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不同播种期对甜菜产质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
甜菜在苗期及出苗后能耐-5℃的代温,适时提早播种,甜菜前期叶面积增大15.6%-26.6%,可提高块根产量10.8%-16.0%。  相似文献   

磷素水平对甜菜生育及产质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
磷能促进甜菜根系发育,施磷能显著地增加须根的干物重、长度和表面积,施磷量与须根干物重呈显著正相关,r=0.999**。施磷量与块根产量呈显著正相关,r=0.904*。在本试验土壤条件下,磷肥对块根含糖率没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

不同甜菜专用肥对提高甜菜产质量效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用本县和外县产甜菜专用肥与美国产二铵作对比,筛选既能增加农民收又提高糖厂 甜菜专用肥。  相似文献   

多年来由于甜菜施肥单一,配比不合理,致使甜菜单产不高,总产不稳,含糖低,从而影响了甜菜生产的发展。  相似文献   

试验分析了两个二倍体、五个四倍体创新胚珠纯系的产质量与对照的差异。结果表明:94309—4(4n、处理3)是一个兼备高产、高糖性状的优异四倍体创新胚珠纯系,是培育高产、高糖新品种的优异品种资源。  相似文献   

不同灌水量对甜菜生长及糖分积累影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
灌水是新疆干旱区甜菜生产的关键因素,土壤水分状况对甜菜生长和糖分积累有显著影响。研究表明:良好的供水有利于甜菜生产,增加块根产量,但含糖率会明显下降。叶丛快速生长 甜菜生长的需水临界期,这一时期缺水将严重影响产量。  相似文献   

施硼对烤烟农艺性状产质量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本试验探讨施用硼肥对烤烟农艺性状、产质量的影响,结果以0.2%~0.4%的硼砂溶液喷施烟株叶面,团棵期一次性施用效果最佳,为生产中合理施用硼肥,解决烟田缺硼问题提供依据。  相似文献   

通过对黑龙江省主要气象因素与甜菜产量和含糖率关系的分析表明,甜菜产量与≥10℃的积温,年降水量和生育期日照时数均呈正相关,并分别达到1%,1%和5%显著水准;含糖率与积温,年降水量呈负相关,均达到1%显著水准,而与8~9月日较差和生育期日照对数呈正相关,亦均达到1%显著水准。  相似文献   

对焉耆糖区1996年以来甜菜单产和含糖率的变化与所应用的主栽品种的变化进行了分析,结果表明:主栽品种对甜菜产量和含糖率有重大影响,应用优良品种对提高甜菜产量和含糖有很大作用。  相似文献   

对生产上应用的15个多倍体甜菜品种的主要农艺性状进行了研究,方差分析表明它们在根产量、含糖率、产糖量3个性状的表现不同,根产量性状与对照差异不显著;含糖率性状与对照有1个品种达到显著水平,有4个品种达到极显著水平;产糖量性状与对照相比有1个品种达到显著水平,2个品种达到极显著水平。褐斑病性状差异不明显。甜研系列普通多倍体品种的经济性状表现总体上优于其它供试品种:遗传单粒型多倍体品种的各项经济性状指标相对较差。遗传相关性分析表明,除褐斑病级与根产量、含糖率及产糖量呈负相关外,其余3个性状间呈现正相关关系。  相似文献   

The extraction of pectins from sugar beet pulp was carried out in an aqueous acid medium under different conditions using a full two-state experimental design for three extraction parameters (pH, temperature and time). The yields of the extracted pectins ranged from 4.1% to 16.2%. Their contents in pectin constituents were 35.2–76.3% galacturonic acid, 6.8–32.9% neutral sugars, 2.0–4.2% methoxy groups, 0.8–3.8% acetyl groups, and 0.1–0.7% ferulic acid. Moreover, protein residues were present in all the extracts within the range of 0.9–6.8% and varied with the extraction conditions. On high performance size exclusion chromatography, the elution pattern of the acid-extracted pectins showed a wide molar mass distribution consisted of two relatively broad peaks. Their weight-average molar mass values determined by HPSEC-RALLS ranged widely from 20,200 to 90,100 g/mol. Most of the extracted pectins were surface-active, and some of them were quite able to produce and stabilize with effectiveness oil-in-water emulsions. Thus, it was inferred that yield, physico-chemical characteristics and surface properties of acid extracted pectins from sugar beet pulp were influenced by the extraction conditions.  相似文献   

