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Acrylamide in baked and toasted wheat and rye bread was studied in relation to levels of asparagine in flour, dough, bread and toasts. Asparagine was consumed during bread preparation resulting in reduced acrylamide content in the products. In wheat bread, 12% of the asparagine initially present in the flour (0.14 g kg?1) remained after yeast fermentation and baking; for rye bread, 82% of asparagine remained after sourdough fermentation and baking. Asparagine present in untoasted wheat bread had totally reacted after hard toasting. Toasted wheat and rye bread slices contained 11–161 and 27–205 µg kg?1 acrylamide, respectively, compared to untoasted wheat and rye bread with <5 and 7–23 µg kg?1 acrylamide, respectively. The dietary intake of acrylamide from bread (untoasted) of 2 µg day?1 is relatively low; however, acrylamide exposure from bread increases several fold for people eating toasted bread.  相似文献   

Texture analysis and modeling are important techniques in food and postharvest research and industrial practice. A wide range of methods have been used to evaluate instrumental results, which provide time-series data of product deformation, thereby allowing a wide range of texture attributes to be calculated from force–time or force–displacement data. Several indices of texture such as the firmness index, crunchiness index and texture index based on “vibration energy density” have been reported, but these are not widely used to quantify food texture. Some modeling and statistical approaches have been adopted to analyze food texture data, including chemical reaction kinetics and the Michaelis–Menton type decay function, mechanistic autocatalytic models based on logistic equation, and the finite element method. However, increasing demand for comprehensive approaches to texture profile analysis, generalized texture indices and fundamental texture models still remain challenges in the food research and industry.  相似文献   

Proteins are known to interact with relatively small molecules such as flavour compounds and saponins, and may thus influence the taste perception of food. In this study, the interactions of flavour volatiles with pea proteins, and the effects of heat on these interactions were investigated. The presence of saponins, which are non-volatile flavour compounds, was also explored. Saponins are known to contribute to the bitterness in pea and were found to interact with proteins. Pea proteins, legumin (11S) and vicilin (7S), were used for interaction studies with aldehydes and ketones using static headspace-gas chromatography (SH–GC). The binding of various flavour compounds as a function of concentration was studied at pH 7.6 and pH 3.8. Vicilin binds both aldehydes and ketones at pH 7.6 and pH 3.8. Legumin only showed binding to aldehydes at pH 7.6 and no binding to aldehydes or ketones at pH 3.8. The effect of heat on vicilin-flavour interactions was studied at pH 7.6. Heating of vicilin seemed to lead to a decrease in the binding of aldehydes and ketones to the protein. In addition, the presence of saponins in hulled pea flour was identified by high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS) and three groups of saponins, A, B and DDMP saponins were found to be present, with group B saponins dominating.  相似文献   

Asparagus is often infected by fungi of the Fusarium genus, a causal agent of crown and root rot, which decreases the quantity and quality of spears. Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium proliferatum are the most severe asparagus pathogens, well known as mycotoxin producers, mainly fumonisins and moniliformin. The present study was undertaken to estimate fumonisin B1, moniliformin and ergosterol concentrations in asparagus tissue. Moreover, the possibility of toxin transport to the edible asparagus part during the inoculation by F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum of different plant parts (root, crown and stem base) and the potential risk for consumers were assessed. Our studies showed that the highest capability of producing fumonisin B1 and moniliformin was demonstrated from isolates of F. proliferatum. The highest level of fumonisin B1 in edible spears was detected when the asparagus crown was inoculated with F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum. The lowest concentration was found in the case of storage root inoculation, which corresponds with mycelium absence and the long distance from the roots to the stem. Similar results were demonstrated for moniliformin. The mycotoxin content was confirmed even in healthy spears (without disease symptoms and mycelium presence), which might indicate that the transport of mycotoxins is possible from the soil through the root system to the top part of the plants.  相似文献   

