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Cigarette smoke is known to induce cytochrome P4501A1 expression and activity in a variety of species. Although the elevation of this isozyme is assumed to be associated with the activation of the CYP1A1 gene through a ligand-mediated mechanism involving the Ah-receptor (AhR), this has not been determined. In this study we have examined the mechanism by which an ambient level of aged and diluted sidestream cigarette smoke (ADSS) induces cytochrome P4501A1. Effects of ADSS on C57BL/6N and DBA/ 2N mice were examined. Induction of P4501A1-associated ethoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (EROD) activity was observed in the lungs of C57BL/6N mice, while there was no induction in DBA/ 2N mice. ADSS also induced EROD in wild-type mouse hepatoma (Hepa1c1c7) cells (hepa1), but not in variant hepa1 cells defective in the AhR nuclear translocator (ARNT) protein. ADSS exposure of recombinant hepa1 cells, stably transfected with a reporter plasmid containing the luciferase gene under control of several dioxin responsive enhancers (DREs), resulted in a time- and exposure-dependent induction of luciferase activity. ADSS-mediated induction of luciferase activity was inhibited by alpha-naphthoflavone (alpha NF), an Ah-receptor antagonist. Gel retardation analysis demonstrated that exposure to ADSS induced transformation and DNA binding of the AhR complex. In summary, our results not only indicate a role for the AhR in mediating the induction of P4501A1 by ADSS, but also demonstrate that environmentally relevant levels of ADSS must contain AhR ligands at sufficient concentrations to activate gene expression in an AhR-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The degree to which a reformed U.S. health care system relies on an adequate supply of primary care physicians will determine the urgency of change in the composition of the medical workforce. In many areas of the United States, the demand for primary care physicians, particularly in managed care settings, far exceeds the supply. In contrast, reports of reduced practice opportunities for medical and surgical subspecialists in the same settings are increasing. As opportunities for and incomes of primary care physicians are enhanced, some medical subspecialists may seek retraining in primary care. This article provides a context for understanding the development of physician retraining programs, examines precedents for retraining physicians, describes four possible pathways through which medical subspecialists might acquire primary care training, and emphasizes the importance of defining the scope of practice and necessary skills for providing primary care. Obstacles to retraining appear to be economic (Who will pay? Is the cost worth the benefit?) and jurisdictional (Who will define core competencies? Who will credential programs and trainees?). The current absence of demand for such retraining programs suggests either that marketplace-induced changes will not take place or that the notion of a primary care provider shortage and an oversupply of medical subspecialists is overstated. The inclusion of physician retraining programs in proposed health reform legislation suggests that policymakers are convinced that such programs offer one viable solution to the nation's medical workforce needs.  相似文献   

Various Indian smoking products--cigarette, bidi, chutta and a brand of US cigarette--were analysed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) for the levels of nicotine and minor tobacco alkaloids in tobacco, mainstream smoke (MS) and sidestream smoke (SS) employing modified smoking standards, namely two puffs/min. The analysis clearly demonstrated relatively higher levels of nicotine and minor tobacco alkaloids in tobacco from bidi (37.7 mg/g) and chutta (34.5 mg/g) when compared with Indian and US cigarettes (14-16 mg/g) studied. Relatively lower levels (SS/MS) of nicotine in SS from bidi and chutta compared with Indian/US cigarettes, suggest that the contribution of nicotine in SS from a single bidi/chutta to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is very much less than that of a single Indian/US cigarette. Reduced levels of nicotine in SS of bidi/chutta result in relatively higher deliveries of nicotine in MS as reflected by higher MS/SS values. The observed differences are likely to be due to difference in tobacco processing, burning rate/temperature and design of the smoking product.  相似文献   

