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The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics, methodologies, and general trends in Educational Technology articles, written by authors from Turkey, published in journals listed in the SSCI, SCI, and ERIC indexes from 1990 to 2011. A total of 1151 (SSCI:813, SCI:38, ERIC:300) articles published in 94 journals were examined via content analysis, using the ‘Educational Technology Papers Classification Form’ (ETPCF). The results show that the number of published Educational Technology studies dramatically increased in the years 2002 and 2007. “Educational environments and technology”, “distance education” and “multimedia” were the predominant subjects of the articles, though there were variations in terms of research topics and methodologies. Regarding research methodologies, quantitative studies were the most common type. Questionnaires and interviews were most commonly used as data collection tools, and the convenience sampling method was also widely used. The frequently studied sample participants were preservice teachers and other undergraduate students. In the present study, cross tabulation is used to present the findings. 相似文献
S. Tweddle C. James H. Daniels D. Davies P. Harvey N. James J. Mossman E. Woolf 《Computers & Education》2000,35(4)
This paper is an assessment of the use of CancerHelp UK, a Web site developed as a resource for people living with cancer. Attitudes to the use of the site were examined through interviews with 23 patients and relatives in a two-phase pilot study. The analysis of the data was conducted within a framework derived from activity theory which focused on individual perspectives, purposes and outcomes and the processes involved in use. Our findings show that the process of using the site and the characteristics of the medium were regarded as beneficial, although some inexperienced computer users needed some help. There were positive cognitive and affective outcomes for those who had independently chosen to use the site. However, there were differences in process and outcome between independent users and participants who had been invited to use the resource for evaluation purposes. The study raises questions about the use and evaluation of the World Wide Web for teaching and learning through an informal learning activity. The response of participants to the use of CancerHelp UK indicates that the resource is both useful and usable. The authors suggest that the availability of the Web as a means for learning about cancer may challenge the traditional transmission-based practice of the medical consultation. 相似文献
If ubiquitous learning (u-learning) is to be effectively developed and feasibly applied to education, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness. Yet to achieve a sound evaluation, a particular paradigm must be employed to fit the problem domain. Toward this end, the authors of this study have adopted a meaningful learning paradigm. Meaningful learning is often regarded as the ultimate learning status for a learner, regardless of the learning environment. Interestingly, several characteristics of u-learning are also linked to attributes of meaningful learning. For example, both u-learning and meaningful learning emphasize the authentic and active of the learning activity. Therefore, it is important to investigate the applicability of a meaningful learning paradigm for evaluating the efficacy of u-learning. The method proposed here evaluates u-learning along both macro and micro aspects, and in an effort to make u-learning more sustainable. By employing a case study, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by showing the advantages and disadvantages that are common to both u-learning and meaningful learning. Moreover, we also provide suggestions for instructors and designers so that they can promote the quality of u-learning. 相似文献
Jonathan P. San Diego Margaret J. CoxBarry F.A. Quinn Jonathan Tim NewtonAvijit Banerjee Mark Woolford 《Computers & Education》2012
hapTEL, an interdisciplinary project funded by two UK research councils from 2007 to 2011, involves a large interdisciplinary team (with undergraduate and post-graduate student participants) which has been developing and evaluating a virtual learning system within an HE healthcare education setting, working on three overlapping strands. Strand 1 involves the technical development and evaluation of the hapTEL workstation which simulates clinical conditions for dental training including haptics (sense of touch). Strand 2 involves examining the traditional undergraduate curriculum and how this could benefit from the use of haptics. Strand 3 is concerned with the educational evaluation of the impact of the work carried out within Strands 1 and 2. Two theoretical frameworks (Entwistle, (1987) and Webb and Cox (2004)) have been used to identify as many factors as possible which could affect the impact of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) on the quality of the learning achieved. These frameworks have formed a foundation for measuring the impact of TEL on curriculum change, teachers’ pedagogical practices, students’ learning and on institutional practices. A range of quantitative and qualitative methods were designed, piloted and evaluated in order to measure the impact of TEL on teaching and learning; and to have a rich and robust data set which also addresses the variables in the frameworks. The results from using these frameworks show that institutional and departmental factors should be considered when evaluating the impact of TEL in higher education and that these had a major influence on the design and curriculum integration of the hapTEL systems. We have also shown that by involving the end users from the beginning enabled not only an enhancement of the students’ learning experiences but also a modification to the traditional curriculum itself and the successful integration of TEL within a very traditional undergraduate higher education dental curriculum. The conclusions from this paper confirm earlier reviews of researching TEL that technology integration is extremely complex and the related research requires a comprehensive approach of both quantitative and qualitative methods if one is to take account of the range of variables identified by theoretical frameworks. Finally, repeating the range of empirical investigations for a second year enables researchers to validate the effectiveness of the methods used in the initial year and thereby maximise the reliability and generalisability of the research outcomes. 相似文献
