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Three regions of sequence similarity have been reported in several protein and small-molecule S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases. Using multiple alignments, we have now identified these three regions in a much broader group of methyltransferases and have used these data to define a consensus for each region. Of the 84 non-DNA methyltransferase sequences in the GenBank, NBRF PIR, and Swissprot databases comprising 37 distinct enzymes, we have found 69 sequences possessing motif I. This motif is similar to a conserved region previously described in DNA adenine and cytosine methyltransferases. Motif II is found in 46 sequences, while motif III is found in 61 sequences. All three regions are found in 45 of these enzymes, and an additional 15 have motifs I and III. The motifs are always found in the same order on the polypeptide chain and are separated by comparable intervals. We suggest that these conserved regions contribute to the binding of the substrate S-adenosylmethionine and/or the product S-adenosylhomocysteine. These motifs can also be identified in certain nonmethyltransferases that utilize either S-adenosylmethionine or S-adenosylhomocysteine, including S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, and S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. In the latter two types of enzymes, motif I is similar to the conserved nucleotide binding motif of protein kinases and other nucleotide binding proteins. These motifs may be of use in predicting methyltransferases and related enzymes from the open reading frames generated by genomic sequencing projects.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinate synthase (EC catalyzes the first reaction in the heme biosynthetic pathway in nonplant eukaryotes and some prokaryotes. Homology sequence modeling between 5-aminolevulinate synthase and some other alpha-family pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes indicated that the residue corresponding to the Arg-439 of murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase is a conserved residue in this family of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes. Further, this conserved arginine residue in several enzymes, e.g., aspartate aminotransferase, for which the three-dimensional structure is known, has been shown to interact with the substrate carboxyl group. To test whether Arg-439 is involved in substrate binding in murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase, Arg-439 and Arg-433 of murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase were each replaced by Lys and Leu using site-directed mutagenesis. The R439K mutant retained 77% of the wild-type activity; its K(m) values for both substrates increased 9-13-fold, while the activity of R433K increased 2-fold and the K(m) values for both substrates remained unchanged. R439L had no measurable activity as determined using a standard 5-aminolevulinate synthase enzyme-coupled activity assay. In contrast, the kinetic parameters for R433L were comparable to those of the wild-type. Dissociation constants (Kd) for glycine increased 5-fold for R439K and at least 30-fold for R439L, while Kd values for glycine for both R433K and R433L mutants were similar to those of the wild-type. However, there was not much difference in methylamine binding among the mutants and the wild-type, excepting of a 10-fold increase in K(d)methylamine for R439L. R439K proved much less thermostable than the wild-type enzyme, with the thermotransition temperature, T1/2, determined to be 8.3 degrees C lower than that of the wild-type enzyme. In addition, in vivo complementation analysis demonstrated that in the active site of murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase, R439 is contributed from the same subunit as K313 (which is involved in the Schiff base linkage of the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate cofactor) and D279 (which interacts electrostatically with the ring nitrogen of the cofactor), while another subunit provides R149. Taken together, these findings suggest that Arg-439 plays an important role in substrate binding of murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase.  相似文献   

Linear [6.6.6] tricyclic moieties whose center ring is made of two atoms of differing size (here primarily thioxanth-9-ones and phenoxathiins) monosubstituted meta to the sulfur by C(O)NHMe include potent and selective inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A. Similarities with effects on SAR of acylamide and of diazapentacyclic substitution on such rings, including positional variables, the requirement for monomethylation (primary and dialkylated amides are inactive and higher monoalkylated amides show little or no potency), and that sulfur is optimally in sulfone form, suggest that binding to the enzyme occurs similarly in each series. No significantly greater rise in blood pressure was found in rats given sufficient 8 to inhibit most brain and liver MAO A and then followed by oral tyramine than was found on administration of tyramine to controls. This is in contrast to a large blood pressure rise in rats pretreated with phenelzine followed by tyramine, and in accord with the belief that an inhibitor selective for MAO A which is reversibly bound to the enzyme and therefore displaced by any ingested tyramine will not lead to the "cheese effect" (hypertension during treatment with MAO inhibitors usually caused by ingestion of foods containing tyramine).  相似文献   

