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This study examined the impact of learners’ attributes (gender and ethnicity) on their choice of a pedagogical agent and the impact of the attributes and choice on their perceptions of agent affability, task-specific attitudes, task-specific self-efficacy, and learning gains. Participants were 210 high-school male and female, Caucasian and Hispanic students who worked at computer-based algebra integrated with pedagogical agents. The results indicated, first, that students preferentially chose a same-gender agent and a same-ethnicity agent. Second, males who chose an agent showed more positive attitudes toward working at the learning environment than did males who were assigned to an agent whereas females who were assigned to an agent showed more positive attitudes than did females who chose an agent. Third, Hispanic students showed more positive attitudes toward working at the learning environment than Caucasians. Fourth, females perceived the agent as significantly more affable than did males; Hispanics perceived the agent as significantly more affable than did Caucasians. Last, learner attributes and choice did not affect learning gains in the agent-based environment; rather, the participants overall significantly increased their performances after the intervention.  相似文献   

The explanation of certain 3D concepts is based on 2D drawings. These drawings should contain certain depth cues, such as perspective and overlapping. Until recently, parallax has not been used as a depth cue. Nevertheless, new technologies allow it to be incorporated. This forms the background to our study of the design of interactive educational resources and stereoscopic graphics. The results obtained demonstrate that (1) the use of parallax cues improves the interpretation of the figures and (2) that the assistance they afford is most appreciated by the students with less highly developed spatial perception.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds hold the users' attention by providing rich interaction in an environment similar to the real world. User engagement duration is known to increase in environments with intense interaction. However, information in the literature about whether gender, experience, or spatial ability affects interaction in these environments is limited. In this study, these three factors are compared to users' depth of interaction in a 3D virtual world. In addition, the relationships between engagement duration, spatial ability, and depth of interaction are examined to investigate whether the first two factors can predict the third. Findings showed that users' depth of interaction was not influenced by gender, but experience and spatial ability did affect interaction. A strong relationship was determined between depth of interaction and engagement duration, and a moderate relationship was found between depth of interaction and spatial ability. Findings indicated that when designing 3D environments, it is important to consider which kinds of tasks provide more interaction and to what extent spatial abilities affect interaction, as well as to prepare activities that will increase engagement duration and to devise strategies to enhance depth of interaction.  相似文献   

Web-based education and training provides a new paradigm for imparting knowledge; students can access the learning material anytime by operating remotely from any location. Web3D open standards, such as X3D and VRML, support Web-based delivery of Educational Virtual Environments (EVEs). EVEs have a great potential for learning and training purposes, by allowing one to circumvent physical, safety, and cost constraints. Unfortunately, EVEs often leave to the user the onus of taking the initiative both in exploring the environment and interacting with its parts. A possible solution to this problem is the exploitation of virtual humans acting as informal coaches or more formal instructors. For example, virtual humans can be employed to show and explain maintenance procedures, allowing learners to receive more practical explanations which are easier to understand. However, virtual humans are rarely used in Web3D EVEs, since the programming effort to develop and re-use them in different environments can be considerable. In this paper, we present a general architecture that allows content creators to easily integrate virtual humans into Web3D EVEs. To test the generality of our solution, we present two practical examples showing how the proposed architecture has been used in different educational contexts.  相似文献   

对变互式虚拟现实系统的州论与技术进行了研究。理论研究主要针对二维数据存数捌席中的存储、二维坐标的对应算法及虚拟现实交互式技术的应用。存WEB环境下,能够创造一个实时逼真的虚拟现实环境,并将此环境应用于查询等交互式过程。  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of distributed cognition theory to educational contexts by examining a common learning interaction, the ‘Copy and Paste’ function. After a discussion of distributed cognition and the role of mediating artefacts in real world cognitions, the ‘Copy and Paste’ function is redesigned to embed an effective interaction strategy, based on encoding strategies, into the interface. The current affordances of the ‘Copy and Paste’ interaction derived from its business heritage (speed and accuracy of reproduction) are contrasted with those needed for a learning interaction (the meaningful processing of content for understanding). An empirical study was conducted to test the efficacy of the redesigned function through an experimental treatment. The study examined the impact of an experimental treatment based on changes to the ‘Copy and Paste’ function in terms of:
changes to interaction strategies employed by learners;  相似文献   

