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目的:探讨多油层严重非均质油藏,特高含水期提高注水开发水平和采收集的途径。方法:在油藏精细描述的基础上,深化油藏认识,利用多种方法综合研究油藏剩余油分布的规律,运用配套的注采工艺技术进行整体调整挖潜。结果:建立了胡7南沙三下三维地质模型搞清了各小层剩余油分布规律,提出了一套适合严重非均质油藏开发剩余油的方法。结论:针对严重非均质油藏剩余油分布的特点,精心确定研究思路,实施效果显著对同类型高含水油藏的调整、挖潜具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

存水率和水驱指数是综合评价注水开发效果的两项重要指标。本文从存水率和水驱指数的定义出发,结合水驱特征曲线,在绘制H31断块存水率和水驱指数曲线的基础上,利用存水率和水驱指数的标准曲线和采出程度与综合含水率关系曲线两种方法评价了该断块的注水发效果,从而达到改善油田开发效果的目的。  相似文献   

由于油藏沉积时的非均质性和开采过程中油层水流状况的不均匀性,使开发层段的层间差异更加突出、层间干扰更加严重,水驱开采难度增大,开发效果变差。非均质地层中不同渗流特性介质的压力传导速度不同,不定期的改变注水井的注入量可在储层中高渗透层和低渗透层之间产生不稳定的压力差,压力差产生油水交渗流动,弹性力使油被置换出来,从而达到提高原油采收率的目的。现场生产实践表明,在达到相同的采出程度时,常规注水的含水率高于动态不稳定注水的含水率;动态不稳定注水的最终采收率明显高于常规注水的最终采收率。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩油藏开发中受到较多地质条件影响,最突出的问题是油藏的非均质性强,受到多期构造的破裂因素影响,双孔隙网络普遍存在,不具有规则性,裂缝发展不均,有的油藏地层能量衰减快。因此通过对其深入研究,提出必须及时补充地层能量,延长区块开发效果,探索合理的注水开发,为以后的开发工程提出宝贵意见。  相似文献   

砂砾岩油藏中高含水期周期注水提高采收率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,通过扎实开展以注够水、注好水、有效注水为核心的各项工作,水驱注水质量不断提高。尽管如此,由于受水质、洗井及层间干扰等问题的影响,目前水驱分层注水合格率仍然有待提高。特别是仍存在部分分层测试成果显示分层注水合格,但同位素吸水剖面显示有高强度注水层段和未动用层段,实际层段注水合格率低,如果这一问题得不到解决,层段性质和水量长期得不到调整,势必影响开发效果。为此,有必要开展周期注水的做法,力求通过注水井注水量的周期性变化,使油层压力场产生较大扰动,从而有效调整纵向和平面压力场,提高注水方案符合率,同时节约注水量,提高注入水的效率,最终达到控制含水上升率、自然递减率和低效无效注水量、产液量的目的。  相似文献   

针对濮城油田断块油藏非均质严重、采收率低等问题,通过剩余油类型及分布分析,提出了该类油藏提高采收率的措施和技术支持。  相似文献   

临盘油区位于惠民凹陷西部,是一个多套含油层系、多种油藏类型叠置的复式油气聚集区。由于断块碎小、含油层系多、油水关系复杂、非均质严重的地质特点,注水开发难度大,自然递减率大,水驱开发效果差,采收率低。通过开展断块、储层分类评价,结合数值模拟技术对不同断块形状、不同储量规模的断块通过建立概念模型,进行层系、井网优化,同时强化油藏、工艺、地面一体化配套,达到了大幅提高水驱采收率的目的。  相似文献   

油田注水开发中的节能有着巨大的潜力和广阔的前景。只有有效注水 ,才能保持油层的压力 ,同时 ,有效注水和保持油层的压力又是节能降耗这一个主题的两个不同的侧面。油田在注水开发中节能的核心是做到有效注水并不断提高水驱油效率。搞好有效注水和按科学规律合理开发油藏可以互为补充、相得益彰。  相似文献   

依据油藏地质特点将大庆外围台1区块扶余油层已开发井区分为三类,并结合开发动态特征分析了各类井区的注水开发效果,评价了各类井区历年层段调整、周期注水及注采系统调整的效果,并在此基础上制定了各类井区的开发调整对策。  相似文献   

