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To study the phylogenetic relationships between the species of the family Mustelidae, by using the improved polymerase chain reaction-product direct sequencing technique, nucleotide sequences (375 bases) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were determined on ten species from five genera of the Mustelidae and three species of other carnivore families, all of which are distributed in or around Japan. The molecular phylogenetic tree indicated a clear separation of five genera: Mustela and Martes from the subfamily Mustelinae, Lutra and Enhydra from the subfamily Lutrinae, and Meles from the subfamily Melinae. This clustering agreed with the previously reported morphological and karyological taxonomy. Furthermore, the relationships between the intrageneric species were discussed in more detail. This is the first report on the molecular phylogeny throughout the Japanese species of the Mustelidae, inferred from the mitochondrial DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The autosomal recessive disorder xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) results from defects in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway for DNA repair. NER normally repairs bulky DNA lesions, such as pyrimidine dimers resulting from UV radiation. XP patients have high rates of skin cancer, and some also develop progressive neurological degeneration. To better understand the mechanism of this neurodegeneration, I used a specific assay for the multicomponent excision nuclease of the NER pathway in cell-free extracts from the adult rat brain. Excision nuclease activity was detectable in whole-cell extracts prepared from the cerebellum, whereas extracts prepared from the forebrain, which has a lower density of cell nuclei, had much less activity. Nuclear extracts from both areas were equally capable of restoring activity to extracts from two different NER-deficient cell lines, despite large differences in the ratio of neurons to nonneuronal cells in the cerebellum and forebrain. These results indicate that the NER pathway is functional in neuronal cells in the adult brain. The implications of this finding for XP and other neurodegenerative diseases is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven antigenic determinants were identified in the albumins, the immunoglobulin micro- and IgG(Fc) chains, and the C3 proteins of 51 carnivoran (sub)species from 31 genera, and in 12 noncarnivoran mammals. In addition to 19 determinants plesiomorphic for Carnivora as an order, 18 synapomorphic epitopes of carnivoran families revealed nine phylogenetic reaction groups: (1) canids, (2) ursids, (3) the racoon, (4) the Weddell seal, (5) the lesser panda, (6) the harbour seal, (7) mustelids, (8) viverrids and hyaenas, and (9) felids. These data identify Canoidea (Canidae, Ursidae, Phocidae, Procyonidae, Ailuridae, Mustelidae) and Feloidea (Viverridae, Hyaenidae, Felidae) as two fundamentally differentiated lineages of Carnivora, and confirm the inclusion of seals among the former. The Ursidae are the sister group of the Canidae. The antigenic determinants in the studied proteins do not subdivide the Canidae, Ursidae and Felidae into immunologically differentiated lineages.  相似文献   

Fetal development of the hands and feet of rats was investigated to determine the feasibility of using rats as an experimental model for studying the factors influencing early development of the hands and feet, and especially the dermatoglyphics in humans. Eighty rats fetuses of 14-21 days gestational age and 80 newborn rats of 0-7 days of age were used to study the morphological features of the palmar, plantar, and digital areas and to determine the timing of appearance and the location of the volar pads and flexion creases. Comparisons between analoguous developmental stages of rat and human fetuses demonstrate striking similarities in overall fetal development. Marked differences, however, were found between rat and human fetuses in the timing of developmental milestones and in some morphological features. The results indicate that rats can serve as a useful experimental model in studies of the utility of the epidermal ridge configurations and flexion creases in medical disorders, provided that the differences in the timing of development are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests a primary vagal bradycardia during hypoxic excitation of the arterial chemoreceptors. In this study we examined whether tachycardia, resulting from withdrawal of vagal inhibition of the cardiac pacemaker, may also occur during hypoxia. Cats with cervical spinal section were ventilated with hypoxic gas mixtures or allowed to remain apneic in expiration while heart rate was continually monitored. During recovery from halothane anesthesia or following electrolytic midcollicular decerebration, the bradycardic response to hypoxic or asphyxic stimulation was reduced or was reversed to tachycardia. The extent of reduction or reversal of the bradycardia was positively correlated with the level of the arterial pressure which was adjusted by either hemorrhage or infusion of phenylephrine. These findings indicate a tachycardic component of the vagal response to hypoxia, integrated in the pontomedullary region of the brainstem and resulting from interaction between the chemoreceptor and baroreceptor reflexes.  相似文献   

