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Calliope Panoutsou   《Energy Policy》2007,35(12):6046-6059
Bioenergy is considered to be an attractive option mainly due to driving forces of an environmental nature (e.g. climate change and sustainability issues). This is particularly the case for energy crops, which show higher productivity per land unit than their conventional counterparts. In addition, by comparison, such crops are more homogeneous in terms of their physical and chemical characteristics than residual resources that are often described as the biomass resource of the future. However, despite the long-term research and the considerable efforts to promote them, implementation is still rather slow across Europe. In this paper, two perennial energy crops, cardoon and giant reed, are evaluated in Rodopi, northern Greece, as alternative land use, through comparative financial appraisal with the main conventional crops.

Based on the output of this analysis, the breakeven for the two energy crops is defined and an economic and socio-economic evaluation of a biomass district heating system is conducted.

Results prove that energy crops can be attractive alternatives if they are properly integrated into existing agricultural activities and complement the current cropping options. As such, they provide raw material for local heat applications, thus resulting in increased income for the region and an increase in the number of jobs.  相似文献   

Corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure were characterized to evaluate their acceptability for thermochemical conversion. The energy densities of ground corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure after totally drying were 3402, 11,813 and 10,374 MJ/m3, compared to 37,125 MJ/m3 for coal. The contents of volatiles in corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure were 77.4, 82.6 and 82.8%, respectively, on a dry and ash-free basis compared to 43.6% for coal. About 90% of the volatiles in corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure were released at pyrolysis temperatures of 497, 573 and 565 °C, respectively. The combustion of corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure were completed at 620, 840 and 560 °C, respectively. The heat values of the biomass and air mixture for stoichiometric combustion were 2.64, 2.75 and 1.77 MJ/kg for dried corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure, respectively, as compared to 2.69 MJ/kg for coal. Combustion of 1 kg of dry corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure generated 5.33, 6.20 and 5.66 Nm3 of flue gas, respectively, compared to 8.34 Nm3 for coal. Simulation showed that gasification of 1 kg of dried corn stover, distiller grains and cattle manure at 850 °C and ER of 0.3 generated 2.02, 2.37 and 1.44 Nm3 dry syngas at a heating value of about 4.5 MJ/Nm3, compared to 3.52 Nm3 at 5.8 MJ/Nm3 for coal. The molecular ratio of H2 to CO in the biomass-derived syngas was close to 1.0, compared to about 0.5 for the coal-derived syngas.  相似文献   

Thermochemical energy conversion at moderate or low temperature (> about 400°C) employing liquid phase components throughout a cycle is suggested as a promising concept for high-efficiency conversion of various energy sources (e.g. solar or industrial waste heat) to a convenient chemical form. In particular, we propose liquid phase Diels-Alder cycloaddition chemistry as an important class of reversible reactions for such low or moderate temperature thermochemical energy conversion systems. One of the important attributes of thermally driven Diels-Alder reactions is their concerted mechanism, with consequent high yields and efficiencies relative to liquid photochemical systems. Since the systems we propose involve organic species, with thermal stability concerns above about 400°C, it is important to demonstrate equilibrium shift capability for the highly energetic reactions sought. We have therefore carried out experimental studies with model liquid Diels-Alder systems that clearly demonstrate the degree of control over equilibrium available through substituent entropy effects. For example, Keq is unity at about 420°C (T*) for the anthracene/maleic anhydride system (in solvent) while a phenyl substituent on the anthracene or isopropyl substituent on the anhydride reduce T* to about 200°C at constant ΔH0. These results are of importance as regards subsequent systematic identification of Diels-Alder reactions having ideal thermochemical and physical properties. We also have developed a rapid NMR technique for qualitative screening of candidate reactions, and have applied this technique to the study of various bicyclic diene/fumaric acid ester systems. Our paper further points to the need for better understanding of the catalysis likely required for these liquid phase Diels-Alder reactions.  相似文献   

The production of ethanol via entrained flow gasification of biomass and subsequent catalytic synthesis is economically assessed by considering current and future scenarios. In the current scenarios, the process plants proposed only make use of available technologies and state-of-the-art mixed alcohol catalysts (Rh-Mn/SiO2 and KCoMoS2 catalysts). In the future scenarios, the effects of improvements in MoS2 catalyst performance and the availability of pressurized solid biomass feeding systems are assessed. A plant size of 2140 dry tonnes/day of wood chip (500 MWth) is considered with the criteria of being energy self-sufficient. The economic results are discussed and also compared with state-of-the-art production of biochemical lignocellulosic ethanol.The results reveal that although the Rhodium catalyst presents better performance than MoS2 catalysts in terms of selectivity to ethanol, the high price of the Rhodium catalyst leads to higher production costs. For current catalysts, the minimum ethanol selling price (including 10% rate of return) is in the range of 0.90-1.25 $/L. In a future scenario, expected improvements in MoS2 catalyst performance would lead to a decrease in price to 0.71 $/L. Besides, if biomass piston feeders were commercially available, as an alternative for flash pyrolysis pre-treatment, the minimum ethanol selling price would decrease to 0.55 $/L.  相似文献   

