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Based on the concept of gauge function, the pseudo minimum translational distance (PMTD) between two convex objects is defined in this paper. PMTD not only provides a measure of the clearance between two separating objects, but also quantifies the penetration of two objects intersecting each other. It is proved that the PMTD is differentiate almost everywhere w. r.t. the configuration variable of the objects. Algorithms for calculating PMTD and its derivative are also presented.  相似文献   

Based on the generalized gauge function, a numerical criterion which specifies the topological rela-tionship between convex polyhedra is presented. It can be applied to detecting the overlap, just contact or separation between two sets of convex polyhedra. As the solution of a linear programming problem, the value of this criterion can be calculated easily. The presented criterion is available to provide heuristic information for generating intermediate configuration point as well as checking the hypothesized path for admissibility in flexible-trajectory path planning ap-proach.  相似文献   

Previously, researchers raised the accuracy for a robot′s hand to track a specified path in Cartesian space mainly through increasing the number of knots on the path and the segments of the path. But, this method resulted in the heavier on-line computational burden for the robot controller. In this paper, aiming at this drawback, the authors propose a new kind of real-time accurate hand path tracking and joint trajectory planning method for robots. Through selecting some extra knots on the specified hand path by a certain rule, which enables the number of knots on each segment to increase from two to four, and through introducing a sinusoidal function and a cosinoidal function to the joint displacement equation of each segment, this method can raise the path tracking accuracy of robot′s hand greatly but does not increase the computational burden of robot controller markedly.  相似文献   

The mercury sulfidation experiments were conducted in the pH range from 1 to 13.The results show that Hg(Ⅱ) reacted with equimolar S(Ⅱ) has the lowest remained Hg(Ⅱ) concentration(9.7 μg/L) at pH 1.0 and the highest remained concentration(940.8 μg/L) at pH 13.0.Meanwhile,the changes of pH values were monitored exactly,which reveal that solution pH values change when mixing the same pH value solutions of HgCl2 and Na2S.In order to explain the phenomena and determine the reaction paths of Hg(Ⅱ) reacting with S(Ⅱ) in the solution,the concerned thermodynamics was studied.Species of S(Ⅱ)-H2O system and Hg(Ⅱ)-H2O system at different pH values were calculated,and then the species distribution diagrams of S(Ⅱ)-H2O system,Hg(Ⅱ)-H2O system and Hg(Ⅱ)-Cl--OH--H2O system were drawn.Combining the experimental data and thermodynamic calculation,the mechanism of Hg(Ⅱ) reacting with S(Ⅱ) was deduced.The results indicate that different species of S(Ⅱ) and Hg(Ⅱ) have the diverse reaction paths to form HgS precipitate at different pH values and the standard Gibbs free energies change(△r GmΘ)of those equations are also calculated,which can provide a guidance for mercury-containing wastewater treatment with Na2S.  相似文献   

Previously, researchers raised the accuracy for a robot′s hand to track a specified path in Car-tesian space mainly through increasing the number of knots on the path and the number of the path′s segments, which results in the heavier online computational burden for the robot controller. Aiming at overcoming this drawback, the authors propose a new kind of real-time accurate hand path tracking and joint trajectory planning method. Through selecting some extra knots on the specified hand path by a certain rule and introducing a sinusoidal function to the joint displacement equation of each segment, this method can greatly raise the path tracking accuracy of robot′s hand and does not change the number of the path′s segments. It also does not increase markedly the computational burden of robot controller. The result of simulation indicates that this method is very effective, and has important value in increasing the application of industrial robots.  相似文献   

1 调查研究在科研中的作用调查研究,是人们在实践中对客观实际情况的调查了解和分析研究,它是通过亲身的接触和广泛的了解,比较充分地掌握有关客观实际的历史、现状和发展趋势,并在大量占有第一手材料的基础上,进行去粗取精、去伪存真、由此及彼、由表及里的思考,以便获得某些规律性的认识。毛泽东说:“没有调查,没有发言权。”“你对那个问题不能解决么?那么,你就去调查那个问题的现状和它的历史吧!你完全调查明白了,你对那个问题就有解决的办法了。一  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用涤纶废丝直接法制取增塑剂对苯二甲酸二异辛酯和对苯二甲酸二丁酯的原理、方法、操作条件和实验结果。所得产品的红外光谱图与标准谱图相比十分相近。  相似文献   

In this paper the ionosonde data from 16 stations all over the world were used to analyze the morphological features of occurrence rate of spread-F, i.e. their regional distributions and variations with seasons and solar cycles. The statistical results showed that the stations with nearly the same geographic locations but different geomagnetic inclinations or declinations have different occurrence rates of spread-F and thus indicated the significance of geomagnetic configurations in the formation and evolution of spread-F. The occurrence rate is the lowest in a region in mid-latitude and it is asymmetric in the northern and southern hemispheres. In mid-latitude, obvious solar cycle can be seen while it is to the contrary in other regions. The data analysis results agree well with theoretical ones.  相似文献   

