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吴定 《食品科技》2003,(11):3-6
阐述了实施我国食品质量安全市场准入制度的必要性及小麦粉加工企业取得《食品生产许可证》的重要性、迫切性和程序。根据现场审查体会,提出目前我国小麦粉生产企业普遍存在的问题及小麦粉加工企业如何顺利通过生产必备条件现场审查的建议。  相似文献   

阐述了建立具有中国特色的食品质量安全市场准入制度的必要性及大米加工企业取得《食品生产许可证》的重要性、迫切性和程序,并结合作者的现场审查体会,对大米加工企业如何顺利通过生产必备条件的现场审查提出建议。  相似文献   

食醋生产企业如何迎接市场准入制度审查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴定 《中国调味品》2003,(10):42-46
阐述了实施我国食品质量安全市场准入制度的必要性及食醋工业取得《食品生产许可证》的重要性、迫切性和程序。根据现场审查体会,提出目前我国食醋生产企业普遍存在的问题及食醋加工企业如何顺利通过生产必备条件现场审查的建议。  相似文献   

全国工业产品生产许可证办公室决定,从2006年6月开始,已通过认证的白酒类产品必须贴有QS标志。QS是食品质量安全认证、市场准入的标志,目前已经在许多食品包装上实行。在食品包装上加贴QS标志,除了表明该食品的生产加工企业已经过质监部门的审查外,还意味着企业承诺其产品符合食品质量安全要求。  相似文献   

2005年9月1日施行第一章总则第一条为加强食品生产加工企业质量安全监督管理,提高食品质量安全水平,保障人民群众安全健康,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》、《中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例》、《国务院关于进一步加强食品安全工作的决定》和国务院赋予国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)的职能等有关规定,制定本细则。第二条凡在中华人民共和国境内从事以销售为目的的食品生产加工经营活动,必须遵守本细则。食品的进出口管理依照法律、行政法规和国家有关规定执行。第三条本细则所称食品是指经过加工、制作并…  相似文献   

宋艺光 《中国食品》2009,(14):15-15
陕西省目前共有各类食品生产加工单位(含小企业、小作坊)12000余家,其中取得食品生产许可证的企业3346家,7人以下小企业小作坊近9000家,约占企业总数的75%.呈现出“多、小、散、乱.差”的特点.且基本上没有自检能力,食品质量安全隐患很大。为了贯彻落实《食品安全法》.切实提升陕西省食品生产加工环节质量安全.陕西省质量技术监督局主要抓好以下五个方面的工作。  相似文献   

"QS"标志--中国食品质量安全保证的"身份证"   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
“QS”标志制度是食品质量安全市场准入制度,“QS”标志是消费者识别食品质量安全保证的“身份证”。“QS”标志的主要内容是:食品生产企业必须经过基本生产条件的审查,实施生产许可证制度;对企业生产的食品实施强制检查制度;对实施食品生产许可制度的食品施行质量安全市场准入标志制度。  相似文献   

履行食品生产加工环节质量安全监督和卫生监管。大力整顿食品生产加工业。全面实施食品质量安全市场准入制度依然是国家质检总局今年工作的重点。  相似文献   

“QS”是我国的食品市场准入标志,由英文“质量安全(Quali鄄tySafety)”的打头字母组成。按照国家有关规定,凡在中华人民共和国境内从事以销售为最终目的的食品生产加工活动的国有企业、集体企业、私营企业、三资企业,以及个体工商户、具有独立法人资格企业的分支机构和其他从事食品生产加工经营活动的每个独立生产场所,都必须申请《食品生产许可证》。获得《食品生产许可证》的企业,其产品经出厂检验合格的,在出厂销售之前,都必须在最小销售单元的食品包装上标注食品质量安全生产许可证编号,并加印或加贴食品质量安全市场准入标志,也就是…  相似文献   

