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The effects of the concentration of trisodium citrate (TSC) emulsifying salt (0.25 to 2.75%) and holding time (0 to 20 min) on the textural, rheological, and microstructural properties of pasteurized process Cheddar cheese were studied using a central composite rotatable design. The loss tangent parameter (from small amplitude oscillatory rheology), extent of flow (derived from the University of Wisconsin Meltprofiler), and melt area (from the Schreiber test) all indicated that the meltability of process cheese decreased with increased concentration of TSC and that holding time led to a slight reduction in meltability. Hardness increased as the concentration of TSC increased. Fluorescence micrographs indicated that the size of fat droplets decreased with an increase in the concentration of TSC and with longer holding times. Acid-base titration curves indicated that the buffering peak at pH 4.8, which is due to residual colloidal calcium phosphate, decreased as the concentration of TSC increased. The soluble phosphate content increased as concentration of TSC increased. However, the insoluble Ca decreased with increasing concentration of TSC. The results of this study suggest that TSC chelated Ca from colloidal calcium phosphate and dispersed casein; the citrate-Ca complex remained trapped within the process cheese matrix. Increasing the concentration of TSC helped to improve fat emulsification and casein dispersion during cooking, both of which probably helped to reinforce the structure of process cheese.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of several types of emulsifying salts (ES) on the texture of nonfat process cheese (NFPC). Improperly produced nonfat cheese tends to exhibit several problems upon baking including stickiness, insufficient or excessive melt, pale color upon cooling, formation of a dry skin (skinning) often leading to dark blistering, and chewy texture. These attributes are due to the strength and number of interactions between and among casein molecules. We propose to disrupt these interactions by using suitable emulsifying salts (ES). These ES chelate Ca and disperse caseins. Stirred curd cheese bases were made from skim milk using direct acidification with lactic acid to pH values 5.0, 5.2, and 5.4, and ripened for 1 d. Various levels of trisodium citrate (TSC; 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 5%), disodium phosphate (DSP; 1, 2, 3, and 4%), or trisodium phosphate (TSP; 1, 2, 3, and 4%) were blended with the nonfat cheese base. Cheese, ES, and water were weighed into a steel container, which was placed in a waterbath at 98°C and then stirred using an overhead stirrer for 9 min. Molten cheese was poured into plastic containers, sealed, and stored at 4°C for 7 d before analysis. Texture and melting properties were determined using texture profile analysis and the UW-Melt-profiler. The pH 5.2 and 5.4 cheese bases were sticky during manufacture and had a pale straw-like color, whereas the pH 5.0 curd was white. Total calcium contents were approximately 400, 185, and 139 mg/100 g for pH 5.4, 5.2, and 5.0 cheeses, respectively. Addition of DSP resulted in NFPC with the lowest extent of flow, and crystal formation was apparent at DSP levels above 2%. The NFPC manufactured from the pH 5.0 base and using TSP had reduced melt and increased stickiness, whereas melt was significantly increased and stickiness was reduced in NFPC made with pH 5.4 base and TSP. However, for NFPC made from the pH 5.4 cheese and with 1% TSP, the pH value was >6.20 and crystals were observed within a few days. Use of TSC increased extent of flow up to a maximum with the addition of 2% ES for all 3 types of cheese bases. Addition of high levels of TSC to the pH 5.2 and 5.4 cheese bases resulted in increased stickiness. Similar pH trends for attributes such as extent of flow, hardness, and adhesiveness were observed for both phosphate ES but no consistent pH trends were observed for the NFPC made with TSC. These initial trials suggest that the pH 5.0 cheese base was promising for further research and scale-up to pilot-scale process cheese making, because cheeses had a creamy color, reasonable melt, and did not have high adhesiveness when TSC was used as the ES. However, the acid whey produced from the pH 5.0 curd could be a concern.  相似文献   

