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Dairy farms have been identified as an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. Within the farm, important emissions include enteric CH4 from the animals, CH4 and N2O from manure in housing facilities during long-term storage and during field application, and N2O from nitrification and denitrification processes in the soil used to produce feed crops and pasture. Models using a wide range in level of detail have been developed to represent or predict these emissions. They include constant emission factors, variable process-related emission factors, empirical or statistical models, mechanistic process simulations, and life cycle assessment. To fully represent farm emissions, models representing the various emission sources must be integrated to capture the combined effects and interactions of all important components. Farm models have been developed using relationships across the full scale of detail, from constant emission factors to detailed mechanistic simulations. Simpler models, based upon emission factors and empirical relationships, tend to provide better tools for decision support, whereas more complex farm simulations provide better tools for research and education. To look beyond the farm boundaries, life cycle assessment provides an environmental accounting tool for quantifying and evaluating emissions over the full cycle, from producing the resources used on the farm through processing, distribution, consumption, and waste handling of the milk and dairy products produced. Models are useful for improving our understanding of farm processes and their interacting effects on greenhouse gas emissions. Through better understanding, they assist in the development and evaluation of mitigation strategies for reducing emissions and improving overall sustainability of dairy farms.  相似文献   

The reduction of product-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in milk production appears to be necessary. The reduction of emissions on an individual farm might be highly accepted by farm owners if it were accompanied by an increase in profitability. Using life cycle assessments to determine the product carbon footprints (PCF) and farm-level evaluations to record profitability, we explored opportunities for optimization based on analysis of 81 organic and conventional pasture-based dairy farms in southern Germany. The objective of the present study was to detect common determining factors for low PCF and high management incomes (MI) to achieve GHG reductions at the lowest possible operational cost. In our sample, organic farms, which performed economically better than conventional farms, produced PCF that were significantly higher than those produced by conventional farms [1.61 ± 0.29 vs. 1.45 ± 0.28 kg of CO2 equivalents (CO2eq) per kg of milk; means ± SD)]. A multiple linear regression analysis of the sample demonstrated that low feed demand per kilogram of milk, high grassland yield, and low forage area requirements per cow are the main factors that decrease PCF. These factors are also useful for improving a farm's profitability in principle. For organic farms, a reduction of feed demand of 100 g/kg of milk resulted in a PCF reduction of 105 g of CO2eq/kg of milk and an increase in MI of approximately 2.1 euro cents (c)/kg of milk. For conventional farms, a decrease of feed demand of 100 g/kg of milk corresponded to a reduction in PCF of 117 g of CO2eq/kg of milk and an increase in MI of approximately 3.1 c/kg of milk. Accordingly, farmers could achieve higher profits while reducing GHG emissions. Improved education and training of farmers and consultants regarding GHG mitigation and farm profitability appear to be the best methods of improving efficiency under traditional and organic farming practices.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 3 feeding strategies to reduce enteric CH4 production in dairy cows by calculating the effect on labor income at the farm level and on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the chain level (i.e., from production of farm inputs to the farm gate). Strategies included were (1) dietary supplementation of an extruded linseed product (56% linseed; 1 kg/cow per day in summer and 2 kg/cow per day in winter), (2) dietary supplementation of a nitrate source (75% nitrate; 1% of dry matter intake), and (3) reducing the maturity stage of grass and grass silage (grazing at 1,400 instead of 1,700 kg of dry matter/ha and harvesting at 3,000 instead of 3,500 kg of dry matter/ha). A dairy farm linear programing model was used to define an average Dutch dairy farm on sandy soil without a predefined feeding strategy (reference situation). Subsequently, 1 of the 3 feeding strategies was