实行食品质量安全市场准入制度可以有效确保食品生产加工企业产品的质量,可以完善食品生产法制管理。食品安全直接影响到消费者的人身安全,食品质量更是企业发展的基础,企业生存的道德底线。监管部门不能放松对已取得食品生产许可证企业的持续监督,要提高责任意识,保证产品质量不断提高。  相似文献   

食品包装安全卫生已受到越来越广泛的重视。2005年1至10月,欧盟向我国通报了54起食品包装及接触材料的安全卫生问题。2005年7月1日,欧委会健康和消费者保护总司司长马德林专门就我国出口欧盟与食品接触材料频繁被检出安全卫生问题致函我国驻欧盟大使,提出如果中方不在7月底前采取有效措施,将对中国的此类产品采取进一步措施。食品包装及接触材料已经成为发达国家设立技术壁垒的新领域。近年来,欧盟、美国、日本等对直接与食品接触的包装及包装材料都制定了详细的法规。如FDA长期以来遵循的美国联邦法规,详细规定了各种与食品直接或间接接触的包装材料及其中所使用的各项物质的要求。欧盟在2004年新拟定的草案“食品接触物质超级指令”则进一步综合了过去所有与食品接触物质相关的旧法规,使其成为欧盟对食品包装材料最主要而且最具影响力的新法规。  相似文献   

Recent and past food scandals highlight the urgent need for food safety authorities to anticipate future risks in order to enable improved and proactive response mechanisms. With this goal in mind, the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL) has established an early warning system aimed at early identification of potential health risks and fraudulent practices in the food sector. The early warning approach allows intervention at different stages of risk development. On the one hand, the scanning of a broad area of the food production chain (horizon scanning) may enable prospective risk identification. To this end, relevant factors of influence (drivers) need to be identified, observed and analyzed. On the other hand, the retrospective analysis of case studies may unravel novel cause-effect associations that could be transferred to other products and production technologies, possibly leading to the identification of new drivers (root cause analysis). Additionally, various datasets emanating from food safety authorities, for example data from the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) and from Bavarian-wide laboratory analyses and food business inspections, will be closely observed and analyzed. The multidisciplinary character of the LGL has proven to be essential for the realization of the early warning approach, the analysis of inflowing data and implementation of consequences such as food business inspections and sampling for analysis. This article details the objectives and methodical approaches of the project. The acquisition of systematically compiled information as well as its analysis and assessment are comprehensively described. The early warning system presented here has already contributed significantly to the risk-oriented food inspection practiced to date, by integrating novel risk-relevant aspects.  相似文献   

深入理解食品生产相关法令法规和标准,逐步统一各级执行者的认识,提高一线监管的专业水平,是食品安全监管工作发展的当前迫切需求和今后必经之路。为了逐步整合同类标准和文件之间的异同,便于监管人员和审核人员从实际工作需求角度去理解GB 14881和审查通则的要求,本文以食品生产许可审查通则(2010版)为基本框架,结合GB 14881-2013的相关内容以及笔者以往的审核经验,对申请材料审核部分各条款核查的内容和方法进行细化、分析和归纳,包括组织领导、人员职责和要求、技术性文件、采购及验证、过程管理、关键质控、产品防护、检验管理等13个方面的内容,可作为食品生产许可现场核查和日常监管的具体工作实施的技术参考材料。  相似文献   

深入理解食品生产相关法令法规和标准,逐步统一各级执行者的认识,提高一线监管的专业水平,是食品安全监管工作发展的当前迫切需求和今后必经之路。为了逐步整合同类标准和文件之间的异同,便于监管人员和审核人员从实际工作需求角度去理解GB 14881和审查通则的要求,本文以食品生产许可审查通则(2010版)为基本框架,结合GB 14881-2013的相关内容以及笔者以往的审核经验,对生产场所核查部分各条款核查的内容和方法进行细化、分析和归纳,包括厂区要求、车间要求、库房要求、生产设备、检验设备5个方面的内容,可作为食品生产许可现场核查和日常监管的具体工作实施的技术参考材料。  相似文献   