For many consumers, potatoes fried or roasted in professional or private kitchens are the most important source of exposure to acrylamide. Acrylamide formation can be reduced by appropriate preparation techniques, but suitable potatoes are a prerequisite. The tendency of potato to form acrylamide can be approximated by the content of reducing sugar. Roast potatoes (hash browns, Rösti) and oven-fried potatoes (Bratkartoffeln) were prepared to optimum culinary quality regarding crispiness and then evaluated in terms of browning, roasting flavor and acrylamide content. Preparation procedures were optimized to produce a minimum of acrylamide. It is concluded that potatoes with less than 0.2 g/kg fresh weight fructose and glucose are not suitable for roasting (insufficient browning and flavor), while roasted products of minimum crispiness prepared from potatoes with more than 1 g/kg reducing sugar contain more than 500 µg/kg acrylamide. It is proposed that potatoes which may be used for roasting and frying should contain less than 1 g/kg fresh weight of reducing sugar. This can easily be fulfilled with the most important potato cultivars grown in Switzerland, but presupposes that potatoes are no longer stored at 4 °C.  相似文献   

The success and sustainability of aquaculture depends on minimising the operational cost of feed that in general comprises 50–60% of the total cost in intensive farming. The major feed ingredient, fish meal, is expensive and there is increasing competition with other livestock industries for the available static supply of fish meal. Hence, the incorporation of plant-derived materials in fish feeds is receiving increasing attention. One of the main constraints in the utilisation of plant ingredients in aquaculture is the presence of indigestible carbohydrates, which consist primarily of non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs). These form a part of the cell wall structure of cereals and legumes. The presence of NSPs in the diet interferes with feed utilisation and adversely affects performance of the animal. Supplementation of NSP-degrading enzymes in feed mitigates the adverse effects of NSPs. The effects of NSPs in pigs and poultry have been widely studied; however little information exists for fish. This review synthesizes the available information on fish and highlights the knowledge gaps. It is hoped that this review will provide a momentum to the research on the roles of NSPs in fish nutrition and physiology and on the efficient use of NSP-degrading enzymes.  相似文献   

Acrylamide is proven to be carcinogenic in rodents and a ‘probable’ human carcinogen, with increasing evidence of positive associations with human cancers. Thus, authorities and industry urge to find solutions for acrylamide formation, while no legal limits have yet been established for this contaminant in foods. Most of the acrylamide dietary exposure results from potato products, coffee, bakery products and chocolate. Acrylamide is formed in potato products during industrial processing, retail, catering and home preparation. This review summarizes the research to date on acrylamide levels, mechanisms of formation, assessment of acrylamide intake and health risk, and possible mitigation strategies from farm to fork in fried potato products. Furthermore, relevant issues regarding the implementation of mitigation strategies on an industrial scale are discussed and evolution of risk management summarized. In conclusion, ‘lab scale studies’ in acrylamide mitigation research should be interpreted with utmost care. This leads to the pertinent question “What is the next step to reduce acrylamide exposure while maintaining the expected product quality for the consumer?”  相似文献   

This study was investigated the resistance of Bacillus cereus ATCC 13752 and its enterotoxin coding genes in cereals, vegetables, and tryptic soy broth to γ-irradiation. Screening for enterotoxin coding genes, viability test, PCR analysis, measurement of DNA concentration, cellular constituents release, SEM, and antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed after irradiation at 0, 1.5, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 kGy. Thirty % of strains screened possessed all enterotoxins genes. At 10 kGy B. cereus viable cell count was reduced by 4 logCFU/mL. B. cereus in vegetables and broth demonstrated higher susceptibility than those in cereals. Enterotoxins coding genes could be identified in the γ-irradiated cells, antibiotic sensitivity profile was not affected. Concentration of DNA containing enterotoxin coding genes was reduced and release of cellular constituent was highest at 15 kGy. γ-Irradiation up to 10 kGy did not eliminate B. cereus neither affected their enterotoxins coding genes from ready-to-eat food.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to help better understand the current sodium intake of Korean children and to establish children’s good eating habits through investigation of the sodium content of ready-to-eat foods collected from nine major amusement parks in Korea. The sodium content of a total of 322 products was analysed by using ICP and then the potential risk based on the recommended daily intake of sodium as described in the Korean dietary reference intakes was determined. The results showed that sodium content was the lowest in muffins (245 mg/100 g) and the highest in seasoned dried filefish (1825 mg/100 g). The average amounts of sodium per serving of seasoned dried filefish, tteokbokki and fish paste were 1150, 1248 and 1097 mg, respectively. The values were above 50% of the daily intake of sodium recommended by the Korean dietary reference intake. The ready-to-eat foods were also classified into high, medium and low sodium content on the basis of standards recommended by the Korean Food and Drug Administration. Most snacks were classified as high sodium foods because they exceeded “300 mg (84.5% of the total daily allowance)”. Furthermore, the meal substitution foods such as kimbab, tteokbokki, mandus, sandwiches and hamburgers exceeded “600 mg (90.3% of the total daily allowance)” and were also classified as high sodium foods. In addition, ready-to-eat foods in amusement parks are similar to foods eaten on streets and foods around school zones, which contain high sodium content; thus, the intake frequency might be high, which would induce high risk to children health. Koreans already consume a high amount of sodium daily via their usual diets. So, the sodium content in snacks and substitution foods needs to be reduced. Consequently, this study noted that parents and guardians should carefully consider their children’s consumption of ready-to-eat foods from Korean amusement parks.  相似文献   

