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Nearly 57,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA) were investigated to determine usefulness of the associated SNP for genomic prediction. Genotypes were obtained for 12,591 bulls and cows, and SNP were selected based on 5,503 bulls with genotypes from a larger set of SNP. The following SNP were deleted: 6,572 that were monomorphic, 3,213 with scoring problems (primarily because of poor definition of clusters and excess number of clusters), and 3,649 with a minor allele frequency of <2%. Number of SNP for each minor allele frequency class (≥2%) was fairly uniform (777 to 1,004). For 5 contiguous SNP assigned to chromosome 7, no bulls were heterozygous, which indicated that those SNP are actually on the nonpseudoautosomal portion of the X chromosome. Another 178 SNP that were not assigned to a chromosome but that had many fewer heterozygotes than expected were also assigned to the X chromosome. Existence of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was investigated by comparing observed with expected heterozygosity. For 11 SNP, the observed percentage of heterozygous individuals differed from the expected by >15%; therefore, those SNP were deleted. For 2,628 SNP, the genotype at another SNP was highly correlated (i.e., genotypes were identical for >99.5% of bulls), and those were deleted. After edits, 40,874 SNP remained. A parent-progeny conflict was declared when the genotypes were alternate homozygotes. Mean number of conflicts was 2.3 when pedigree was correct and 2,411 when it was incorrect. The sire was genotyped for >93% of animals. Maternal grandsire genotype was similarly checked; however, because alternate homozygotes could be valid, a conflict threshold of 16% was used to indicate a need for further investigation. Genotyping consistency was investigated for 21 bulls genotyped twice with differences primarily from SNP that were not scored in one of the genotypes. Concordance for readable SNP was extremely high (99.96-100%). Thousands of SNP that were polymorphic in Holsteins were monomorphic in Jerseys or Brown Swiss, which indicated that breed-specific SNP sets are required or that all breeds need to be considered in the SNP selection process. Genotypes from the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip are of high accuracy and provide the basis for genomic evaluations in the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

Currently, genomic evaluations use multiple-step procedures, which are prone to biases and errors. A single-step procedure may be applicable when genomic predictions can be obtained by modifying the numerator relationship matrix A to H = A + AΔ, where AΔ includes deviations from expected relationships. However, the traditional mixed model equations require H−1, which is usually difficult to obtain for large pedigrees. The computations with H are feasible when the mixed model equations are expressed in an alternate form that also applies for singular H and when those equations are solved by the conjugate gradient techniques. Then the only computations involving H are in the form of Aq or AΔq, where q is a vector. The alternative equations have a nonsymmetric left-hand side. Computing AΔq is inexpensive when the number of nonzeros in AΔ is small, and the product Aq can be calculated efficiently in linear time using an indirect algorithm. Generalizations to more complicated models are proposed. The data included 10.2 million final scores on 6.2 million Holsteins and were analyzed by a repeatability model. Comparisons involved the regular and the alternative equations. The model for the second case included simulated AΔ. Solutions were obtained by the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, which works only with symmetric matrices, and by the bi-conjugate gradient stabilized algorithm, which also works with nonsymmetric matrices. The convergence rate associated with the nonsymmetric solvers was slightly better than that with the symmetric solver for the original equations, although the time per round was twice as much for the nonsymmetric solvers. The convergence rate associated with the alternative equations ranged from 2 times lower without AΔ to 3 times lower for the largest simulated AΔ. When the information attributable to genomics can be expressed as modifications to the numerator relationship matrix, the proposed methodology may allow the upgrading of an existing evaluation to incorporate the genomic information.  相似文献   