implemented and the model was optimized again to determine the new economically optimal farm situation. Enteric CH4 production in the reference situation and after implementing the strategies was calculated based on a mechanistic model for enteric CH4 and empirical formulas explaining the effect of fat and nitrate supplementation on enteric CH4 production. Other GHG emissions along the chain were calculated using life cycle assessment. Total GHG emissions in the reference situation added up to 840 kg of CO2 equivalents (CO2e) per t of fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) and yearly labor income of €42,605. Supplementation of the extruded linseed product reduced emissions by 9 kg of CO2e/t of FPCM and labor income by €16,041; supplementation of the dietary nitrate source reduced emissions by 32 kg of CO2e/t of FPCM and labor income by €5,463; reducing the maturity stage of grass and grass silage reduced emissions by 11 kg of CO2e/t of FPCM and labor income by €463. Of the 3 strategies, reducing grass maturity was the most cost-effective (€57/t of CO2e compared with €241/t of CO2e for nitrate supplementation and €2,594/t of CO2e for linseed supplementation) and had the greatest potential to be used in practice because the additional costs were low.  相似文献   

Interactions between genotype and environment are becoming increasingly important as cattle genotypes are being managed in a diverse range of environments worldwide. The objective of this study was to investigate if there is an interaction of strain of Holstein-Friesian cows (HF) by grass-based feed system that affects milk production, body weight, and body condition score. Three strains of HF were compared on 3 pasture-based feed systems over 3 consecutive years. The 3 strains of HF were: high production North American, high durability North American, and New Zealand. The 3 grass-based feeding systems (FS) were: a high grass allowance system (MPFS), a high concentrate system (HCFS), and a high stocking rate system (HSFS). There was a separate farmlet for each FS and a total of 99, 117, and 117 animals were used in yr 1, 2, and 3 respectively, divided equally between strains of HF and FS. The high production cows produced the highest yield of milk, the New Zealand the lowest, and the high durability animals were intermediate. Milk fat and protein content were higher for the New Zealand strain than for the high production and high durability strains. The New Zealand strain had the lowest body weight and the highest condition score, whereas the high durability strain had the highest body weight, and the high production strain had the lowest condition score. There was a strain x FS interaction for yield of milk, fat, and protein. The milk production response to increased concentrate supplementation (MPFS vs. HCFS) was greater with both the high production and high durability strains (1.10 kg of milk/kg of concentrate for high production; 1.00 kg of milk/kg of concentrate for high durability) than the New Zealand strain (0.55 kg of milk/kg of concentrate). The results indicate that the optimum strain of HF will vary with feed system.  相似文献   

Data from 113 lactations across 76 cows between the years 2002 to 2004 were used to determine the effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cow and concentrate supplementation on milk production, body weight (BW), and body condition score (BCS; 1 to 5 scale) lactation profiles. New Zealand (NZ) and North American (NA) HF cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 levels of concentrate supplementation [0, 3, or 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow per d] on a basal pasture diet. The Wilmink exponential model was fitted within lactation (YDIM = a + b e(−0.05 × DIM) + c × DIM). The median variation explained by the function for milk yield was 86%, between 62 and 69% for milk composition, and 80 and 70% for BW and BCS, respectively. North American cows and cows supplemented with concentrates had greater peak and 270-d milk yield. Concentrate supplementation tended to accelerate the rate of incline to peak milk yield, but persistency of lactation was not affected by either strain of HF or concentrate supplementation. No significant strain by diet interaction was found for parameters reported. New Zealand cows reached nadir BCS 14 d earlier and lost less BW (22 kg) postcalving than NA cows. Concentrate supplementation reduced the postpartum interval to nadir BW and BCS, and incrementally increased nadir BCS. New Zealand cows gained significantly more BCS (i.e., 0.9 × 10−3 units/d more) postnadir than NA cows, and the rate of BCS replenishment increased linearly with concentrate supplementation from 0.5 × 10−3 at 0 kg of DM/d to 0.8 × 10−3 and 1.6 × 10−3 units/d at 3 and 6 kg of DM/d concentrates, respectively. Although there was no significant strain by diet interaction for parameters reported, there was a tendency for a strain by diet interaction in 270-d BCS, suggesting that the effect of concentrate supplementation on BCS gain was, at least partly, strain dependent.  相似文献   