It is believed that a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor specific for MAO A, which is reversibly bound to this enzyme and displaceable by tyramine, will be an antidepressant which will not cause a rise in blood pressure when tyramine-containing foods are ingested. Some linear tricyclic compounds with a larger and a smaller group forming the central ring and with a lipophilic group ortho to the larger group (here mostly the SO2 function of phenoxathiin 10,10-dioxide) are reported to have the sought properties. Potency appears to require short length and relatively small cross section for the substituent. The 1-ethyl (13), 1-vinyl (22), 1-trifluoromethyl (27), and 1-iodo (76) phenoxathiin dioxides had the best profiles. Structure-activity relationships, syntheses, and a possible rationale for the selectivity of these compounds and related tricyclics are given. Compound 13 was selected for further development. A summary of pharmacological data for 13 is given.  相似文献   

The central role of the serine protease thrombin in hemostasis and thrombosis brought many scientists to develop highly potent and selective thrombin inhibitors. Thrombin-inhibitor complexes have extensively been studied in order to understand structure-function relationships, and to design new inhibitors that can be used with broader efficacy over existing antithrombotic agents. In this paper, we summarize in a comparative manner the state of the art on reversible thrombin inhibitors and we discuss some structural aspects of thrombin-inhibitor interaction, which account for the different affinity and potency of these molecules. We also report here our approach to develop a new class of synthetic, multisite-directed thrombin inhibitors, named hirunorms, designed to mimic the distinctive binding mode of hirudin. We emphasize here that, despite the high specificity of thrombin action, the interaction of inhibitors in its active site may occur with quite different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor types A and B (CCKAR and CCKBR) are G protein-coupled receptors with approximately 50% amino acid identity; both have high affinity for the sulfated CCK octapeptide (CCK-8), whereas only the CCKBR has high affinity for gastrin. Previously, we identified five amino acids in the second extracellular loop (ECL) of the CCKBR that were essential for gastrin selectivity. Subsequent mutagenesis of one of these five amino acids (H207F) resulted in the loss of radiolabeled CCK-8 binding. CCK-8 stimulated total inositol phosphate accumulation in COS-1 cells transiently expressing the CCKBR-H207F with full efficacy and a 3044-fold reduced potency, which suggests that the loss of radioligand binding was caused by a loss in affinity. Alanine scanning mutagenesis was performed on the amino terminus near the top of transmembrane domain I (TMI) and on ECL1, two extracellular domains implicated in ligand binding by previous mutagenesis studies. 125I-Bolton-Hunter-CCK-8 binding to mutant receptors transiently expressed in COS-1 identified one nonconserved amino acid, R57A, at the top of TMI that caused a 21-fold reduction in CCK-8 affinity and four conserved amino acids, N115A, L116A, F120A and F122A, in the ECL1 that caused a 15.6-, 6-, 440-, and 8-fold reduction in affinity or efficacy. Alanine substitution of the equivalent amino acids in the CCKAR corresponding to each of the five amino acids in ECL1 and ECL2 affecting CCK-8 affinity for the CCKBR revealed only two mutations, L103A and F107A, that decreased CCK-8 affinity (68- and 2885-fold, respectively). These data suggest that CCK-8 interacts at multiple contact points in the extracellular domains of CCK receptors and that the CCKAR and CCKBR have distinct binding sites despite their shared high affinity for CCK-8.  相似文献   

To explore the expression of proliferating cellnuclear antigen (PCNA) and tumor suppressor gene P53 product in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands, we studied 41 cases by immunohistochemical method. All of the cases were PCNA positive. The positive index, distribution pattern and cellular staining intensity for PCNA expression were correlated with carcinoma grade. P53 protein expression was found in 17 (41.5%) of the 41 cases; among them the expressions were weak in 9 cases. These results indicate that positive index, distribution pattern and cellular staining intensity of PCNA expression may be served as an indicator for evaluating the differentiating degree of the tumor.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we reported that 2-(p-hydroxyarylbutadienyl)benzoxazoles are highly potent 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors. We synthesized their ethenyl homologues and benzothiazole derivatives, and evaluated their 5-lipoxygenase inhibitory activity in vitro with cell-free rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-1). In most cases the replacement of benzoxazolyl with benzothiazolyl resulted in an enhancement of the activity. All compounds with butadienyl spacers tested herein exhibited strong inhibitory activities. While most of the ethenyl homologues showed weaker activities than their corresponding butadienyl homologues, some ethenyl compounds in the benzothiazole derivatives were found to be as potent as their corresponding butadienyl homologues. The inhibitory activity was also affected by the variation in the p-hydroxyaryl functionality.  相似文献   