The majority of local health departments perform routine restaurant inspections. In Los Angeles County (LAC), California, approximately $10 million/year is spent on restaurant inspections. However, data are limited as to whether or not certain characteristics of restaurants make them more likely to be associated with foodborne incident reports. We used data from the LAC Environmental Health Management Information System (EHMIS), which records the results of all routine restaurant inspections as well as data regarding all consumer-generated foodborne incidents that led to a special restaurant inspection by a sanitarian (investigated foodborne incidents [IFBIs]). We analyzed a cohort of 10,267 restaurants inspected from 1 July 1997 to 15 November 1997. We defined a "case restaurant" as any restaurant with a routine inspection from 1 July 1997 to 15 November 1997 and a subsequent IFBI from 1 July 1997 to 30 June 1998. Noncase restaurants did not have an IFBI from I July 1997 to 30 June 1998. We looked for specific characteristics of restaurants that might be associated with the restaurant subsequently having an IFBI, including the size of restaurant (assessed by number of seats), any previous IFBIs, the overall inspection score, and a set of 38 violation codes. We identified 158 case restaurants and 10,109 noncase restaurants. In univariate analysis, middle-sized restaurants (61 to 150 seats; n = 1,681) were 2.8 times (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.0 to 4.0) and large restaurants (>150 seats; n = 621) were 4.6 times (95% CI = 3.0 to 7.0) more likely than small restaurants (< or =60 seats; n = 7,965) to become case restaurants. In addition, the likelihood of a restaurant becoming a case restaurant increased as the number of IFBIs in the prior year increased (chi2 for linear trend, P value = 0.0005). Other factors significantly associated with the occurrence of an IFBI included a lower overall inspection score, the incorrect storage of food, the reuse of food, the lack of employee hand washing, the lack of thermometers, and the presence of any food protection violation. In multivariate analysis, the size of restaurant, the incorrect storage of food, the reuse of food, and the presence of any food protection violation remained significant predictors for becoming a case restaurant. Our data suggest that routine restaurant inspections should concentrate on those establishments that have a large seating capacity or a poor inspection history. Evaluation of inspection data bases in individual local health departments and translation of those findings into inspection guidelines could lead to an increased efficiency and perhaps cost-effectiveness of local inspection programs.  相似文献   

可追溯体系在食品中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文主要探讨利用先进的条形码或射频识别码电子标签技术(RFID),采用目前快速发展的信息技术--自动识别和数据获取(AIDC)技术,监控食品从生产基地、加工企业、配送、零售到消费者的情况,建立能从最终产品快速及时追溯源头的跟踪与召回的管理系统.这是一个与我国市场经济发展相适应且与国际接轨的新型食品监控体系.  相似文献   

Routine inspections of retail food service facilities by public health authorities serve as a major method of ensuring food sanitation. The objectives were to determine whether customer complaints received by restaurants in Alexandria, VA, during 2004 predicted the number of critical violations issued on subsequent food safety inspections. Using a retrospective cohort study design, we defined “exposed” restaurants as those that received 1 complaints from January 1 to December 31 of 2004 and “unexposed” restaurants as those that received none. We then counted the number of critical violations cited on food safety inspections conducted immediately after receipt of customer complaints (exposed restaurants) or on the first inspection conducted in 2005 (unexposed restaurants). A total of 144 exposed and 233 unexposed restaurants were enrolled in the study. Compared with unexposed restaurants, exposed restaurants were less likely to have received one or more critical violations (relative risk = 0.84, 95% confidence interval of 0.74–0.96, P = 0.01). Restaurant inspections conducted specifically in response to customer complaints may not identify critical violations any more often than inspections conducted at restaurants free from such complaints.  相似文献   