A short herd lifespan severely limits opportunities for on-farm selection of breeding cows in addition to causing financial losses on dairy farms and presenting welfare issues for individual animals. This prospective study monitored survival up to third calving and reasons for culling of a cohort of 468 Holstein-Friesian heifers on 18 dairy farms across southern England. Heifers born during 2003 and 2004 were monitored from 1 mo of age through to third calving. A longevity index was calculated as the proportion of days alive spent in milk production, a good measure of lifetime performance. On average, 11% of heifers recruited at 1 mo did not survive until first calving (0% longevity index). Of those that did calve, 19% were culled in lactation 1 (total average lifetime days in milk of 322 with a longevity index of 24%) and 24% were culled during lactation 2 (total average lifetime days in milk of 623 with a longevity index of 40%). The primary cause for culling was infertility. Only 55% of replacement heifers calved successfully for a third time, ranging from 80 to 32% across individual farms. These results show that on a selection of UK farms, a large number of heifers never become productive or are culled before they reach their full lactation potential. Increasing the productive lifetime of dairy cows would improve the efficiency of dairy production by lowering replacement costs and capturing a greater proportion of potential lactation milk yield from mature cows.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dairy farms are a major concern. Our objectives were to assess the effect of mitigation strategies on GHG emissions and net return to management on 3 distinct farm production systems of Wisconsin. A survey was conducted on 27 conventional farms, 30 grazing farms, and 69 organic farms. The data collected were used to characterize 3 feeding systems scaled to the average farm (85 cows and 127 ha). The Integrated Farm System Model was used to simulate the economic and environmental impacts of altering feeding and manure management in those 3 farms. Results showed that incorporation of grazing practices for lactating cows in the conventional farm led to a 27.6% decrease in total GHG emissions [−0.16 kg of CO2 equivalents (CO2eq)/kg of energy corrected milk (ECM)] and a 29.3% increase in net return to management (+$7,005/yr) when milk production was assumed constant. For the grazing and organic farms, decreasing the forage-to-concentrate ratio in the diet decreased GHG emissions when milk production was increased by 5 or 10%. The 5% increase in milk production was not sufficient to maintain the net return; however, the 10% increase in milk production increased net return in the organic farm but not on the grazing farm. A 13.7% decrease in GHG emissions (−0.08 kg of CO2eq/kg of ECM) was observed on the conventional farm when incorporating manure the day of application and adding a 12-mo covered storage unit. However, those same changes led to a 6.1% (+0.04 kg of CO2eq/kg of ECM) and a 6.9% (+0.06 kg of CO2eq/kg of ECM) increase in GHG emissions in the grazing and the organic farms, respectively. For the 3 farms, manure management changes led to a decrease in net return to management. Simulation results suggested that the same feeding and manure management mitigation strategies led to different outcomes depending on the farm system, and furthermore, effective mitigation strategies were used to reduce GHG emissions while maintaining profitability within each farm.  相似文献   

Organic agriculture continues to expand in the United States, both in total hectares and market share. However, management practices used by dairy organic producers, and their resulting environmental impacts, vary across farms. This study used a partial life cycle assessment approach to estimate the effect of different feeding strategies and associated crop production on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from Wisconsin certified organic dairy farms. Field and livestock-driven emissions were calculated using 2 data sets. One was a 20-yr data set from the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping System Trial documenting management inputs, crop and pasture yields, and soil characteristics, used to estimate field-level emissions from land associated with feed production (row crop and pasture), including N2O and soil carbon sequestration. The other was a data set summarizing