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We consider the online metric matching problem in which we are given a metric space, k of whose points are designated as servers. Over time, up to k requests arrive at an arbitrary subset of points in the metric space, and each request must be matched to a server immediately upon arrival, subject to the constraint that at most one request is matched to any particular server. Matching decisions are irrevocable and the goal is to minimize the sum of distances between the requests and their matched servers. We give an O(log2 k)-competitive randomized algorithm for the online metric matching problem. This improves upon the best known guarantee of O(log3 k) on the competitive factor due to Meyerson, Nanavati and Poplawski (SODA ’06, pp. 954–959, 2006). It is known that for this problem no deterministic algorithm can have a competitive better than 2k?1, and that no randomized algorithm can have a competitive ratio better than lnk.  相似文献   

L. Roditty 《Algorithmica》2012,62(3-4):1073-1087
In this paper we present an algorithm for maintaining a spanner over a dynamic set of points in constant doubling dimension metric spaces. For a set S of points in ? d , a t-spanner is a sparse graph on the points of S such that there is a path in the spanner between any pair of points whose total length is at most t times the distance between the points. We present the first fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a spanner whose update time depends solely on the number of points in S. In particular, we show how to maintain a (1+ε)-spanner with O(n/ε d ) edges, where points can be inserted to S in an amortized update time of O(log?n) and deleted from S in an amortized update time of $\tilde{O}(n^{1/3})$ . As a by-product of our techniques we obtain a simple incremental algorithm for constructing a (1+ε)-spanner with O(n/ε d ) edges in constant doubling dimension metric spaces whose running time is O(nlog?n).  相似文献   

We study the on-line Steiner tree problem on a general metric space. We show that the greedy on-line algorithm isO(log((d/z)s))-competitive, wheres is the number of regular nodes,d is the maximum metric distance between any two revealed nodes, andz is the optimal off-line cost. Our results refine the previous known bound [9] and show that AlgorithmSB of Bartalet al. [3] for the on-line file allocation problem isO(log logN)-competitive on anN-node hypercube or butterfly network. A lower bound of (log((d/z)s)) is shown to hold.We further consider the on-line generalized Steiner problem on a general metric space. We show that a class of lazy and greedy deterministic on-line algorithms areO(k· logk)-competitive and no on-line algorithm is better than (logk)-competitive, wherek is the number of distinct nodes that appear in the request sequence.For the on-line Steiner problem on a directed graph, it is shown that no deterministic on-line algorithm is better thans-competitive and the greedy on-line algorithm iss-competitive.A preliminary version of this paper has appeared in theProceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, 1993, Montréal. The first author's research was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9009753, whilst that of the second author was partially supported by NSF Grant DDM-8909660 and a University Fellowship from the Graduate School, Yale University.  相似文献   

We initiate a new line of investigation into online property-preserving data reconstruction. Consider a dataset which is assumed to satisfy various (known) structural properties; e.g., it may consist of sorted numbers, or points on a manifold, or vectors in a polyhedral cone, or codewords from an error-correcting code. Because of noise and errors, however, an (unknown) fraction of the data is deemed unsound, i.e., in violation with the expected structural properties. Can one still query into the dataset in an online fashion and be provided data that is always sound? In other words, can one design a filter which, when given a query to any item I in the dataset, returns a sound item J that, although not necessarily in the dataset, differs from I as infrequently as possible. No preprocessing should be allowed and queries should be answered online.We consider the case of a monotone function. Specifically, the dataset encodes a function f:{1,…,n}?? R that is at (unknown) distance ε from monotone, meaning that f can—and must—be modified at ε n places to become monotone.Our main result is a randomized filter that can answer any query in O(log?2 nlog? log?n) time while modifying the function f at only O(ε n) places. The amortized time over n function evaluations is O(log?n). The filter works as stated with probability arbitrarily close to 1. We provide an alternative filter with O(log?n) worst case query time and O(ε nlog?n) function modifications. For reconstructing d-dimensional monotone functions of the form f:{1,…,n} d ? ? R, we present a filter that takes (2 O(d)(log?n)4d?2log?log?n) time per query and modifies at most O(ε n d ) function values (for constant d).  相似文献   