The involvement of children in sensory evaluation and consumer research continues to increase and has become crucial in the food industry, as children sensory perceptions differ from adults. Research on basic taste sensitivity in children provides contradictory results, with most of the studies not considering the familiarity aspect of the food samples. Familiarity can lead children to memories of the food which are able to influence their taste perception and liking. This study aims to investigate the ability of 10 to 11-year old children in identifying sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and bitterness in unfamiliar food samples. The taste identification data was collected from 98 children using 19 food samples representing the four basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. For each food sample, the children evaluated their familiarity, the basic taste(s) they perceived using the check-all-that-apply (CATA) method and scored their liking. Their basic taste identification ability was investigated by comparing their results to trained panellists as a reference. The food samples were unfamiliar to most of the children (never tasted by 85% of the children on average). Correspondence Analysis (CA) showed that children were able to identify the basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter in the unfamiliar foods, with a high congruency to the trained panellists. However, children’s identification ability was lower when combinations of dominant basic tastes occurred. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) demonstrated a positive correlation between the presence of sweet taste and the children’s liking while sour and bitter tastes showed the opposite.  相似文献   

JZ Zhong  W Liu  CM Liu  QH Wang  T Li  ZC Tu  SJ Luo  XF Cai  YJ Xu 《Journal of dairy science》2012,95(8):4237-4245
Our previous research indicated that dynamic high-pressure microfluidization (DHPM) had a significant effect on the antigenicity of β-lactoglobulin (β-LG). In this study, aggregation and conformational changes subjected to DHPM (0.1-160 MPa) were investigated in relation to antigenicity. When DHPM pressure increased from 0.1 to 80 MPa, disaggregation of β-LG samples and partial unfolding of the molecule were accompanied by an increase in β-LG antigenicity, which was reflected in the decrease of particle size, increase of free sulfhydryl (SH) contents and β-strands contents, and slight exposure of aromatic amino acid residues. At pressures above 80 MPa, the reaggregation of β-LG may contribute to the decrease in antigenicity, which was reflected by an increase in particle size, the formation of aggregates, a decrease of in SH and β-strands contents, and slight changes in aromatic amino acid residues. Aggregation and conformational changes of β-LG under DHPM was related to its antigenicity.  相似文献   

Mechanical and microstructural properties of expanded extrudates prepared from blends of high amylose corn (Zeamays L. ssp. Mays) starch (HACS) and soy protein concentrate (SPC) were studied in relation to the physicochemical changes in starch. Effects of screw speed (230 and 330 rpm) and SPC level (10%, 20%, 30% and 50%) on expansion and mechanical properties were determined. Compared with 230 rpm, screw speed at 330 rpm resulted in increased specific mechanical energy, expansion ratio, water absorption and water solubility indices and decreased bulk density and piece density. Varying screw speeds did not significantly affect the mechanical strength of extrudates or starch molecular weight distribution. Bulk and piece densities, and water absorption index (WAI) only slightly increased or exhibited no significant trends as SPC level increased to 20%. A substantial increase in bulk and piece densities and decrease in expansion ratio and WAI were observed as SPC level increased from 20% to 30%. The trends were either reversed or moderated as SPC increased to 50%. These results in combination with average crushing force and water solubility index data provided a significant insight into the interactions between HACS and SPC during extrusion processing. As compared to an earlier baseline study by our research group on normal corn starch – SPC extrudates, results from the current study indicated that the expansion of extrudate containing HACS alone was lower than that of extrudates containing normal corn starch. However, expansion of the HACS–SPC blends was not significantly impacted at 10–20% SPC levels, whereas the expansion of normal corn starch was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