A physical model approach was used to investigate cholesterol gallstone dissolution kinetics in simulated bile. Critical experimental and theoretical investigations simulating in vivo conditions showed that, in the bile acid-lecithin solutions, there is a significant interfacial barrier for both cholesterol gallstone and cholesterol monohydrate pellet dissolution. In the present study, the rotating-disk dissolution method and the accompanying Levich theory were applied to assess the contributions of the diffusion convection mass transfer resistance and of the interfacial barrier to the overall kinetics. Cholesterol dissolution rates in bile acid solutions were about 2-20 times slower than diffusion-controlled rates depending upon the degree of agitation. As found in previous studies, these rates in the presence of sufficient concentrations of dissolution accelerators approached the theoretical diffusion-convection-controlled rates. To account for the much slower dissolution rates in bile acid-lecithin solutions, two possible kinetic interpretations were investigated. The first is based upon slow crystal-micellar solution interfacial kinetics, and the second is based upon a slow rate of cholesterol solubilization in the aqueous diffusion layer. For the latter, an analytical mathematical solution was obtained.  相似文献   

Most non-primate mammals have two types of cone: short-wavelength sensitive (S) and middle-to-long-wavelength sensitive (M/L) cones. In two species of African giant rats, Cricetomys gambianus and C. emini, and in two species of earless seals, Phoca hispida and P. vitulina, the retinal cone types and cone distributions were assessed with antibodies specific for the M/L-cone opsin and the S-cone opsin, respectively. All four species were found to completely lack S-cones, while M/L-cones were present in low densities. M/L-cone densities, rod densities and cone/rod ratios were determined across the retina. Cone proportions are about 0.3-0. 5% in C. gambianus, 0.5-0.8% in C. emini, and 1.5-1.8% in P. hispida. An absence of S-cones has previously been reported in a few nocturnal mammals. As earless seals are visually active during night and day, we conclude that an absence of S-cones is not exclusively associated with nocturnality. The functional and comparative aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

The diploid chromosome number of 35 in the male and 36 in the female African marsh mongoose, Atilax paludinosus, has been confirmed. C- and G-banding analyses have shown that the Y chromosome is probably translocated onto the proximal end of the acrocentric partner of a heteromorphic autosomal pair (C3). The other partner is a subtelocentric with a heterochromatic short arm. During the translocation process, this short arm was removed and presumably lost. The sex determining mechanism in Atilax could be written as XX in the female and XYA-A in the male.  相似文献   

Two sulfur compounds have been identified in the anal gland secretions of captive-raised adults of the striped polecat (Ictonyx striatus), an African mustelid. 3-Ethyl-1,2-pentanedithiolane was observed in the secretions of an adult male and an adult female. 1,3-Pentanedithiol was observed in the male; this compound has not previously been reported from mustelid anal glands.  相似文献   

All species of Truttaedacnitis Petter, 1974, were examined for a phylogenetic analysis. Morphological studies showed that Truttaedacnitis truttae (Fabricius, 1794) from North America possessed a reduced button-shaped or nipple-shaped caudal mucron that is in contrast to the sharp spike-shaped mucron commonly reported in Eurasian specimens. Histological studies showed that the excretory pore in Truttaedacnitis sphaerocephala (Rudolphi, 1809) was situated near the level of the pseudobuccal capsule between the 2 parts of the ventral cephalic ridge. Cucullanus heterodonti Johnston and Mawson, 1943 is transferred to Truttaedacnitis based on the presence of prominent cephalic plates separated by sutures. An hypothesis regarding interrelationships among Truttaedacnitis spp. was developed using phylogenetic systematics. The anterior excretory pore is a synapomorphy supporting the monophyly of Truttaedacnitis clitellarius (Ward and Magath, 1917) and T. sphaerocephala parasitizing sturgeons. The arrangement of cephalic plates indicates that Truttaedacnitis pybusae Anderson, 1992 and T. truttae may form a monophyletic group and further supports the monophyly of T. clitellarius and T. sphaerocephala. Using unordered character states of different cephalic plates produced a cladogram that suggested that species in holarctic/circumboreal families (Acipenseridae, Salmonidae, Petromyzontidae) may be monophyletic. The systematics and biogeography of the various species of Truttaedacnitis and their host specificity indicate that associations in this parasite genus are very ancient and of a relictual nature, determined largely by past continental and oceanic configurations, and a combination of vicariance and dispersal.  相似文献   

Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal septum developed in a 55-year old man with Wegener's granulomatosis. It is suggested that the malignancy was induced by immunosuppressive state from an increased and prolonged use of cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids. Although the efficacy of the therapeutic concept using cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids is well established, there have been some few reports that cyclophosphamide could be implicated in the genesis of malignancies. The pathophysiology of Wegener's granulomatosis should be better understood, and effective and less toxic alternative protocol should be established.  相似文献   

We report on an evaluation of the systematic position of the tick Anocentor nitens (Neumann), examining particularly whether Anocentor should be regarded as a subgenus of Dermacentor or as a separate genus. Twelve species of Ixodidae were analyzed phenetically by using 24 characters of adult ticks. A phenogram indicated 3 clusters, with Anocentor more closely related to Rhipicephalus than to Dermacentor. The results of this study endorse the validity of the monotypic genus Anocentor.  相似文献   