在离心流化床流体力学特征性研究的基础上进行了传热特征的研究。用因次分析法将传热膜系数及其影响因素归纳为四个无因次数群:N(?)、R_e、P_f和F-c其中F_c为离心因了。Fc=wr/g (1)式中,w为床层转动角速度;r为转鼓半径;g为重力加速度。对于空气,Prandt准数Pr为常数,可并入床联式的系数中。  相似文献   

水溶性聚酯的性能研究(Ⅱ)——热稳定性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了加入间苯二甲酸二酯-5磺酸钠(SIPM)、间苯二甲酸(IPA)、聚乙二醇(PEG,分子量为1000)和己二酸乙二醇酯(AE)后所得水溶性聚酯WSPET的热稳定性能,并对其原因进行了讨论,实验中发现,无论随着以上哪一组分加入量的增加,WSPET的热稳定性均会有不同程度的下降。  相似文献   

本文研究了Fe(Ⅲl)—phen和Fe(Ⅲ)—phen—EDTA体系的光还原条件,实验发现当用高压汞灯液内照射时,上体系中的100~300μgFe在6~15分钟能被还原为Fe(phen)_3~(2 )。这种光还原方法用于GSD—1标准矿样中铁的分析,其结果与推荐值一致.  相似文献   

本文介绍了以智能控制理论为基础,设计的同步发电机励磁控制器。该控制器已在云南省大寨电厂1#发电机上投入运行。现场运行情况良好,达到了设计要求。本文主要介绍了微机励磁控制器的设计原理、动模试验、现场调试和试运行的情况。  相似文献   

在文章[1]中我们讨论了光学薄膜自动设计中的各种评价函数,把薄膜设计问题归结为求评价函数的极值问题。光学薄膜中的各类评价函数都是十分复杂的多峰函数,不宜采用传统的求局部极值的方法,为此我们提出了一种求总极值的方法,可在一定的概率下求出总极值。本文先介绍求总极值的方法,然后给出运用此法设计光学薄膜的各类实际例子,以此说明自动设计的技巧和效果。  相似文献   

第Ⅰ部分以大型省级电网为例,研究了在电网快速扩张、电力市场改革逐步推行以及国家施行节能减排政策这三种新形式下,与之相适应的调度模式。这里是第Ⅱ部分,着重于评价指标体系的研究。在第Ⅰ部分的工作基础上,提出了运用模糊数学的理论和方法,对调度模式进行评价和分析。利用层次分析法确定调度模式各评价指标的权重系数,采用专家调查方法确定调度模式评价指标的隶属度,从而建立了调度模式定量评价的指标体系和模糊评价的数学模型。最后,对第Ⅰ部分提出的3种可能的调度模式进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

本文根据生产实际中存在的问题,通过实验初步解决了Fe(Ⅱ)(Ⅲ)—EDTA体系中铁的价态比的测定问题。  相似文献   

Ⅴ比较比较就是在两个或二个以上的事物之间建立一种类比或对比的关系。由于它是关系判断中比较特殊的一种判断,所以把它放在这一节中来单独讨论。比较判断的主项必须至少有两个,它的谓项必须指出主项之间的一致性或差异性。如:  相似文献   

详细地分析了国内外关于土- 结动力相互作用近二十种简化分析模型, 引入考虑土- 结动力相互作用效应的平面和空间杆系模型。  相似文献   

柴油十六烷值改进剂(Ⅱ)——硝酸环己酯的合成   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以硝酸和环己醇为原料 ,硫酸为催化剂 ,氯仿为溶剂 ,尿素和硫酸铵为混合反应稳定剂 ,合成了柴油十六烷值改进剂 -硝酸环己酯 ,在实验条件下确定了最佳合成条件。结果表明 ,以 0 .2 72mol环己醇为准 ,硫酸与硝酸的摩尔比为 2∶1,硝酸与环己醇摩尔比为 1.35∶1,混酸温度和酯化温度均为 0~ 5℃ ,在该温度下酯化反应时间为4 0~ 5 0min ,室温反应 10min ,尿素和硫酸铵分别为 0 .3g和 5 g。在此条件下 ,反应比较平稳、安全 ,得到硝酸环己酯的产率和纯度都较高。产品经密度和折光率、元素分析、红外光谱分析 ,证明合成产物与目的产物结构完全吻合  相似文献   

本文基于离子色谱(IC)柱后衍生法,研究并建立了对大豆种皮中铁的测定方法.通过对流动相组分、pH 和柱后衍生液的选择,建立了从样品处理到测定步聚一整套可同时分离测定 Fe(Ⅱ),Fe(Ⅲ)的有效方法.方法的重复性好,精确度高.  相似文献   

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