organic farm management in Wisconsin, which was used to estimate replacement heifer emission (CO2 equivalents), enteric methane (CH4), and manure management (N2O and CH4). Three combinations of corn grain (CG) and soybean (SB) as concentrate (all corn = 100% CG; baseline = 75% CG + 25% SB; half corn = 50% CG + 50% SB) were assigned to each of 4 representative management strategies as determined by survey data. Overall, GHG emissions associated with crop production was 1,297 ± 136 kg of CO2 equivalents/t of ECM without accounting for soil carbon changes (ΔSC), and GHG emission with ΔSC was 1,457 ± 111 kg of CO2 equivalents/t of ECM, with greater reliance on pasture resulting in less ΔSC. Higher levels of milk production were a major driver associated with reduction in GHG emission per metric tonne of ECM. Emissions per metric tonne of ECM increased with increasing proportion of SB in the ration; however, including SB in the crop rotation decreased N2O emission per metric tonne of ECM from cropland due to lower applications of organically approved N fertility inputs. More SB at the expense of CG in the ration reduced enteric CH4 emission per metric tonne of ECM (because of greater dietary fat content) but increased N2O emission per metric tonne of ECM from manure (because of greater N content). An increased reliance on pasture for feed at the expense of grain resulted in decreased in milk production, subsequently leading to substantially higher emissions per metric tonne of ECM.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effect of changing a range of biological traits on farm net income and greenhouse gas emissions (expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents, CO2-eq.) in the Australian dairy cow population. An average cow was modeled, using breed-average information for Holsteins and Jerseys from the Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme. A Markov chain approach was used to describe the steady-state herd structure, as well as estimate the CO2-eq. emissions per cow and per kilogram of milk solids. The effects of a single unit change in herd milk volume, fat and protein yields, live weight, survival, dry matter intake, somatic cell count, and calving interval were assessed. With the traits studied, the only single-unit change that would bring about a desirable increase in both net income and reduced emissions intensity per cow and per kilogram of milk solids in Australian dairy herds would be an increase in survival and reductions in milk volume, live weight, DMI, SCC, and calving interval. The models developed can be used to assess lifetime dairy system abatement options by breeding, feeding, and management. Selective breeding and appropriate management can both improve health, fertility, and feed utilization of Australian dairy systems and reduce its environmental impact.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine effects of strain of Holstein-Friesian and feed system on body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS; scale of 1 to 5) lactation profiles in seasonal-calving, grass-based milk production systems. The 3 strains of Holstein-Friesian compared differed in milk production potential and were high-production North American (HP), high-durability North American (HD), and New Zealand (NZ). The 3 feed systems compared were a high grass allowance feed system typical of spring-calving herds in Ireland (MP); an increased stocking rate system (HS); and an increased concentrate supplementation system (HC), each maintained within a separate farmlet. The data comprised 20,611 weekly BW and 7,920 BCS records assessed every 3 wk across 5 yr on 584 lactations. An exponential function was used to model BW and BCS lactation profiles across feed systems. Across feed systems, the NZ strain was significantly lighter (545 kg) but had greater average BCS (3.10 units) compared with the HP (579.3 kg and 2.76 units, respectively) and HD strains (583.2 kg and 2.87 units, respectively). Across feeding systems, the HD and HP strains exhibited a greater loss of BCS in early lactation (0.27 and 0.29 units, respectively) compared with the NZ strain (0.21 units). The HP strain failed to gain BCS over the entire lactation. Concentrate input did not affect the rate of BCS or BW loss in early lactation or BCS at 60 DIM. This study extends previous research outlining the greater suitability of the NZ strain to the low-cost grass-based system of milk production predominantly operated in Ireland.