With the introduction of new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chips of various densities, more and more genotype data sets will include animals genotyped for only a subset of the SNP. Imputation techniques based on unobserved ancestral haplotypes may be used to infer missing genotypes. These ancestral haplotypes may also be used in the genomic prediction model, instead of using the SNP. This may increase the reliability of predictions because the ancestral haplotype may capture more linkage disequilibrium with quantitative trait loci than SNP. The aim of this paper was to study whether using unobserved ancestral haplotypes in a genomic prediction model would provide more reliable genomic predictions than using SNP, and to determine how many loci in the genomic prediction model would be redundant. Genotypes of 8,960 bulls and cows for 39,557 SNP were analyzed with a hidden Markov model to associate each individual at each locus to 2 ancestral haplotypes. The number of ancestral haplotypes per locus was fixed at 10, 15, or 20. Subsequently, a validation study was performed in which the phenotypes of 3,251 progeny-tested bulls for 16 traits were used in a genomic prediction model to predict the estimated breeding values of at least 753 validation bulls. The squared correlation between genomic prediction and deregressed daughter performance estimated breeding value, when averaged across traits, was slightly higher when 15 or 20 ancestral haplotypes per locus were used in the prediction model instead of the SNP genotypes, whereas the prediction model using a genomic relationship matrix gave the lowest squared correlations. The number of redundant loci [i.e., loci that had less than 18 jumps (0.1%) from one ancestral haplotype to another ancestral haplotype at the next locus], was 18,793 (48%), which means that only 20,764 loci would need to be included in the genomic prediction model. This provides opportunities for greatly decreasing computer requirements of genomic evaluations with very large numbers of markers.  相似文献   

The first national single-step, full-information (phenotype, pedigree, and marker genotype) genetic evaluation was developed for final score of US Holsteins. Data included final scores recorded from 1955 to 2009 for 6,232,548 Holsteins cows. BovineSNP50 (Illumina, San Diego, CA) genotypes from the Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository (Beltsville, MD) were available for 6,508 bulls. Three analyses used a repeatability animal model as currently used for the national US evaluation. The first 2 analyses used final scores recorded up to 2004. The first analysis used only a pedigree-based relationship matrix. The second analysis used a relationship matrix based on both pedigree and genomic information (single-step approach). The third analysis used the complete data set and only the pedigree-based relationship matrix. The fourth analysis used predictions from the first analysis (final scores up to 2004 and only a pedigree-based relationship matrix) and prediction using a genomic based matrix to obtain genetic evaluation (multiple-step approach). Different allele frequencies were tested in construction of the genomic relationship matrix. Coefficients of determination between predictions of young bulls from parent average, single-step, and multiple-step approaches and their 2009 daughter deviations were 0.24, 0.37 to 0.41, and 0.40, respectively. The highest coefficient of determination for a single-step approach was observed when using a genomic relationship matrix with assumed allele frequencies of 0.5. Coefficients for regression of 2009 daughter deviations on parent-average, single-step, and multiple-step predictions were 0.76, 0.68 to 0.79, and 0.86, respectively, which indicated some inflation of predictions. The single-step regression coefficient could be increased up to 0.92 by scaling differences between the genomic and pedigree-based relationship matrices with little loss in accuracy of prediction. One complete evaluation took about 2 h of computing time and 2.7 gigabytes of memory. Computing times for single-step analyses were slightly longer (2%) than for pedigree-based analysis. A national single-step genetic evaluation with the pedigree relationship matrix augmented with genomic information provided genomic predictions with accuracy and bias comparable to multiple-step procedures and could account for any population or data structure. Advantages of single-step evaluations should increase in the future when animals are pre-selected on genotypes.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the predictive ability of subsets of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for development of low-cost, low-density genotyping assays in dairy cattle. Dense SNP genotypes of 4,703 Holstein bulls were provided by the USDA Agricultural Research Service. A subset of 3,305 bulls born from 1952 to 1998 was used to fit various models (training set), and a subset of 1,398 bulls born from 1999 to 2002 was used to evaluate their predictive ability (testing set). After editing, data included genotypes for 32,518 SNP and August 2003 and April 2008 predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) for lifetime net merit (LNM$), the latter resulting from progeny testing. The Bayesian least absolute shrinkage and selection operator method was used to regress August 2003 PTA on marker covariates in the training set to arrive at estimates of marker effects and direct genomic PTA. The coefficient of determination (R2) from regressing the April 2008 progeny test PTA of bulls in the testing set on their August 2003 