The Mathematics and Technology Attitudes Scale (MTAS) is a simple scale for middle secondary years students that monitors five affective variables relevant to learning mathematics with technology. The subscales measure mathematics confidence, confidence with technology, attitude to learning mathematics with technology and two aspects of engagement in learning mathematics. The paper presents a model of how technology use can enhance mathematics achievement, a review of other instruments and a psychometric analysis of the MTAS. It also reports the responses of 350 students from 6 schools to demonstrate the power of the MTAS to provide useful insights for teachers and researchers. ‘Attitude to learning mathematics with technology’ had a wider range of scores than other variables studied. For boys, this attitude is correlated only with confidence in using technology, but for girls the only relationship found was a negative correlation with mathematics confidence. These differences need to be taken into account when planning instruction. 相似文献
Panagiotes S. Anastasiades George Filippousis Labros Karvunis Spiros Siakas Arsitokritos Tomazinakis Panagiota Giza Hellen Mastoraki 《Computers & Education》2010
The aim of this paper is to present the design, implementation and evaluation of the methodology which focuses on the pedagogical utilization of Interactive Videoconferencing (IVC) in the contemporary elementary school. 相似文献
This study examined the influence of perceived enjoyment on pre-service teachers’ intention to use technology, in addition to re-appraising the role of attitude toward use in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM; Davis, Bagozzi, &; Warshaw, 1989). One hundred and fifty-three participants in Singapore completed a survey questionnaire measuring their responses to five constructs from a research model that was developed specifically for the study. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed that perceived enjoyment was a significant predictor of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention to use technology. The findings of this study support the view of Davis et al. (1989) from over 30 years ago that attitude toward use contributes only modestly to the TAM. 相似文献
The author used an eye-tracking methodology to examine the influence of the concept-mapping learning strategy on learners performing an English reading task. Eighty-six freshmen enrolled in English courses participated in this control-group pretest-posttest experiment, and received either traditional or concept-mapping instruction for learning English reading skills. A concept-mapping strategy was introduced to the learners in the experimental group to improve their reading ability. The results of independent t tests, in which eye-tracking data on fixation time and fixation path were used, indicated that the participants who received concept-mapping instruction exhibited shorter fixation times on the core concept and other content in the text, compared with the group that received traditional instruction. Moreover, the experimental group demonstrated longer and irregular rereading paths than the control group (CG) did. These results indicated that concept mapping serves as a reference to assist average readers to improve and to identify primary ideas that clarify the meaning of an article. 相似文献
There has been an increasing tendency to enhance teachers’ ability to apply educational technology. Few researchers have investigated with the relationships between the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) and the impact on the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of teachers. The purposes of the study were to examine Taiwanese elementary mathematics and science teachers’ TPACK with respect to current use of IWBs. Associations between in-service teachers’ TPACK and other factors were also examined. The IWB-based TPACK questionnaire was developed and validated in an elementary school context. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the TPACK of elementary teachers who used IWBs compared to teachers who did not use IWBs. Furthermore, elementary science teachers demonstrated significantly higher TPACK than elementary mathematics teachers. No significant difference was found in teachers’ TPACK according to gender. The results also showed that teachers’ TPACK differed significantly on the basis of teachers’ varying amounts of teaching experience. Teachers who had more years of teaching experience demonstrated significantly higher TPACK than did teachers who had fewer years of teaching experience. The research implications of this study are provided along with suggestions. 相似文献
In CSCL contexts (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) collaborative activities with different levels of structuredeness are often used to foster discussion and exchange among students and enhance collaboration. In this field the debate around whether and to what extent it is useful to structure the activities proposed to students, is still very lively. In this paper two collaborative activities are explored, namely a simple Case Study (moderate level of structuredness) and the Case Study joint with the Jigsaw (higher level of structuredness). Starting from the analysis of the interactions occurred among students of two real online courses performing these activities, it is possible to identify strong points and weaknesses of the two activities, so to draw some reflections on the impact of structuredness on the collaborative learning process. 相似文献
