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An experiment was initiated to evaluate the glucose-dependent insulin response in relation to milk production in F2 crossbred cattle with respect to secretion type (Holstein) and accretion type (Charolais). For this purpose, F2 offspring were generated by mating Charolais bulls with German Holstein cows and a following intercross of the F1 individuals. In 52 dairy heifers of 5 F2 half-sib families, glucose-dependent insulin responses were investigated during first lactation to test the hypothesis that the different genetic disposition for milk production within the F2 population would affect the insulin response to glucose. Heifers received intravenous glucose infusions (1 g/kg of BW0.75) 10 d before, and 30 and 100 d after parturition. Blood samples were taken before and at 7, 14, 21, and 28 min after glucose challenge. Glucose and insulin concentrations were measured in blood, and glucose half-life as well as areas under the curve for glucose (AUCgluc) and insulin (AUCins) were calculated. Milk yield was low but differed among F2 families. Before parturition, insulin concentrations after glucose challenge showed no between-family differences for AUCins. In contrast, on d 30 and 100 of lactation, glucose half-life and AUCins differed among families. Calculated correlations revealed a significant negative relationship between AUCins and milk yield as well as glucose half-life on d 30 and 100 of lactation. In conclusion, milk production as well as the glucose-dependent insulin response of F2 Charolais × German Holstein crossbred dairy heifers differed between half-sib families, with both parameters displaying an inverse relation to each other.  相似文献   

Because weaning is the point when the nutrient composition of feed changes for the neonatal ruminant, the present experiment was conducted to assess the developmental changes in the kinetics of glucose and urea over this period, using stable isotopes of glucose and urea, at 4, 13, and 24 wk in calves. Plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids, amino-N, urea-N, and insulin-like growth factor-I increased, but that of growth hormone decreased with age. The plasma glucose concentration increased at 13 wk of age and thereafter decreased at 24 wk of age. The glucose irreversible loss and recycling rates were significantly higher at 4 wk of age than at 13 and 24 wk of age. On the other hand, the irreversible loss and recycling rates of urea, as well as the urea pool size, were higher at 24 wk of age than at 4 and 13 wk. It is concluded that weaning at 6 wk is the pivotal time for the alteration of glucose kinetics. However, the aging process, but not weaning, is important for changes in the kinetics of urea in calves.  相似文献   

Use of milk urea (MU) concentration as a parameter for detection of nutritional imbalances requires identification and quantification of nutritional and nonnutritional factors that influence it. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between live body weight (BW) and MU concentration in Holstein cows. Results for the test-day measurements at 7 dairy farms were obtained from the Israeli Dairy Herd Improvement Center and concomitant cow weights were registered in local computerized weighing systems. A total of 1996 cows and 25,485 records were studied. The overall unadjusted per-cow mean MU nitrogen concentration and BW were 15.3 mg/dL (SD = 3.8) and 593 kg (SD = 84), respectively. The linear association between BW and MU was negative and highly significant and the quadratic component of BW had a highly significant positive association with MU. There was a significant interaction between the association of MU and BW with lactation number. Sampling month, milk yield, milk fat percentage, and somatic cell count accounted for significant variation in MU. Predicted MU concentrations at different BW values were calculated for each parity group, by setting equations that included the estimates of the variables associated with MU and constant values (lactation averages) for the independent variables, with the exception of BW. Plotting of results showed exponential characteristics for the relationship between BW and predicted MU concentrations. At any of the considered BW, predicted MU concentrations were lower for first-parity cows. The trends and interactions found in the present study may contribute to improving accuracy of models designed to calculate urinary nitrogen excretion rates and normative milk urea concentrations.