CR Coggins 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,26(3):307-14; discussion 315
In this paper, I review the results of a representative selection of chronic inhalation studies with rats and mice exposed to mainstream cigarette smoke and describe the inhalation exposures and the histopathological changes reported by various authors. Many of the studies used nose-only exposure systems, whereas others simply used large whole-body chambers. Smoke-induced epithelial hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia were reported in the conducting airways in most of the studies, along with increased numbers of intra-alveolar macrophages that were occasionally associated with alveolar metaplasia. Lung adenomas and adenocarcinomas were reported in only a few of the studies. No statistically significant increase in the incidence of malignant lung tumors was seen in either species as a result of smoke exposure, a finding that does not agree with the results of epidemiological studies in humans. Possible reasons for this lack of correlation are given.  相似文献   

Nerves within the wall of the intestine may contribute to inflammatory responses, such as those occurring in inflammatory bowel disease. Studies in an experimental model of colitis have demonstrated that neuromodulation, through chemical sympathectomy or administration of lidocaine, can markedly attenuate granulocyte infiltration and tissue injury. Given the many pro-inflammatory effects of substance P, we have evaluated the effects of a tachykinin receptor (NK-1) antagonist, RP 67580, in models of acute colitis in the rat and guinea pig. While administration of RP 67580 and a second NK-1 antagonist (CP-96,345-1) significantly reduced the infiltration of granulocytes into colonic tissue during the first 12 h after induction of colitis in the rat, repeated administration of RP 67580 over a three day period failed to significantly affect granulocyte recruitment or the severity of tissue injury. In contrast, lidocaine enemas were effective in reducing both indices of inflammation/injury. In the guinea pig, similar observations were made. These observations demonstrate that blockade of NK-1 receptors over a three day period failed to significantly modify the course of experimental colitis. It remains possible that the beneficial effects of lidocaine may be due, in part, to inhibition of substance P release, and that the contribution of substance P to inflammation in experimental colitis occurs through NK-1 receptor-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

To investigate the involvement of superoxide in airway hyperresponsiveness and bronchoconstriction induced by cigarette smoke (CS), we evaluated the effects of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a scavenger of superoxide anion, and apocynin, an inhibitor of superoxide anion-generating NADPH oxidase in phagocytes, on the airway responses induced by CS in conscious guinea pigs. Airway responsiveness was assessed by PC200Mch, the concentration required to produce a doubling in the baseline specific airway resistance (sRaw) to an inhaled methacholine aerosol, in nonanesthetized spontaneously breathing animals. Before being exposed to ten puffs of CS, animals inhaled either SOD (5,000 units/ml or 25,000 units/ml) or vehicle. Although SOD did not affect PC200Mch in the air control group, this agent significantly reduced the CS-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. Repeated administration of apocynin (12 mg/kg for 4 days) did not affect PC200Mch after exposure to CS. These data suggest that the superoxide from CS was involved in the airway hyperresponsiveness induced by CS, whereas phagocytic reactive oxygen species were not. The data also suggest a potential therapeutic role for antioxidants in airway hyperresponsiveness.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of dietary oltipraz on cigarette smoke-related lipophilic DNA adduct formation. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed daily to sidestream cigarette smoke in a whole-body exposure chamber 6 h/day for 4 consecutive weeks. One group of rats was maintained on control diet while another group received the same diet supplemented with either a low (167 p.p.m.) or high (500 p.p.m.) dose of oltipraz, starting 1 week prior to initiation of smoke exposure until the end of the experiment. Analysis of lipophilic DNA adducts by the nuclease P1-mediated 32P-post-labeling showed up to five smoke-related adducts. Adduct no. 5 predominated in both the lung and the heart while adduct nos 3 and 2 predominated in the trachea and bladder, respectively. Quantitative analysis revealed that the total adduct level was the highest in lungs (270+/-68 adducts/10(10) nucleotides), followed by trachea (196+/-48 adducts/10(10) nucleotides), heart (141+/-22 adducts/10(10) nucleotides) and bladder (85+/-16 adducts/10(10) nucleotides). High dose oltipraz treatment reduced the adduct levels in lungs and bladder by >60%, while the reduction in lungs in the low-dose group was approximately 35%. In trachea, the effect of low and high dietary oltipraz on smoke DNA adduction was equivocal, while smoke-related DNA adducts in the heart were minimally inhibited by high-dose oltipraz. In a repeat experiment that employed a 3-fold lower dose of cigarette smoke, oltipraz (500 p.p.m.) was found to inhibit the formation of DNA adducts in rat lungs and trachea by 80 and 65%, respectively. These data clearly demonstrate a high efficacy of oltipraz in inhibiting the formation of cigarette smoke-induced DNA adducts in the target tissues.  相似文献   

