active growth control, and (3) morphological simulation. Examples are given through our research results in recent years. For better illustration and process understanding some visualization results using transparent materials are given. The needs and the challenges ahead for crystal growth modeling are also discussed.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight (MW) poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) crystallized in ultrathin films displays various crystal growth patterns in a crystallization temperature (Tx) range from 20.0 °C to 50.0 °C. In succession, the following patterns are found: nearly one-dimensional (1D) dendrite-like crystal patterns at Tx ≤ 38.0 °C, two-dimensional (2D) seaweed-like patterns between 39.0 °C ≤ Tx ≤ 42.0 °C and again, nearly 1D dendrite-like patterns at Tx ≥ 43.0 °C. These transitions result from a complex interplay of varying growth rates along different growth directions and preservation of growth planes. Structural analysis carried out via electron diffraction indicates that the dendrite-like crystals formed at the low and high Tx values differ by their fast growth directions: along the {120} normal at the low Tx values and along the (100) and (010) normal at the high Tx values. In the later case however, the major growth faces are still the {120}, this time tilted at 45° and indicating the a∗ and b axes growth tips. In the intermediate Tx range (39.0 °C-42.0 °C), three growth directions coexist giving rise to the seaweed morphology. The crystal growth rates at the low and high Tx values are constant versus time. For the seaweed, a square-root dependence is obtained. These differences are probably due to 1D and 2D growth in the ultrathin films and are associated with different growth patterns of the dendrites and the seaweed, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary This paper concerns the viscosity dependence of Xanthan as a function of polymer concentration, shear rate and molecular weight in the ordered conformation. The different samples with various molecular weights are obtained by ultrasonication. A unique curve is obtained for the reduced specific viscosity ( ) as a function of γ · γ r −1 for the different molecular weight samples and polymer concentrations below an overlap concentration C [η]0⩽ 1.5. The master curve giving the relation as a function of C [η]0 is drawn and compared with that of polystyrene in good solvent. The largest increase of in semidilute solution may be due to larger interchain interactions and to larger stiffness of the Xanthan molecule.  相似文献   

The electrochemical nucleation and growth of zinc on low-carbon steel from acidic (pH 2.0-4.5) baths containing ZnSO4, NaCl, and H3BO3, was studied by means of chronoamperometry at various cathodic potentials under a charge-transfer controlled regime. It is shown that at overpotentials in the range 0.30-0.55 V (negative to the Zn2+/Zn redox value) the electrodeposition proceeds by instantaneous three-dimensional nucleation, which turns to progressive at higher overpotentials and/or very acidic baths. At low cathodic overpotentials (<0.30 V), a two-dimensional contribution limited by the incorporation of Zn ad-atoms in the developing lattice becomes significant at the early stages of deposition, and is more progressive in type the more acidic is the bath pH. Nucleation rate constants were calculated and correlated analytically with the respective potentials, using the classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation, which though fails to lead to reasonable values for the critical nucleus size.  相似文献   

In this study a combination of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and multiblock model is used for modelling crystal growth in a 100 dm3 suspension crystallizer equipped with two turbine impellers. Local hydrodynamics and crystal suspension densities were modelled using CFD. Simulation results were compared with experimental results to verify flow profile and slip velocities (Hatakka et al., 2008, 2009), and classification of crystals. Results from CFD simulations were then translated to a proper form and used as input data for the multiblock model.  相似文献   

The forced convection heat transfer characteristics for an incompressible and steady flow of power law liquids in fixed and extended beds of spherical particles has been studied numerically. The sphere-sphere hydrodynamic interactions have been accounted for by using a simple cell model. Within the framework of such a cell model, the momentum and energy equations have been solved using a finite difference method to obtain the velocity and temperature fields. Extensive numerical estimates of the local and average Nusselt numbers as functions of the physical, rheological and kinematic variables have been presented and discussed for the two commonly employed thermal boundary conditions. In broad terms, the Nusselt number for power law fluids (both shear-thinning and shear-thickening conditions) normalized with respect to the corresponding value for a Newtonian fluid shows weak additional dependence on the power law flow behaviour index. The shear-thinning behaviour is seen to promote heat transfer and as expected the shear-thickening behaviour impedes heat transfer in fixed and fluidised beds. All in all, the present results encompass wide ranges of conditions as follows: Reynolds number: 1-500; Peclet number: 1-500; bed voidage: 0.4-0.8 and the flow behaviour index: 0.5-1.8 thereby covering extremely shear-thinning and shear-thickening types of fluid behaviours. The paper is concluded by presenting detailed comparisons with the limited analytical and/or experimental results available for liquid-solid mass transfer in such systems.  相似文献   

In-Sn-O nanostructures with rectangular cross-sectional rod-like, sword-like, and bowling pin-like morphologies were successfully synthesized through self-catalytic growth. Mixed metallic In and Sn powders were used as source materials, and no catalyst layer was pre-coated on the substrates. The distance between the substrate and the source materials affected the size of the Sn-rich alloy particles during crystal growth in a quartz tube. This caused In-Sn-O nanostructures with various morphologies to form. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscope and a transmittance electron microscope with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer were used to investigate the elemental binding states and compositions of the as-synthesized nanostructures. The Sn doping and oxygen vacancies in the In2O3 crystals corresponded to the blue-green and yellow-orange emission bands of the nanostructures, respectively.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic properties of binary blends of polystyrenes with a narrow distribution of low and high molecular weights (M2 > M1 > Mc) were examined. By combining the theoretical work of Montfort et al., Kurata, and Schausberger, a binary blending law was developed and was used to calculate the zero shear viscosity and steady state compliance of the blend of two monodisperse polymers. The blending law was also used to calculate the molecular weight distribution of a polydisperse polymer. The calculated results were compared with those obtained from viscoelastic ] and GPC measurements, with good agreement.  相似文献   

New extensive data on the free settling velocity of thirty cubes of various densities and sizes falling in scores of Newtonian and Power law liquids are reported herein to supplement the existing data, for there is very little prior data on cubes in power law liquids. The new data embrace the range of conditions as follows: sphericity of 0.805; power law index, 0.61 to 1 and consistency index, 0.0078-15.31 Pa sn; Reynolds number, 0.0013 to 860. The new results are shown to be consistent with an existing drag correlation which has been tested extensively using the literature data for spherical and non-spherical particles falling in Newtonian and power law liquids with acceptable levels of accuracy.  相似文献   

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