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支气管哮喘简称哮喘,是儿童时期最常见的一种由多因素引起的气道高反应性疾病和气道慢性炎症疾病,是小儿常见病.严重威胁儿童健康,其发病率及死亡率呈上升趋势.目前全世界哮喘患者达1亿,我国已逾千万,儿童哮喘患病率为0.5%-2.0%,个别地区5%.哮喘病情反复发作,严重影响儿童生长发育、身心健康和学习,从而降低哮喘儿童生命质量.哮喘发作是突发性的,但气道炎症长期存在,因此是一种需要长期系统的治疗和管理的慢性疾病.儿童哮喘要长期根本的控制,目前最有效的治疗模式是采取以吸入药物为主,同时对患儿进行系统管理教育的综合防治措施.本组就我院250例小儿哮喘的吸入疗法的护理体会浅析如下.  相似文献   

小儿厌食症以长期食欲减退,见食不贪,甚至拒食的一种病症,是儿科的常见病、多发病,各个年龄都可发病,尤以1~6岁小儿多见.因城市儿童发病率较高,被认为是富裕社会儿童的主要摄食问题之一.本病属于祖国医学"恶食"、"伤食"、"食积"、"痰滞"等范畴.由于厌食症的长期存在,造成机体营养失调,免疫力下降,导致各种疾病的发生,严重影响儿童的正常生长发育.近年来,小儿厌食症的发病率日趋增高,特别是城市独生子女中尤为突出.故受到家长及医学界的广泛重视.中医药治疗本病具有一定的优势,临床疗效好.不良反应少,综述如下.  相似文献   

因为老年人的特殊体质及长期抗炎药物的不合理应用,细菌耐药性的不断提高,不合理使用抗生素导致细菌耐药性增加是肺炎发病率与病死率高的相关因素之一.老年肺炎常不典型,且合并基础疾病多,其临床表现不同于青壮年,有一定特殊表现,故对老年肺炎的诊断、治疗,应持积极的态度.现将笔者对56例老年肺炎的临床诊治及护理报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 分析评估"十一五"期间云南省妇幼卫生健康教育工作,为各级相关部门制定"十二五"有关妇女和儿童健康的规划提供依据.方法 对2005-2010年云南省妇幼卫生系统获得的数据资料进行描述性分析,以国家规定的相关指标为评价指标.结果 到2009年,孕产妇死亡率、住院分娩率、婴儿死亡率、5岁以下儿童死亡率、新生儿窒息死亡率等重要指标分别为41.53/10万、86.29%、13.10‰、16.44%、2.05%,已完成"十一五"目标;2009年,接受孕早期检查的比例提高至54%,孕产妇HIV抗体检测率89.14%.结论 云南"十一五"妇幼卫生工作达到目标,但因婚前医学检查减少所引发的传染病、出生缺陷等问题,使全省妇幼卫生形势仍然严峻,既往影响妇女、儿童健康和生活质量的问题继续存在.  相似文献   

流行性出血热(EHF)是由病毒引起的一种自然疫源性疾病。目前已成为远东地区(苏、中、朝、日等)严重的急性传染病之一,近年来其发病率日趋上升,发病率一般为2.5~28/10万,并且70~80%的病人为20~40岁青壮年男子,病死率6.91~36.94%。近几年来,自李镐汪(1978年)等首次分离到朝鲜出血热(KHF)病毒后,国内外均有重大突破。笔者根据有关资料结合临床体会,初步探讨EHF防治中的若干问题,供  相似文献   

据统计,我国总的自杀率为23/10万,每年自杀人数约为28.7万,农村自杀率是城市的3倍[1].在现代社会中,自杀已成为一个值得重视和研究的公共卫生和社会问题,近年来尤其老年人的自杀有逐渐增多的趋势.  相似文献   

一、我国生态环境污染的现状 目前我国水污染日益加剧,水资源严重短缺,全国600多个城市中己有一半城市缺水,农村则有8 000万人和6000万头牲畜饮水困难:土壤污染严重,耕地面积锐减,近10年来每年流失的土壤总量达50亿t,土地荒漠化日益加剧;森林覆盖面积下降,草场退化,每年减少森林面积达2 500万亩:人们的身体健康受到严重威胁,疾病发病率急剧上升.因此,加大环境保护和环境治理力度十分必要.  相似文献   