direct genomic PTA was 0.375. Subsets of 300, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250, 1,500, and 2,000 SNP were created by choosing equally spaced and highly ranked SNP, with the latter based on the absolute value of their estimated effects obtained from the training set. The SNP effects were re-estimated from the training set for each subset of SNP, and the 2008 progeny test PTA of bulls in the testing set were regressed on corresponding direct genomic PTA. The R2 values for subsets of 300, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250, 1,500, and 2,000 SNP with largest effects (evenly spaced SNP) were 0.184 (0.064), 0.236 (0.111), 0.269 (0.190), 0.289 (0.179), 0.307 (0.228), 0.313 (0.268), and 0.322 (0.291), respectively. These results indicate that a low-density assay comprising selected SNP could be a cost-effective alternative for selection decisions and that significant gains in predictive ability may be achieved by increasing the number of SNP allocated to such an assay from 300 or fewer to 1,000 or more.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(4):3282-3295
In across-country genomic predictions for dairy cattle, 2 kinds of bull information can be used as dependent variables. The first is estimated breeding value (EBV) from the national genetic evaluations, assuming genetic correlations between countries are less than 1. The second is EBV from multitrait across-countries evaluation (MACE), assuming genetic correlations between countries equal 1. In the present study, the level of bias and reliability of a cross-countries genomic prediction using national EBV or MACE EBV as the dependent variable were investigated. Data from Brown Swiss Organizations joining the InterGenomics Service by Interbull Centre (Uppsala, Sweden) were used. National and MACE EBV of 3 traits (protein yield, cow conception rate, and calving interval) from 7, 5, and 4 countries, respectively, were used, resulting in 16 trait-country combinations. Genotypes for 45,473 SNP markers and deregressed (national or MACE) EBV of 7,490; 5,833; and 5,177 bulls were used in analysis of protein yield, cow conception rate, and calving interval, respectively. For most of trait-country combinations, the use of MACE EBV via single-trait approach resulted in less biased and more reliable across-countries genomic predictions. In case some of the MACE EBV might have been inflated, the resulting single-trait genomic predictions were inflated as well. For these specific cases, the use of national EBV via multitrait approach provided less bias and more reliable across-countries genomic predictions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether multi-country genomic evaluation can be accomplished by multiple-trait genomic best linear unbiased predictor (GBLUP) without sharing genotypes of important animals. Phenotypes and genotypes with 40k SNP were simulated for 25,000 animals, each with 4 traits assuming the same genetic variance and 0.8 genetic correlations. The population was split into 4 subpopulations corresponding to 4 countries, one for each trait. Additionally, a prediction population was created from genotyped animals that were not present in the individual countries but were related to each country's population. Genomic estimated breeding values were computed for each country and subsequently converted to SNP effects. Phenotypes were reconstructed for the prediction population based on the SNP effects of a country and the prediction animals' genotypes. The prediction population was used as the basis for the international evaluation, enabling bull comparisons without sharing genotypes and only sharing SNP effects. The computations were such that SNP effects computed within-country or in the prediction population were the same. Genomic estimated breeding values were calculated by single-trait GBLUP for within-country and multiple-trait GBLUP for multi-country predictions. The true accuracy for the prediction population with reconstructed phenotypes was at most 0.02 less than the accuracy with the original data. The differences increased when countries were assumed unequally sized. However, accuracies by multiple-trait GBLUP with the prediction population were always greater than accuracies from any single within-country prediction. Multi-country genomic evaluations by multiple-trait GBLUP are possible without using original genotypes at a cost of lower accuracy compared with explicitly combining countries' data.  相似文献   