Cigarette-smoke in determined quantity was streamed through physiologic saline solution, or blood plasma or ex vivo excised rat lung. The solutions as well as the supernatants from lung tissue homogenate showed a significantly increased chemiluminescence after t-butyl hydroperoxide (BHP)-induction. The method reflects an expressive activity of free radical reactions caused by the smoke.  相似文献   

A new-technology cigarette has been developed. While the new cigarette burns some tobacco, it does not use tobacco as the fuel to sustain combustion and provide heat to the cigarette. Rather, the new cigarette primarily heats tobacco thereby reducing products of smoke formation mechanisms such as tobacco combustion, tobacco pyrolysis and pyrosynthesis. The mainstream smoke composition from a cigarette based on the new design (TOB-HT) has been characterized in comparative chemical testing with two reference cigarettes using the FTC puffing regimen. Thermal properties, UV absorption characteristics, elemental composition and materials balance studies all suggest a simplified smoke aerosol. Twenty-five smoke constituents ("target compounds") identified by the scientific community as compounds that may contribute to the diseases statistically associated with smoking have also been measured. Mainstream smoke concentrations of most target compounds are significantly lower with the TOB-HT cigarette when compared with reference cigarettes in the ultra-light "tar" and light "tar" categories. Taken together, chemical analysis results suggest simplified TOB-HT smoke chemistry with marked reductions in specific chemicals reported to be biologically active.  相似文献   

The pre-mutagenic oxidative DNA base damage of 8-hydroxy-guanine is present in DNA isolated from cells and the amount present increases with exposure of cells to oxidative stress. The oxidative DNA base damage may be present before isolation of DNA or it may be produced during isolation and processing of DNA. We have found that the amount of oxidative base damage measured in DNA can be reduced to a stable lower level by adding increasing concentrations of the antioxidants desferrioxamine, histidine and reduced glutathione immediately before cell lysis. Inclusion of these antioxidants after cell lysis did not affect the level of DNA damage. Oxidative DNA base damage produced by ultraviolet A irradiation of human cells was also reduced by adding antioxidants after irradiation and before cell lysis. Thus, unidentified oxidants induced by ultraviolet A irradiation may damage DNA significantly during extractions of DNA from cells subsequent to ultraviolet A irradiation.  相似文献   