Heart failure has long been considered to have a progressive downhill course leading inexorably to an early demise. This course often occurs silently, in the absence of any obvious cardiac insults. The reason for this is a combination of cell loss, myocyte dysfunction, impaired energetics, and pathologic remodeling of the chamber. Improved clinical outcome should result from strategies that reduce the biologic signals responsible for myocyte growth, dysfunction, and loss and chamber remodeling. Clinicians should no longer attempt to treat chronic heart failure with pharmacologic growth and remodeling process. In time, it may be possible for the clinician to view the treatment of heart failure largely as a matter of improving the biologic function of the myocardium.  相似文献   

Two sites of ligand interaction in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were first demonstrated in ligand binding studies and later confirmed by crystallography, site-specific mutagenesis, and molecular modeling: an acylation site at the base of the active site gorge and a peripheral site at its mouth. We recently introduced a steric blockade model which demonstrated how small peripheral site ligands such as propidium may inhibit substrate hydrolysis [Szegletes, T., Mallender, W. D., and Rosenberry, T. L. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 4206-4216]. In this model, the only effect of a bound peripheral site ligand is to decrease the association and dissociation rate constants for an acylation site ligand without altering the equilibrium constant for ligand binding to the acylation site. Here, we first provide evidence that not only rate constants for substrates but also dissociation rate constants for their hydrolysis products are decreased by bound peripheral site ligand. Previous reaction schemes for substrate hydrolysis by AChE were extended to include product dissociation steps, and acetylthiocholine hydrolysis rates in the presence of propidium under nonequilibrium conditions were simulated with assigned rate constants in the program SCoP. We next showed that cationic substrates such as acetylthiocholine and 7-acetoxy-N-methylquinolinium (M7A) bind to the peripheral site as well as to the acylation site. The neurotoxin fasciculin was used to report specifically on interactions at the peripheral site. Analysis of inhibition of fasciculin association rates by these substrates revealed KS values of about 1 mM for the peripheral site binding of acetylthiocholine and 0.2 mM for the binding of M7A. The AChE reaction scheme was further extended to include substrate binding to the peripheral site as the initial step in the catalytic pathway. Simulations of the steric blockade model with this scheme were in reasonable agreement with observed substrate inhibition for acetylthiocholine and M7A and with mutual competitive inhibition in mixtures of acetylthiocholine and M7A. Substrate inhibition was explained by blockade of product dissociation when substrate is bound to the peripheral site. However, our analyses indicate that the primary physiologic role of the AChE peripheral site is to accelerate the hydrolysis of acetylcholine at low substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

On the basis of their importance for nephron-sparing surgery in tumors of the superior pole of the kidney, we analyzed 3-dimensional endocasts of the intrarenal structures. In 86.6% the superior pole was related to 3 arteries involved in its resection. Management of the superior (apical) segmental artery is in general simple as well as the ligature of the artery related to the anterior surface of the upper infundibulum. Ligature of the branch of the posterior segmental artery, that is related to the upper infundibulum, is critical due to the risk of injuring this segmental artery with loss of a great portion of renal parenchyma. The posterior segmental artery (retropelvic artery) is involved and must be preserved in all cases of superior pole resection. A retropelvic vein with its upper dorsal plexus was present in 69% of the cases. This vein must be previously ligated to provided safe management of the arteries during superior pole resection.  相似文献   