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the potential of the urea dilution technique, coupled with live animal measures to predict the body components of dairy cattle. The study involved 104 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows offered grass silage-based diets. Urea space volume (USV) was calculated from 2 collection periods of blood samples following infusion of urea at 12 (USV12, kg) and 30 (USV30, kg) min after infusion, and then as a proportion of live weight (LW) or empty body weight (EBW). All cows were slaughtered within 2 d of the USV trials. Large ranges existed in EBW and empty body concentrations of water, crude protein (CP), lipid, ash, and gross energy (GE). The USV12 and USV30 were both positively related to LW, EBW, and empty body component weights. The r2 values for USV12 were greater than USV30. The r2 values in the relationships of EBW and empty body composition with USV, however, were smaller than those with LW. Nevertheless, the relationships were improved when both USV and LW were used as predictors, rather than using either alone. Adding milk yield and body condition score as supporting predictors to prediction equations using USV and LW data for EBW, lipid, and GE contents further improved the relationships (r2 = 0.93, 0.66, and 0.77, respectively). Internal evaluation of one-third of the present data using equations developed from two-thirds of the present data indicated that using USV, live weight, and other live animal variables as predictors, rather than using USV alone, considerably improved the prediction accuracy. It was concluded that USV can be used to predict body composition, but the relationships with USV were poorer than those with LW. The USV can only be used as a supporting variable to live weight for prediction of body components in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Equations that predict daily dry matter intake (DMI) of a lactating cow could be evaluated by comparing the predicted accumulation of energy in body weight (BW) over the course of lactation with the observed BW evolution. However, to do so requires that first the energy balance calculations from observed DMI are evaluated. The purpose of the work reported here was to determine the degree of deviation of predicted from observed BW, according to net energy for lactation (NEL) balance calculated from weekly observations of DMI, BW, and fat-corrected milk production in 21 sets of full-lactation data, and to determine an appropriate correction of the NEL bias for subsequent DMI prediction evaluations. When the National Research Council maintenance equation 0.08 × BW(kg)0.75 was used in energy balance calculation, BW was overpredicted with an increasing difference between the cumulative predicted BW and observed BW as lactation progressed. Placing all the error of BW prediction into maintenance energy expenditures resulted in a best-fit equation of 0.096 ± 0.003 Mcal/kg of BW0.75. A time-dependent equation was also developed, in which weekly maintenance expenditures were determined as the NEL expenditure to yield a zero NEL balance and could be described by a second-order polynomial equation related to week of lactation (WOL) where maintenance NEL = [−0.0227(± 0.0098) × WOL2 + 1.352(± 0.456) × WOL + 78.09(± 4.92) Mcal/kg of BW0.75] × 10−3. Average maintenance energy expenditure at the onset of lactation was approximately 0.08 Mcal/kg of BW0.75, and this value increased to a plateau at wk 15 of lactation of approximately 0.098 Mcal/kg of BW0.75. Standard deviations between data sets of weekly maintenance parameter estimates throughout lactation were large but consistent at approximately 25% of the mean. Revision of the maintenance energy expenditure estimate substantially improved BW prediction by the energy balance model. On average, the 0.096 Mcal of NEL/kg of BW0.75 equation resulted in the best BW predictions, although substantial variation existed around this value.  相似文献   

Four cohorts of nonlactating, pregnant dairy cows (n = 50, 47, 45, and 42) were individually fed indoors to determine the amount of feed required for body weight (BW) gain from autumn pasture and commonly used supplementary feeds. These results were used to estimate the apparent efficiency with which metabolizable energy (ME) is used for BW gain (app_kg). Control cows were offered autumn pasture to estimated maintenance requirements (~0.55 MJ of ME/kg of BW0.75), with an additional 20 MJ of ME/d allocated for pregnancy and activity. All other cows received the same allowance of autumn pasture and an additional allowance (2.5 or 5.0 kg of dry matter/d) of autumn pasture (Past), spring pasture silage (Psil), maize silage (Msil), cracked maize grain (Mgr), or palm kernel expeller (PKE), resulting in a total of 11 treatments. Individual cow dry matter intake was determined daily; BW was recorded once per week for cohorts 1 and 2, and 3 times per week for cohorts 3 and 4. The ME contents of feeds were estimated from feed quality assays. Regression analyses were used on each feed to determine the ME requirement for 1 kg of BW gain. The app_kg of Past and Msil was 0.34 and 0.47, respectively; these estimates are in line with published literature. The app_kg of Psil (0.50) was consistent with the published kg for spring pasture, from which the silage was made. Palm kernel expeller had the greatest app_kg (0.61). The reasons for this cannot be deduced from the current study but may reflect the relatively high fat content of the feed and the high kg of fat. The app_kg for Mgr was low (0.38) in comparison with