Skin and tendon samples of male albino rat taken for analysis, on the 120th day of smoking showed that, compared to controls, the cigarette smoke exposed group showed an increase in tensile strength of both skin and tendon while extensibility of skin remained the same and that of the tendon increased. Thermal behaviour such as isometric tension and temperature at isometric tension increased in rat skin, while in tendon only isomeric tension increased. Shrinkage temperature of skin and tendon has showed no alteration in cigarette smoke exposed rats.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised as a Neuropsychological Instrument (WAIS-R NI) provides methods to uniformly interpret atypical responses or response patterns. To date, little research has examined the primary population for which the supplemental measures of the WAIS-R NI were intended. The purpose of the present study was to compare the performance of individuals with brain injuries versus healthy adults on the supplemental measures of the WAIS-R NI. Forty-nine healthy adults and 45 individuals with brain injuries were tested. MANOVA indicated a significant main effect for group membership and the results suggest the WAIS-R NI supplemental measures differentiate individuals with brain injuries from healthy adults.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis and origin of fibrous long-spacing collagen (FLS) fibers in newborn mouse skin tissues treated with collagenase were examined using ultrastructural observation, morphometry, histochemical methods, and immunoelectron microscopy. The enzyme caused both the partial destruction of basal laminae and the formation of abundant FLS fibers in the dermal matrix. The fibers were usually distributed in the vicinity of basal laminae in the capillaries or basal layer cells. The fibers were characterized by the cross-striated dark bands with about 91 nm periodicity and longitudinally aligned filaments with a diameter of about 6.5 nm. The dark bands of FLS fibers were often continuous with the basal laminae. Histochemical results showed that the dark bands contained the similar mucopolysaccharides which were involved in the basal laminae. Immunoelectron microscopic results showed that laminin was present in the dark bands as well as in the basal laminae, and that type VI collagen was located in the filaments of FLS fibers. These results suggest that the dark bands are formed by products similar to basal laminae and that the products were precipitated on type VI collagen-contained filaments with periodic intervals of about 91 nm. Morphometric examination revealed that there was no differences in ultrastructure between FLS fibers of a collagenase-treated mouse and those of a human neural tumor.  相似文献   

The capacity to induce neovascularization was compared in normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic mouse mammary tumors from strains with a high incidence of tumors (C3H, C3H-Avy, C3H-AvyfB) by implantation of small biopsy fragments on the iris surface in New Zealand White rabbits. Proliferation of iris blood vessels was studied by: 1) direct, in vivo slit-lamp stereomicroscopy and fluorescein angiography; 2) filling of the microvasculature with colloidal carbon; and 3) histologic examination. Ninety percent of mammary tumor implants elicited iris neovascularization after 48-72 hours, regardless of their histologic classification or the presence or absence of mammary tumor virus. Corticosteroid treatment reduced immediate postoperative inflammation (12-36 hr) but did not abolish subsequent growth of new vessels. Necrotic tumor fragments failed to elicit any neovascular response. In contrast, only 6% of normal tissues from resting mammary glands caused any vasoproliferation. Hormone-stimulated mammary tissues from pregnant and lactating mice exhibited a transient neovascular capacity that was lost during postweaning involution. Of the implants from premalignant hyperplastic alveolar nodules (HAN's), 30% produced a pattern of vessel growth similar to that of tumor implants. D-1 line (HAN outgrowth) tissues, which have a predicted low incidence of tumors, induced significantly fewer neovascular responses (P less than 0.002) than morphologically and biochemically similar D-2 line tissues, which have a predicted high incidence of tumors. These data suggest that the capacity to induce neovascularization is acquired during malignant progression of mouse mammary tissues; therefore, demonstration of this property may be useful in the identification of those intermediate populations most at risk for neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

The UVB component of solar radiation is a risk factor for skin cancer, the most common cancer in the Western world. Yet little is known about the induction of DNA damage in human skin by UVB and its modulation by sunscreens. Here, we apply a novel postlabeling high-performance liquid chromatography technique to quantify UVB-induced photoproducts in skin biopsies with and without sunscreen. The results showed approximately 30-fold interindividual variations in levels of DNA damage in unprotected skin of the 14 subjects, probably relating to skin cancer susceptibility. On average, sunscreen guards against DNA damage as expected by the erythemal response, but some individuals are poorly protected.  相似文献   