甜菜播种早,营养生长期长,在幼苗期叶片的扩大加厚生长更多些,这使其早期光合作用面积较大,光合作用产物较多,对提高甜菜产量和含糖有益。晚播种的甜菜,营养生长期短,平均每晚播1d块根产量下降0.5%以上、含糖下降0.0:3度以上、产糖量下降0.7%以上,下降程度高的可达1.0%以上。要提倡早播,在适宜播种期内要尽量早播。  相似文献   

甜菜新品种工大320是以自育的双丰415四倍体为母本,以自育的二倍体7208GH为父本,采取4:l配比杂交育成的多胚三倍体新品种。该品种丰产性突出,适应性好,抗褐斑病性强兼耐根腐病,块根品质优良,钾、钠、a-氮等有害成分含量较低,属标准偏丰产型品种。经过1997-1998年所内小区试验和异地鉴定试验,均表现出根产量性状突出,含糖率稳定,抗褐斑病性强,且钾、钠、a-氮等有害成分含量较低等特点。1999-2000年黑龙江省区域试验和2001年生产示范试验,工大320产质量性状均优于统一对照品种,2002年2月通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定并命名,适宜在哈尔滨市郊、海伦、拜泉、友谊、依安、讷河等地种植。  相似文献   

研究了甜菜废粕吸附溶液中Cu2+的能力,采用间歇吸附试验来评价甜菜废粕对Cu2+的除去效率,吸附速率相对较快,在60min即可达到平衡。在间歇试验条件下,最高可达90%的去除率。废粕吸附能力与溶液pH有关,pH5.5时最大吸附Cu2+量可达30.9mg/g。废粕添加量为8g/L足以达到最佳处理效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is the examination of the decolorizing effect of hydrogen peroxide, on sugar beet fibers, which oxidizes the precursors of colored matter and the colored products from enzymatic reactions, by creating uncolored compounds. The advantage of hydrogen peroxide is that its surplus separates into water and hydrogen under the effects of temperature, light, and ions of alkaline and heavy metals and so, non-sucrose compounds do not get into the system. The color change of sugar beet dietary fibers is examined depending on the hydrogen peroxide concentration (in the range from 5 to 20 g H2O2/1,000 cm3), the pH value (in the range from 5 to 11), and the time of reaction (in the range from 1 to 12 h) at a temperature of 30 °C. To obtain the best effects of decolorized dietary fibers in white bread production the quality of the raw material is defined. The parameters for the preparation of the bread are chosen (the amount and particle size of the fibers, the amount of water and the mode of its addition) as are the additives, which results in good-quality white bread with sugar beet fibers.  相似文献   

Sugar beet pectin (SBP) is a marginally utilized co-processing product from sugar production from sugar beets. In this study, the kinetics of oxidative gelation of SBP, taking place via enzyme catalyzed cross-linking of ferulic acid moieties (FA), was studied using small angle oscillatory measurements. The rates of gelation, catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (EC and laccase (EC, respectively, were determined by measuring the slope of the increase of the elastic modulus (G′) with time at various enzyme dosages (0.125–2.0 U mL−1). When evaluated at equal enzyme activity dosage levels, the two enzymes produced different gelation kinetics and the resulting gels had different rheological properties: HRP (with addition of H2O2) catalyzed a fast rate of gelation compared to laccase (no H2O2 addition), but laccase catalysis produced stronger gels (higher G′). The main effects and interactions between different factors on the gelation rates and gel properties were examined in response surface designs in which enzyme dosage (0.125–2.0 U mL−1 for HRP; 0.125–10 U mL−1 for laccase), substrate concentration (1.0–4.0%), temperature (25–55 °C), pH (3.5–5.5), and H2O2 (0.1–1.0 mM) (for HRP only) were varied. Gelation rates increased with temperature, substrate concentration, and enzyme dosage; for laccase catalyzed SBP gelation the gel strengths correlated positively with increased gelation rate, whereas no such correlation could be established for HRP catalyzed gelation and at the elevated gelation rates (>100 Pa min−1) gels produced using laccase were stronger (higher G′) than HRP catalyzed gels at similar rates of gelation. Chemical analysis confirmed the formation of ferulic acid dehydrodimers (diFAs) by both enzymes supporting that the gelation was a result of oxidative cross-linking of FAs.  相似文献   