研究了焦磷酸钠、磷酸氢二钠、柠檬酸钠、三聚磷酸钠及它们的复合盐(磷酸氢二钠+柠檬酸钠、三聚磷酸钠+柠檬酸钠)对喷雾前干酪浆的表观黏度、pH值、可溶性氮含量;干酪粉的容重、溶解度、水分含量、游离脂肪酸含量、感官评价等物理化学特性的影响。结果表明,添加不同的乳化盐对干酪粉的水分含量、游离脂肪酸含量有显著影响(p〈0.05),添加量(2%-4%之间)对干酪粉的水分含量影响显著(P〈0.05)。当三聚磷酸钠与柠檬酸钠比为1:1,添加量为原料干酪的3.0%左右时,干酪粉有较好的物理化学特性,而且感官评分最高。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Functional properties of pasteurized process cheese (PPC) made with different types of emulsifying salts (ES) (2%, wt/wt) were investigated as a function of different pH values (from 5.3 to approximately 5.9). The ES investigated were trisodium citrate (TSC), disodium phosphate (DSP), sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), and tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP). Meltability and textural properties were determined using UW‐MeltProfiler and uniaxial compression, respectively. All PPC samples exhibited an increase in degree of flow (DOF) determined at 45 °C when the pH was increased from 5.3 to 5.6, presumably reflecting greater Ca binding by the ES, increased charge repulsion and therefore greater casein dispersion. When the pH of PPC was increased from 5.6 to approximately 5.9, 2 types of ES (DSP and SHMP) exhibited no further increase in DOF at 45 °C; while DOF increased in 1 type of PPC (made with TSC) but decreased in another (made with TSPP). TSPP is able to form crosslinks with casein especially in the vicinity of pH 6, which likely restricted melt; in contrast TSC does not crosslink caseins and the increase in pH helped cause greater casein dispersion. Low pH samples (5.3) were not significantly harder than higher pH samples for all ES types but exhibited fracture. The PPC with the highest hardness values at pHs 5.3 and 5.6 were made with TSPP and TSC, respectively. The pH‐dependent functional behavior of PPC was strongly influenced by the type of ES and its physicochemical properties including its ability to bind Ca, the possible creation of crosslinks with casein and casein dispersion during cooking.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to use a Rapid Visco Analyzer to study the effect of natural cheese age, trisodium citrate (TSC) concentration, and mixing speed on process cheese food (PCF) functionality. In this study 3 replicates of natural cheese were manufactured, and a portion of each cheese was subjected to 6 different PCF manufacturing treatments at 2, 4, 6, 12, and 18 wk of ripening. These treatments were factorial combinations of 3 levels of TSC (i.e., 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0%) and 2 mixing speeds during manufacture (450 and 1,050 rpm). Functional properties of the PCF evaluated included manufacturing properties [apparent viscosity after manufacture (VAM)], unmelted textural properties (firmness), melted cheese flow properties [hot apparent viscosity (HAV)], and cheese thickening during cooling [time at 5000 cP (T5)]. All 4 parameters (VAM, firmness, HAV, and T5) were significantly affected by natural cheese age and mixing speed, whereas VAM, HAV, and T5 were also significantly influenced by the amount of TSC. The VAM and firmness decreased as cheese age increased, whereas T5 values increased as cheese age increased. Similarly, VAM, HAV, and firmness values increased because of the increased mixing speed, whereas T5 values decreased. The age × mixing speed interaction was significant for VAM and firmness. The age × concentration of the TSC interaction term was significant for VAM, whereas the age × age × TSC concentration term was significant for HAV. The results demonstrate that natural cheese age, mixing speed during manufacture, and concentration of TSC have a significant impact on process cheese functionality.  相似文献   

A novel model system was developed for studying the effects of colloidal Ca phosphate (CCP) concentration on the rheological properties of Cheddar cheese, independent of proteolysis and any gross compositional variation. Cheddar cheese slices (disks; diameter = 50 mm, thickness = 2 mm) were incubated in synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase solutions for 6 h at 22°C. Control (unincubated) Cheddar cheese had a total Ca and CCP concentration of 2.80 g/100 g of protein and 1.84 g of Ca/100 g of protein, respectively. Increasing the concentration of Ca in the synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase solution incrementally in the range from 1.39 to 8.34 g/L significantly increased the total Ca and CCP concentration of the cheese samples from 2.21 to 4.59 g/100 g of protein and from 1.36 to 2.36 g of Ca/100 g of protein, respectively. Values of storage modulus (index of stiffness) at 70°C increased significantly with increasing concentrations of CCP, but the opposite trend was apparent at 20°C. The maximum in loss tangent (index of meltability/flowability) decreased significantly with increasing concentration of CCP, and there was no significant effect on the temperature at which the maximum in loss tangent occurred (68 to 70°C). Fourier transform mechanical spectroscopy showed the frequency dependence of all of the cheese samples increased with increasing temperature; however, solubilization of CCP increased the frequency dependence of the cheese matrix only in the high temperature region (i.e., >35°C). These results support earlier studies that hypothesized that the concentration of CCP strongly modulates the rheological properties of cheese.  相似文献   