Second Life has become increasingly popular with educators and educational institutions, because of the educational possibilities it seems to offer. While there has been a lot of hype and academic publications about educational design or the theoretical framing of teaching in virtual environments, there have been few publications focussing on actual teaching and learning experiences of lecturers and students in Higher Education institutions. This article uses practical examples from an introductory course on Media studies taught at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to demonstrate that even simple tasks in Second Life can be used to great effect if properly contextualised into the course being taught. High levels of technical skills, or extraordinary educational designs are less important to employing Second Life successfully in a Higher Education environment, than a proper evaluation of student learning outcomes, and teaching goals.  相似文献   

This paper introduces Ontoolsearch, a new search system that can be employed by educators in order to find suitable tools for supporting collaborative learning settings. Current tool search facilities commonly allow simple keyword searches, limiting the accuracy of obtained results. In contrast, Ontoolsearch supports semantic querying of tool knowledge bases annotated with the Ontoolcole ontology, specifically designed to fit educators’ questions. Moreover, Ontoolsearch offers an innovative direct manipulation interface to educators, intended to facilitate query formulation as well as the analysis of obtained results. To evaluate this proposal, a group of educators was engaged in a formal comparison study of Ontoolsearch with a keyword search facility based on Lucene. Six search tasks were proposed, each responding to the learning tool needs of a real CSCL setting. Participants had to find tools for these search tasks using both systems alternatively. Evaluation results showed that retrieval performance was significantly better with Ontoolsearch, despite educators’ previous experience with keyword searches. Further, educators rated very positively the user interface of Ontoolsearch and considered this system very useful to find tools for their own learning situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present how creation and dynamic synthesis of linguistic resources of Greek Sign Language (GSL) may serve to support development and provide content to an educational multitask platform for the teaching of GSL in early elementary school classes. The presented system utilizes standard virtual character (VC) animation technologies for the synthesis of sign sequences/streams, exploiting digital linguistic resources of both lexicon and grammar of GSL. Input to the system is written Greek text, which is transformed into GSL and animated on screen. To achieve this, a syntactic parser decodes the structural patterns of written Greek and matches them into equivalent patterns of GSL, which are then signed by a VC. The adopted notation system for the representation of GSL phonology incorporated in the system’s lexical knowledge database, is Hamburg Notation System (HamNoSys). For the implementation of the virtual signer tool, the definition of the VC follows the h-anim standard and is implemented in a web browser using a standard VRML plug-in.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify key challenges faced by computer-based assessment (CBA) in secondary education and we put forward a framework of design considerations: design with the students and teachers, select the most appropriate media platform and plan an evolution rather than a revolution of prior practices. We present the CBA application ‘MyTest’ which was developed using the participatory methodology We!Design, with the collaboration of 31 students and teachers. The application is targeted for the Tablet PC platform, provides “digital ink” capabilities and supports both closed-type and open questions, facilitating the transfer of traditional assessment practices to CBA. Both students and teachers were excited about the design sessions, and they asserted that they would rely more on educational software designed using this approach. The comparison of the ‘MyTest’ application with an assessment application developed with the same participatory methodology and the involvement of 40 undergraduate students revealed dissimilar expectations and needs of high school and undergraduate students that are often disguised or misinterpreted. A pilot evaluation of the application in real learning conditions was conducted with 31 students using Tablet PCs and with 37 students using traditional PCs. Interestingly, the Tablet PC platform rendered the ‘MyTest’ application more useful and usable to the students, validating our claims.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate the potential benefits of using animation, visual cueing, and their combination in a multimedia environment designed to support learners’ acquisition and retention of scientific concepts and processes. Undergraduate participants (N = 119) were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental conditions in a 2 × 2 factorial design with visual presentation format (animated vs. static graphics) and visual cueing (visual cues vs. no cues) as factors. Participants provided with animations retained significantly more concepts than their peers provided with static graphics and those afforded visual cues learned equally well but in significantly less time than their counterparts in uncued conditions. Moreover, taking into consideration both learning outcomes and learning time, cued participants displayed more instructional efficiency than their uncued peers. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how a mobile collaborative augmented reality (AR) simulation system affects learners' knowledge construction behaviors and learning performances. In this study, 40 undergraduate students were recruited and divided into dyads to discuss a given task either with the assistance of a mobile collaborative AR system or traditional 2D simulation system. The participants' knowledge acquisition regarding elastic collision was evaluated through a pre-test and a post-test comparison. Learners' knowledge construction behaviors were qualitatively identified according to an adapted three-category coding scheme including construction of problem space (PS), construction of conceptual space (CS), and construction of relations between conceptual and problem space (CPS), and were then analyzed by adopting lag sequential analysis. The results indicated that the learners who learned with the AR system showed significant better learning achievements than those who learned with the traditional 2D simulation system. Furthermore, the sequential patterns of the learners' behaviors were identified, including three sustained loops (PS→PS, CS→CS, CPS→CPS), a bi-directional path between the PS and CPS activities (PS↔CPS), and a one way path from the PS activity to the CS activity (PS→CS). The revealed behavior patterns suggest that the AR Physics system may serve as a supportive tool and enable dyad learners to respond quickly to the displayed results and support their knowledge construction processes to produce a positive outcome. Based on the behavioral patterns found in this study, suggestions for future studies and further modifications to the system are proposed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a set of evaluation criteria for English learning websites. These criteria can assist English teachers/web designers in designing effective websites for their English courses and can also guide English learners in screening for appropriate and reliable websites to use in increasing their English ability. To fulfill our objective, we employed a three-phase research procedure: (a) establishing a preliminary set of criteria from a thorough review of the literature, (b) evaluating and refining the preliminary criteria by conducting interviews with in-service teachers and learners, and (c) validating and finalizing the criteria according to expert validity surveys. The established criteria have 46 items, classified into 6 categories (the number of items within the category) – general information (12), integrated English learning (13), listening (4), speaking (6), reading (5), and writing (6). The general information evaluates the authority, accuracy, and format of the learning websites. The integrated English learning evaluates the overall information relevant to English learning materials as well as the common features of the four language skills. The criteria for listening, speaking, reading, and writing, for example, examine the suitable intonation, skills of discourse, classification of reading articles by their attributes, and the proper use of discussion boards for students when practicing their writing skills. Based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of the interviews and expert validity surveys, we confirmed the effectiveness of the developed evaluation criteria with satisfactory indexes of inter-rater reliability, content validity, and factorial validity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the meta-cognitive strategies on the academic and gaming achievements. Exploring the effects of those achievements on the social problem solving of students is also of interest. For this purpose, the MMORPG Gersang was used. The participants, consisting of ninth graders, played the game until they all reached the third level to ensure that they have the same gaming ability prior to gaming for the study. Three meta-cognitive strategies were developed: self-recording, modeling and thinking aloud. Those strategies are specially related to gaming activities and applied in pre-gaming activities, gaming activities, and post-gaming activities. Three meta-cognitive strategies were set as independent variables. The social problem solving ability was set as a mediating variable, and academic achievement and scores in the game were chosen as dependent variables. The path between meta-cognitive strategies and both academic achievement and game performance by mediating social problem solving abilities were discovered. The social problem solving ability, which is the mediating variable, affects the academic achievement and the game performance very strongly. These results imply that a commercial game playing in conjunction with meta-cognitive strategies can be an effective way to increase students’ performance both in learning and gaming by keeping them involved. Talking and observation activities such as thinking aloud and modeling are more effective than writing activities in enhancing the students’ achievements both in learning and gaming.  相似文献   