阐述了甜菜生育期间,植株对磷的吸收与分配规律,亦论述了植株含磷量与施磷量的关系,为磷的合理施用提供了依据。  相似文献   

In a pot experiment sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris, cv. Kawetina, was grown on alluvial soil (21 mg exchangeable K 100 g?1) containing 0 (K1), 20 (K2), 40 (K3) and 60mg fertiliser K 100 g?1 soil (K4). The plants were sown on 15 March 1983 and harvested on 23 June, 14 July and 30 August 1983. At final harvest root dry weight/plant had reached 269 g in K1 and between 304 and 310 g in K2-K4. Sucrose values were 15% (K1) and 17.3–17.7% of root fresh weight (K2-K4) respectively. The osmotic potential of the storage root decreased with increasing K nutrition and time. At final harvest ψ, was between ?1.83 (K1) and ?2.26 MPa (K4), 75–79% thereof being contributed by sucrose. Sucrose concentrations in press sap increased from 340–400 mM on 23 June to 475 (K1) and 540–570 mM (K2-K4) at the end of August. In the same period K concentrations declined from 40–100 to 10–35 mM K+. The sucrose, K and Mg concentrations measured in the press sap were lower than those calculated from sucrose, K, Mg and moisture content of the storage root. This indicates that press sap from thawed storage root tissue is not fully representative. Betaine, analysed only at final harvest, significantly increased with increasing K concentrations in the storage root (r=0.83) and a significant linear regression was found between betaine and sucrose accumulation (r=0.57). This is consistent with the role of betaine as a cytosolic osmoticum for sugar beet storage tissue. Other solutes in the cytosol may also contribute to osmoregulation as sucrose accumulates in the vacuoles.  相似文献   

钾对甜菜主要营养的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验研究表明,甜菜各器管的相对含钾量,随生育进程呈降低趋势。叶和叶柄中的绝对含钾量呈单峰曲线变化,峰值分别出现在7月中旬和8月中旬左右。块根的绝对含钾量至状获时达到最高水平。各器管的绝对含钾量均随施钾量的增加而提高。钾对氮的吸收有促进作用,即氮与钾配合施用有利于产量的形成。  相似文献   

Fibrous fractions were prepared from sugar beet pulp (RF) by sequential extractions with potassium oxalate, 0.05 M hydrochloric acid at 85°C and 0.05 m sodium hydroxide at 4°C. The overall composition, polysaccharide structure and some physico-chemical properties (cation exchange capacity, CEC; water holding capacity, WHC; swelling) of each fraction were determined. RF was mostly composed of carbohydrates (66.3 %) with minor amounts of ash, proteins and lignin. The main polysaccharides were highly methylated and acetylated pectins, cellulose and arabinans. The oxalate residue (82.1 % of RF) exhibited only minute differences from RF whereas the acidic and alkaline residues, accounting for 42.8 % and 35.5 % of RF, respectively, were enriched in cellulose and hemicelluloses (xylans, xyloglucans, mannans) and mostly devoid of pectins and arabinans. CEC and WHC of fractions were closely related to the content of unmethylated galacturonic acid residues. The influence of the ionic form of ionisable groups was demonstrated, the Na+ form giving the highest WHC. The ionic strength of the medium can reduce the WHC, especially in the case of the acid and alkali-extracted fibres.  相似文献   

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