油田(油藏)注水开发前后.储集层参数即孔隙度、渗透率及微观孔隙结构等都发生了不同程度的变化,储集层参数的变化特征和规律对于油田后期特别是三次采油至关重要,因此需要将更多的油藏开发动态资料直接应用到建模过程中,即建立起储集层注水开发前后动态变化模型,对于油藏注水开发和挖潜将具有更好的指导作用。  相似文献   

断块油田进入开发中后期,剩余油高度分散、挖潜难度大,同时低产、停产及报废井越来越多。侧钻井由于投入少、施工简单、见效快等特点成为改善开发效果、提高油田采收率的有效手段。通过对断块油藏应用侧钻井挖潜剩余油技术进行分类、归纳、总结研究,形成了不同剩余油类型的10种侧钻井挖潜模式,并形成侧钻井选井及设计的规范,该模式在全油田进行推广应用。  相似文献   

底水锥进是导致薄层底水油藏开发效果差的主要原因,双层完井排水采油技术可以解放油层生产潜力。基于其原理并结合陆梁油田陆9井区呼图壁和组K1h2^3。油藏的储层参数,应用油藏数值模拟技术研究了理想单井模型下油水层渗透率对排水采油动态的影响。研究结果对类似油藏的开发具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

随着开发低渗透油藏注水时间的延长,注水井油层结垢、污染堵塞日益严重。针对传统酸化工艺酸化半径小,酸化效果差的缺点,研究实施了低渗透油藏缓速酸化工艺新体系。自2003年10月开始在濮城油田实施,截止目前已成功实施89井次,在降压、增注、改善剖面、节电等方面取得良好效果,是濮城油田改善低渗油藏开发的上产主要措施。  相似文献   

A new synthetic methodology for the targeted preparation of single site, atomically dispersed vanadyl groups in silicate matrices is described. This methodology requires functionalized silicate building blocks Si8O20(OSnMe3)8 that become linked together through vanadyl (≡VO) groups in the matrix. A sequential addition strategy is illustrated which allows the targeting of specific connectivities for the vanadyl group to the silicate building block matrix (i.e. the number of V–O–Si bonds linking the vanadyl unit). Silicate matrices containing exclusively 3-connected (OV(OSicube)3), 2-connected (OV(OR)(OSicube)2) or 1-connected (OVCl2(OSicube)) vanadyl sites are described and characterized via a wide variety spectroscopic and physical techniques (gravimetric analysis, EXAFS, AA and solid state NMR (51V, 29Si, and 17O)). We demonstrate how the combination of gravimetric, solid state NMR (SSNMR) and EXAFS data can be used to uniquely define the vanadyl sites in these matrices. Furthermore, the use of 17O SSNMR (1D and MQMAS) is illustrated as an indirect spectroscopic probe to follow changes in the ligands bound to vanadium atom within the vanadyl groups in these matrices.  相似文献   

由于火山岩储层的特殊性,其识别与预测是世界性难题,并引起了各油田的广泛重视,本次研究针对火山岩储层分布及预测进行研究。首先通过岩心观察和地质规律分析,长岭断陷的火山岩较为有利岩性为酸性火山岩,主要分布在长岭断陷的东南部及部分中部地区,基性、中基性火山岩物性相对差一些;在火山岩分布规律研究基础上,通过地震相的波形分析可以得出处于火山口到火山岩沉积相的转换带,储层物性较好,处于距离火山口较远的火山岩沉积相带或者火山岩溢流与沉积交互的相带,储层物性差。为对火山岩储层物性进行研究,利用稀疏脉冲反演对火山岩储层物性进行分析,稀疏脉冲反演能够直接从地震信息中提取反射信息,并且本次反演研究中采用符合火山岩的地质模型,经过反演运算得到了能够反应该区储层物性分布特征的结果。  相似文献   

B166井区为白豹油田主力开发区块之一,早期井区南部开展强注强采开发试验,导致油井含水上升速度快、采油速度低、递减快。笔者总结南部开发试验经验,参阅大量注水开发技术文献,并借鉴国内外油田注水开发实例,在超低渗油藏已成熟的超前注水技术基础之上,创新性的提出了温和注水技术。北部试验井组采用超前温和注水开发技术,取得良好的开发效果,平均单井日产油为强注强采井2倍左右,表明了超前温和注水技术适用于B166井区注水开发,该技术在国内外同类型油藏注水开发实践中具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