Genome-wide selection aims to predict genetic merit of individuals by estimating the effect of chromosome segments on phenotypes using dense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker maps. In the present paper, principal component analysis was used to reduce the number of predictors in the estimation of genomic breeding values for a simulated population. Principal component extraction was carried out either using all markers available or separately for each chromosome. Priors of predictor variance were based on their contribution to the total SNP correlation structure. The principal component approach yielded the same accuracy of predicted genomic breeding values obtained with the regression using SNP genotypes directly, with a reduction in the number of predictors of about 96% and computation time of 99%. Although these accuracies are lower than those currently achieved with Bayesian methods, at least for simulated data, the improved calculation speed together with the possibility of extracting principal components directly on individual chromosomes may represent an interesting option for predicting genomic breeding values in real data with a large number of SNP. The use of phenotypes as dependent variable instead of conventional breeding values resulted in more reliable estimates, thus supporting the current strategies adopted in research programs of genomic selection in livestock.  相似文献   

Two high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays have recently become available for bovine genomic analyses, the Illumina High-Density Bovine BeadChip Array (777,962 SNP) and the Affymetrix Axiom Genome-Wide BOS 1 Array (648,874 SNP). These products each have unique design and chemistry attributes, and the extent of marker overlap and their potential utility for quantitative trait loci fine mapping, detection of copy number variation, and multibreed genomic selection are of significant interest to the cattle community. This is the first study to compare the performance of these 2 arrays. Deoxyribonucleic acid samples from 16 dairy cattle (10 Holstein, 6 Jersey) were used for the comparison. An independent set of DNA samples taken from 46 Jersey cattle and 18 Holstein cattle were used to ascertain the amount of SNP variation accounted by the 16 experimental samples. Data were analyzed with SVS7 software (Golden Helix Inc., Bozeman, MT) to remove SNP having a call rate less than 90%, and linkage disequilibrium pruning was used to remove linked SNP (r2 ≥ 0.9). Maximum, average, and median gaps were calculated for each analysis based on genomic position of SNP on the bovine UMD3.1 genome assembly. All samples were successfully genotyped (≥98% SNP genotyped) with both platforms. The average number of genotyped SNP in the Illumina platform was 775,681 and 637,249 for the Affymetrix platform. Based on genomic position, a total of 107,896 SNP were shared between the 2 platforms; however, based on genotype concordance, only 96,031 SNP had complete concordance at these loci. Both Affymetrix BOS 1 and Illumina BovineHD genotyping platforms are well designed and provide high-quality genotypes and similar coverage of informative SNP. Despite fewer total SNP on BOS 1, 19% more SNP remained after linkage disequilibrium pruning, resulting in a smaller gap size (5.2 vs. 6.9 kb) in Holstein and Jersey samples relative to BovineHD. However, only 224,115 Illumina and 241,038 Affymetrix SNP remained following removal of SNP with a minor allele frequency of zero in Holstein and Jersey samples, resulting in an average gap size of 11,887 bp and 11,018 bp, respectively. Combining the 354,348 informative (r2 ≥ 0.9), polymorphic (minor allele frequency ≥ 0), unique SNP data from both platforms decreased the average gap size to 7,560 bp. Genome-wide copy number variant analyses were performed using intensity files from both platforms. The BovineHD platform provided an advantage to the copy number variant data compared with the BOS 1 because of the larger number of SNP, higher intensity signals, and lower background effects. The combined use of both platforms significantly improved coverage over either platform alone and decreased the gap size between SNP, providing a valuable tool for fine mapping quantitative trait loci and multibreed animal evaluation.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):8175-8183
The use of multi-trait across-country evaluation (MACE) and the exchange of genomic information among countries allows national breeding programs to combine foreign and national data to increase the size of the training populations and potentially increase accuracy of genomic prediction of breeding values. By including genotyped and nongenotyped animals simultaneously in the evaluation, the single-step genomic BLUP (GBLUP) approach has the potential to deliver more accurate and less biased genomic evaluations. A single-step genomic BLUP approach, which enables integration of data from MACE evaluations, can be used to obtain genomic predictions while avoiding double-counting of information. The objectives of this study were to apply a single-step approach that simultaneously includes domestic and MACE information for genomic evaluation of workability traits in Canadian Holstein cattle, and compare the results obtained with this methodology with those obtained using a multi-step approach (msGBLUP). By including MACE bulls in the training population, msGBLUP led to an increase in reliability of genomic predictions of 4.8 and 15.4% for milking temperament and milking speed, respectively, compared with a traditional evaluation using only pedigree and phenotypic information. Integration of MACE data through a single-step approach (ssGBLUPIM) yielded the highest reliabilities compared with other considered methods. Integration of MACE data also helped reduce bias of genomic predictions. When using ssGBLUPIM, the bias of genomic predictions decreased by half compared with msGBLUP using domestic and MACE information. Therefore, the reliability and bias of genomic predictions for both traits improved substantially when a single-step approach was used for evaluation compared with a multi-step approach. The use of a single-step approach with integration of MACE information provides an alternative to the current method used in Canadian genomic evaluations.  相似文献   

