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The control of the microbiological quality of bivalve molluscs assumes particular importance because they are among the most produced seafood products and mostly consumed as a whole, raw, or lightly cooked. The composition of the bacterial community associated with bivalves depends mostly on the microbiology of the surrounding environment at growing sites. Once the relationship between microbiology of bivalves and environment is established, a better classification and monitoring of the shellfish beds and evaluation of depuration strategies can be achieved. In this work, we tested if the methods of DNA extraction commonly used for the culture-independent microbiological analysis of sediment and water could be used directly, or with modifications, for the analysis of bacteria in mussels. The commercial kits Genomic DNA Purification Kit (MBI Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithuania), UltraCleanTM Soil DNA Isolation Kit (MOBIO Laboratories, Inc., Carlsbad, CA) and the method described by Griffiths and collaborators for DNA/RNA co-extraction were compared. The efficiency of extraction was assessed by DNA fluorescence and the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis gel patterns of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments were used to compare the reproducibility and representativeness of the extraction methods. Results showed that the DNA/RNA co-extraction method with modifications was the most suitable. However, the results must be interpreted in the light of the purpose of the study and the relevance of maximizing extraction yield or diversity estimate, without compromising reproducibility. To our knowledge, this was the first attempt to transpose the procedure currently used for DNA extraction from sediments or waters, to the analysis of whole mussels.  相似文献   

High molecular weight Maillard reaction products (melanoidins) are described to possess metal-chelating properties. Whereas in food systems, this ability contributes to antioxidant properties, the consequences on biological systems are not quite clear. The study was aimed to evaluate the implication of metal complexation by melanoidins on DNA damage. Melanoidins prepared with d-glucose and different l-amino acids under water-free reaction conditions were charged with cupric ions. The effect on isolated DNA was investigated by the PM2 assay and on cellular systems in the human colon carcinoma cell line HCT-116 by alkaline unwinding. Independent of the amino acid composition, pure melanoidins (MW >14 kDa) did not cause significant DNA damage. By charging melanoidins with Cu2+ ions, a considerable DNA strand breaking activity was detectable, which was again amplified in an oxidative milieu (addition of hydrogen peroxide). Since Cu2+ normally does not provoke the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via Fenton-type reaction, the results obtained have to be attributed to reducing properties of melanoidins. Thus, in melanoidin–copper complexes redox cycling may take place leading to Cu+ which subsequently undergoes Fenton-type and Haber–Weiss reactions. As a consequence, ROS are formed, which may explain the generation of DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

无论是高贵优雅的气质淑女,还是青春逼人的靓丽少女,皮草衣都能轻松满足你的需求,打造属于你的个人风格。皮草衣奢华、高贵的属性,致使根根皮草就像分子般进行着扩散运动,时时飘散出独特出众的女性魅力。  相似文献   

作为一家领先的防伪技术方案供应商,DNA Technologies公司由Charles L.Butland先生于1993年在美国洛杉矶成立。从最初为画室提供艺术品的真伪鉴定系统,到目前与致力于发展光学防伪的创新研发公司Photo Secure公司合作,为客户提供更为全面  相似文献   

Norika  张岩 《食品与药品》2005,7(11B):48-49
根据美国最新研究指出,DNA受损是皮肤出现各种问题的终极原因.而修护DNA则可以一次性解决肌肤毛孔粗大、色斑、细纹、松弛等多种问题。DNA护肤让以往繁杂的护肤程序简单下来,让你可以轻松拥有年轻健康的肌肤。[编者按]  相似文献   

The effect of γ-radiation on green onion DNA integrity, phenol content, oxygen radical absorbance capacity, employing pyrogallol red and fluorescein as probes, as well as ascorbic acid content has been evaluated. Measurements using thiazole orange-DNA fluorescence and agarose gel electrophoresis show that γ-radiation does not lead to an apparent DNA change in green onion. However, it was readily cleaved upon irradiation from the previously isolated nucleic acid. Furthermore, green onion exposure to γ-radiation produces slight increases in the polyphenol concentrations (163–188 μM Trolox eq.) and a decrease in the oxygen radical absorbance using fluorescein (from 245 to 200 Trolox eq.) Interestingly, a high ascorbic acid content (364 μM), which decreases by 40% after γ-ray exposure was measured by using pyrogallol-red-based oxygen radical absorbance capacity induction times from green onion aqueous extracts. Thus, our results suggest that ascorbic acid present in green onion plays a fundamental role in the plant antioxidant response toward γ-radiation exposure, while polyphenols remain largely unchanged, as revealed from oxygen radical absorbance capacity, employing pyrogallol red.  相似文献   

澳大利亚和其他国际科学家发起了一项关于低等桉树基因秘密的研究,桉树是澳大利亚的本土植物,作为造纸的一种纤维来源,获得了很高的评价。由澳大利亚政府支持的联邦科学和工业研究组织(CSIRO)宣称,国际上已经开始努力尝试解码桉树基因组。  相似文献   