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to analyse the potential greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) for regionally alternative produced protein‐rich feedstuffs (APRFs) which are utilized for dairy cattle in Austria in comparison to solvent‐extracted soybean meal (SBME). In addition to GHGE from agriculture and related upstream supply chains, the effects of land use change were calculated and were included in the results for GHGE. Furthermore, mixtures of APRFs were evaluated which provided energy and utilizable protein equivalent to SBME. RESULTS: Highest GHGE were estimated for SBME, mainly due to land use change‐related emissions. Medium GHGE were found for distillers' dried grains with solubles, for seed cake and solvent‐extracted meal from rapeseed and for lucerne cobs. Cake and solvent‐extracted meal from sunflower seed as well as faba beans were loaded with lowest GHGE. Substituting SBME by nutritionally equivalent mixtures of APRFs, on average, resulted in a reduction of GHGE of 42% (22–62%). CONCLUSION: Utilization of locally produced APRFs shows clear advantages in terms of GHGE. Balanced mixtures of APRFs may offer specific benefits, as they allow for a combination of desirable nutritional value and reduced GHGE. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The profitability of automatic milking on Dutch dairy farms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several studies have reported on the profitability of automatic milking based on different simulation models, but a data-based study using actual farm data has been lacking. The objective of this study was to analyze the profitability of dairy farms having an automatic milking system (AMS) compared with farms using a conventional milking system (CMS) based on real accounting data. In total, 62 farms (31 using an AMS and 31 using a CMS) were analyzed for the year 2003 in a case control study. Differences between the years 2002 and 2003 also were analyzed by comparing a subgroup of 16 farms with an AMS and 16 farms with a CMS. Matching was based on the time of investment in a milking system (same year), the total milk production per year, and intensity of land use (kg/ha). Results from 2003 showed that the farms with an AMS used, on average, 29% less labor than farms with a CMS. In contrast, farms using a CMS grew faster (37,132 kg of milk quota and 5 dairy cows) than farms with an AMS (−3,756 kg milk quota and 0.5 dairy cows) between 2002 and 2003. Dairy farmers with a CMS had larger (€7,899) revenues than those with an AMS. However, no difference in the margin on dairy production was detected, partly because of numerically greater (€6,822) variable costs on CMS farms. Dairy farms were compared financially based on the amount of money that was available for rent, depreciation, interest, labor, and profit (RDILP). The CMS farms had more money (€15,566) available for RDILP than the AMS farms. This difference was caused by larger fixed costs (excluding labor) for the AMS farms, larger contractor costs (€6,422), and larger costs for gas, water, and electricity (€1,549). Differences in costs for contractors and for gas, water, and electricity were statistically significant. When expressed per full-time employee, AMS farms had greater revenues, margins, and gross margins per full-time employee than did CMS farms. This resulted in a substantially greater (but not statistically significant) RDILP per full-time employee (€12,953) for AMS farms compared with CMS farms. Depreciation and interest costs for automatic milking were not available but were calculated based on several assumptions. Assuming larger purchase costs and a shorter depreciation time for AMS than for CMS, costs for depreciation and interest were larger for AMS farms than for CMS farms. Larger fixed costs should be compensated for by the amount of labor that has become available after introducing the milking robot. Therefore, farm managers should decide whether the extra time acquired by automatic milking balances against the extra costs associated with an AMS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the physiological response to an intravenous glucose challenge would be affected by genetic strain or concentrate supplementation in grazing Holstein-Friesian cows in early lactation. North American (NA; n = 30) or New Zealand (NZ; n = 30) cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 feeding treatments. All cows were offered a generous pasture allowance, and 4 of the 6 groups received either 3 or 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow per day of concentrates. During wk 5 of lactation, all cows underwent an intravenous glucose challenge. Cows of NA origin produced more milk than NZ cows, but there was no significant strain effect on milk fat or protein yield. Milk yield and the yield of individual components increased with increasing level of concentrate eaten, but there were no significant strain × diet interactions. During wk 1 to 6, mean body weight and body