This study compares how different cow genotyping strategies increase the accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values (EBV) in dairy cattle breeds with low numbers. In these breeds, few sires have progeny records, and genotyping cows can improve the accuracy of genomic EBV. The Guernsey breed is a small dairy cattle breed with approximately 14,000 recorded individuals worldwide. Predictions of phenotypes of milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, and calving interval were made for Guernsey cows from England and Guernsey Island using genomic EBV, with training sets including 197 de-regressed proofs of genotyped bulls, with cows selected from among 1,440 genotyped cows using different genotyping strategies. Accuracies of predictions were tested using 10-fold cross-validation among the cows. Genomic EBV were predicted using 4 different methods: (1) pedigree BLUP, (2) genomic BLUP using only bulls, (3) univariate genomic BLUP using bulls and cows, and (4) bivariate genomic BLUP. Genotyping cows with phenotypes and using their data for the prediction of single nucleotide polymorphism effects increased the correlation between genomic EBV and phenotypes compared with using only bulls by 0.163 ± 0.022 for milk yield, 0.111 ± 0.021 for fat yield, and 0.113 ± 0.018 for protein yield; a decrease of 0.014 ± 0.010 for calving interval from a low base was the only exception. Genetic correlation between phenotypes from bulls and cows were approximately 0.6 for all yield traits and significantly different from 1. Only a very small change occurred in correlation between genomic EBV and phenotypes when using the bivariate model. It was always better to genotype all the cows, but when only half of the cows were genotyped, a divergent selection strategy was better compared with the random or directional selection approach. Divergent selection of 30% of the cows remained superior for the yield traits in 8 of 10 folds.  相似文献   

Currently, the USDA uses a single-trait (ST) model with several intermediate steps to obtain genomic evaluations for US Holsteins. In this study, genomic evaluations for 18 linear type traits were obtained with a multiple-trait (MT) model using a unified single-step procedure. The phenotypic type data on up to 18 traits were available for 4,813,726 Holsteins, and single nucleotide polymorphism markers from the Illumina BovineSNP50 genotyping Beadchip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA) were available on 17,293 bulls. Genomic predictions were computed with several genomic relationship matrices (G) that assumed different allele frequencies: equal, base, current, and current scaled. Computations were carried out with ST and MT models. Procedures were compared by coefficients of determination (R2) and regression of 2004 prediction of bulls with no daughters in 2004 on daughter deviations of those bulls in 2009. Predictions for 2004 also included parent averages without the use of genomic information. The R2 for parent averages ranged from 10 to 34% for ST models and from 12 to 35% for MT models. The average R2 for all G were 34 and 37% for ST and MT models, respectively. All of the regression coefficients were <1.0, indicating that estimated breeding values in 2009 of 1,307 genotyped young bulls’ parents tended to be biased. The average regression coefficients ranged from 0.74 to 0.79 and from 0.75 to 0.80 for ST and MT models, respectively. When the weight for the inverse of the numerator relationship matrix (A−1) for genotyped animals was reduced from 1 to 0.7, R2 remained almost identical while the regression coefficients increased by 0.11-0.26 and 0.12-0.23 for ST and MT models, respectively. The ST models required about 5 s per iteration, whereas MT models required 3 (6) min per iteration for the regular (genomic) model. The MT single-step approach is feasible for 18 linear type traits in US Holstein cattle. Accuracy for genomic evaluation increases when switching ST models to MT models. Inflation of genomic evaluations for young bulls could be reduced by choosing a small weight for the A−1 for genotyped bulls.  相似文献   