Modifications to a pellet manufacturing process must be made based on the characteristics of raw material used. The purpose of this work was to determine the alternations required to a wood pellet manufacturing process and the quality of the pellets produced using this process from five energy crops. Quality measurements include: the caloric value, the loss of moisture content in each production stage, the efficiency index of particle-pellet, ash content and quality as defined using the quantity of cracks and the transversal density and longitudinal density determined using X-ray radiography. The crops analyzed were rhizomatous plants, with caloric values ranging between 17.1 and 20.3 MJ kg−1. This work determined that it was possible to produce pellets with Gynerium sagittatum and Phyllostachys aurea using the same production process for wood; however, Arundo donax and Pennisetum purpureum needed pre-air-drying and the Sorghum bicolor required mechanical dewatering before drying. A. donax, P. purpureum and G. sagittatum provided the highest efficiency index. When evaluating the pellet quality P. aurea and G. sagittatum hard a large quantity of cracks, unlike A. donax, P. purpureum and S. bicolor. The transversal and longitudinal pellet density varied from 1129 to 1294 kg m−3. The highest values of bulk density were obtained in A. donax and P. purpureum, followed by G. sagittatum and P. aurea, and the lowest bulk density was obtained in S. bicolor. Althogh out, some species produced cracks and high ash content, this work demonstrated that it is possible to produce pellets with moderate quality.  相似文献   

Many biological and thermochemical processing options exist for the conversion of biomass to fuels.

Commercially, these options are assessed in terms of fuel product yield and quality. However, attention must also be paid to the environmental aspects of each technology so that any commercial plant can meet the increasingly stringent environmental legislation in the world today.

The environmental aspects of biological conversion (biogasification and bioliquefaction) and thermal conversion (high pressure liquefaction, flash pyrolysis, and gasification) are reviewed. Biological conversion processes are likely to generate waste streams which are more treatable than those from thermal conversion processes but the available data for thermal liquefaction are very limited. Close attention to waste minimisation is recommended and processing options that greatly reduce or eliminate waste streams have been identified. Product upgrading and it's effect on wastewater quality also requires attention. Emphasis in further research studies needs to be placed on providing authentic waste streams for environmental assessment.  相似文献   

The UK Biomass Strategy suggests that to reach the technical potential of perennial energy crops such as short rotation coppice (SRC) willow and miscanthus by 2020 requires 350,000 hectares of land. This represents a more than 20-fold increase on the current 15,546 hectares. Previous research has identified several barriers to adoption, including concerns over security of income from contracts. In addition, farmers perceive returns from these crops to be lower than for conventional crops. This paper uses a farm-level linear programming model to investigate theoretical uptake of energy crops at different gross margins under the assumption of a profit-maximising decision maker, and in the absence of known barriers to adoption. The findings suggest that while SRC willow, at current prices, remains less competitive, returns to miscanthus should have encouraged adoption on a wider scale than at present. This highlights the importance of the barriers to adoption. Recently announced contracts for miscanthus appear to offer a significant premium to farmers in order to encourage them to grow the crops. This raises the question of whether a more cost-effective approach would be for government to provide guarantees addressing farmers concerns including security of income from the contracts. Such an approach should encourage adoption at lower gross margins.  相似文献   

The increasing world's energy demand and environmental concerns related to GHG emissions as well as depleting fossil fuel resources and unstable prices of crude oil and natural gas have caused a renewed interest in renewable energy sources, and in particularly in biomass, as an alternative to fossil fuels. In the paper the results of steam gasification of Salix Viminalis, Miscanthus X Giganteus (MXG), and Andropogon Gerardi in a laboratory-scale fixed bed reactor in the temperature range of 650–900 °C are presented as well as the procedure and results of biomass chars reactivity testing in the process of steam gasification. The highest reactivity R50 in the whole temperature range was observed for MXG. Hydrogen content in the synthesis gas was comparable for MXG and Andropogon Gerardi and lower for Salix Viminalis, while the volumes of the synthesis gas and hydrogen were highest for MXG at all temperatures.  相似文献   