This study investigated split-attention and redundancy effects in a mobile learning environment on leaf morphology of plants as a function of different combinations of media. Eighty-one fifth-grade students were randomly assigned to the following three conditions: texts with pictures embedded in the mobile device (TP condition); texts embedded in the mobile device and real objects that are outside of the mobile device (TO condition); and texts with pictures embedded in the mobile device and real objects that are outside of the mobile device (TPO condition). Differences in performance on comprehension tests and learning efficiency were examined across conditions. The TP condition was expected to perform better than the TO condition due to a split-attention effect. The TP and TO conditions were expected to perform better than the TPO condition due to a redundancy effect. The results indicated no difference between the TP and the TO condition in comprehension and learning efficiency, but the TP and TO conditions performed better than the TPO condition on both measures. The implications of the results for research and design of mobile learning environments are discussed. 相似文献
This study examines the extent to which epistemological, motivational, decision-related, and demographic variables predict college students' use of online information searching strategies (behavioural, procedural, and metacognitive strategies). The participants included preservice teachers (N = 538) from 13 universities in different parts of Turkey. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify the variables predicting each online information searching strategy. The results revealed that online information searching strategies were best predicted by epistemological beliefs and then decision-making styles, web search experience, and goal orientations. Students who had advanced epistemological beliefs in speed of learning tended to have better behavioural, procedural, and metacognitive strategies, while students having naive epistemological beliefs in ability to learn had lower level online searching strategies. Students having more web search experience had better online searching strategies. Additionally, as the level of students’ mastery-approach goals increases, the use of procedural and metacognitive domain strategies increase as well, while the increase in the level of mastery-avoidance goals were related to the use of less behavioural domain strategies. Finally, students having rational decision styles were more likely to use higher levels of online information searching strategies, while students with avoidant styles tended to use less behavioural and procedural domain strategies. 相似文献
In this paper, several issues regarding the epistemology of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) are first raised for the purpose of clarifying the construct. Specifically, the transformative and integrative views are juxtaposed for exploring the epistemology of TPCK, and, at the end, the transformative view is adopted concluding that TPCK is a unique body of knowledge that is constructed from the interaction of its individual contributing knowledge bases. Then, ICT–TPCK is introduced as a strand of TPCK, and is described as the ways knowledge about tools and their affordances, pedagogy, content, learners, and context are synthesized into an understanding of how particular topics that are difficult to be understood by learners or difficult to be represented by teachers can be transformed and taught more effectively with technology in ways that signify its added value. One model for the development and another for the assessment of ICT–TPCK are then discussed. Technology Mapping is proposed as a situative methodology for the development of ICT–TPCK, and three forms of assessment, namely, expert assessment, peer assessment, and self-assessment are proposed for assessing teachers’ competencies to teach with technology. The paper also reports on the empirical findings of a study that was undertaken to investigate the impact of the proposed models on student learning within the context of two design tasks in a pre-service primary teacher education course. Repeated measures within-subject effects were tested and the results indicated that ICT–TPCK competency significantly improved over the course of a semester. The results of this study clearly show that the theoretical models proposed herein can positively impact the development of ICT–TPCK. Lastly, these results can be used as baseline data in future studies that may be conducted to further validate or improve the proposed models in different contexts. 相似文献
Research has shown that will (positive attitudes), skill (technology competency), and tool (access to technology tools) are all essential ingredients for a teacher to effectively integrate information technology into classroom practices. This study focuses on the will, skill and tool as essential measures for the predictability of technology integration, reported by the study participants and measured by stages of adoption of teachers in Ghana. Attempts are made to explore the extent to which these parameters differ among the teachers and also influence technology integration. Furthermore, the parameters are proposed for use in modelling the process of technology integration for these teachers. Well validated instruments spanning the areas of attitudes, competencies, access and technology integration proficiencies were used to collect data from 120 mathematics prospective teachers and 60 practicing mathematics teachers from Ghana. The data was analyzed using regression analysis. The results indicated that lack of teacher anxiety was the most important dimension of attitudes, and that skill is the strongest predictor of classroom integration of technology for the teachers. Significant differences existed between practicing and prospective teachers’ computer anxieties, competencies, and access levels. 相似文献