This paper describes a rapid method for confirming residues of thyreostats in meat-based baby foods by using liquid chromatography – dual polarity electrospray – tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ES(±)-MS/MS). Six thioureylenes, belonging to the group of thiouracil and imidazole, were selected for this work: thiouracil (TU), methylthiouracil (MTU), propylthiouracil (PTU), phenylthiouracil (PhTU), mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) and tapazole (TAP).

The amphoteric nature of these compounds allows their electrospray detection in both positive and negative ionisation. Nevertheless, MS detection is not favoured by their low molecular weights, while their chromatographic retention is also thwarted by their high polarity. A pentafluorophenyl (PFP) core-shell phase column was selected to avoid peak asymmetry or peak splitting, and a dual-polarity ionisation method was optimised to obtain a sensitivity as high as possible. The method was validated according to the Commission Decision 657/2002/EC. A simple and fast procedure based on matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) was optimised to extract analytes from baby foods with recoveries exceeding 82%. Limit of decision (CCα) and detection capability (CCβ) were lower than the permissible maximum concentration (10 ng g?1). The validated method was then applied to assess the potential occurrence of the six selected thyreostats in nine commercial products. All the samples were found free of contamination.  相似文献   

The effect of organic cultivation systems on the level of Cd in wheat was studied in two consecutive harvests. Additionally, the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr and Zn were analysed in single harvests of rye, carrots and potatoes from different farming systems. Wheat and rye were obtained from controlled field trials using several conventional and ecological systems at two separate locations in Sweden. Potatoes and carrots were collected at private farms with conventional or ecological production. These farms were juxtapositioned and had similar soil properties. The levels of Cd in the wheat did not correlate with the cultivation system or the Cd content in the soil. Conventionally grown wheat from one field trial showed a significantly higher Cd level compared with ecologically grown wheat, while in the other field trial significantly lower Cd levels were detected in the conventionally grown wheat. No statistically significant differences in the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr or Zn in rye, carrots and potatoes were detected between the cultivation systems. The results indicate that organic farming, at least in the short term, does not necessarily result in reduced levels of Cd and other potentially harmful metals in foods of vegetable origin. Factors other than cultivation system may be of greater importance for the final concentration of Cd and other metals in plant foods. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BackgroundMany studies around the world reported the occurrence of many mycotoxins and their metabolites in human breast milk. However the contamination by aflatoxin M1 and ochratoxin A were the most investigated by several countries.Scope and approachTo scrutinize all papers reporting quantitative data on the prevalence and the levels of mycotoxins and their metabolites in breast milk, also the circumstances of exposure.A systematic literature search in Pubmed, Science direct and Google scholar databases were performed to identify relevant studies, published in English from 1984 through May 2015.Key findings and conclusion63 studies met the inclusion criteria and assessed the occurrence of 29 mycotoxins & their metabolites in breast milk, regarding 7194 subjects of 31 countries. The maternal dietary habits, the socio demographic status of the mother, the seasonal variations and the sensitivity of the analytical method were the factors related to the high concentrations of AFM1 and OTA in breast milk.Studies where contamination exceeds maximum limits and exhibit real risk of public health were highlighted.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of homogentisate 1, 2 dioxygenase (HGD) gene on meat quality and carcass traits in 287 Chinese red cattle. The PCR–SSCP method was used to identify polymorphism of the HGD gene in the exon 1 and intron 1. Two polymorphisms were detected in intron 1 and two restriction sites for endonuclease HGD-BstXI and HGD-HaeIII have also been found. The HGD-BstXI genotypes showed significant effects on cooking loss, drip loss, net meat weight, carcass weight, and eye muscle area (P < 0.05). The HGD-HaeIII genotypes significant affected cooking loss, muscle fibre diameter, shear force, drip loss, and carcass yield ratio (P < 0.05). Moreover, we found significant effects of diplotypes on cooking loss, muscle fibre diameter, shear force, drip loss, net meat weight, carcass weight, and eye muscle area (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The interest in the development of edible and biodegradable films has increased because it is every day more evident that non-degradable materials are doing much damage to the environment. In this research, bioplastics were based on blends of manioc starch (native and modified) and gelatin in different proportions, added of glycerol or sorbitol, which were used as plasticizers. The objective was to study the effect of two different plasticizers, glycerol and sorbitol, and different concentrations of starch and gelatin on the barrier (water vapor permeability – WVP), mechanical (tensile strength and elongation at break), physicochemical (solubility in water and in acid) and physical properties (opacity and thickness) of the obtained bioplastics samples. As a result, all of them showed transparency and resistance to tensile strength, as well as increasing in thickness values and in the WVP, as the gelatin content increased in the formulations. Finally, all results for tensile strength and elongation at break obtained for those samples plasticized with sorbitol were better than those plasticized with glycerol.  相似文献   