the other supplementary feeds and, in particular, relative to its feed ME and published kg estimates. Although the reason for the low app_kg cannot be deduced from the current data, the most plausible reason is the preferential use of propionate-derived glucose for conceptus metabolism rather than BW gain, a factor not accounted for in previous experimental models that did not use late-gestation cows. In summary, the app_kg for autumn pasture was low but consistent with historical growth rate trials in other ruminant species. In comparison, Msil, Psil, and PKE were used with a greater apparent efficiency (app_kg = 0.47 to 0.61), but Mgr resulted in a relatively low rate of gain per MJ of ME (app_kg = 0.38). These differences have implications for accurate feed budgeting on farm.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(1):381-391
Body condition score (BCS) offers a good estimate of the amount of stored fat on the body, and its variations can be used as a proxy for energy balance. Many countries have implemented a genomic evaluation of BCS, including France, where estimated breeding values are based on an individual BCS determination during the first lactation. In this article, we investigate the degree to which this genomic estimated breeding value based on a single phenotype record per cow might reflect different profiles of body reserves throughout lactation and be used to predict, and perhaps limit, their mobilization during early lactation. We also investigate whether selection on BCS affects other traits. A data set including 686 lactations of 435 Holstein cows from 3 experimental farms not used in the reference population for genomic evaluation was used to estimate the effects of the BCS direct genomic value (iBCS) on BCS, body weight, feed intake, milk production, and fat and protein contents throughout the lactation period. For each trait, the model included different iBCS regressions and an effect of the direct genomic value of the trait itself when available. It thus appeared that cows with a positive iBCS always had a higher BCS than negative iBCS cows, whatever the lactation stage, and that this difference increased during the first 6 mo to reach a difference of 0.8 point. A similar effect was seen regarding body weight, but it was the opposite for milk production, with negative iBCS cows producing slightly more milk (difference of about 3% over lactation). Feed intake increased slightly faster at the beginning of lactation for cows with positive iBCS. Therefore, iBCS is a promising tool that could help to limit intense mobilization during early lactation. Should feed efficiency be included in the breeding goal, greater attention should be paid to BCS to avoid further body mobilization in early lactation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate a genomic breeding scheme in a small dairy cattle population that was intermediate in terms of using both young bulls (YB) and progeny-tested bulls (PB). This scheme was compared with a conventional progeny testing program without use of genomic information and, as the extreme case, a juvenile scheme with genomic information, where all bulls were used before progeny information was available. The population structure, cost, and breeding plan parameters were chosen to reflect the Danish Jersey cattle population, being representative for a small dairy cattle population. The population consisted of 68,000 registered cows. Annually, 1,500 bull dams were screened to produce the 500 genotyped bull calves from which 60 YB were selected to be progeny tested. Two unfavorably correlated traits were included in the breeding goal, a production trait (h2 = 0.30) and a functional trait (h2 = 0.04). An increase in reliability of 5 percentage points for each trait was used in the default genomic scenario. A deterministic approach was used to model the different breeding programs, where the primary evaluation criterion was annual monetary genetic gain (AMGG). Discounted profit was used as an indicator of the economic outcome. We investigated the effect of varying the following parameters: (1) increase in reliability due to genomic information, (2) number of genotyped bull calves, (3) proportion of bull dam sires that are young bulls, and (4) proportion of cow sires that are young bulls. The genomic breeding scheme was both genetically and economically superior to the conventional breeding scheme, even in a small dairy cattle population where genomic information causes a relatively low increase in reliability of breeding values. Assuming low reliabilities of genomic predictions, the optimal breeding scheme according to AMGG was characterized by mixed use of YB and PB as bull sires. Exclusive use of YB for production cows increased AMGG up to 3 percentage points. The results from this study supported our hypothesis that strong interaction effects exist. The strongest interaction effects were obtained between increased reliabilities of genomic estimated breeding values and more intensive use of YB. The juvenile scheme was genetically inferior when the increase in reliability was low (5 percentage points), but became genetically superior at higher reliabilities of genomic estimated breeding values. The juvenile scheme was always superior according to discounted profit because of the shorter generation interval and minimizing costs for housing and feeding waiting bulls.  相似文献   