The effects of glutathione (GSH) depletion on the in vivo formation of cyclic 1,N2- propanodexoxyguanosine adducts (AdG and CdG) as background lesions in the liver DNA of F344 rats were investigated. A group of 5 male F344 rats were given drinking water containing 30 mM L-buthionine (S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO) for 21 days, and another group of 8 rats were given only drinking water as controls. The BSO-treated rats had significantly lower weight gain than control rats. The hepatic GSH levels in the BSO-treated group were reduced by 84% as compared with the control group, from 4.43 to 0.72 mumol/g of tissue. The isomeric AdG3, CdG1, and CdG2 were detected by the 32P-postlabeling/HPLC method in the liver DNA of rats without carcinogen treatment, as we reported previously [Nath, R. G., and Chung, F.-L. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 7491-7495. Nath, R. G., et al. (1996) Cancer Res. 56, 452-456]. The mean levels (mumol/mol of guanine) for AdG3, CdG1, and CdG2 were 0.57 +/- 0.25, 0.15 +/- 0.18, and 0.16 +/- 0.22 for the control group and 1.18 +/- 1.03, 3.16 +/- 3.26, and 2.50 +/- 2.59 for the BSO group, respectively. These increases correspond to approximately 2-fold for AdG and 15-21-fold for CdG adducts. The dramatic increase in the cyclic adduct levels in rat liver DNA could have resulted mainly from GSH depletion as a result of the BSO treatment, even though other unknown effects due to the toxicity of BSO cannot be ruled out. These results suggest that GSH plays an important role in protecting the liver against cyclic propano DNA adduction and provide further support for the endogenous origin of these adducts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Maternal smoking in pregnancy is associated with a significant increase in the incidence of preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, and premature delivery. Our aim was to clarify the cause underlying this association. STUDY DESIGN: The effect of cigarette smoke extract on the secretion of platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase by both decidual macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes and macrophages was investigated. RESULTS: The cigarette smoke extract inhibited the platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase secretion by these cells. The inhibitory effect of cigarette smoke extract on the secretion was a hundred times more potent compared with its direct effect on the plasma enzyme. Glutathione and dithiothreitol blocked the inhibition, whereas catalase or superoxide dismutase did not. Nicotine and cotinine have no effect on the secretion. CONCLUSION: The presence in cigarette smoke extract of a potent inhibitor(s) of platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase secretion by decidual macrophages may provide an insight into the pathogenesis of preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, and premature delivery in women who smoke during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Cancer and cardiovascular diseases share risk factors such as smoking, and the onset of both diseases have been suggested to have a common mechanistic basis. The binding of carcinogens to DNA (carcinogen-DNA adducts), genetic polymorphisms in carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), and genetic polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) are among the candidates for modifiers of cancer risk. We determined whether these biomarkers could be related to individual characteristics of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. For that purpose, DNA from the right atrial appendage of 41 patients who underwent open heart surgery was analyzed for smoking-related DNA adducts and polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTT1, and VDR genes. Statistical analysis was used to identify any patient's characteristics associated with these molecular markers. Our results showed that heart tissue of cigarette smokers contained a variety of aromatic DNA adducts in significantly elevated levels compared to ex-smokers (P<0.01) or nonsmokers (P<0.001). A linear relationship was observed between DNA adduct levels and daily cigarette smoking (rs=0.73; P=0.0003). Since cardiac myocytes are terminally differentiated cells that have lost their ability to divide and seemingly have limited DNA repair capacities, their levels might accumulate with time and thereby affect heart cell function or viability. Substantial interindividual differences between DNA adduct levels were observed, and persons with severe coronary artery disease (CAD), as assessed by coronary angiography, had higher DNA adduct levels than persons with no or mild CAD (P=0.04). As polymorphisms in GST genes have been shown to modulate DNA adduct levels and risk for lung cancer in smokers, we explored for the first time whether the GST polymorphisms could also explain deviating heart DNA adduct levels and CAD risk. However, no relation could be found between these covariants. In contrast, a VDR genotype, which has been associated with decreased serum levels of the active hormonal form of vitamin D and increased risk for certain cancers, seemed to be related to severity of CAD (P=0.025). Our findings support the hypothesis that smoking-related DNA damage may be involved in the onset of cardiovascular diseases and suggest that VDR genotype may be a useful susceptibility marker of CAD.  相似文献   