Given a text T[1..u] over an alphabet of size σ, the full-text search problem consists in finding the occ occurrences of a given pattern P[1..m] in T. In indexed text searching we build an index on T to improve the search time, yet increasing the space requirement. The current trend in indexed text searching is that of compressed full-text self-indices, which replace the text with a more space-efficient representation of it, at the same time providing indexed access to the text. Thus, we can provide efficient access within compressed space. The Lempel-Ziv index (LZ-index) of Navarro is a compressed full-text self-index able to represent T using 4uH k (T)+o(ulog?σ) bits of space, where H k (T) denotes the k-th order empirical entropy of T, for any k=o(log? σ u). This space is about four times the compressed text size. The index can locate all the occ occurrences of a pattern P in T in O(m 3log?σ+(m+occ)log?u) worst-case time. Although this index has proven very competitive in practice, the O(m 3log?σ) term can be excessive for long patterns. Also, the factor 4 in its space complexity makes it larger than other state-of-the-art alternatives. In this paper we present stronger Lempel-Ziv based indices (LZ-indices), improving the overall performance of the original LZ-index. We achieve indices requiring (2+ε)uH k (T)+o(ulog?σ) bits of space, for any constant ε>0, which makes them the smallest existing LZ-indices. We simultaneously improve the search time to O(m 2+(m+occ)log?u), which makes our indices very competitive with state-of-the-art alternatives. Our indices support displaying any text substring of length ? in optimal O(?/log? σ u) time. In addition, we show how the space can be squeezed to (1+ε)uH k (T)+o(ulog?σ) to obtain a structure with O(m 2) average search time for m≥2log? σ u. Alternatively, the search time of LZ-indices can be improved to O((m+occ)log?u) with (3+ε)uH k (T)+o(ulog?σ) bits of space, which is much less than the space needed by other Lempel-Ziv-based indices achieving the same search time. Overall our indices stand out as a very attractive alternative for space-efficient indexed text searching.  相似文献   

We study ways to expedite Yates’s algorithm for computing the zeta and Moebius transforms of a function defined on the subset lattice. We develop a trimmed variant of Moebius inversion that proceeds point by point, finishing the calculation at a subset before considering its supersets. For an n-element universe U and a family ? of its subsets, trimmed Moebius inversion allows us to compute the number of packings, coverings, and partitions of U with k sets from ? in time within a polynomial factor (in n) of the number of supersets of the members of ?. Relying on an projection theorem of Chung et al. (J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 43:23–37, 1986) to bound the sizes of set families, we apply these ideas to well-studied combinatorial optimisation problems on graphs with maximum degree Δ. In particular, we show how to compute the domatic number in time within a polynomial factor of (2Δ+1?2) n/(Δ+1) and the chromatic number in time within a polynomial factor of (2Δ+1?Δ?1) n/(Δ+1). For any constant Δ, these bounds are O((2?ε) n ) for ε>0 independent of the number of vertices n.  相似文献   

We consider two models of on-line learning of binary-valued functions from drifting distributions due to Bartlett. We show that if each example is drawn from a joint distribution which changes in total variation distance by at mostO(ε3/(d log(1/ε))) between trials, then an algorithm can achieve a probability of a mistake at mostεworse than the best function in a class of VC-dimensiond. We prove a corresponding necessary condition ofO(ε3/d). Finally, in the case that a fixed function is to be learned from noise-free examples, we show that if the distributions on the domain generating the examples change by at mostO(ε2/(d log(1/ε))), then any consistent algorithm learns to within accuracyε.  相似文献   

We consider an online scheduling problem, motivated by the issues present at the joints of networks using ATM and TCP/IP. Namely, IP packets have to be broken down into small ATM cells and sent out before their deadlines, but cells corresponding to different packets can be interwoven. More formally, we consider the online scheduling problem with preemptions, where each job j is revealed at release time r j , and has processing time p j , deadline?d j , and weight w j . A?preempted job can be resumed at any time. The goal is to maximize the total weight of all jobs completed on time. Our main results are as follows. Firstly, we prove that when the processing times of all jobs are at most k, the optimum deterministic competitive ratio is ??(k/log?k). Secondly, we give a deterministic algorithm with competitive ratio depending on the ratio between the smallest and the largest processing time of all jobs. In particular, it attains competitive ratio 5 in the case when all jobs have identical processing times, for which we give a lower bound of 2.598. The latter upper bound also yields an O(log?k)-competitive randomized algorithm for the variant with processing times bounded by k.  相似文献   

