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随着Internet的迅速发展和企业的全球化进程,目录服务的应用为大规模地采集,储存和访问信息提供了一种灵活多变的解决方案,目录服务在PK澡的主要功能,是在一定网络领域内提供一个快速,方便的访问安全认证所需信息的途径,文章以校园网为背景对LDAP在PKI中的应用进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

PKI体系认证模式的USBKey在电子政务中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立稳定可靠的信任和授权机制是电子政务建设中亟待解决的课题。USBKcy是一种新型身份认证产品。分析了PKI技术的特点,提出了利用基于PKI体系认证模式的USBKey解决信息传输中身份认证问题的方法。  相似文献   

本文在对多媒体技术含义和多媒体技术应用的必要性分析的基础上,肯定了其应用中的优点,同时也找出了其很多不足之处,并针对这些不足提出了一些建议性的对策.  相似文献   

通过在电力企业推广使用PKI数字认证技术,有效防止信息系统中假冒身份、篡改信息、越权操作、否定责任等问题,构建电力企业可信网络环境。本文以内蒙古电力公司建立数字认证体系为例,阐述了PKI基础技术和数字认证体系的组成部分,重点分析了CA基础设施、PKI应用支撑体系和运行服务体系的内容。  相似文献   

贵州铁路东一环,为2005年投入使用的2.5GMSTP环路,因历史原因,未能充分利用,随着维保期的结束,部分机盘未能及时修复,导致整体环路可靠性降低。目前铁路业务仍以2M为主,另加载部分小颗粒以太网业务。东一环为2.5G多业务平台设备1660SM组成,目前容量富裕度很大,完全可以承担近期内的业务扩展需求。为了能正常加载铁路业务,发挥其应用的功能,有必要对此环进行一次整治改造。并探讨尝试建立作为下一代传送网发展方向之一的OTN传输系统。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在各个领域中的应用十分的广泛。文中首先阐述了系统设计的流程,根据室内设计的特点,并结合虚拟现实将室内设计作品以虚拟现实的形式进行展现。室内设计人员通过软件进行具体的设计,体验者可以利用虚拟现实来进行沉浸式的体验。相比较于传统的室内设计,这样可以更直观的、更有效的对设计者的作品进行检验,同时也能大大的减少成本和不必要的风险。  相似文献   

DSP芯片TMS320C54x提供高速、双向、多通道缓冲串行口McBSP,它可以与其他的TMS320C54x器件或其它串口器件通讯。串行SPI通信协议是一种标准的通信协议,很多场合下都是采用这种机制。本文阐述了基于TMS320VC5410的多通道缓冲串行口(McBSP)的特点及其SPI协议的串口配置方法。提出了多通道缓冲串行口在频率合成技术中的一个新应用实例,给出了硬件设计方法和软件流程,并提出了设计过程中应该注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了异常数据挖掘在实际中的应用,简要地介绍了异常点的定义、分类及异常数据挖掘的定义、功能等,详细的介绍了异常数据挖掘技术在金融领域、电信领域、商业领域中和生物医学以及DNA分析中的应用。  相似文献   

数列极限是一类重要的极限,在经济和数学领域中发挥着重要的作用。以举例的方式介绍数列极限在现实生活中的应用,包括几何中计算曲线所围图形的面积.求二次方程的数值解,购房按揭贷款分期还款问题,及连续复利问题。  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2008,9(1):4-20
Broad classes of statistical classification algorithms have been developed and applied successfully to a wide range of real-world domains. In general, ensuring that the particular classification algorithm matches the properties of the data is crucial in providing results that meet the needs of the particular application domain. One way in which the impact of this algorithm/application match can be alleviated is by using ensembles of classifiers, where a variety of classifiers (either different types of classifiers or different instantiations of the same classifier) are pooled before a final classification decision is made. Intuitively, classifier ensembles allow the different needs of a difficult problem to be handled by classifiers suited to those particular needs. Mathematically, classifier ensembles provide an extra degree of freedom in the classical bias/variance tradeoff, allowing solutions that would be difficult (if not impossible) to reach with only a single classifier. Because of these advantages, classifier ensembles have been applied to many difficult real-world problems. In this paper, we survey select applications of ensemble methods to problems that have historically been most representative of the difficulties in classification. In particular, we survey applications of ensemble methods to remote sensing, person recognition, one vs. all recognition, and medicine.  相似文献   

A nonparametric gradient-less shape optimization approach for finite element stress minimization problems is presented. The shape optimization algorithm is based on optimality criteria, which leads to a robust and fast convergence independent of the number of design variables. Sensitivity information of the objective function and constraints are not required, which results in superior performance and offers the possibility to solve the structural analysis task using fast and reliable industry standard finite element solvers such as ABAQUS, ANSYS, I-DEAS, MARC, NASTRAN or PERMAS. The approach has been successfully extended to complex nonlinear problems including material, boundary and geometric nonlinear behavior. The nonparametric geometry representation creates a complete design space for the optimization problem, which includes all possible solutions for the finite element discretization. The approach is available within the optimization system TOSCA and has been used successfully for real-world optimization problems in industry for several years. The approach is compared to other approaches and the benefits and restrictions are highlighted. Several academic and real-world examples are presented.  相似文献   

International Journal of Information Security - Public key cryptography is threatened by the advent of quantum computers. Using Shor’s algorithm on a large-enough quantum computer, an...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel graph database-mining method called APGM (APproximate Graph Mining) to mine useful patterns from noisy graph database. In our method, we designed a general framework for modeling noisy distribution using a probability matrix and devised an efficient algorithm to identify approximate matched frequent subgraphs. We have used APGM to both synthetic data set and real-world data sets on protein structure pattern identification and structure classification. Our experimental study demonstrates the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence Review - Whale optimization algorithm (WOA) has been developed based on the hunting behavior of humpback whales. Though it has a considerable convergence speed, WOA suffers...  相似文献   

Some shortcomings in Michell's truss theory   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Michell (1904) derived his well-known optimality criteria for trusses in the context of unequal permissible stresses in tension and compression. For the same design constraints, Hemp (1973) and the author (e.g. 1989) have obtained optimality conditions which are different from those of Michell, and also lead, in general, to different, and lighter trusses. The reasons for this contradiction are examined and it is found that for unequal permissible stresses Michell's optimality conditions are only valid for a highly restricted class of support conditions.  相似文献   

Some shortcomings in Michell's truss theory   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This reply outlines further classes of problems for which Michell's original theory is valid. Struct. Optim. 12, 244–255  相似文献   

在云计算时代,虚拟化桌面是必然趋势。本文介绍了虚拟化桌面的相关技术。分析了虚拟化桌面应用于高校的益处并比较两种虚拟化方案的利弊。  相似文献   

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer - Software testing continues to be regarded as a necessary and critical step in the software development life cycle. Among the...  相似文献   

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