2016~2017年全国食品安全监督抽检结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析我国当前食品安全的整体情况。方法 对2016~2017年全国食品安全监督抽检结果进行汇总, 分析各季度监督抽检完成情况及抽检发现的主要食品安全问题。结果 2016~2017年全国共完成3863983批次食品样品的监督抽检, 其中检验项目合格的样品3773847批次, 总体合格率为97.7%, 检出不合格样品90136批次。监督抽检样品涉及33个食品类别, 其中粮、油、肉、蛋、乳、食用农产品等大宗食品的合格率普遍较高, 婴幼儿配方食品合格率为99.4%, 但淀粉及淀粉制品、蔬菜制品、餐饮食品和酒类的合格率偏低。抽检发现的主要食品安全问题是超范围、超限量使用食品添加剂和微生物污染, 且微生物污染问题在每年的第3季度更为严重。结论 我国当前的食品安全形势总体平稳, 存在的主要问题是超范围、超限量使用食品添加剂和微生物污染。  相似文献   

Standardized inspections of food premises are part of environmental health systems implemented worldwide. The food safety strategy for the 2004 Olympic Games included standardized inspections to ensure uniformity and consistency of procedures and effective electronic management of data. Inspections were carried out by 196 inspectors in the five Olympic cities: Athens, Thessalonica, Volos, Iraklio, and Patra. From January 2003 to September 2004, a total of 1,249 food premises were inspected. An unsatisfactory inspection result (C grade) was received by 347 (27.8%) food premises, a relatively satisfactory result (B grade) was received by 332 (26.6%), and a satisfactory result (A grade) was received by 570 (45.6%). About 16% of inspected premises did not hold a valid permit. Unsatisfactory inspection results were more frequent for premises located in the two largest Greek cities in comparison with the other smaller cities (relative risk = 1.95, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.36 to 2.80). Based on logistic regression analysis, unsatisfactory inspection results were positively associated with food premises that were not located on a ground floor (odds ratio [OR] = 2.56, 95% CI = 1.39 to 4.73) and negatively associated with application of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) principles (OR = 0.27, 95% CI = 0.10 to 0.71). Food hygiene education through formal training programs should be encouraged to improve compliance of food premises. Food premises located on hotel floors and serving buffet meals are at higher risk for unsatisfactory conditions. Businesses that implemented a HACCP system within their operations to ensure food safety operated under more hygienic conditions. Future inspections by Public Health Authorities should involve elements of audit after the legislation for the application of HACCP principles.  相似文献   

Research shows that community socioeconomic status (SES) predicts, based on food service types available, whether a population has access to healthy food. It is not known, however, if a relationship exists between SES and risk for foodborne illness (FBI) at the community level. Geographic information systems (GIS) give researchers the ability to pinpoint health indicators to specific geographic locations and detect resulting environmental gradients. It has been used extensively to characterize the food environment, with respect to access to healthy foods. This research investigated the utility of GIS in determining whether community SES and/or demographics relate to access to safe food, as measured by food service critical health code violations (CHV) as a proxy for risk for FBI. Health inspection records documenting CHV for 10,859 food service facilities collected between 2005 and 2008 in Philadelphia, PA, were accessed. Using an overlay analysis through GIS, CHV were plotted over census tracts of the corresponding area. Census tracts (n = 368) were categorized into quintiles, based on poverty level. Overall, food service facilities in higher poverty areas had a greater number of facilities (with at least one CHV) and had more frequent inspections than facilities in lower poverty areas. The facilities in lower poverty areas, however, had a higher average number of CHV per inspection. Analysis of CHV rates in census tracts with high concentrations of minority populations found Hispanic facilities had more CHV than other demographics, and Hispanic and African American facilities had fewer days between inspections. This research demonstrates the potential for utilization of GIS mapping for tracking risks for FBI. Conversely, it sheds light on the subjective nature of health inspections, and indicates that underlying factors might be affecting inspection frequency and identification of CHV, such that CHV might not be a true proxy for risk for FBI.  相似文献   

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