Given two compact convex sets P and Q in the plane, we consider the problem of finding a placement ? P of P that minimizes the convex hull of ? PQ. We study eight versions of the problem: we consider minimizing either the area or the perimeter of the convex hull; we either allow ? P and Q to intersect or we restrict their interiors to remain disjoint; and we either allow reorienting P or require its orientation to be fixed. In the case without reorientations, we achieve exact near-linear time algorithms for all versions of the problem. In the case with reorientations, we compute a (1+ε)-approximation in time?O(ε ?1/2log?n+ε ?3/2log? a (1/ε)) if the two sets are convex polygons with n vertices in total, where a∈{0,1,2} depending on the version of the problem.  相似文献   

We consider the k-Server problem under the advice model of computation when the underlying metric space is sparse. On one side, we introduce Θ(1)-competitive algorithms for a wide range of sparse graphs. These algorithms require advice of (almost) linear size. We show that for graphs of size N and treewidth α, there is an online algorithm that receives O (n(log α + log log N))* bits of advice and optimally serves any sequence of length n. We also prove that if a graph admits a system of μ collective tree (q, r)-spanners, then there is a (q + r)-competitive algorithm which requires O (n(log μ + log log N)) bits of advice. Among other results, this gives a 3-competitive algorithm for planar graphs, when provided with O (n log log N) bits of advice. On the other side, we prove that advice of size Ω(n) is required to obtain a 1-competitive algorithm for sequences of length n even for the 2-server problem on a path metric of size N ≥ 3. Through another lower bound argument, we show that at least \(\frac {n}{2}(\log \alpha - 1.22)\) bits of advice is required to obtain an optimal solution for metric spaces of treewidth α, where 4 ≤ α < 2k.  相似文献   

We consider transactional memory contention management in the context of balanced workloads, where if a transaction is writing, the number of write operations it performs is a constant fraction of its total reads and writes. We explore the theoretical performance boundaries of contention management in balanced workloads from the worst-case perspective by presenting and analyzing two new polynomial time contention management algorithms. We analyze the performance of a contention management algorithm by comparison with an optimal offline contention management algorithm to provide a competitive ratio. The first algorithm Clairvoyant is $O(\sqrt{s})$ -competitive, where s is the number of shared resources. This algorithm depends on explicitly knowing the conflict graph at each time step of execution. The second algorithm Non-Clairvoyant is $O(\sqrt{s} \cdot \log n)$ -competitive, with high probability, which is only a O(log?n) factor worse, but does not require knowledge of the conflict graph, where n is the number of transactions. Both of these algorithms are greedy. We also prove that the performance of Clairvoyant is close to optimal, since there is no polynomial time contention management algorithm for the balanced transaction scheduling problem that is better than $O((\sqrt{s})^{1-\varepsilon})$ -competitive for any constant ε>0, unless NP?ZPP. To our knowledge, these results are significant improvements over the best previously known O(s) competitive ratio bound.  相似文献   

We present a randomized parallel list ranking algorithm for distributed memory multiprocessors, using a BSP type model. We first describe a simple version which requires, with high probability, log(3p)+log ln(n)=Õ(logp+log logn) communication rounds (h-relations withh=Õ(n/p)) andÕ(n/p)) local computation. We then outline an improved version that requires high probability, onlyr?(4k+6) log(2/3p)+8=Õ(k logp) communication rounds wherek=min{i?0 |ln(i+1)n?(2/3p)2i+1}. Notekn) is an extremely small number. Forn andp?4, the value ofk is at most 2. Hence, for a given number of processors,p, the number of communication rounds required is, for all practical purposes, independent ofn. Forn?1, 500,000 and 4?p?2048, the number of communication rounds in our algorithm is bounded, with high probability, by 78, but the actual number of communication rounds observed so far is 25 in the worst case. Forn?10010100 and 4?p?2048, the number of communication rounds in our algorithm is bounded, with high probability, by 118; and we conjecture that the actual number of communication rounds required will not exceed 50. Our algorithm has a considerably smaller member of communication rounds than the list ranking algorithm used in Reid-Miller’s empirical study of parallel list ranking on the Cray C-90.(1) To our knowledge, Reid-Miller’s algorithm(1) was the fastest list ranking implementation so far. Therefore, we expect that our result will have considerable practical relevance.  相似文献   