ArsA protein, the catalytic component of the plasmid-encoded anion-translocating ATPase in Escherichia coli, contains two consensus nucleotide binding domains, A1 and A2, that are connected by a flexible linker. ATP has previously been shown to cross-link to the A1 domain upon activation with UV light but not to the A2 domain. The ATP analogue, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA) was used to probe the nucleotide binding domains of ArsA. The covalently labeled protein was subjected to partial trypsin proteolysis, followed by Western blot analysis of the fragments with the anti-FSBA serum. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the labeled fragment showed that FSBA binds preferentially to the C-terminal domain A2 both in the absence and the presence of antimonite. Occupancy of the two nucleotide binding sites was determined by protection from trypsin proteolysis. Trypsin cleaved the ArsA protein at Arg290 in the linker to generate a 32-kDa N-terminal and a 27-kDa C-terminal fragment. The 32-kDa fragment is compact and largely inaccessible to trypsin; however, the 27-kDa was cleaved further. Incubation with FSBA, which binds to the C-terminal domain, resulted in significant protection of the 27-kDa fragment. This fragment was not protected upon incubation with ATP alone, indicating that A2 might be unoccupied. However, upon incubation with ATP and antimonite, almost complete protection from trypsin was seen. ATP and FSBA together mimicked the effect of ATP and antimonite, implying that this fully protected conformation might be the result of both sites occupied with the nucleotide. It is proposed that the A1 site in ArsA is a high affinity ATP site, whereas the allosteric ligand antimonite is required to allow ATP binding to A2, resulting in catalytic cooperativity. Thus antimonite binding may act as a switch in regulating ATP binding to A2 and hence the ATPase activity of ArsA.  相似文献   

We describe physicochemical and enzymatic properties of 5' bridging phosphorothioester linkages at specific sites in DNA oligonucleotides. The susceptibility to hydrolysis at various pH values is examined and no measurable hydrolysis is observed at pH 5-9 after 4 days at 25 degrees C. The abilities of three 3'- and 5'-exonuclease enzymes to hydrolyze the DNA past this linkage are examined and it is found that the linkage causes significant pauses at the sulfur linkage for T4 DNA polymerase and calf spleen phosphodiesterase, but not for snake venom phosphodiesterase. Restriction endonuclease (Nsi I) cleavage is also attempted at a 5'-thioester junction and strong resistance to cleavage is observed. Also tested is the ability of polymerase enzymes to utilize templates containing single 5'-S-thioester linkages; both Klenow DNA polymerase and T7 RNA polymerase are found to synthesize complementary strands successfully without any apparent pause at the sulfur linkage. Finally, the thermal stabilities of duplexes containing such linkages are measured; results show that T m values are lowered by a small amount (2 degrees C) when one or two thioester linkages are present in an otherwise unmodified duplex. The chemical stability and surprisingly small perturbation by the 5' bridging sulfur make it a good candidate as a physical and mechanistic probe for specific protein or metal interactions involving this position in DNA.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase of the EcoK type I restriction/modification system is trimeric, M2S1, where the S subunit determines the sequence specificity of the enzyme. The methyltransferase has a strong preference for hemimethylated substrate DNA and, therefore, we have investigated the effect of the methylation state of DNA on binding by the enzyme, together with the effects on binding of the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Our results indicate that the methyltransferase has two non-interacting S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding sites, each with a dissociation constant of 3.60 (+/- 0.42) microM determined by equilibrium dialysis, or 2.21 (+/- 0.29) microM determined by the displacement of a fluorescent probe. Ultraviolet light-induced crosslinking showed that S-adenosyl-L-methionine binds strongly only to the modification (M) subunits. Changes in the sedimentation velocity of the methyltransferase imply a protein conformational change due to S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding. Gel retardation results show that the binding of S-adenosyl-L-methionine to the methyltransferase enhances binding to both specific and non-specific DNAs, but the enhancement is greater for the specific DNA. Differences in binding affinities contribute to the recognition of the specific nucleotide sequence AAC(N)6GTGC by the methyltransferase in preference to a non-specific sequence. In contrast, although the complexes of unmodified and hemimethylated DNAs with the methyltransferase have different mobilities in non-denaturing gels, there appears to be no contribution of binding affinity to the distinction between these two substrates. Therefore, the preference for a hemimethylated substrate must be due to a difference in catalysis.  相似文献   