Milk was concentrated by ultrafiltration (UF) or vacuum condensing (CM) and milks with 2 levels of protein: 4.5% (UF1 and CM1) and 6.0% (UF2 and CM2) for concentrates and a control with 3.2% protein were used for manufacturing 6 replicates of Cheddar cheese. For manufacturing pasteurized process cheese, a 1:1 blend of shredded 18- and 30-wk Cheddar cheese, butter oil, and disodium phosphate (3%) was heated and pasteurized at 74°C for 2 min with direct steam injection. The moisture content of the resulting process cheeses was 39.4 (control), 39.3 (UF1), 39.4 (UF2), 39.4 (CM1), and 40.2% (CM2). Fat and protein contents were influenced by level and method of concentration of cheese milk. Fat content was the highest in control (35.0%) and the lowest in UF2 (31.6%), whereas protein content was the lowest in control (19.6%) and the highest in UF2 (22.46%). Ash content increased with increase in level of concentration of cheese milk with no effect of method of concentration. Meltability of process cheeses decreased with increase in level of concentration and was higher in control than in the cheeses made with concentrated milk. Hardness was highest in UF cheeses (8.45 and 9.90 kg for UF1 and UF2) followed by CM cheeses (6.27 and 9.13 kg, for CM1 and CM2) and controls (3.94 kg). Apparent viscosity of molten cheese at 80°C was higher in the 6.0% protein treatments (1043 and 1208 cp, UF2 and CM2) than in 4.5% protein treatments (855 and 867 cp, UF1 and CM1) and in control (557 cp). Free oil in process cheeses was influenced by both level and method of concentration with control (14.3%) being the lowest and CM2 (18.9%) the highest. Overall flavor, body and texture, and acceptability were higher for process cheeses made with the concentrates compared with control. This study demonstrated that the application of concentrated milks (UF or CM) for Cheddar cheese making has an impact on pasteurized process cheese characteristics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Cheddar cheese ripened at 8 °C was sampled at 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, and 168 d and subsequently used for the manufacture of processed cheese. The cheddar cheese samples were analyzed throughout ripening for proteolysis while the textural and rheological properties of the processed cheeses (PCs) were studied. The rate of proteolysis was the greatest in the first 28 d of cheddar cheese ripening but began to slow down as ripening progressed from 28 to 168 d. A similar trend was observed in changes to the texture of the PC samples, with the greatest decrease in hardness and increase in flowability being in the first 28 d of ripening. Confocal scanning laser microscopy showed that the degree of emulsification in the PC samples increased as the maturity of the cheddar cheese ingredient increased from 7 to 168 d. This increased emulsification resulted in a reduction in the rate of softening in the PC in samples manufactured from cheddar cheese bases at later ripening times. Multivariate data analysis was performed to summarize the relationships between proteolysis in the cheddar cheese bases and textural properties of the PC made therefrom. The proportion of α s 1-casein (CN) in the cheddar cheese base was strongly correlated with hardness, adhesiveness, fracturability, springiness, and storage modulus values for the corresponding PC. Degradation of α s 1-CN was the proteolytic event with the strongest correlation to the softening of PC samples, particularly those manufactured from cheddar cheese in the first 28 d of ripening.  相似文献   

Natural cheese is the major ingredient utilized to manufacture process cheese. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of natural cheese characteristics on the chemical and functional properties of process cheese. Three replicates of 8 natural (Cheddar) cheeses with 2 levels of calcium and phosphorus, residual lactose, and salt-to-moisture ratio (S/M) were manufactured. After 2 mo of ripening, each of the 8 natural cheeses was converted to 8 process cheese foods that were balanced for their composition, including moisture, fat, salt, and total protein. In addition to the standard compositional analysis (moisture, fat, salt, and total protein), the chemical properties (pH, total Ca, total P, and intact casein) and the functional properties [texture profile analysis (TPA), modified Schreiber melt test, dynamic stress rheometry, and rapid visco analysis] of the process cheese foods were determined. Natural cheese Ca and P, as well as S/M, significantly increased total Ca and P, pH, and intact casein in the process cheese food. Natural cheese Ca and P and S/M also significantly affected the final functional properties of the process cheese food. With the increase in natural cheese Ca and P and S/M, there was a significant increase in the TPA-hardness and the viscous properties of process cheese food, whereas the meltability of the process cheese food significantly decreased. Consequently, natural cheese characteristics such as Ca and P and S/M have a significant influence on the chemical and the final functional properties of process cheese.  相似文献   