This in vivo study examines the ability of 5'-amino-5'-deoxythymidine (5'-AdThd) to modulate 5-iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) cellular metabolism in two human colon cancer xenografts (HT 29 and HCT-116), two actively proliferating normal mouse tissues (bone marrow and intestine), and a quiescent normal mouse tissue (liver). 5'-AdThd is a thymidine analogue that at low concentrations (<30 micrometer) can increase thymidine kinase activity, which is the rate-limiting enzyme for activation of IdUrd. We reported recently that the in vitro incubation of HT 29 and HCT-116 cells in 5'-AdThd + IdUrd resulted in an enhancement of 5-iodo-2'-dUTP pools, IdUrd DNA incorporation, and subsequent radiosensitization compared with incubation with IdUrd alone (Clin. Cancer Res., 1: 407-416, 1995). These in vitro effects were more significant in the radioresistant cell line HT 29. Using a 6-day continuous infusion of IdUrd (50 or 100 mg/kg/day) and/or 5'-AdThd (200 mg/kg/day), no increase in systemic toxicity (percentage of body weight loss) was observed in athymic nude mice with 5'-AdThd alone or when combined with IdUrd. There was significant dose-dependent, systemic toxicity with IdUrd, which was reversible within 3 days of completing the lower-dose IdUrd infusion. However, a comparison of plasma levels during the 6-day continuous infusion of IdUrd +/- 5'-AdThd showed a significant interaction of IdUrd and 5'-AdThd, resulting in higher plasma levels by day 6 of both compounds and the principal metabolites, iodouracil and deoxyuridine, which is consistent with nonlinear saturating effects on dihydrouracil dehydrogenase. Coadministration of IdUrd and 5'-AdThd resulted in an increase in the percentage of IdUrd DNA incorporation in the two proliferating normal tissues, which was significant only with the lower IdUrd dose. No effect on IdUrd DNA incorporation was found in normal liver at either IdUrd dose +/- 5'-AdThd. Similar to our in vitro data, the continuous infusion of IdUrd and 5'-AdThd showed a significant effect by increasing the percentage of IdUrd DNA incorporation in HT-29 xenografts at both IdUrd doses, whereas coadministration of 5'-AdThd had no such effect in HCT-116 xenografts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The objective of the present study was to analyze the expression and regulation of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in organotypic cultures of rat liver slices, which preserve the normal microenvironment of liver cells. METHODS: Rat liver slices were maintained in culture for 15 min to 24 h and examined for ICAM-1 expression by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting in basal conditions and after stimulation with 1000 IU/ml interferon-gamma (IFNgamma), 1000 IU/ml tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) and 50 microg/ml endotoxin. Immunohistochemical results were evaluated using a semiquantitative scoring system. RESULTS: In uncultured slices, ICAM-1 was not detected on hepatocytes. In unstimulated liver slices maintained in organotypic culture, ICAM-1 was induced at the surface of scattered hepatocytes (score at 15 min, 0.33+/-0.47 and at 24 h, 1.17+/-0.69). After 4 h of stimulation, a significant increase in ICAM-1 expression by hepatocytes and adjacent sinusoidal cells, but not by intra-hepatic biliary epithelial cells, was observed for IFNgamma (score: 2.35+/-0.47) and endotoxin (score: 2.67+/-0.47), but not with TNF alpha (score: 0.66+/-0.47). After 24 h of stimulation, a further increase in the extent of ICAM-1 expression by hepatocytes was observed for IFNgamma (score: 3.67+/-0.47) and endotoxin (score: 4.0+/-0.0), and a significant overexpression of ICAM-1 by hepatocytes was detectable after treatment with TNF alpha (score: 3.67+/-0.47). CONCLUSIONS: In rat liver organotypic cultures, TNF alpha, IFNgamma and endotoxin induce the expression of ICAM-1 in hepatocytes and adjacent sinusoidal endothelial cells, but not in portal tracts.  相似文献   

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