Distribution and location of genetic effects for dairy traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic effects for many dairy traits and for total economic merit are evenly distributed across all chromosomes. A high-density scan using 38,416 single nucleotide polymorphism markers for 5,285 bulls confirmed 2 previously known major genes on Bos taurus autosomes (BTA) 6 and 14 but revealed few other large effects. Markers on BTA18 had the largest effects on calving ease, several conformation traits, longevity, and total merit. Prediction accuracy was highest using a heavy-tailed prior assuming that each marker had an effect on each trait, rather than assuming a normal distribution of effects as in a linear model, or that only some loci have nonzero effects. A prior model combining heavy tails with finite alleles produced results that were intermediate compared with the individual models. Differences between models were small (1 to 2%) for traits with no major genes and larger for heavy tails with traits having known quantitative trait loci (QTL; 6 to 8%). Analysis of bull recessive codes suggested that marker effects from genomic selection may be used to identify regions of chromosomes to search in detail for candidate genes, but individual single nucleotide polymorphisms were not tracking causative mutations with the exception of diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1. Additive genetic merits were constructed for each chromosome, and the distribution of BTA14-specific estimated breeding value (EBV) showed that selection primarily for milk yield has not changed the distribution of EBV for fat percentage even in the presence of a known QTL. Such chromosomal EBV also may be useful for identifying complementary mates in breeding programs. The QTL affecting dystocia, conformation, and economic merit on BTA18 appear to be related to calf size or birth weight and may be the result of longer gestation lengths. Results validate quantitative genetic assumptions that most traits are due to the contributions of a large number of genes of small additive effect, rather than support the finite locus model.  相似文献   

A national data set of artificial inseminations in US Holsteins was used to obtain genetic evaluations for conception rate (CR). The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility and resulting accuracy from using all available phenotypic, pedigree, and genomic information. Evaluations were performed by regular BLUP or by BLUP with the traditional pedigree and genomic relationships combined in a unified single-step procedure (SSP). Genetic parameters of CR in the first 3 parities were estimated with data from New York State only. Heritability estimates were around 2% and genetic correlations between CR in different parities were >0.73. The R2 obtained with the SSP were almost twice as large as those achieved with regular BLUP. Computing the SSP took 2 h, and it was 33% slower than a regular BLUP. A multiple-trait evaluation of CR using the SSP is both possible and advantageous.  相似文献   

The construction and use of haploblocks [adjacent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in strong linkage disequilibrium] for genomic evaluation is advantageous, because the number of effects to be estimated can be reduced without discarding relevant genomic information. Furthermore, haplotypes (the combination of 2 or more SNP) can increase the probability of capturing the quantitative trait loci effect compared with individual SNP markers. With regards to haplotypes, the allele frequency parameter is also of interest, because as a selection criterion, it allows the number of rare alleles to be reduced, and the effects of those alleles are usually difficult to estimate. We have proposed a simple pipeline that simultaneously incorporates linkage disequilibrium and allele frequency information in genomic evaluation, and here we present the first results obtained with this procedure. We used a population of 2,235 progeny-tested bulls from the Montbéliarde breed for the tests. Phenotype data were available in the form of daughter yield deviations on 5 production traits, and genotype data were available from the 50K SNP chip. We conducted a classical validation study by splitting the population into training (80% oldest animals) and validation (20% youngest animals) sets to emulate a real-life scenario in which the selection candidates had no available phenotype data. We measured all reported parameters for the validation set. Our results proved that the proposed method was indeed advantageous, and that the accuracy of genomic evaluation could be improved. Compared with results from a genomic BLUP analysis, correlations between daughter yield deviations (a proxy for true) and genomic estimated breeding values increased by an average of 2.7 percentage points for the 5 traits. Inflation of the genomic evaluation of the selection candidates was also significantly reduced. The proposed method outperformed the other SNP and haplotype-based tests we had evaluated in a previous study. The combination of linkage disequilibrium–based haploblocks and allele frequency–based haplotype selection methods is a promising way to improve the efficiency of genomic evaluation. Further work is needed to optimize each step in the proposed analysis pipeline.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(7):4847-4859