condition score decreased in all treatments. Average body weight was greater in NA cows, but body condition score was greater for NZ cows. There was no strain or diet effect on the length of the postpartum anovulatory interval, with cows ovulating before 40 d postpartum on average. Glucose fractional turnover rate was greater in NZ cows compared with those of NA origin and in all cows receiving 6 kg of DM concentrates, indicating a less severe insulin resistance in those treatments. Consistent with this, the time taken to dispose of half the peak glucose concentration was less when 6 kg of DM concentrate was fed, and tended to be less in NZ than in NA cows. There was no effect of genetic strain on glucose area under the curve (AUC) at 60 or 120 min, but AUC at both time points was less in cows receiving 6 kg of DM concentrates per day. Neither genetic strain nor nutrition affected basal or peak insulin concentrations, insulin increment, or insulin AUC, and there were no strain × diet interactions for any of the glucose challenge response variables measured. In conclusion, differences in milk production between NA and NZ cows in early lactation can, at least in part, be explained by the greater degree of insulin resistance in the NA cows, and this insulin resistance can be overcome by supplementing grazing cows with 6 kg of DM concentrates.  相似文献   

Three genetic groups of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were established from within the Moorepark (Teagasc, Ireland) dairy research herd: LowNA, indicative of the Irish national average-genetic-merit North American Holstein-Friesian; HighNA, high-genetic-merit North American Holstein-Friesian; HighNZ, high-genetic-merit New Zealand Holstein-Friesian. Genetic merit in this study was based on the Irish total merit index, the Economic Breeding Index. Animals from within each genetic group were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 possible post-European Union-milk-quota pasture-based feeding systems (FS): 1) The Moorepark (MP) pasture system (2.64 cows/ha and 500 kg of concentrate supplement per cow per lactation) and 2) a high output per hectare (HC) pasture system (2.85 cows/ha and 1,200 kg of concentrate supplement per cow per lactation). A total of 126, 128, and 140 spring-calving dairy cows were used during the years 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively. Each group had an individual farmlet of 17 paddocks, and all groups were managed similarly throughout the study. The effects of genetic group, FS, and the interaction between genetic group and FS on reproductive performance, body weight, body condition score, and blood metabolite concentrations were studied using mixed models with factorial arrangements of genetic groups and FS. Odds ratios were used in the analysis of binary fertility traits, and survival analysis was used in the analysis of survival after first calving. When treatment means were compared, the HighNA and HighNZ genotypes (with greater genetic merit for fertility performance) had greater first-service pregnancy rates and had a greater proportion of cows pregnant after 42 d of the breeding season than the LowNA group. Both HighNA and HighNZ genotypes were submitted for artificial insemination earlier in the breeding season and had greater survival than the LowNA genotype. There was no significant FS or genotype by FS interactions for any of the reproductive, blood metabolite, body weight, or body condition score measures. The results demonstrate that increased genetic merit for fertility traits resulted in improved reproductive performance and that the poor reproductive capacity of inferior-genetic-merit animals for fertility was not improved through concentrate supplementation at pasture.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were evaluated from crop production through the on-farm portion of the milk supply chain for five production regions in the USA derived from publicly available data and from 536 surveys of farm operations collected from dairy operations nationwide. The production weighted national average footprint at the farm gate was 1.23 kg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per kg of fat and protein corrected milk (fat, 4%; protein 3.3%). Regional differences in GHG emissions per kg milk produced can be primarily traced to differences in production and management practices. Feed-to-milk conversion efficiency is shown to be the single most important explanatory variable, followed by choice of manure management technology. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, GHG emissions reduction opportunities exist across the spectrum of dairy management options. However, as with all decisions, it is important to weigh potential trade-offs with other environmental and economic impacts.  相似文献   