There are a number of estimates of the land area that could potentially be dedicated to perennial energy crops such as short rotation coppice (SRC) willow and miscanthus in the UK, but little is known about how farmers will respond to the opportunities presented by these relatively novel crops. Perennial energy crops face competition from other, arguably more flexible, uses of farmland, and if not seen as attractive propositions to individual farmers, they will not be grown. Farmers’ decisions are therefore a key constraint on potential supply. This paper reviews the policy background and considers whether policy is based on any consideration of likely supply response, before presenting outcomes of focus groups composed of farmers who already grow or are considering growing perennial energy crops. There appear to be a number of barriers to adoption. In addition to concerns over the security of contracts, the current high wheat price increases the opportunity cost of committing land to perennial energy crops. There are also worries about the impact of willow roots on field drains and the cost of returning the land to other uses. This paper outlines a number of issues of importance to policy makers and suggests future research needs.  相似文献   

Wuliangsuhai Lake is one of the largest wetlands in Inner Mongolia, China, half covered by large and highly productive Common Reed (Phragmites australis) stands. However, benefits from current utilization practices do not cover the costs of harvesting. Against this background, Wuliangsuhai Lake is taken as a case study for the assessment of the potential use of reed biomass for energy production. Taking into account, both the present and the potential reed availability, four scenarios are considered, i.e. (1) a decentralized application in household stoves, (2) a centralized reed supplied combined heat and power gasification, (3) a direct combustion plant and (4) a co-firing in existing coal plants. Two field campaigns have been conducted firstly collect information about the current situation of the reed and coal market and secondly to measure reed above-ground biomass. The suitability of reed for thermochemical conversion processes has been evaluated by means of chemical-physical, calorimetric, and thermal analyses of the samples. The potential energy production is valued regarding the profitability on the current Chinese energy market. Possible subsidies for reed as a renewable resource are taken into account. The evaluation has shown that reed has the potential to act as an energy feedstock. In relation to the considered study site, reed energy use can be profitable on the household level, in CHP combustion plants and in co-combustion. Gasification CHP plants are not economic feasible under current conditions. The results show that reed can be a sustainable alternative to highly health and environment damaging coal.  相似文献   

The UK has a significant biomass resource, estimated at an annual 20 million tonnes, but only a fraction of this is captured effectively for energy, contributing approximately 4.1% of the UK's heat and electricity production (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2007a. UK Biomass Strategy: http://www.defra.gov.uk/Environment/climatechange/uk/energy/renewablefuel/pdf/ukbiomassstrategy-0507.pdf (accessed 24 May 2008)). Much biomass combustion technology may be considered as mature, although bottlenecks in the quality and quantity of feedstock are apparent, and further fundamental research is required to increase crop yield in a sustainable manner, with low-chemical inputs to ensure efficient energy balance. In the short term, it could be useful for the UK to focus on developing a limited number of bioenergy chains, linked to combined heat and power microgeneration and the use of bioenergy for community and public sector projects. This should be linked to a joined-up policy and regulatory framework. A clear strategy for land management is also required, since many competing uses for land will emerge in the coming decades, including food production, nature conservation, carbon sequestration, urbanisation and other forms of renewable energy use. This finite resource must be managed effectively. In the long-term future, considerable excitement exists about the possibility of new bioscience technologies harnessed to improve photosynthetic gains for bioenergy, including the use of synthetic biology. It may be possible to produce the designer energy plant whose outputs would include high-quality chemical and liquid biofuels. Gasification of biomass also requires further technology development.  相似文献   

Boron has been proposed as a candidate for hydrogen production. In this study a process is described in which boron is used as a means to store and transport solar energy from a production site to motor vehicles, where it is used to generate hydrogen and heat. The proposed multi-step fuel cycle includes no carbon as a reducing agent and, therefore, no release of CO2 to the atmosphere. This process is safe, mostly involving harmless materials and well-understood technologies. It eliminates the distribution, storage, and pumping of hydrogen at the refueling station, and diminishes the amount of hydrogen stored on the vehicle to a minimum. It is shown that the boron reaction with water, performed on-board of a vehicle, has high hydrogen storage capacity based on both volume and mass, compared with other candidate technologies. An energy balance of the entire process predicts that the overall efficiency of converting solar energy to work by the vehicle engine can be about 11%.  相似文献   

In several policy documents bioenergy is recognized as an important renewable energy source in Italy. The increase in energy prices represents an opportunity for lignocellulosic energy crops such as acacia and poplar.  相似文献   

The accomplishments of the Wood Feedstock Quality activity of Task V of the International Energy Agency's Bioenergy Agreement are described. Areas investigated included energy products and co-products from woody biomass; effects of harvesting, processing and storage on feedstock quality; the effect of feedstock quality on the efficiency of biomass conversion; the potential for biological improvement; the need for standardization of feedstock qualities; and the need for clonal characterization.  相似文献   

Figures commonly quoted on the soon shortage of generating energy from fossil sources which may give the impression that it will be possible to switch to renewable energies conversion as foundations for the future of industrial instances in the Mediterranean basin. In this study, CO2 energy potential and perspectives in the Mediterranean basin have been investigated in terms of efficiency, feasibility, geographical patterns and savings. Two conjoint mathematical protocols have been carried out in order to yield a simplified extracted scheme for prototype CO2 trapping/storage plants.  相似文献   