With the widespread consumption of milk, the complete characterization of the constituents of milk and milk products is important in terms of functionality and safety. In this study, a novel nonreducing carbohydrate was separated from powdered skim milk and was identified using electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry (m/z 385.1[M + H+]), 1H, 13C, 1H1H-correlation spectroscopy, and heteronuclear single quantum-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. The carbohydrate was identified as a lactose derivative of urea, N-carbamoyl-o-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1–4)-d-glucopyranosylamine (lactose ureide, LU). For the HPLC analysis of LU in milk and milk products, benzoylated LU, hepta-o-benzoyl lactose ureide (melting point 137–139 °C; m/z 1,113 [M + H+]; wavelength of maximum absorption, λmax, 229 nm; molar extinction coefficient, ε, 8.1037 × 107), was used as a standard. The crude nonreducing carbohydrate fraction from raw milk, thermally processed milk, and milk products such as powdered milks were directly benzoylated and subjected to HPLC analysis using an octadecylsilyl column to determine the quantity of LU. The content of LU in 10% solutions of powdered skim milk and powdered infant formula (5.0 ± 1.1 and 4.9 ± 1.5 mg/L, respectively) were almost 3-fold higher than that of UHT milk (1.6 ± 0.5 mg/L) and higher than that of low-temperature, long-time-processed (pasteurized at 65 °C for 30 min) milk (1.2 ± 0.3 mg/L) and the fresh raw milk sample (0.3 ± 0.1 mg/L). A time-course of the LU content in raw milk during heating at 110 °C revealed that LU increased with time. From these results, it is likely that LU is formed by the Maillard-type reaction between the lactose and urea in milk and milk products. Because the concentration of LU in milk increased with the degree of processing heat treatment, it could serve as an indicator of the thermal deterioration of milk. Although it is known that the human intestine is unable to digest LU, the gastrointestinal bacteria in human subjects are able to digest and utilize urea nitrogen in formation of essential amino acids that are available to the host human. These findings suggest that LU in milk might have a functional role in human health.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to assess the 13C bicarbonate dilution technique using an automatic blood sampling system and to use this technique to estimate energy expenditure (EE) based on the CO2 production of 14 lactating Holstein cows on pasture or in a freestall barn. The effects of physical activity and eating behavior on EE were also assessed. Cows were exposed to each feeding system in a crossover design with two 14-d experimental periods, each consisting of an adaptation period and a 7-d data collection period. Cows either grazed on pasture or had ad libitum access, in the freestall barn, to grass cut daily from the same paddock. All cows were supplemented with a cereal-based concentrate. The EE of each cow was determined from 0700 to 1300 h on 1 d of each collection period. Blood samples for the 13C bicarbonate dilution technique were taken either manually in the barn or using an automatic blood sampling system on pasture. Eating pattern and physical activity were recorded from 0700 to 1300 h using a behavior recorder and an activity meter, respectively. Milk yield was recorded daily. Individual feed intake was estimated using the alkane double-indicator technique. Two preceding experiments confirmed that the sampling technique (manual or automatic) and the following storage of the blood samples (frozen directly after withdrawal or first cooled on ice and then frozen 6 h later) had no effect on 13CO2 enrichment in the extracted blood CO2 or on the subsequent calculation of CO2 production. During the 6-h measurement period, the EE of cows on pasture was higher than that of cows in the freestall barn. Daily feed intake and milk production were not affected by the feeding treatment. Grazing cows spent more time walking and less time standing and lying than did cows fed indoors. Time spent eating was greater and time spent ruminating was lower for cows on pasture compared with grass-fed cows in the barn. In conclusion, the 13C bicarbonate dilution technique, combined with an automatic blood sampling system, is a suitable method to determine the EE of lactating dairy cows on pasture. Positive correlations between EE and walking and eating time indicate that the higher energy requirements of dairy cows on pasture may be at least partly caused by a higher level of physical activity. However, before specific recommendations about additional energy supply can be given, it must be determined whether EE measured over 6 h can be extrapolated to 24 h. Furthermore, the apparent inconsistency between EE, feed intake, and milk production needs to be resolved.  相似文献   