With the introduction of a protein milk payment system in New Zealand in 1988, there was an influx of North American (NA) Holstein-Friesian (HF) genetics into New Zealand (NZ) dairy herds, leading to an increase in the average percentage of NA genetics in NZ HF cows—from 2% in 1980 to 38% in 1999. Of interest has been the effect this change has had on farm profitability and on the management required for these animals, as well as the phenotypic changes that have occurred within the national herd under the breeding programs operated in NZ from 1970 to 1990. The objective of this study was to quantify differences in body dimensions, body weights, and puberty-related parameters among 3 strains of HF, representing animals of NZ origin representative of the genetics present in 1970 and 1990 and of NA origin with 1990s genetics. A total of 172 animals born in 1999 were compared. The strains were 1) NZ70, a strain of NZ Friesian (average 7% NA genetics) equivalent to high-genetic-merit (high Breeding Worth) cows farmed in the 1970s; 2) NZ90, a strain of HF of NZ origin (average 24% NA genetics) typical of the animals present in the 1990s; and 3) NA90, a strain of HF of NA origin (average of 91% NA genetics) typical of animals present in the 1990s. The differences in BW among all strains were significant at 6 and 12 mo of age. At 15 and 24 mo, the 2 NZ strains were significantly lighter than the NA90 animals. At 24 mo of age (i.e., prior to first calving), the NA90 strain animals (BW = 515 kg) were 22 and 34 kg heavier than the NZ90 and NZ70 strains. The body length of the NA90 strain was greater than either of the 2 NZ strains; the differences among the NA90 strain and the 2 NZ strains varied from 2 to 6 cm, with the differences generally being greater at older ages. The trend in heart girth difference among strains was similar to that observed for body length. The wither height of the NA90 animals was greater than that of the NZ strains by 1 to 7 cm, although there was no significant difference between the NA90 and NZ90 strains at birth. At puberty the NA90 heifers were 20 d older and 20 kg heavier than the NZ90 heifers, which in turn were 25 kg and 25 d older than the NZ70 heifers. The NA90 strain had a heavier mature body weight, and their older age at puberty suggested either that they mature later or that, under pastoral conditions, their growth rate is limited by their inability to consume sufficient metabolizable energy as grazed pasture, with a consequent delay in puberty. Results from this study will be useful in revising target BW in growing heifers of different germplasm.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11153-11168
Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions is a threat to the survival of humans and other organisms living on Earth. The greenhouse gases released from the dairy sector of New Zealand accounted for 18.2 Mt of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) in 2016, mainly from methane generated by enteric fermentation in the rumen of milking cows and their replacement stock. A productivity commission established by the New Zealand government in 2018 estimated that methane emissions from livestock needed to be reduced from 2016 levels by 10 to 22% by 2050 (i.e., 2.8 to 6.1 million t lower), so as to restrict future increases in global temperature to less than 2°C. In this study, we evaluated genetic effects of 8 traits included in the New Zealand national dairy breeding objective, on 3 types of methane emissions metrics: gross methane emissions per dairy cow per year (E), methane emissions per hectare (EH), and methane emissions intensity per milk protein equivalents (EI), as carbon dioxide equivalents. These effects were then aligned with recent genetic changes in these traits brought about by breeding schemes, so that the overall genetic trend for each metric into the future was estimated. The results showed that EH and EI are currently being reduced at rates of −2.31 kg of CO2-eq per hectare per cow per year (current average is 6,915 kg of CO2-eq/ha per cow per year) and −0.04 kg of CO2-eq per kg of milk protein equivalents per cow per year, respectively (current average is 9.7 kg of CO2-eq/milk protein-eq per cow per year). These improvements directly reflect increased production efficiency through selection for farm profitability. If the pastureland area in New Zealand remains the same, at the same productivity and with no increase in supplementation rates from external land sources, in 20 years gross emissions would be reduced by only 0.6%, or 89 Mt. Increased production efficiency will likely result in corresponding changes to the stocking rate, to fully utilize the pasture resource available, and might further encourage a greater rate of intensification via supplementary feeding. Both consequences of current genetic selection could negate any benefits for the national greenhouse gas inventory. New selection criteria for reduced methane production are needed to help achieve New Zealand's national methane reduction targets.  相似文献   