Reduced-fat foods have become more popular due to their health benefits; however, reducing the fat content of food affects the sensory experience. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the sensory acceptance of reduced-fat foods to that of full-fat equivalents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding whey protein microgels (WPM) with an average diameter of 4 μm, or WPM with adsorbed anthocyanins [WPM (Ant)] on the textural and sensory properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese (RFC). Reduced-fat Cheddar cheese was prepared in 2 ways: (1) by adding WPM, designated as RFC+M, or (2) by adding WPM (Ant), designated as RFC+M (Ant). For comparison, RFC without fat substitutes and full-fat Cheddar cheese were also prepared. We discovered that the addition of WPM and WPM (Ant) increased the moisture content, fluidity, and meltability of RFC, and reduced its hardness, springiness, and chewiness. The textural and sensory characteristics of RFC were markedly inferior to those of full-fat Cheddar cheese, whereas addition of WPM and WPM (Ant) significantly improved the sensory characteristics of RFC. The WPM and WPM (Ant) showed a high potential as fat substitutes and anthocyanin carriers to effectively improve the acceptance of reduced-fat foods.  相似文献   

The adverse health effects of dietary sodium demand the production of cheese with reduced salt content. The study was aimed to assess the effect of reducing the level of sodium chloride on the texture, flavor, and sensory qualities of Cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese was manufactured from buffalo milk standardized at 4% fat level by adding sodium chloride at 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5% (wt/wt of the curd obtained). Cheese samples were ripened at 6 to 8°C for 180 d and analyzed for chemical composition after 1 wk; for texture and proteolysis after 1, 60, 120, and 180 d; and for volatile flavor compounds and sensory quality after 180 d of ripening. Decreasing the salt level significantly reduced the salt-in-moisture and pH and increased the moisture-in-nonfat-substances and water activity. Cheese hardness, toughness, and crumbliness decreased but proteolysis increased considerably on reducing the sodium content and during cheese ripening. Lowering the salt levels appreciably enhanced the concentration of volatile compounds associated with flavor but negatively affected the sensory perception. We concluded that salt level in cheese can be successfully reduced to a great extent if proteolysis and development of off-flavors resulted by the growth of starter and nonstarter bacteria can be controlled.  相似文献   

干酪流变学性质及其对质地的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了关于流变学性质方面的构成因素、影响因素、作用机理、对质地的影响以及酪蛋白凝胶结构的形成机理和它对流变学特性的影响。同时讨论了分子问相互作用对流变学性质的作用机理和加工条件对它的影响情况。通过对流变学和质地性质的研究,将有助于干酪生产者更好的地预测和控制产品的质量。  相似文献   

Three Hofmeister salts (HS; sodium sulfate, sodium thiocyanate, and sodium chloride) were evaluated for their effect on the textural and rheological properties of nonfat cheese. Nonfat cheese, made by direct acidification, were sliced into discs (diameter = 50 mm, thickness = 2 mm) and incubated with agitation (6 h at 22°C) in 50 mL of a synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase buffer (pH 5.4). The 3 HS were added at 5 concentrations (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 M) to the buffer. Post-incubation, cheese slices were air dried and equilibrated in air-tight bags for 18 h at 5°C before analysis. Small amplitude oscillatory rheology properties, including the dynamic moduli and loss tangent, were measured during heating from 5 to 85°C. Hardness was determined by texture profile analysis. Acid-base buffering was performed to observe changes in the indigenous insoluble (colloidal) calcium phosphate (CCP). Moisture content decreased with increasing HS concentration. Cheeses incubated in high concentrations of SCN softened earlier (i.e., loss tangent = 1) compared with other HS treatments. Higher melting temperature values were observed for cheeses incubated in high concentrations of SO42−. Hardness decreased in cheeses incubated in buffers with high concentrations of SCN. The indigenous CCP profile of nonfat cheese was not greatly affected by incubation in Cl or SCN, whereas buffers with high concentrations of SO42− reduced the acid-base buffering contributed by CCP. The use of high concentrations (1.0 M) of SCN for incubation of cheeses resulted in a softer protein matrix at high temperatures due to the chaotropic effect of SCN, which weakened hydrophobic interactions between CN. Cheese samples incubated in 1.0 M SO42− buffers exhibited a stiffer protein matrix at high temperatures due to the kosmotropic effect of SO42−, which helped to strengthen hydrophobic interactions in the proteins during the heating step. This study showed that HS influenced the texture and rheology of nonfat cheese probably by altering the strength of hydrophobic interactions between CN.  相似文献   