Desktop virtual reality is an emerging educational technology that offers many potential benefits for learners in online learning contexts; however, a limited body of research is available that connects current multimedia learning techniques with these new forms of media. Because most formal online learning is delivered using learning management systems, it is important to consider how to best integrate the visually complex and highly concrete desktop virtual reality into more text-driven and abstract environments such as those found in learning managements systems. This review of literature examines recent signaling literature within the context of multimedia learning and hypermedia learning. Signaling is a technique that involves using cues to emphasize important information in materials (Mayer, 2009, pp. 108–117). The analysis concluded that the depth and breadth of signaling literature is severely lacking. While certain related bodies of literature can be used to inform signaling research in desktop virtual reality and online learning management systems, no studies were found that directly address these topics. This article makes several important contributions to the body of signaling literature. First, based on what is known through literature, this article is a first attempt at examining signaling as a technique for integrating desktop virtual reality with online learning management systems. Second, this analysis resolves an important gap in literature by differentiating between signaling and cueing. Third, this article provides a survey of recent signaling-related literature and identifies specific areas that inform future work with desktop virtual reality delivered using online learning management systems. Finally, a taxonomy for classifying multimedia and hypermedia is presented as a tool for more effectively describing interventions used in signaling research.  相似文献   

Digital systems offer computational power and instant feedback. Game designers are using these features to create scaffolding tools to reduce player frustration. However, researchers are finding some unexpected effects of scaffolding on strategy development and problem-solving behaviors. We used a digital Sudoku game named Professor Sudoku to classify built-in critical features, frustration control and demonstration scaffolds, and to investigate their effects on player/learner behaviors. Our data indicate that scaffolding support increased the level at which puzzles could be solved, and decreased frustration resulting from excessive numbers of retries. However, it also reduced the number of unassisted placements (i.e., independently filled cells), and increased reliance on scaffolding tools, both of which are considered disadvantageous for learning. Among the three scaffold types, frustration control reduced the potential for players to feel stuck at certain levels, but also reduced the frequency of use of critical feature-making tools, which are thought to have greater heuristic value. We conclude that the simultaneous provision of critical feature and frustration control scaffolds may increase player reliance on available support, thereby reducing learning opportunities. Providing players with critical features and demonstration scaffolds at the same time increases reliance on available support for some players, but for most it encourages the development of solving strategies.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the use of mental states approach, more specifically the belief-desire-intention (BDI) model, to implement the process of affective diagnosis in an educational environment. We use the psychological OCC model, which is based on the cognitive theory of emotions and is possible to be implemented computationally, in order to infer the learner’s emotions from his actions in the system interface. In our work we profit from the reasoning capacity of the BDI model in order to infer the student’s appraisal (a cognitive evaluation of a person that elicits an emotion), which allows us to deduce student’s emotions. The system reasons about an emotion-generating situation and tries to infer the user’s emotion by using the OCC model. Besides, the BDI model is very adequate to infer and also model students affective states since the emotions have a dynamic nature.  相似文献   

Web3D open standards allow the delivery of interactive 3D virtual learning environments through the Internet, reaching potentially large numbers of learners worldwide, at any time. This paper introduces the educational use of virtual reality based on Web3D technologies. After briefly presenting the main Web3D technologies, we summarize the pedagogical basis that motivate their exploitation in the context of education and highlight their interesting features. We outline the main positive and negative results obtained so far, and point out some of the current research directions.  相似文献   

Educational researchers have recognized Augmented Reality (AR) as a technology with great potential to impact affective and cognitive learning outcomes. However, very little work has been carried out to substantiate these claims. The purpose of this study was to assess to which extent an AR learning application affects learners' level of enjoyment and learning effectiveness. The study followed an experimental/control group design using the type of the application (AR-based, web-based) as independent variable. 64 high school students were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group to learn the basic principles of electromagnetism. The participants' knowledge acquisition was evaluated by comparing pre- and post-tests. The participants' level overall-state perception on flow was measured with the Flow State Scale and their flow states were monitored throughout the learning activity. Finally, participants' perceptions of benefits and difficulties of using the augmented reality application in this study were qualitatively identified. The results showed that the augmented reality approach was more effective in promoting students' knowledge of electromagnetic concepts and phenomena. The analysis also indicated that the augmented reality application led participants to reach higher flow experience levels than those achieved by users of the web-based application. However, not all the factors seem to have influence on learners' flow state, this study found that they were limited to: concentration, distorted sense of time, sense of control, clearer direct feedback, and autotelic experience. A deeper analysis of the flow process showed that neither of the groups reported being in flow in those tasks that were very easy or too difficult. However, for those tasks that were not perceived as difficult and included visualization clues, the experimental group showed higher levels of flow that the control group. The study suggests that augmented reality can be exploited as an effective learning environment for learning the basic principles of electromagnetism at high school provided that learning designers strike a careful balance between AR support and task difficulty.  相似文献   

There is a long history of the theatre being used with educational purposes. Now the evolution of multimedia resources provide an opportunity to implement theatre through the computer. Although software for the production of multimedia stories exist, they give little attention to the necessary interface aspects required for a virtual theatre implementation. The objective of this work is to present the Theatre in the Computer (TC); software especially developed for the education of children. This software can be used to produce and to distribute plays through the Internet. The educational possibilities of TC are discussed here.  相似文献   

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