全面、准确分析重要农业管理措施对于农业固碳减排的影响特征,对于中国农业可持续发展具有重要意义。该文以华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米生产为对象,研究硝化/脲酶抑制剂对土壤温室气体(CO2、N2O和CH4)排放、土壤有机碳和作物产量的影响;在此基础上利用土壤碳库排放法(soil based approach, SBA)、生物量排放法(crop based approach, CBA)和土壤&生物量排放法(soil & crop based approach, S&CBA)3种方法对农田净温室气体效应(net greenhouse gas warming potential,NGWP)进行评价。研究发现,相比只施尿素(U)处理,尿素+硝化抑制剂(NI)、尿素+脲酶抑制剂(UI)和尿素+硝化抑制剂+脲酶抑制剂(NIUI)均能增加粮食产量和降低净温室气体排放。用S&CBA方法计算得到的农田温室气体净排放的潜力最大(15 704~17 860 kg/hm2),CBA法次之(4 195~7 107 kg/hm2),SBA法最低(-7 304~-6 599 kg/hm2)。由于3种方法的固碳单元不一样,评估结果差异较大、一致性差。S&CBA方法更适于评价强调粮食生产条件下的农田净温室气体效应。增加作物籽粒和秸秆产量,降低化肥使用和减少灌溉量是提高当前华北平原农田温室气体系统净排放潜力的主要措施。  相似文献   

Long-term accumulation of soil phosphorus (P) is becoming a concern on some watersheds heavily populated with animal feeding facilities, including dairy farms. Management changes in crop production and feeding may help reduce the accumulation of excess P, but farm profitability must be maintained or improved to assure adoption of such changes. Whole-farm simulation was used to evaluate the long-term effects of changes in feeding, cropping, and other production strategies on P loading and the economics of 100-cow and 800-cow dairy farms in southeastern New York. Simulated farms maintained a long-term P balance if the following occurred: 1) animals were fed to meet recommended minimum amounts of dietary P, 2) the cropping strategy and land base supplied all of the forage needed, 3) all animals were fed a high forage diet, and 4) replacement heifers were produced on the farm to utilize more forage. The most easily implemented change was to reduce the supplemental mineral P fed to that required to meet current NRC recommended amounts, and this provided an annual increase in farm profit of about $22/cow. Intensifying the use of grassland and improving grazing practices increased profit along with a small reduction in excess P. Conversion from dairy production to heifer raising or expansion from 100 cows to a 250-cow "state-of-the-art" confinement facility (with a 70% increase in land area) were also profitable options. These options provided a long-term P balance for the farm as long as the production and use of forage was maximized and minimum dietary P amounts were those recommended by the NRC. Thus, management changes can be made to prevent the long-term accumulation of soil P on dairy farms while improving farm profitability.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nitrogen (N) efficiencies were modeled for 2 genetic groups (GG) of Holstein-Friesian cows across 3 contrasting feeding treatments (FT). The 2 GG were (1) high economic breeding index (EBI) animals representative of the top 5% of cows nationally (elite) and (2) EBI representative of the national average (NA). The FT represented (1) generous feeding of pasture, (2) a slight restriction in pasture allowance, and (3) a high-concentrate feeding system with adequate pasture allowance. Greenhouse gas and N balance models were parameterized using outputs generated from the Moorepark Dairy Systems model, a stochastic budgetary simulation model, having integrated biological data pertaining to the 6 scenarios (2 GG × 3 FT) obtained from a 4-yr experiment conducted between 2013 and 2016. On a per hectare basis, total system GHG emissions were similar for both elite and NA across the 3 FT. Per unit of product, however, the elite group had 10% and 11% lower GHG emissions per kilogram of fat- and protein-corrected milk and per kilogram of milk solids (MSO; fat + protein kg), respectively, compared with the NA across the 3 FT. The FT incorporating high concentrate supplementation had greater absolute GHG emissions per hectare as well as GHG per kilogram of fat- and protein-corrected milk and MSO. The elite group had a slightly superior N use efficiency (N output/N input) and lower N surplus (N input – N output) compared with the NA group. The high concentrate FT had an inferior N use efficiency and a higher N surplus. The results of the current study demonstrate that breeding for increased EBI will lead to a general improvement in GHG emissions per unit of product as well as improved N efficiency. The results also illustrate that reducing concentrate supplementation will reduce GHG emissions, GHG emissions intensity, while improving N efficiency in the context of pasture-based dairy production.  相似文献   

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