The Sources of Family Annoyance (SOFA) is a brief questionnaire intended to measure chronic stressors experienced by fathers and mothers in the home. Two scales, Household Negatives and Child Negatives, were derived from factor analysis. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the instrument discriminated a group of parents of psychiatric clinic-referred children from nonreferred parents. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the instrument discriminated mothers who were receiving public assistance from mothers in a community sample. Results suggest that the SOFA is a reliable and valid brief parent stress assessment instrument that may be useful in family-based interventions to reduce stress and improve the course of pediatric illness.  相似文献   

Hypothalamo-neurohypophysial magnocellular neurons display specific electrical activities in relation to the mode of release of their hormonal content (vasopressin or oxytocin). These activities are under strong glutamatergic excitatory control. The implication of NMDA receptors in the control of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons is still a matter of debate. We here report the first detailed characterization of functional properties of NMDA receptors in voltage-clamped magnocellular neurons acutely dissociated from the supraoptic nucleus. All cells responded to NMDA with currents that reversed polarity around 0 mV and were inhibited by D-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (D-APV) and by 100 microM extracellular Mg2+ (at -80 mV). Sensitivity to the co-agonist glycine (EC50, 2 microM) was low compared with most other neuronal preparations. The receptors displayed low sensitivity to ifenprodil, were insensitive to glycine-independent potentiation by spermine, and had a unitary conductance of 50 pS. No evidence was found for two distinct cell populations, suggesting that oxytocinergic and vasopressinergic neurons express similar NMDA receptors. Characterization of NMDA receptors at different postnatal ages revealed a transient increase in density of NMDA currents during the second postnatal week. This was accompanied by a specific decrease in sensitivity to D-APV, with no change in NMDA sensitivity or any other properties studied. Supraoptic NMDA receptors thus present characteristics that strikingly resemble those of reconstituted receptors composed of NR1 and NR2A subunits. Understanding the functional significance of the development of NMDA receptors in the supraoptic nucleus will require further knowledge about the maturation of neuronal excitability, synaptic connections and neurohormone release mechanisms.  相似文献   

To characterize the postnatal development of geniculocortical axon arbor morphology in owl monkeys at a series of ages from birth to adulthood, individual arbors were bulk-filled with HRP in brain slice preparations and were reconstructed from serial sections. At all ages, cortical layers and sublayers were obvious. Presumed M or magnocellular arbors were largely confined to layer IV alpha, but they also extended into layer IIIc (IVB of Brodmann, 1909); presumed P or parvocellular arbors were almost exclusively confined to layer IV beta. Other axons that may reflect feedback projections from MT terminated in layer IIIc. Overall, M axon arbors increased in size and complexity from birth to adulthood with mean surface-view arbor areas ranging from 0.08 +/- 0.01 mm2 in newborns to 0.24 +/- 0.02 mm2 in adults. The developing P arbor areas were, on average, as large or larger than adult (newborn = 0.07 +/- 0.01 mm2, adult = 0.047 +/- 0.01 mm2; n.s.) but the arbors were somewhat less complex. Since the brain and area 17 increase in size postnatally, the proportion of area 17 subserved by each P arbor would decrease in postnatal development. Terminal boutons with immature features were evident in both M and P populations at all developmental ages. The results indicate that, while both LGN axon types in monkeys undergo morphological changes postnatally, M arbors appear to mature by increasing arbor size and terminal branching complexity, whereas P arbors increase in complexity but not in size. These distinct programs of axon arbor development suggest that the periods of susceptibility of geniculocortical axon arbors to postnatal influences of the environment, and the types of plastic responses they potentially exhibit, are class-specific.  相似文献   

The goal of the current investigation was to study the effect of in utero exposure of cocaine on fetal and postnatal development. 48 adult female NIH Swiss mice were used as experimental animal models. Each of the 24 mice were injected intraperitoneally with cocaine HCl at a daily dose level of 45 mg/kg (body weight). Each of the 24 control animals were daily injected with saline. One week after the treatment started, one male was introduced into each female cage. The day the vaginal plug was found was recorded as day one of pregnancy. Both cocaine treated and saline treated animals were subdivided into three subgroups each with 8 animals in each subgroup. Subgroup one was used to obtain midgestational (11 day) fetuses, subgroup two was used to obtain full term fetuses (18 day) and subgroup three was used to obtain pups. Individual fetal weights were taken and each fetus was examined for developmental anomalies. Midgestational fetuses exposed to cocaine had lower body weights than those of the controls. The full term fetuses, however, had similar weight in both experimental and control groups. The pups were weighed every 2 days from day 2 to day 16. The pups showed a slightly wider range of weights in the cocaine treated group as they matured to 16 days. All fetuses and pups revealed no soft tissue anomaly which, along with the weight data, supported our earlier findings.  相似文献   

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