This article is the result of an analysis into the behavior of several forest species that could be used as energy crops in Cantabria. The species studied belong to several botanical genera. The study was conducted in several stages: firstly, the species was introduced to explore growth data and discard those species of slower growth. Once the genus maximising the biomass production was determined, several species of it were studied from the energy perspective. This combination of both allows the energy density for each species to be obtained, therefore making it possible to determine how big a cultivation area is required for a specific thermal power plant. Thus, for a power plant of 10 MWe, between 15,451 and 24,578 ha of Eucalyptus would be necessary, depending on the species chosen, at an approximate age of 4 years.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of waste-to-energy, waste cooking oil is one of the attractive and available recycled feedstocks, apart from agricultural residues. The generation of energy from waste cooking oil is considered as an effective technique for waste management, as well as a beneficial form of energy recovery. Two alternative systems and a conventional system of waste cooking oil collection and conversion are evaluated by the cost benefit analysis in order to find a suitable method for waste-to-energy conversion. The results show that the collection of waste cooking oil with waste lubricating oil (System II) a useful alternative to the management of waste cooking oil (B/C > 1). The total heat produced by the combustion of pyrolytic oil at maximum and minimum conversion rates is also determined. The separate collection of waste cooking oil, subjected to chemical pre-treatment prior to introduction in a pyrolysis reactor (System III), is considered an undesirable option (B/C < 1) due to the cost of the chemicals involved. Although the exclusion of chemical pre-treatment makes System III a desirable option, the total amount of heat of combustion generated is less. The increased electricity cost required for the process has no effect on the benefit-cost ratio of System II. However, System III, excluding chemical pre-treatment, becomes an unprofitable alternative when the electricity cost reaches 100% of the fixed capital cost at the minimum conversion rate.  相似文献   

The present work comprehensively covers the literature that describes the thermochemical techniques of hydrogen production from biomass. This survey highlights the current approaches, relevant methods, technologies and resources adopted for high yield hydrogen production. Prominent thermochemical methods i.e. pyrolysis, gasification, supercritical water gasification, hydrothermal upgrading followed by steam gasification, bio-oil reforming, and pyrolysis inline reforming have been discussed thoroughly in view of the current research trend and latest emerging technologies. Influences of important factors and parameters on hydrogen yield, such as biomass type, temperature, steam to biomass ratio, retention time, biomass particle size, heating rate, etc. have also been extensively studied. Catalyst is a vital integrant that has received enough attention due to its encouraging influence on hydrogen production. Literature confirms that hydrogen obtained from biomass has high-energy efficiency and potential to reduce greenhouse gases hence, it deserves versatile applications in the coming future. The study also reveals that hydrogen production through steam reforming, pyrolysis, and in-line reforming deliver a considerable amount of hydrogen from biomass with higher process efficiency. It has been identified that higher temperature, suitable steam to biomass ratio and catalyst type favor useful hydrogen yield. Nevertheless, hydrogen is not readily available in the sufficient amount and production cost is still high. Tar generation during thermochemical processing of biomass is also a concern and requires consistent efforts to minimize it.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production from biomass is a green, clean, and zero emissions technology that has attracted increasing attention. This technology has been considered to possess a long-term growth potential, and it is expected to gradually reduce environmental pollution and over-exploitation of resources. In this context, we holistically review this technology and focused on the conversion of biomass into hydrogen using chemical methods (i.e., those with potential for obtaining H2-rich producer gas streams). Several reaction parameters were discussed and classified herein including biomass conversion methods and conditions, hydrogen production and carbon conversion ratios, the effect of different catalysts types, the catalytic properties of these materials, and their related mechanisms. The overall findings provide new insights for the selection of highly effective and suitable hydrogen production catalysts by biomass conversion applications.  相似文献   

Solar energy can be efficiently used if thermal energy storage systems are accordingly designed to match availability and demand. Thermal energy storage by thermochemical materials (TCM) is very attractive since these materials present a high storage density. Therefore, compact systems can be designed to provide both heating and cooling in dwellings. One of the main drawbacks of the TCM is corrosion with metals in contact. Hence, the objective of this study is to present the obtained results of an immersion corrosion test following ASTM G1 simulating an open TCM reactor, under humidity and temperature defined conditions. Four common metals: copper, aluminum, stainless steel 316, and carbon steel, and five TCM: CaCl2, Na2S, CaO, MgSO4, and MgCl2, were studied. Aluminum and copper show severe corrosion when combined with Na2S, aluminum corrosion is more significant since the specimen was totally destroyed after 3 weeks. Stainless steel 316 is recommended to be used as a metal container material when storing all tested TCM.  相似文献   

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