Textural, melting, and sensory characteristics of reduced-fat Cheddar cheeses made with exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing and nonproducing cultures were monitored during ripening. Hardness, gumminess, springiness, and chewiness significantly increased in the cheeses as fat content decreased. Cheese made with EPS-producing cultures was the least affected by fat reduction. No differences in hardness, springiness, and chewiness were found between young reduced fat cheese made with a ropy Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris [JFR1; the culture that produced reduced-fat cheese with moisture in the nonfat substance (MNFS) similar to that in its full-fat counterpart] and its full-fat counterpart. Whereas hardness of full-fat cheese and reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1 increased during ripening, a significant decrease in its value was observed in all other cheeses. After 6 mo of ripening, reduced fat cheeses made with all EPS-producing cultures maintained lower values of all texture profile analysis parameters than did those made with no EPS. Fat reduction decreased cheese meltability. However, no differences in meltability were found between the young full-fat cheese and the reduced-fat cheese made with the ropy culture JFR1. Both the aged full- and reduced-fat cheeses made with JFR1 had similar melting patterns. When heated, they both became soft and creamy without losing shape, whereas reduced-fat cheese made with no EPS ran and separated into greasy solids and liquid. No differences were detected by panelists between the textures of the full-fat cheese and reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1, both of which were less rubbery or firm, curdy, and crumbly than all other reduced-fat cheeses.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10500-10512
In the manufacture of cream cheese, sweet cream and milk are blended to prepare the cream cheese mix, although other ingredients such as condensed skim milk and skim milk powder may also be included. Whey cream (WC) is an underutilized fat source, which has smaller fat droplets and slightly different chemical composition than sweet cream. This study investigated the rheological and textural properties of cream cheeses manufactured by substituting sweet cream with various levels of WC. Three different cream cheese mixes were prepared: control mix (CC; 0% WC), cream cheese mixes containing 25% WC (25WC; i.e., 75% sweet cream), and cream cheese mixes with 75% WC (75WC; i.e., 25% sweet cream). The CC, 25WC, and 75WC mixes were then used to manufacture cream cheeses. We also studied the effect of WC on the initial step in cream cheese manufacture (i.e., the acid gelation process monitored using dynamic small amplitude rheology). Acid gels were also prepared with added denatured whey proteins or membrane proteins/phospholipids (PL) to evaluate how these components affected gel properties. The rheological, textural, and sensory properties of cream cheeses were also measured. The WC samples had significantly higher levels of PL and insoluble protein compared with sweet cream. An increase in the level of WC reduced the rate of acid gel development, similar to the effect of whey phospholipid concentrate added to mixes. In cream cheese, an increase in the level of added WC resulted in significantly lower storage modulus values at temperatures <20°C. Texture results, obtained from instrumental and sensory analyses, showed that high level of WC resulted in significantly lower firmness or hardness values and higher stickiness compared with cream cheeses made with 25WC or CC cream cheeses. The softer, less elastic gels or cheeses resulting from the use of high levels of WC are likely due to the presence of components such as PL and proteins from the native milk fat globule membrane. The use of low levels of WC in cream cheese did not alter the texture, whereas high levels of WC could be used if manufacturers want to produce more spreadable products.  相似文献   

Wang F  Zhang X  Luo J  Guo H  Zeng SS  Ren F 《Journal of food science》2011,76(3):E248-E253
The changes in proteolysis, calcium (Ca) equilibrium, and functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses during ripening and the resultant processed cheeses were investigated. For natural Cheddar cheeses, the majority of the changes in pH 4.6 soluble nitrogen as a percentage of total nitrogen (pH 4.6 SN/TN) and the soluble Ca content occurred in the first 90 d of ripening, and subsequently, the changes were slight. During ripening, functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses changed, that is, hardness decreased, meltability was improved, storage modulus at 70 °C (G'T=70) decreased, and the maximum tan delta (TDmax) increased. Both pH 4.6 SN/TN and the soluble Ca were correlated with changes in functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses during ripening. Kendall's partial correlation analysis indicated that pH 4.6 SN/TN was more significantly correlated with changes in hardness and TDmax. For processed cheeses manufactured from natural Cheddar cheeses with different ripening times, the soluble Ca content did not show significant difference, and the trends of changes in hardness, meltability, G'T=70, and TDmax were similar to those of natural Cheddar cheeses. Kendall's partial correlation analysis suggested that only pH 4.6 SN/TN was significantly correlated with the changes in functional properties of processed cheeses.  相似文献   