The objectives of this study were to investigate the computational performance and the predictive ability and bias of a single-step SNP BLUP model (ssSNPBLUP) in genotyped young animals with unknown-parent groups (UPG) for type traits, using national genetic evaluation data from the Japanese Holstein population. The phenotype, genotype, and pedigree data were the same as those used in a national genetic evaluation of linear type traits classified between April 1984 and December 2020. In the current study, 2 data sets were prepared: the full data set containing all entries up to December 2020 and a truncated data set ending with December 2016. Genotyped animals were classified into 3 types: sires with classified daughters (S), cows with records (C), and young animals (Y). The computing performance and prediction accuracy of ssSNPBLUP were compared for the following 3 groups of genotyped animals: sires with classified daughters and young animals (SY); cows with records and young animals (CY); and sires with classified daughters, cows with records, and young animals (SCY). In addition, we tested 3 parameters of residual polygenic variance in ssSNPBLUP (0.1, 0.2, or 0.3). Daughter yield deviations (DYD) for the validation bulls and phenotypes adjusted for all fixed effects and random effects other than animal and residual (Yadj) for the validation cows were obtained using the full data set from the pedigree-based BLUP model. The regression coefficients of DYD for bulls (or Yadj for cows) on the genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV) using the truncated data set were used to measure the inflation of the predictions of young animals. The coefficient of determination of DYD on GEBV was used to measure the predictive ability of the predictions for the validation bulls. The reliability of the predictions for the validation cows was calculated as the square of the correlation between Yadj and GEBV divided by heritability. The predictive ability was highest in the SCY group and lowest in the CY group. However, minimal difference was found in predictive abilities with or without UPG models using different parameters of residual polygenic variance. The regression coefficients approached 1.0 as the parameter of residual polygenic variance increased, but regression coefficients were mostly similar regardless of the use of UPG across the groups of genotyped animals. The ssSNPBLUP model, including UPG, was demonstrated as feasible for implementation in the national evaluation of type traits in Japanese Holsteins.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(4):3306-3322
Genomic evaluation based on a single-step model uses all available data of phenotype, genotype, and pedigree; therefore, it should provide unbiased genomic breeding values with a higher correlation of prediction than the current multistep genomic model. Since 2019, a mixed reference population of cows and bulls has been applied to the routine multistep genomic evaluation in German Holsteins. For a fair comparison between the single-step and multistep genomic models, the same phenotype, genotype, and pedigree data were used. Because of its simple structure of the standard multitrait animal model used for German Holstein conventional evaluation, conformation traits were chosen as the first trait group to test a single-step SNP BLUP model for the large, genotyped population of German Holsteins. Genotype, phenotype, and pedigree data were taken from the official August 2020 conventional and genomic evaluation. Because of the same trait definition in national and multiple across-country evaluation for the conformation traits, deregressed multiple across-country evaluation estimated breeding value (EBV) of foreign bulls were treated as a new source of data for the same trait in the genomic evaluations. Due to a short history of female genotyping in Germany, the last 3 yr of youngest cows and bulls were deleted, instead of 4 yr, to perform a genomic validation. In comparison to the multistep genomic model, the single-step SNP BLUP model resulted in a higher correlation and greater variance of genomic EBV according to 798 national validation bulls. The regression of genomic prediction of the current, full evaluation on the earlier, truncated evaluation was slightly closer to 1 than the multistep model. For the validation bulls or youngest genomic artificial insemination bulls, correlation of genomic EBV between the 2 models was, on average, 0.95 across all the conformation traits. We did not find overprediction of young animals by the single-step SNP BLUP model for the conformation traits in German Holsteins.  相似文献   