Organically-certified wild plant foods are rarely addressed in scientific or public discourses on organic food even though 30% of the world’s organically-certified land is dedicated to wild plant gathering. This oversight may leave organic consumers unaware of the market relevance of wild plant foods. The aim of this study was therefore to understand organic consumers’ attitudes, knowledge and purchasing and gathering practices with respect to wild plant foods, and how sociodemographic variables and attitudes can predict knowledge and practices. A purposive sample was drawn from 22 urban and rural food markets across Austria and 497 organic consumers were interviewed using successive freelists and four-point Likert scale questions on attitudes. Data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regressions. Organic consumers knew a median of nine wild food plants, and reported five as being gathered and one as being purchased. They valued food quality and the responsible harvest of wild food plants, but assigned them a low economic relevance, with some respondents sceptical about their suitability as food. Rural residence, a higher share of organic consumption and a greater emphasis on responsible harvesting predicted knowledge and gathering of a larger number of plant species. These results confirm that organic consumers know, gather and have positive attitudes with respect to wild plant foods, although they are hardly aware about their market relevance. We argue that consumers need to be better informed about the wild origin of food ingredients and the added value of organic certification of wild plant foods.  相似文献   

The impact of selected factors – cultivar, storage, cooking and baking on the content of total anthocyanins (TAC) in coloured-flesh potato cultivars has been studied. TAC ranged from 248.5 to 2257.8 mg kg−1 dry matter (DM). TAC difference between cultivars was statistically significant. Cold storage (4 °C) influenced TAC differentially. In the Violette and Highland Burgundy Red cultivars TAC increased by 18.5% and 12.1% respectively, and in the Valfi cultivar it decreased by 33.9%. Baking increased TAC 3.34 times whereas cooking in boiled water increased it 4.22 times. Correlation between antioxidant activity (AOA) and TAC (r2 = 0.659) has been found. The Violette, Vitelotte and Highland Burgundy Red cultivars with the highest TAC showed high AOA and the Shetland Black cultivar and the cultivars Salad Blue and Blue Congo with a “marbled” texture showed the lowest TAC and AOA. Individual anthocyanidins are fingerprints of colour-fleshed potato cultivars.  相似文献   

Feed contamination by fungi can lead to nutrient losses and detrimental effects on animal health and production. The presence of nitrates and nitrites in food can be harmful to both people and animals. The aim of this study was to determine total aflatoxin, nitrate and nitrite levels in layer feed samples from companies producing their own feed in Edincik and Band?rma provinces in Turkey and to discuss the potential risk to animal health. The results of the analyses indicated that mean total aflatoxin (AFT) ranged from 0.4 to 36.8?µg?kg?1 and from 0.45 to 47.0?µg?kg?1 in the year 2007 and the year 2008 samples, respectively. It was determined that nitrate levels were 2.4–10 and 1.7–13?µg?kg?1 and that nitrite levels were 0–2.4?µg?kg?1 and 0–2.6?µg?kg?1 in these years, respectively. The levels of total aflatoxin, nitrate and nitrite in the layer samples could not be considered a risk to poultry health and productivity.  相似文献   

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