支原体肺炎(mycoplasmal pneumonia, MP)是儿童及青少年常见的一种肺炎,婴幼儿也较多见,占小儿肺炎病原体的10%~20%,临床症状轻重不一,并可累及多个器官.本文作者在常规抗炎的基础上加用丙种球蛋白和甲基强的松龙治疗MP,取得满意的临床疗效,现报道如下.  相似文献   

急性心肌梗塞是临床上发病率较高的一种疾病.主要是由于冠状动脉粥样硬化、痉挛、血流中断导致心肌严重而持久的缺血或冠状动脉闭塞使血流中断,引起的部分心肌坏死.早期死亡率最高,据统计有2/3急性心肌梗塞病人死于院外,因此急性心肌梗塞病人的家庭急救是非常重要的.  相似文献   

根据期刊性质和学科分类方法.以文献数量为依据对<中国糖料>进行分类.结果发现,<中国糖料>2009年刊登的文献全为学术性,其中农作物英文献101篇,占当年发表文献总量的76.52%,其余学科文献均较少,不能划入相应学科,因此应将该刊归类为农作物类学术期刊.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the role of expressive vocal behavior (specifically, speech rate and loudness) in fear and anxiety and in sadness and depression. In the 1st study, participants spoke about personally experienced fear and anxiety-arousing and neutral events using 3 different voice styles: fast and loud, normal, and slow and soft. In the 2nd study, participants spoke about personally experienced sad or depressing and neutral events using the same 3 voice styles. In both studies, the participants' highest levels of subjective affective and cardiovascular (CV) arousal occurred when they spoke about the emotional events in a mood-congruent voice style: fast and loud in the case of fear and anxiety, and slow and soft in the case of sadness or depression. Mood-incongruent voice styles canceled the heightened levels of CV arousal normally associated with these negative emotions. The voice-style manipulation had no significant effect on the participants' levels of CV arousal during the neutral discussions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite the use of multimodal therapy, higher-grade glioma is still uniformly fatal in the adult population. There is a considerable difference between the length of survival in each given patient, even within the same tumor type and malignancy grade group, suggesting that there are factors that might differentially influence outcome. To identify such factors, 107 patients with anaplastic or malignant glioma were retrospectively investigated. Clinical parameters and paraclinical data on the p53, mdm2, and EGFR genes at the DNA or protein level were evaluated by univariate analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression modeling. Kaplan-Meier survival estimation demonstrated that immunohistochemical positivity for mdm2 protein in patients with anaplastic astrocytoma or with glioblastoma multiforme was associated with a shorter survival time (p = 0.02). P53 gene mutations and immunopositivity for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein were not significantly related to poor prognosis. The Cox proportional hazards model revealed immunohistochemical positivity for p53, mdm2, or for both of them, the presence of postoperative irradiation, and the extent of surgical resection of tumor to be variables significantly associated with prolonged survival. EGFR overexpression, age over 60 years, and Karnofsky performance score below 40 points did not significantly shorten survival time. In conclusion, the present study identified immunohistochemically detected mdm2-protein overexpression as a statistically significant negative prognostic parameter in patients bearing anaplastic or malignant glioma. Association analysis of variables revealed a possible correlation between mdm2 and p53, which is also consistent with the biological interaction mode of both proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As aging research increasingly reflects an effort to dissociate true time-driven changes from those that can be improved, sexuality in later life remains largely unexplored. Several problems are evident. There is a lack of normative data, a lack of a conceptual framework relating to the biology, psychology, and sociology of sex, and an attitudinal resistance that obscures the entire topic. METHODS: We conducted a three-part instructional series on major topics involved with sexuality and aging. We surveyed our group of attendees (n 158, average age 68 for males, 65 for females) before and after the series. RESULTS: A remarkably robust sex life was evidenced by both the men and the women, even until advanced old age. Yet, a substantially decreased involvement was reported from 10 years earlier. Despite current activities, people of both sexes wished they were participating even more than they currently were. Impotency was identified as the major negative feature for the men; relationship problems were for the women. A questionnaire 6 months after the series reported improved sexual attitudes, but no change in sexual activities from the earlier survey. CONCLUSION: Sexuality is a major quality-of-life issue which persists into old age. Our study showed that the usual sexual practices reported by our group were not considered by them to be ideal. The intervention of this instructional series provided improved sexual attitudes but not performance. Additional studies are encouraged.  相似文献   

Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis occur predominantly in the lower lumbar spine. Besides congenital defects such as predisposition of spondylolysis the correlation between competitive sports activities and an increased incidence of spondylolysis is proved. In early stages, complete healing can be achieved by conservative treatment (abstinence from sports activities for 3 months, orthesis). Persistence of pain, neurologic symptoms and progression of vertebral slipping are indications for operative treatment (reconstruction of the isthmus, dorso-ventral spondylodesis). The exercise tolerance depends on the extent of instability, progression of vertebral slipping and clinical symptoms. The limits of exercise tolerance vary among the individual athletes and require the decision of the physician. Backstroke swimming, abdominal and back muscle strengthening exercises, and types of sport involving smooth movements are advisable. Sports education in school is possible without restriction in patients with stable spondylolysis and in those with spondylolisthesis without unfavourable concomitant factors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the validity of Benjamin Franklin's maxim "early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." DESIGN: Cross sectional analysis of sleeping patterns in a nationally representative group of elderly people, and longitudinal investigation of mortality. SETTING: Eight areas in Britain (five in England, two in Scotland, and one in Wales). SUBJECTS: 1229 men and women aged 65 and over who in 1973-4 had taken part in a survey funded by the Department of Health and Social Security and for whom data on sleeping patterns, health, socioeconomic circumstances, and cognitive function had been recorded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self reported income, access to a car, standard of accommodation, performance on a test of cognitive function, state of health and mortality during 23 years of follow up. RESULTS: 356 people (29%) were defined as larks (to bed before 11 pm and up before 8 am) and 318 (26%) were defined as owls (to bed at or after 11 pm and up at or after 8 am). There was no indication that larks were richer than those with other sleeping patterns. On the contrary, owls had the largest mean income and were more likely to have access to a car. There was also no evidence that larks were superior to those with other sleeping patterns with regard to their cognitive performance or their state of health. Both larks and owls had a slightly reduced risk of death compared with the rest of the study sample, but this was accounted for by the fact that they spent less time in bed at night. In the study sample as a whole, longer periods of time in bed were associated with increased mortality. After adjustment for age, sex, the presence of illness, and other risk factors, people who spent 12 or more hours in bed had a relative risk of death of 1.7 (1.2 to 2.5) compared with those who were in bed for 9 hours. The lowest risk occurred in people who spent 8 hours in bed (adjusted relative risk 0.8; 0.7 to 1.0). CONCLUSION: These findings do not support Franklin's claim. A "late to bed and late to rise" lifestyle does not seem to lead to socioeconomic, cognitive, or health disadvantage, but a longer time spent in bed may be associated with increased mortality.  相似文献   

Mechanical allodynia (MA) following hand injury is a well-documented clinical problem. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the relationship between hand MA and the upper limb tension test (ULTT). The ULTT mechanically stresses the neural structures from the C5/6/7 neural foramina to the median nerve distally. This study examined 29 subjects with unilateral hand MA before and after a 2-week neural self-mobilization programme. There was a significant difference between the subjects' affected and unaffected sides when tested using the ULTT, both in reproduction of symptoms and in reduced range of motion of the ULTT. Following the self-mobilization program, there was an improvement in the range of the ULTT, and subjects reported a reduction in their symptoms. Complete recovery was not obtained in all cases. The results of this study suggest that the ULTT is a useful tool both in assessment and treatment of subjects with hand MA.  相似文献   

根据深云立交桥梁的检测结果,对该桥目前的整体状况、工作状态,及其使用情况做出综合评价,对桥的病害原因进行了分析,并提出合理的加固方案。  相似文献   

众所周知,国际单位制物质的量采用摩尔(mol)表示,近几年出版的给排水专业书籍,为了与国际单位制接轨,逐渐将摩尔的使用频率不断提高,被给排水技术人员广泛应用的新版给排水设计手册,将表示物质浓度的单位“当量/升”或“毫克当量/升”.改为mol/l或mmol/l,虽然编者对其基本单元定义作了说明,但在实际运用上仍会出现误解,  相似文献   

劳伦斯小说《儿子与情人》一个鲜明的语言特色就是标准英语和当地方言频繁的语码转换。莫瑞尔用方言来对抗妻子,而妻子坚持用标准英语,偶尔也用方言来讽刺、挖苦丈夫。语码转换反映了劳伦斯男女二元对立的哲学思想。  相似文献   

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