Relationships among milk production, body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW), and reproduction were studied using logistic regression on data from 6433 spring-calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in 74 commercial herds. Multivariate models were adjusted for herd, breeding value for milk yield, proportion of Holstein-Friesian genes, lactation number, calving period, and degree of calving assistance. Significant associations between reproductive measures and components of energy balance were identified. Higher 200-d milk protein content and higher protein-to-fat ratio at start of breeding were associated with increased likelihood of submission for breeding in the first 21 d of the breeding season (SR21). High 100-d cumulative milk yield as a proportion of estimated 305-d milk yield (low persistency) was associated with a lower likelihood of pregnancy to first service (PREG1), whereas cows reaching peak milk yields earlier tended to have higher PREG1. Cows that reached nadir milk protein content relatively late in lactation had lower PREG1. Milk yield at first service and 305-d milk protein content were positively associated with the likelihood of pregnancy after 42 d of breeding (PR42). Higher 305-d milk lactose content was associated with increased PREG1 and PR42. Mean BCS at 60 to 100 d of lactation was positively associated with both SR21 and PR42, whereas nadir BCS was positively associated with PREG1. Cows with precalving BCS > 3.0 that also lost > 0.5 BCS unit by first service had lower PR42. More BW gain for 90 d after start of breeding was associated with higher SR21 and PREG1; more BW gain for 90 d after first service was associated with higher PR42. Milk protein and lactose content, BCS, and BW changes are important tools to identify cows at risk of poor reproduction.  相似文献   

The kinetics of adsorption of patulin on activated carbon were studied at different initial patulin concentrations (100–400 ppb) for the temperature range 20–80°C. Apparent adsorption rate constants (kaapp) were changed from 1.07 × 10?3 to 1.86 × 10?3 g?1 min?1 while the temperature increased from 20 to 80°C. For equilibrium adsorption curves; the Langmuir model was attempted and model parameters (K and Q°) were obtained for different temperatures. Energy of activation and heat of adsorption were determined in a batch adsorption system (Ea= 2.02 kcal/mol and ΔH = 2.24 kcal/mol). The adsorption occurred endothermically and by physical mechanisms.  相似文献   

The objective of this clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of probiotic, prebiotic, and synbiotic supplementation on average daily weight gain (ADG), duration of diarrhea, age at incidence of diarrhea, fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium oocysts, enteric pathogens, and the odds of pneumonia in preweaning dairy heifer calves on a commercial dairy. Feeding prebiotics and probiotics may improve health and production of calves. Hence, healthy Holstein heifer calves (n = 1,801) from a large California dairy were enrolled at 4 to 12 h of age and remained in this study until weaning at 60 d of age. Calves were block randomized to 1 of 4 treatments: (1) control, (2) yeast culture enriched with mannan-oligosaccharide (prebiotic), (3) Bacillus subtilis (probiotic), and (4) combination of both products (synbiotic), which were fed in milk twice daily from enrollment until weaning. Serum total protein at enrollment and body weight at 7, 42, and 56 d of age were measured. Fecal consistency was assessed daily for the entire preweaning period. A subgroup of 200 calves had fecal samples collected at 7, 14, 21, and 42 d for microbial culture and enumeration of Cryptosporidium oocysts by direct fluorescent antibody staining. Synbiotic-treated calves had 19 g increased ADG compared with control calves for overall ADG, from 7 to 56 d. From 42 to 56 d, prebiotic-treated calves had 85 g greater ADG and synbiotic-treated calves had 78 g greater ADG than control calves. There was no difference in duration of the first diarrhea episode, hazard of diarrhea, or odds of pneumonia per calf with treatment. Probiotic-treated calves had 100 times lower fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium oocysts at 14 d and prebiotic-treated calves had fewer Escherichia coli and pathogenic E. coli at 42 d compared with control calves. Although there were no effects on duration of diarrhea or pneumonia incidence, greater ADG in the late preweaning period may reflect treatment effects on enteric pathogens during the rearing process. The decreased shedding of Cryptosporidium should reduce infectious pressure, environmental contamination, and public health risks from Cryptosporidium. Our findings suggest ADG and potential health benefits for calves fed prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics and can help the dairy industry make informed decisions on the use of these products in dairy production.  相似文献   