In this paper, the expected communication complexity of the distributed selection problem is investigated; i.e., the problem of selecting the Kth smallest element in a file of N records distributed among d sites of a communication network. Letting Δ = Min{K, N + 1 − K}, it is shown that O(d(log Δ + log d) and O(log Δ + log d) communication activities suffice on the average for point-to-point and shout-echo networks, respectively, improving the existing bounds. These results do not rely on any assumption on the distribution of the file elements among the network sites.  相似文献   

It is shown that the order-k Voronoi diagram of n sites with additive weights in the plane has at most (4k?2)(n?k) vertices, (6k?3)(n?k) edges, and (2k?1)(n?itk) + 1 regions. These bounds are approximately the same as the ones known for unweighted order-k Voronoi diagrams. Furthermore, tight upper bounds on the number of edges and vertices are given for the case that every weighted site has a nonempty region in the order-1 diagram. The proof is based on a new algorithm for the construction of these diagrams which generalizes a plane-sweep algorithm for order-1 diagrams developed by Steven Fortune. The new algorithm has time-complexityO(k 2 n logn) and space-complexityO(kn). It is the only nontrivial algorithm known for constructing order-kc Voronoi diagrams of sites withadditive weights. It is fairly simple and of practical interest also in the special case of unweighted sites.  相似文献   

We give the first efficient (1?ε)-approximation algorithm for the following problem: Given an axis-parallel d-dimensional box R in ? d containing n points, compute a maximum-volume empty axis-parallel d-dimensional box contained in R. The minimum of this quantity over all such point sets is of the order $\Theta (\frac {1}{n} )$ . Our algorithm finds an empty axis-aligned box whose volume is at least (1?ε) of the maximum in O((8edε ?2) d ?nlog d n) time. No previous efficient exact or approximation algorithms were known for this problem for d≥4. As the problem has been recently shown to be NP-hard in arbitrarily high dimensions (i.e., when d is part of the input), the existence of an efficient exact algorithm is unlikely. We also present a (1?ε)-approximation algorithm that, given an axis-parallel d-dimensional cube R in ? d containing n points, computes a maximum-volume empty axis-parallel hypercube contained in R. The minimum of this quantity over all such point sets is also shown to be of the order $\Theta (\frac{1}{n} )$ . A faster (1?ε)-approximation algorithm, with a milder dependence on d in the running time, is obtained in this case.  相似文献   

We study the edge-coloring problem in the message-passing model of distributed computing. This is one of the most fundamental problems in this area. Currently, the best-known deterministic algorithms for (2Δ ?1)-edge-coloring requires O(Δ) +  log* n time (Panconesi and Rizzi in Distrib Comput 14(2):97–100, 2001), where Δ is the maximum degree of the input graph. Also, recent results of Barenboim and Elkin (2010) for vertex-coloring imply that one can get an O(Δ)-edge-coloring in ${O(\Delta^{\epsilon}\cdot \log n)}$ time, and an ${O(\Delta^{1 + \epsilon})}$ -edge-coloring in O(log Δ log n) time, for an arbitrarily small constant ${\epsilon > 0}$ . In this paper we devise a significantly faster deterministic edge-coloring algorithm. Specifically, our algorithm computes an O(Δ)-edge-coloring in ${O(\Delta^{\epsilon}) + \log* n}$ time, and an ${O(\Delta^{1 + \epsilon})}$ -edge-coloring in O(log Δ) +  log* n time. This result improves the state-of-the-art running time for deterministic edge-coloring with this number of colors in almost the entire range of maximum degree Δ. Moreover, it improves it exponentially in a wide range of Δ, specifically, for 2 Ω(log*n) ≤ Δ ≤ polylog(n). In addition, for small values of Δ (up to log1 - δ n, for some fixed δ > 0) our deterministic algorithm outperforms all the existing randomized algorithms for this problem. Also, our algorithm is the first O(Δ)-edge-coloring algorithm that has running time o(Δ) + log* n, for the entire range of Δ. All previous (deterministic and randomized) O(Δ)-edge-coloring algorithms require ${\Omega(\min \{\Delta, \sqrt{\log n}\ \})}$ time. On our way to these results we study the vertex-coloring problem on graphs with bounded neighborhood independence. This is a large family of graphs, which strictly includes line graphs of r-hypergraphs (i.e., hypergraphs in which each hyperedge contains r or less vertices) for rO(1), and graphs of bounded growth. We devise a very fast deterministic algorithm for vertex-coloring graphs with bounded neighborhood independence. This algorithm directly gives rise to our edge-coloring algorithms, which apply to general graphs. Our main technical contribution is a subroutine that computes an O(Δ/p)-defective p-vertex coloring of graphs with bounded neighborhood independence in O(p 2) + log* n time, for a parameter p, 1 ≤ pΔ. In all previous efficient distributed routines for m-defective p-coloring the product m· p is super-linear in Δ. In our routine this product is linear in Δ, and this enables us to speed up the algorithm drastically.  相似文献   

