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吴澎  周礼刚  陈华友 《控制与决策》2021,36(6):1465-1471
电子商务信用风险评价能够更好地维护市场规则并防范交易主体的合法权益.从语言评价信息的角度,利用多属性群决策方法对电子商务信用风险评价方法进行探讨.首先,提出个体语言共识测度和群体语言共识测度;然后,针对共识性水平较低的决策群体,构建一种整数规划模型,用于调整决策者给出的初始语言决策信息;最后,提出一种基于语言共识模型的...  相似文献   


研究多粒度语言偏好信息下的群体共识决策问题. 首先, 从个体和群体两个角度充分挖掘偏好信息下隐含的专家重要度信息, 基于个体一致度及个体与群体的相似度构建确定专家重要度的优化模型; 其次, 以专家重要度引导非共识偏好的识别和修正过程, 提出一种自适应的语言共识模型; 然后, 给出一种群决策方法, 确保在集结专家意见前群体达成一定程度的共识; 最后, 通过算例验证所提出方法的可行性和有效性.


针对犹豫模糊语言信息下的多属性群决策问题,提出一种基于个体累积共识贡献的自适应共识决策模型.首先,利用犹豫模糊语言得分函数,基于经典的信息熵和相对熵理论,综合考虑同一属性下不同方案间的信息差异,以及各方案分别与正理想方案和负理想方案的信息差异,构建确定属性权重的优化模型;然后,提出个体累积共识贡献测度和全局共识测度,利用全局共识度进行共识控制,依据个体累积共识贡献度对专家权重进行自适应修正,构建一种新的犹豫模糊语言自适应共识过程.该过程的特点是对拥有较少合作的非全共识专家执行专家权重惩罚,而且专家权重的更新引起属性权重的自适应更新,反过来又影响个体共识贡献的累积.最后通过一个应急医疗设施选址的共识决策例子表明方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

魏翠萍  马京 《控制与决策》2018,33(2):275-281
针对犹豫模糊语言群决策问题,研究其共识性调整方法.首先,定义犹豫模糊语言术语集的距离测度;然后,基于该距离测度定义犹豫模糊决策矩阵间的共识性水平及其相关概念,建立共识性调整模型,该模型采用反馈机制,并且尽可能提供给专家较多的信息,以方便专家进行信息修正,达到群体共识;最后,通过具体实例说明了所提出的共识性方法的可行性和实用性.  相似文献   

针对现有的区块链共识算法存在决策不均衡、适用性过小和产生共识困难等问题,根据纳什均衡理论,将区块链节点视为博弈的参与者,在共识过程中将节点策略选择的纳什均衡作为共识目标,提出基于纳什均衡的共识算法.在纳什均衡求解中利用聚类算法对同类型节点聚类,用基于拥挤距离和引力搜索算法改进的粒子群优化算法求解以类为基本种群的纳什均衡近似解,将均衡解下所对应的结果作为主节点.设计面向组合投资区块链系统求解共识机制的实验,分别从算法的安全性和扩展性验证该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为刻画实际冲突中决策者复杂的决策行为,完善冲突分析图模型稳定性理论的不足,对共识偏好下图模型的稳定性进行研究.首先,将决策者偏好划分为共识偏好和非共识偏好;然后,在4种基本稳定性定义的基础上,将图模型稳定性拓展到8种,拓展后的稳定性不但能深刻反映共赢型、利己型及混合型决策者的决策行为,还能有效预测不同行为模式下冲突局势的均衡结果;最后,通过案例验证所提出方法在解决实际冲突问题中的有效性.  相似文献   

基于双极偏好控制的多目标粒子群优化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑双极偏好信息对粒子群的控制作用,提出一种使用双极偏好——正偏好和负偏好引导粒子群向 Pareto 前沿偏好区域进化的方法.根据TOPSIS 决策法思想,将外部种群粒子与正负偏好点的相对贴近度排序作为 外部种群管理和全局最优解更新策略;根据贴近度值确定解集的分布度;选取6 种不同类型的多目标测试函数进行 算法模拟,从世代距离、空间测度和超体积测度3 个指标与基于单极偏好的多目标粒子算法进行性能比较.结果显 示,基于双极偏好控制的多目标粒子群算法的收敛性和综合性能更优秀.  相似文献   

杨延璞 《图学学报》2021,42(4):680-687
产品造型感性评价反映了用户的意象感知,具有模糊性与不确定性,用户常难以准确描述其感性偏好而表现出犹豫.针对该问题,引入犹豫模糊语言术语集(HFLTSs)描述用户感性评价,基于其数学算子构建犹豫模糊语言共识模型以测度用户认知一致性程度,借助粒子群优化算法(PSO)实现非共识条件下用户评价矩阵的优化与共识达成,通过逼近理想...  相似文献   

张发明  朱姝琪 《控制与决策》2024,39(4):1379-1386
针对评价信息为概率语言术语且属性权重未知的多属性群决策问题,提出一种新的、基于离平均解距离(EDAS)和共识模型的概率语言多属性后悔理论群决策方法.首先,考虑到现实决策中决策者面对方案选择时会呈现“有限理性”的行为,将后悔理论融入群决策方法的研究中,通过计算决策者的后悔-欣喜值来度量其感知效用;其次,将EDAS方法与概率语言信息处理相结合用于方案排序,并基于最大化偏差法思想,给出一种概率语言多属性决策问题属性权重的确定方法,以得到初始解决方案;然后,对初始解决方案进行共识测度,进一步根据个人属性集得到个人方案集,通过共识模型的动态反馈调整,得到符合大多数决策者意愿的最终解决方案;最后,以共享自行车设计方案的选择为例对所提出方法进行验证,并通过对比分析说明方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