Holstein calves were fed pelleted iso-starch (25% of starter dry matter) diets containing barley (n = 16), corn (n = 16), oat (n = 16), and wheat (n = 16) starch for 12 wk of age. Feed consumption, nutrient intake, body weight (BW) gain, skeletal growth, and selected blood metabolites in calves during preweaning (d 1 to 49) and postweaning (d 50 to 84) periods were measured. Average daily starter consumption during pre-weaning and postweaning periods was the greatest in calves fed corn died followed by those fed a wheat diet and then in those fed barley and oat diets. During the preweaning period, the calves provided corn and wheat diets consumed greater amount of mixed grass hay than those fed barley and oat diets. During the postweaning period, mixed grass hay intake was the greatest in calves provided corn diet followed by those fed a wheat diet and then in those fed barley and oat diets. Nutrients (dry matter, crude protein, starch, and neutral detergent fiber) intake followed the solid feed consumption pattern in calves. Body weight and body measurements (body length, body barrel, heart girth, wither height, and hip height) at birth and at weaning (d 49) in calves fed different starch sources were similar. Body weight and body measurements at postweaning (d 84) were the greatest in calves fed a corn diet followed by those fed a wheat diet and then in those fed barley and oat diets. Overall average BW gain and total dry matter intake were the greatest in calves fed a corn diet than in those fed wheat, barley, and oat diets. Feed efficiency was greater in calves fed corn and wheat diets than in those fed barley and oat diets. Blood glucose, blood urea N, triglycerides, cholesterol, and creatinine were reduced with the advancing age of calves. Lesser blood glucose and greater blood urea N concentrations at wk 8, 10, and 12 of age were noticed in calves fed corn diet than in those fed barley, oat, and wheat diets. Occurrence of diarrhea was more frequent in calves fed oat diet than in those provided barley, corn, and wheat diets. Starch sources did not influence respiratory score, rectal temperature, and general appearance score. In conclusion, the calves on corn diet consumed more solid feed and gained greater BW than those fed barley, oat, and wheat diets.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of initial serum total protein (STP) concentration, average starter feed intake (SI) during the last week of the preweaning period, and average daily gain (ADG) on the growth, fertility, and performance of Holstein heifers during their first lactation. Eighty-four female Holstein dairy calves were weaned at d 56 of age and then the study continued until the end of the first lactation. Growth performance, including body weight, ADG, withers height, and its change were analyzed monthly from 3 to 450 d of life, and reproduction data and performance in the first lactation of primiparous dairy heifers over a 4-yr period (2015 to 2019) were recorded. In the first 24 h of life, calves received 4 L of colostrum (<2 h and <12 h after birth); on d 2 and 3: 2 feedings/d of 2 L of transition milk; from d 4 to 49: 6 L/d of milk replacer (150 g of powder/L as-fed) in 3 feedings; and from d 50 to 56: 2 L/d of milk replacer in 1 feeding. The calves were fed pelleted starter feed from d 4 to 56, and after that from 8 wk until 3 mo of age, a dry total mixed ration with an 85:15 ratio of weaning pelleted starter to straw. From 3 to 7 mo and from 8 mo of age to calving, the total mixed ration contained 16.9% and ~14.0% crude protein, respectively, on a dry matter basis and ~2.40 Mcal of metabolizable energy/kg on a dry matter basis. The results of the current study showed that the initial STP concentration of primiparous dairy heifers was associated with improved growth performance, especially greater body weight and withers height. In addition, with increasing levels of initial STP concentration, age at first estrus, artificial insemination (AI) service, pregnancy, and calving was decreased by 16, 18, 25, and 25 d, respectively. Initial STP concentration was positively correlated with milk production and increased total milk yield and yield of energy-corrected milk by about 1,558 kg and 1,149 kg during first lactation. Calves with higher average starter feed intake during the last week of the preweaning period had better growth performance, which in turn was positively associated with fertility parameters, accelerated first estrus (by 17 d), and reduced age at AI service (by 13 d). Preweaning ADG was favorably associated with fertility performance of heifers, with faster occurrence of first estrus and a reduction in age at AI service, pregnancy, and calving. Also, increasing preweaning ADG increased milk yield, energy-corrected milk, and 4% fat-corrected milk at 305 DIM by about 829, 754, and 763 kg at first lactation of primiparous heifers. These results indicate that in the rearing period, particular attention