This empirical research surveys first year tertiary business students across different campuses regarding their perceived views concerning traditional, blended and flexible instructional approaches. A structural equation modeling approach shows traditional instructional modes deliver lower levels of student-perceived learning quality, learning experience and learning skills. A combination of on-line and face-to-face learning approaches, embedded across each course, yields far higher levels of total learning effects, and to explain differences in instructional approaches, a ‘Cone of Learning’ continuum is presented and discussed. Theoretical and practical research implications, and the measurement, theoretical and management aspects of future research options are presented. Tertiary institutions can adopt the approaches herein to assist in the development and build of smart targeted learning solutions – ones more in-line with the perceived needs of their respective student year levels and groups. 相似文献
This research describes the development and validation of an instrument to measure integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. After literature research on definitions of integration of ICT in education, a comparison is made between the classical test theory and the item response modeling approach for the development and validation of a questionnaire. Following the last approach, a construct on integration of ICT is developed, items are generated and an outcome space of Likert type answering categories is defined. The resulting questionnaire has been administered to 933 teacher educators. In this study the collected data are tested for fit to the Rasch model of measurement. It is concluded that the instrument can be used for fundamental measurement of perceived use of ICT for teaching and support of student learning of the reference population, allowing for identification of stages of innovation of ICT integration. We reflect on the critical value of the item response modeling approach and the Rasch measurement model for measurement of integration of ICT in education and discuss some limitations of the study. 相似文献
Effective technology integration for teaching subject matter requires knowledge not just of content, technology and pedagogy, but also of their relationship to each other. Building on Schulman’s [Schulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: foundations for a new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 1–22] concept of pedagogical content knowledge, we introduce a framework for conceptualizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge—TPCK [Mishra, P., Koehler, M.J., (in press). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A new framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record]. We report the results of a semester-long investigation of the development of TPCK during a faculty development design seminar, whereby faculty members worked together with masters students to develop online courses. Quantitative discourse analysis of 15 weeks of field notes for two of the design teams show participants moved from considering technology, pedagogy and content as being independent constructs towards a richer conception that emphasized connections among the three knowledge bases. Our analyses suggests that developing TPCK is a multigenerational process, involving the development of deeper understandings of the complex web of relationships between content, pedagogy and technology and the contexts in which they function. Pedagogic, pragmatic, theoretical, and methodological contributions are discussed. 相似文献
The development, validity and reliability of TPACK-deep: A technological pedagogical content knowledge scale 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Isil Kabakci Yurdakul Hatice Ferhan OdabasiKerem Kilicer Ahmet Naci CoklarGurkay Birinci Adile Askim Kurt 《Computers & Education》2012,58(3):964-977
The purpose of this study is to develop a TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) scale based on the centered component of TPACK framework in order to measure preservice teachers’ TPACK. A systematic and step-by-step approach was followed for the development of the scale. The validity and reliability studies of the scale were carried out with 995 Turkish preservice teachers. The sample was split into two subsamples on random basis (n1 = 498, n2 = 497). The first sample was used for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the second sample for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). After the EFA, the TPACK-deep scale included 33 items and had four factors. These factors were design, exertion, ethics and proficiency. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the whole scale was found to be .95, whereas the values of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for individual factors of the scale ranged between .85 and .92. The CFA was conducted within the scope of the validity study of the scale. In this way, this structure of the 4-factor scale was confirmed. In addition, the test-retest reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as .80. The findings revealed that the TPACK-deep scale was a valid and reliable instrument for measuring TPACK. Consequently, various suggestions were put forward regarding the use the TPACK-deep scale for applied research and for future studies. 相似文献
Adding flexibility to the learning process, mobile learning offers great opportunities for education, especially for teenagers, who show great attentiveness to mobile technologies. Thus, the need to focus on design aspects of such learning is growing. This study aims to reveal critical issues in designing mobile learning based on a program for 11th graders and to unfold students’ perceptions about reasons for participation, satisfaction, implementation processes, and specific content representation types. Reflections on insights gleaned from the instructional design process of the project and students’ perceptions are presented with related recommendations. 相似文献