常规试油不仅可以了解油井的产量、液性,还可获得求产期间的压力资料,如果进行完井评价(如表皮系数、流动系数、外推原始地层压力的解释)至少需要测稳48小时,并且对于低压低渗油藏由于地层流动慢,还不能测到径向流,这样不仅延长了试油周期、还延误了油井的投产时间。本文对于常规低压低渗井的试油测试资料的解释提出了一种新的方法,现场只需测试10-16小时,应用压力数据对油井射孔完成的完善程度进行评价,求得表皮系数S、地层流动系数kh/μ以及外推地层压力P r并可以通过不同压力下的产量数据进行油井产能预测,对下步的举升提供依据。经过现场应用,该方法简单可行,可准确的对低压低渗井进行完井评价和产能预测。  相似文献   

Sulfonated aldol polycondensates were synthesized from acetone, formaldehyde, and different amounts of sodium sulfite, resulting in polymers with varying degrees of sulfonation (DS). The anionic charge amount of these macromolecules measured by polyelectrolyte titration decreased with lower DS. The effectiveness of the acetone–formaldehyde–sulfite (AFS) polycondensates as cement dispersant was found to depend on the amount of polymer adsorbed on cement. AFS adsorption decreases with lower DS. Interaction and compatibility between AFS and CaAMPS®‐co‐NNDMA fluid loss additive was studied by formulating binary additive systems composed of one of the modified AFS polymers and CaAMPS‐co‐NNDMA. At high DS, AFS adsorbs strongly and prevents CaAMPS‐co‐NNDMA from adsorbing in sufficient amounts on the cement surface. The result is poor fluid loss control of the cement slurry. AFS polymers with lower DS, however, allow simultaneous adsorption of both polymers in sufficient quantities to provide good fluid loss control and low rheology at the same time. Thus, effectiveness of both additives was retained. Obviously, effectiveness of such multi‐admixture systems depends on the adjustment of the adsorption behavior of the individual components relative to each other. Molar anionic charge density of the polymers was found to be a major parameter influencing their relative adsorption behavior. The AFS polymer with DS = 0.2 possesses a molar anionic charge density comparable to CaAMPS‐co‐NNDMA. Thus, when admixtures with similar molar anionic charge densities are used, the performance of one component is not negatively influenced by the other. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   

A pot experiment was designed to evaluate the interactive effects of multifunctional microbial inoculation treatments and rock phosphate (RP) application on N and P uptake by alfalfa through the use of 15N and 32P isotopic dilution approaches. The microbial inocula consisted of a wild type (WT) Rhizobium meliloti strain, the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. and Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe, and a phosphate solubilizing rhizobacterium (Enterobacter sp.). Inoculated microorganisms were established in the root tissues and/or in the rhizosphere soil of alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa L.). Improvements in N and P accumulation in alfalfa corroborate beneficial effects of Rhizobium and AM interactions. Inoculation with selected rhizobacteria improved the AM effect on N or P accumulation in both the RP-added soil and in the non RP-amended controls. Measurements of the 15N/14N ratio in plant shoots indicate an enhancement of the N2 fixation rates in Rhizobium-inoculated AM-plants, over that achieved by Rhizobium in non-mycorrhizal plants. Whether or not RP was added, AM-inoculated plants showed a lower specific activity (32P/31P) than did their comparable non-mycorrhizal controls, suggesting that the plant was using otherwise unavailable P sources. The phosphate-solubilizing, AM-associated, microbiota could in fact release phosphate ions, either from the added RP or from the indigenous ``less-available' soil phosphate. A low Ca concentrations in the test soil may have benefited P solubilization. Under field conditions, the inoculation with AM fungi significantly increased plant biomass and N and P accumulation in plant tissues. Phosphate-solubilizing rhizobacteria improved mycorrhizal responses in soil dually receiving RP and organic matter amendments. Organic matter addition favoured RP solubilization. This, together with a tailored microbial inoculation, increased the agronomic efficiency of RP in the test soil that was Ca deficient at neutral pH.  相似文献   

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