should be paid to the initial STP concentration, average SI during the last week of this period, and rearing ADG to increase growth, fertility, and performance in the first lactation of primiparous dairy heifers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the partial replacement of barley starch with lactose (fed as dried whey permeate; DWP) affects N utilization, whole-body urea kinetics, and production in dairy cows. Eight lactating Holstein cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28-d periods. Four cows in one Latin square were ruminally cannulated and used to determine dietary effects on whole-body urea kinetics and N utilization. Cows were fed a barley-based diet that contained 3.6% (dry matter basis) total sugar (TSG; designated control), or diets that contained 6.6, 9.6, or 12.6% TSG. Dietary TSG content was increased by the replacement of barley grain with DWP (83% lactose). Diets were isonitrogenous (~17.3% crude protein), and starch contents of the control, 6.6, 9.6, and 12.6% TSG diets were 24.3, 22.2, 21.2, and 19.1%, respectively. Whole-body urea kinetics were measured using 4-d infusions of [15N15N]-urea with concurrent total collections of feces and urine. Dry matter intake (mean = 26.7 kg/d), milk yield (mean = 34.9 kg/d), and milk protein and fat contents were unaffected by diet. Ruminal ammonia-N concentration decreased linearly as TSG content increased, whereas ruminal butyrate concentration increased linearly as TSG content increased. Urinary excretion of total N and urea-N changed quadratically, whereas urinary excretion of total N (% of N intake) tended to change quadratically as TSG content increased. Fecal N excretion linearly increased as TSG content increased. A quadratic response was observed for total N excretion as TSG content increased. Milk N and retained N were not affected by diet. As TSG content increased, we observed quadratic responses in the omasal flow of fluid-associated and total bacterial nonammonia N, endogenous production of urea-N, urea-N recycled to the gastrointestinal tract, and urea-N returned to the ornithine cycle. Dietary TSG content did not affect the anabolic utilization of recycled urea-N or the proportion of recycled urea-N that was used for bacterial growth. Our results indicate that feeding DWP did not influence dry matter intake, milk yield, or milk composition. Feeding DWP decreased ruminal ammonia-N concentration, but this did not result in positive responses in milk protein secretion or N balance. The quadratic response in omasal flow of total bacterial nonammonia N indicated that including TSG beyond 9.6% of diet dry matter might depress ruminal microbial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  To determine whether honey, sucrose, and mixed sugars as in honey have different effects on weight gain, 40 6-wk-old Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a powdered diet that was either sugar free or contained 8% sucrose, 8% mixed sugars as in honey, or 10% honey freely for 6 wk. Weight gain and food intake were assessed weekly, and at completion of the study blood samples were removed for measurement of blood sugar (HbA1c) and a fasting lipid profile. The animals were then minced and total percentage body fat and protein measured. Overall percentage weight gain was significantly lower in honey-fed rats than those fed sucrose or mixed sugars, despite a similar food intake. Weight gains were comparable for rats fed honey and a sugar free diet although food intake was significantly higher in honey-fed rats. HbA1c and triglyceride levels were significantly higher in all sugar treatments compared with rats fed a sugar free diet, but no other differences in lipid profiles were reported. No differences in percentage body fat or protein levels were reported.  相似文献   

Lipoxidation in almond-derived products was investigated using the chemiluminescence (CL) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) methods to detect the first and later reaction products, respectively. The effects of light during storage at 5 °C, 22 °C and 40 °C were studied, as well as the effects of combined heat/water activity treatments in the 60–120 °C and 0.38–0.72 range. During storage, light was found to enhance the CL and TBARS values, and specific responses were observed in almond paste and the final Calisson product. During the heating of almond paste, as the initial water activity (aw) increased, the CL rate constants increased during heating to 60 °C and 80 °C, but interestingly, these values decreased during further heating to 120 °C, whereas the maximum TBARS rate constants occurred at aw 0.57 at all the heating temperatures tested. The activation energies, based on the CL and TBARS values, decreased specifically when the aw increased from 0.38 to 0.72, giving overall values ranging from110 kJ mol−1 to 60 kJ mol−1. Likewise, in the same water activity range, the temperature-dependent rate constant enhancing factor (Q10) decreased from 3.3 to 1.6.  相似文献   

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