如果你是一个时尚、个性的男子,即使你不抽烟,也一定会喜欢Zippo打火机.虽然Zippo价格不菲,同时功能单一,但是并不妨碍喜爱它的人们去购买一个或一个以上的打火机.甚至它还成为了全世界收藏爱好者的收藏品,美国还专门有一个一年一度的Zippo节,目标群体对Zippo的喜爱已经达到了无以复加的地步.  相似文献   

邓哲菲 《美食》2014,(5):16-16
<正>马展佳格立图信息资询有限公司执行长,有20多年建立品牌的经验。你所做的一切,你所经历的事情,你的容貌,你的声音,你的性格……所有一切关于你的事情成就了你自己,在社会学上,也许我们可以把它称之为你的"基因"。以此推论,从人到物,都有同样的道理。"基因"让事物具有了独特性、辨识性,这是来自著名零售咨询公司格立图信息资询有限公司(GRID Partners)的执行长马展佳(Akka Ma)先生多年品牌建设工作得出的经验,也是他正在构建的"Brand DNA"(品牌基因)的初衷。在4月2日的"2014上海国际零售业论坛"上,我们很荣幸地采访到了论坛的主要发言人马展佳先生,了解了他的"基因"以及"品牌基因"。  相似文献   

根据日本漫画家北川美幸的作品改编的同名电视连续剧[东京茱丽叶]中,所有的情节都围绕着一朵小雏菊展开;那是穗五岁时想要帮爸爸赢得设计比赛,以妈妈的最爱为灵感所做的设计,不想当年另一个设计师诸形剽窃了这个设计,并以小雏菊系列作品在国际上一举成名,成为业界举足轻重的设计师。穗长大后,进到设计学院,立志打败诸形.夺回属于自己的小雏菊,由此展开一系列的恩怨情仇…….  相似文献   

红酒醇厚醉人,却难以鉴别真伪。同是一瓶芬芳的红色液体,可能是货真价实的加州红酒,也可能是经过处理的红糖水。各国科学家正在加紧研制红酒的DNA鉴别技术,为与造假者较量增添新的有力武器。  相似文献   

在媒体、消费者将注意力纷纷转向平板电视之际,CRT彩电真的到了垂死挣扎,几近消亡的地步了吗?真的再也不值得各方的关注了吗?回答是否定的,每个行业发展都是市场需求决定这个行业的去留,媒体、厂家说了不  相似文献   

谢琛 《广东印刷》2011,(6):35-36
制假是当今世界上增长最快的经济犯罪之一,查假、打假工作全世界都在努力,但各种造假现象依然十分严重,尤其是医药和奢侈品造假。我们知道,打击假冒伪劣离不开政府及相关部门的政策法规,但要想釜底抽薪,最大程度地杜绝假冒伪劣产品,也要依赖先进的防伪技术。防伪技术已经成为维护经济秩序、保障人身安全和瓦解制假链的必要手段和基本需求。  相似文献   

DNA的烷基化损伤可导致复制过程中的错配,被认为是引起基因突变及相关疾病的原因。烷基化DNA加合物是重要的DNA烷基化损伤产物。本文介绍了DNA烷基化损伤的修复机制,以及产物。综述了烷化类损伤试剂,及其作用于细胞产生烷基化加合物的机理。讨论了烷化类DNA加合物与吸烟之间的关系。综述了烷化类DNA加合物的检测方法,展望了烷基化DNA加合物的研究方向及作为烷基化损伤标志物的研究前景。   相似文献   

This study was conducted to design a biosensor as a new, rapid, and sensitive tool for investigation of binding of zearalenone with double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDDA) as a polycation and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) provide a positively charged surface with a high surface area for the immobilization of dsDNA as a polyanion on the surface of pencil graphite electrode (PGE). Using the dsDNA/MWCNT–PDDA-modified PGE, it was possible to detect the interaction of zearalenone with dsDNA, which allowed us to apply the dsDNA-modified electrode for trace determination of zearalenone. The changes at the oxidation signal of adenine were evaluated before/after each modification/immobilization step. By using dsDNA/PDDA–MWCNT/PGE, zearalenone could be detected as low as 0.005 ng mL?1. The relative standard deviation of five measurements of 0.5 ng mL?1 zearalenone was found to be 4.2 %. Finally, the highly stable electrochemical biosensor was applied to analyze the zearalenone concentration in milk and wheat samples.
Graphical Abstract xElectrochemical DNA Biosensor for Zearalenone detection

DNA在基因治疗诊断、个体身份鉴别、物种研究以及生物医学的领域有着广阔的发展前景,但DNA却易受酸碱盐、高温、X射线、紫外辐射、氧化剂、核酸降解酶等的破坏。综述DNA在不同状态以及保存产品中的保存情况,并对DNA保存的研究发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

本实验采用PCR方法,设计了不同的引物对,以pPIC9k质粒为模板,分别扩增出大小为2.0kb、1.5kb、1.0kb、750bp、500bp、250bp的DNA片段,经混合后所制备的DNA Marker条带较为清晰,分布均匀,可用于标志DNA大小.  相似文献   

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