高维多目标优化问题是广泛存在于实际应用中的复杂优化问题,目前的研究方法大都限于进化算法.本文利用粒子群优化算法求解高维多目标优化问题,提出了一种基于r支配的多目标粒子群优化算法.采用r支配关系进行粒子的比较与选择,并结合粒子群优化算法收敛速度快的优势,使得算法在目标个数增加时仍保持较强的搜索能力;为了弥补由此造成的群体多样性的丢失,优化非r支配阈值的取值策略;此外,引入决策空间的拥挤距离测度,并给出新的外部存储器更新方法,从而进一步防止算法陷入局部最优.对多个基准测试函数的仿真结果表明所得解集在收敛性、多样性以及围绕参考点的分布性上均优于其他两种算法.  相似文献   

An adaptive consensus model based on fuzzy information granulation (fuzzy IG) is presented for group consensus decision-making problems with multiplicative linguistic preference relations (MLPRs). Firstly, a granular representation of linguistic terms is concerned with the triangular fuzzy formation of a family of information granules over given Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) numerical scales. On this basis, the individual consistency and group consensus measure indices using fuzzy granulation technique are constructed, respectively. Then, the optimal cut-off points of fuzzy information granules are obtained by establishing a multi-objective optimization model together with a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. A novel group consensus decision-making approach where consensus reaching process (CRP) is achieved by adaptively adjusting individual preferences through the optimization of the cut-off points is proposed. After conflict elimination, the obtained group preference gives the ranking of the alternatives. Finally, a real emergency decision-making case for liquid ammonia leak is given to illustrate the application steps of the proposed method and comparative analysis with the existing GDM methods. Comparative results demonstrate that the proposed method has some advantages in aspects of avoiding information loss or distortion and improving consensus performance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optimal consensus model to derive weights for linguistic preference relations (LPRs). Two indexes, an individual‐to‐group consensus index (ICI) and a collective consensus index (CCI), are introduced. An iterative algorithm is presented to describe the consensus reaching process. By changing the weights and modifying a pair of individuals' comparison judgments—which have largest deviation value to the group judgments—the consensus reaching process can terminate, while both ICI and CCI are controlled with predefined thresholds. The algorithm aims to preserve the decision makers’ original information as much as possible. The model and algorithm are then extended to handle the uncertain additive LPRs. Finally, two examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Due to the uncertainty of the decision environment and the lack of knowledge, decision-makers may use uncertain linguistic preference relations to express their preferences over alternatives and criteria. For group decision-making problems with preference relations, it is important to consider the individual consistency and the group consensus before aggregating the preference information. In this paper, consistency and consensus models for group decision-making with uncertain 2-tuple linguistic preference relations (U2TLPRs) are investigated. First of all, a formula which can construct a consistent U2TLPR from the original preference relation is presented. Based on the consistent preference relation, the individual consistency index for a U2TLPR is defined. An iterative algorithm is then developed to improve the individual consistency of a U2TLPR. To help decision-makers reach consensus in group decision-making under uncertain linguistic environment, the individual consensus and group consensus indices for group decision-making with U2TLPRs are defined. Based on the two indices, an algorithm for consensus reaching in group decision-making with U2TLPRs is also developed. Finally, two examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

基于决策者偏好区域的多目标粒子群算法研究*   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
多目标优化问题中,决策者往往只对目标空间的某一区域感兴趣,因此需要在这一特定的区域能够得到比较稠密的Pareto解,但传统的方法却找出全部的Pareto前沿,决策效率不高。针对该问题,给出了基于决策者偏好区域的多目标粒子群优化算法。它只求出与决策者偏好区域相关的部分Pareto最优集,从而减少了进化代数,加快收敛速度,有利于决策者进行更有效的决策。算法把解与偏好区域的距离作为影响引导者选择和剪枝策略的一个因素,运用格栅方法实现解在Pareto边界分布的均匀性。仿真结果表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

本文介绍了粒子群优化算法PSO中的多目标优化的粒子群算法及其应用,并将其运用在防守对方多个前锋球员的进攻威胁,以粒子群算法随机性来适应不断变化的形势。  相似文献   

基于粒子群优化算法的系统可靠性优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统可靠性优化问题是典型的NP难题,建立了可靠性冗余优化模型,采用粒子群优化算法对其进行求解。通过对其它文献中仿真实例的计算和结果对比,表明了算法对求解可靠性优化问题的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to put forward a consensus reaching method for multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) problems with linguistic information, in which the weight information of experts and attributes is unknown. First, some basic concepts and operational laws of 2-tuple linguistic label are introduced. Then, a grey relational analysis method and a maximising deviation method are proposed to calculate the incomplete weight information of experts and attributes respectively. To eliminate the conflict in the group, a weight-updating model is employed to derive the weights of experts based on their contribution to the consensus reaching process. After conflict elimination, the final group preference can be obtained which will give the ranking of the alternatives. The model can effectively avoid information distortion which is occurred regularly in the linguistic information processing. Finally, an illustrative example is given to illustrate the application of the proposed method and comparative analysis with the existing methods are offered to show the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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