Suppose thatk mobile servers are located on a circle. Repeatedly, a request at a pointx on the circle appears. To serve this request one of the servers has to be moved tox. The cost of moving a server tox is the distance on the circle between the server's previous location andx. The decision which server to move has to be doneon-line; that is, without the knowledge of future requests. We give a deterministic on-line algorithm for making these decisions. Our algorithm isO(k 3)-competitive: for any sequence of requests, the cost incurred by our algorithm in serving this sequence is bounded (up to an additive constant) byO(k 3) times the cost of serving this sequence using the bestoff-line algorithm; i.e., an algorithm that hasa priori knowledge of the whole sequence. Our algorithm is the best deterministic constructive algorithm fork>2.  相似文献   

We give an algorithm to compute the subset partial order (called the subset graph) for a family F of sets containing k sets with N elements in total and domain size n. Our algorithm requires O(nk2/logk) time and space on a Pointer Machine. When F is dense, i.e. N=Θ(nk), the algorithm requires O(N2/log2N) time and space. We give a construction for a dense family whose subset graph is of size Θ(N2/log2N), indicating the optimality of our algorithm for dense families. The subset graph can be dynamically maintained when F undergoes set insertions and deletions in O(nk/logk) time per update (that is sub-linear in N for the case of dense families). If we assume words of b?k bits, allow bits to be packed in words, and use bitwise operations, the above running time and space requirements can be reduced by a factor of blog(k/b+1)/logk and b2log(k/b+1)/logk respectively.  相似文献   

Representative skyline computation is a fundamental issue in database area, which has attracted much attention in recent years. A notable definition of representative skyline is the distance-based representative skyline (DBRS). Given an integer k, a DBRS includes k representative skyline points that aims at minimizing the maximal distance between a non-representative skyline point and its nearest representative. In the 2D space, the state-of-the-art algorithm to compute the DBRS is based on dynamic programming (DP) which takes O(k m 2) time complexity, where m is the number of skyline points. Clearly, such a DP-based algorithm cannot be used for handling large scale datasets due to the quadratic time cost. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we propose a new approximate algorithm called ARS, and a new exact algorithm named PSRS, based on a carefully-designed parametric search technique. We show that the ARS algorithm can guarantee a solution that is at most ?? larger than the optimal solution. The proposed ARS and PSRS algorithms run in O(klog2mlog(T/??)) and O(k 2 log3m) time respectively, where T is no more than the maximal distance between any two skyline points. We also propose an improved exact algorithm, called PSRS+, based on an effective lower and upper bounding technique. We conduct extensive experimental studies over both synthetic and real-world datasets, and the results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

A sunflower in a hypergraph is a set of hyperedges pairwise intersecting in exactly the same vertex set. Sunflowers are a useful tool in polynomial-time data reduction for problems formalizable as d-Hitting Set, the problem of covering all hyperedges (whose cardinality is bounded from above by a constant d) of a hypergraph by at most k vertices. Additionally, in fault diagnosis, sunflowers yield concise explanations for “highly defective structures”. We provide a linear-time algorithm that, by finding sunflowers, transforms an instance of d-Hitting Set into an equivalent instance comprising at most O(k d ) hyperedges and vertices. In terms of parameterized complexity, we show a problem kernel with asymptotically optimal size (unless \(\operatorname {coNP}\subseteq \operatorname {NP/poly}\) ) and provide experimental results that show the practical applicability of our algorithm. Finally, we show that the number of vertices can be reduced to O(k d?1) with additional processing in O(k 1.5d ) time—nontrivially combining the sunflower technique with problem kernels due to Abu-Khzam and Moser.  相似文献   

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