The effects of serum proteins on the stereoselective kinetics of the high clearance drug verapamil (VER) and its metabolite, norverapamil (NOR), were studied in isolated perfused rat livers (IPRLs). Livers were perfused, in a recirculating manner, with a solution containing human serum albumin (HSA), bovine serum albumin (BSA), or no serum albumin (N = 5 for each group). After presystemic administration of a single dose of racemic VER (2 mg), the concentrations of VER and NOR enantiomers in the perfusate were measured over 90 min. In addition, the fraction of the enantiomers bound to the plasma of perfusate was determined. Perfusate concentrations of both VER and NOR were stereoselective in all of the perfusates studied. However, the direction of stereoselectivity in the concentrations of VER enantiomers in the BSA perfusate (S-VER > R-VER) was opposite that in the HSA and albumin-free perfusates (R-VER > S-VER); this was associated with an opposite stereoselectivity in the concentrations of NOR in the BSA perfusate was higher than that in the HSA and albumin-free perfusates, an observation in agreement with the higher stereoselectivity in the binding of NOR to BSA. These data, along with other kinetic parameters such as apparent hepatic availability and intrinsic clearance, suggest that the apparent stereoselectivity in the presystemic elimination of VER by IPRLs is significantly influenced by the stereoselectivity in the protein binding of the drug.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I is thought to mediate a portion of the effects of bST on lactation in dairy cows. Serum concentrations of IGF-I are increased in lactating cows that were treated with bST, and IGF-I receptors are present in bovine mammary tissue. In addition, close arterial infusion of IGF-I into the mammary gland of goats increases milk yield. Little evidence exists to support a direct galactopoietic effect of IGF-I in ruminants. However, IGF-I is a potent mitogen for mammary epithelial cells and may also influence the inhibition of apoptosis of this cell type. The IGF are found in association with a family of individual binding proteins. The high affinity of the IGF for these proteins relative to the IGF receptor allows them to modulate IGF-I bioactivity in the mammary gland at the cellular level. Mammary epithelial cells synthesize multiple forms of IGF binding proteins, and one of these, IGF binding protein-3, is specifically regulated by the IGF. Stimulation of DNA synthesis by IGF-I is enhanced in bovine mammary epithelial cells that overexpress the IGF binding protein-3. These data indicate that IGF-I can stimulate the synthesis of an IGF binding protein, which enhances its own mitogenic activity. However, whether this mechanism is operative in the lactating mammary gland in vivo is unknown. Given the complexity of the interactions between the IGF and their binding proteins, more information is needed before the role of these growth factors in regulating growth, differentiation, and apoptosis of mammary epithelial cells is delineated.  相似文献   

Divalent cations are required for two roles in prothrombin-phospholipid interaction. The first role, catalysis of a prothrombin protein transition has a reaction half-life of 100 min at 0 degrees and is a prerequisite to phospholipid binding. The binding sites required for the transition have a very low cation specificity. All di- and trivalent cations tested were effective in this role with the exception of beryllium. Barium catalyzed the transition but only at high concentrations (6.6 mM was required for half-reaction). Blood-clotting Factor X, another gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing protein, also undergoes a cation-catalyzed protein transition which is a prerequisite to Factor X-phospholipid binding. In both proteins, the transition can be monitored by a decrease in the protein's intrinsic fluorescence. Compared to prothrombin, the Factor X transition occurs much more rapidly, has a somewhat greater specificity for cations, and requires higher concentrations of cations. This indicates that the cation binding sites provided by gamma-carboxyglutamic acid are not completely uniform in all proteins. The second role of divalent cations in prothrombin-phospholipid interaction is in the actual protein-phospholipid binding. This interaction was studied by protein fluorescence quenching resulting from excitation energy transfer to a chromophore attached to the phospholipid membrane. Only strontium and barium satisfactorily replaced calcium in this role. A number of other cations form protein-phospholipid complexes but of the wrong structure. These cations inhibit the prothrombinase complex (Factor Xa, calcium, phospholipid, Factor V). The cation specificity for Factor X-phospholipid binding is the same as for prothrombin except that higher concentrations of cations are required. Factor Xa (generated by action of Russell's viper venom on Factor X) displayed the same calcium requirements for the protein transition and phospholipid interaction as Factor X. The cation requirements of the prothrombinase complex correlate with the cation requirements of prothrombin and Factor X-phospholipid binding. Strontium is the only cation that will singly replace calcium. Barium is ineffective alone because the concentrations required to catalyze the protein transitions cause precipitation of the phospholipid. Combination of certain other cations with barium will, however, substitute for calcium. The other cations (specifically magnesium or manganous ion) catalyze the protein transitions and barium forms the correct protein-phospholipid complexes.  相似文献   

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