The genomic evaluation system in the United States: past, present, future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Implementation of genomic evaluation has caused profound changes in dairy cattle breeding. All young bulls bought by major artificial insemination organizations now are selected based on such evaluation. Evaluation reliability can reach approximately 75% for yield traits, which is adequate for marketing semen of 2-yr-old bulls. Shortened generation interval from using genomic evaluations is the most important factor in increasing the rate of genetic improvement. Genomic evaluations are based on 42,503 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyped with technology that became available in 2007. The first unofficial USDA genomic evaluations were released in 2008 and became official for Holsteins, Jerseys, and Brown Swiss in 2009. Evaluation accuracy has increased steadily from including additional bulls with genotypes and traditional evaluations (predictor animals). Some of that increase occurs automatically as young genotyped bulls receive a progeny test evaluation at 5 yr of age. Cow contribution to evaluation accuracy is increased by decreasing mean and variance of their evaluations so that they are similar to bull evaluations. Integration of US and Canadian genotype databases was critical to achieving acceptable initial accuracy and continues to benefit both countries. Genotype exchange with other countries added predictor bulls for Brown Swiss. In 2010, a low-density chip with 2,900 SNP and a high-density chip with 777,962 SNP were released. The low-density chip has increased greatly the number of animals genotyped and is expected to replace microsatellites in parentage verification. The high-density chip can increase evaluation accuracy by better tracking of loci responsible for genetic differences. To integrate information from chips of various densities, a method to impute missing genotypes was developed based on splitting each genotype into its maternal and paternal haplotypes and tracing their inheritance through the pedigree. The same method is used to impute genotypes of nongenotyped dams based on genotyped progeny and mates. Reliability of resulting evaluations is discounted to reflect errors inherent in the process. Further increases in evaluation accuracy are expected because of added predictor animals and more SNP. The large population of existing genotypes can be used to evaluate new traits; however, phenotypic observations must be obtained for enough animals to allow estimation of SNP effects with sufficient accuracy for application to the general population.  相似文献   

Genomic selection has been implemented over the years in several livestock species, due to the achievable higher genetic progress. The use of genomic information in evaluations provides better prediction accuracy than do pedigree-based evaluations, and the makeup of the genotyped population is a decisive point. The aim of this work is to compare the effect of different genotyping strategies (number and type of animals) on the prediction accuracy for dairy sheep Latxa breeds. A simulation study was designed based on the real data structure of each population, and the phenotypic and genotypic data obtained were used in genetic (BLUP) and genomic (single-step genomic BLUP) evaluations of different genotyping strategies. The genotyping of males was beneficial when they were genetically connected individuals and if they had daughters with phenotypic records. Genotyping females with their own lactation records increased prediction accuracy, and the connection level has less relevance. The differences in genotyping females were independent of their estimated breeding value. The combined genotyping of males and females provided intermediate accuracy results regardless of the female selection strategy. Therefore, assuming that genotyping rams is interesting, the incorporation of genotyped females would be beneficial and worthwhile. The benefits of genotyping individuals from various generations were highlighted, although it was also possible to gain prediction accuracy when historic individuals were not considered. Greater genotyped population sizes resulted in more accuracy, even if the increase seems to reach a plateau.  相似文献   

Genomic evaluation of French dairy goats is routinely conducted using the single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP) method. This method has the advantage of simultaneously using all phenotypes, pedigrees, and genotypes. However, ssGBLUP assumes that all SNP explain the same amount of genetic variance, which is unlikely in the case of traits whose major genes or QTL are segregating. In this study, we investigated the effect of weighted ssGBLUP and its alternatives, which give more weight to SNP associated with the trait, on the accuracy of genomic evaluation of milk production, udder type traits, and somatic cell scores. The data set included 2,955 genotyped animals and 2,543,680 pedigree animals. The number of phenotypes varied with the trait. The accuracy of genomic evaluation was assessed on 205 genotyped Alpine and 146 genotyped Saanen goats born between 2009 and 2012. For traits with unknown QTL, weighted ssGBLUP was less accurate than, or as accurate as, ssGBLUP. For traits with identified QTL (i.e., QTL only present in the Saanen breed), weighted ssGBLUP outperformed ssGBLUP by between 2 and 14%.  相似文献   

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