Sensory properties of Cheddar cheese: changes during maturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aroma, flavour and texture of 16 samples of commercial Cheddar cheese have been profiled after ripening at 10 °C for 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months. Systematic changes in sensory character have been studied and the main changes during maturation identified. Although sensory character changed slowly during ripening, assessment early in the maturation period was an unreliable estimate of ultimate sensory character. Progressive changes in Cheddar aroma and flavour, creamy flavour, acid flavour and mouth-coating character were noted during ripening. Changes in minor components of aroma and flavour were also observed but, on average, were small. Two samples eventually developed marked rancid character and another became excessively bitter. The relation between gross composition of the cheese and sensory properties was investigated. In the early stages of ripening, the ratings for Cheddar flavour and mouth-coating character were associated with the salt content of the cheese and with the concentration of fat in dry matter. However, as the cheese matured these associations weakened.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the dependence of textural properties (hardness, cohesiveness, and relative adhesiveness) of processed cheese spreads on the proportion of disodium phosphate (DSP), tetrasodium diphosphate (TSPP), and sodium salts of polyphosphate in ternary mixtures of emulsifying salts. Sodium salts of polyphosphate with different mean lengths (n ≈ 5, 9, 13, 20, and 28) were used. Pentasodium triphosphate (PSTP) was used instead of TSPP in the second part of the study. Products with and without pH adjustment were tested (the target pH value was 5.60–5.80). Textural properties of the processed cheese were observed after 2, 9, and 30 d of storage at 6°C. Hardness of the processed cheese with a low content of polyphosphate increased at a specific DSP:TSPP ratio (~1:1 to 3:4). This trend was the same for all the polyphosphates used; only the absolute values of texture parameters were different. The same trends were observed in the ternary mixtures with PSTP, showing lower final values of hardness compared with samples containing TSPP. Hardness and cohesiveness decreased and relative adhesiveness increased in the samples with increased pH values and vice versa; the main trend remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Directly acidified cheeses with different insoluble Ca (INS Ca) contents were made to test the hypothesis that the removal of INS Ca from casein micelles (CM) would directly contribute to the softening and flow behavior of cheese at high temperature. Skim milk was directly acidified with dilute lactic acid to pH values of 6.0, 5.8, 5.6, or 5.4 to remove INS Ca (pH trial). Lowering milk pH also reduced protein charge repulsion, which could influence melt. In a second treatment, EDTA (0, 2, 4, or 6 mM) was added to skim milk that was subsequently acidified to pH 6.0 (EDTA trial). Both types of milks were then made into directly acidified cheese. Cheese properties were determined at approximately 10 h after pressing to reduce possible confounding effects of proteolysis. The INS Ca content was determined by the acid-base titration method. Dynamic low-amplitude oscillatory rheology was used to measure the viscoelastic properties of cheese during heating from 5 to 80°C. The composition of all cheeses was as similar as possible, with cheese-making procedures being modified to obtain similar moisture contents (∼55%). Insoluble Ca contents of cheeses significantly decreased with a reduction in pH or with the addition of EDTA to skim milk. The pH values of cheeses in the pH trial varied, but all cheeses in the EDTA trial had similar pH values (∼5.73). In the pH trial, the reduction in cheese pH and consequent decrease in INS Ca content resulted in a reduction in the G′ values of cheeses at 20°C. In contrast, the G′ values at 20°C in cheeses from the EDTA trial increased with EDTA addition up to 4 mM EDTA. The G′ values at 70°C of cheeses from the pH trial decreased with a decrease in cheese pH, and a similar decrease was observed in the G′ values of cheese from the EDTA trial with an increase in EDTA concentration even though these cheeses had a similar pH value. In both trials, loss tangent (LT) values increased with temperatures >30°C and reached a maximum at approximately 70°C. In the pH trial, LT values at 70°C increased from 1.50 to 4.24 with a decrease in cheese pH from 5.78 to 5.21. The LT values increased from 1.43 to 3.23 with an increase in the concentration of added EDTA from 0 to 6 mM. In the EDTA trial, the decrease in G′ and increase in LT values at 70°C were due to the reduction in INS Ca content, because the pH values of these cheeses were the same. It can be concluded that the loss of INS Ca increases the melting in cheeses that have the same pH and gross chemical composition, and removal of INS Ca can even make cheese at high pH (∼5.73) exhibit reasonable melt characteristics.  相似文献   

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