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冯建闯 《节能》2019,(8):34-38
为了对超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环发电系统热力学进行分析,首先构建了分流再压缩和一次再热耦合的超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环系统主要关键部件的数学分析模型,并基于Matlab软件进行计算分析。分别讨论了系统主要关键参数对系统循环效率的影响。从仿真结果可以看出存在最佳的分流系数,最优的压缩机入口温度、压力和再热压力,使得循环系统具有较高的循环效率。最后为能够全面地反映系统综合性能,引入了遗传算法作为优化分析方法,研究多参数对系统循环效率的综合影响,得到最高效率点的最优关键参数。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环的循环效率高(可达50%)、系统结构紧凑、压缩耗功少、降本潜力大,可与化石能源、核能和太阳能等多种形式热源相结合,应用前景广阔.从关键部件和循环系统的角度综述了国内外超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环在热源设备、动力设备、回热设备、冷却设备以及设计优化等方面的研究进展,分析了超临界二氧化碳关键部件的实验测...  相似文献   

针对再压缩式超临界二氧化碳布雷顿发电循环(S-CO_2),将有机朗肯循环(ORC)作为底循环用于回收系统余热,建立了S-CO_2/ORC联合循环。采用Aspen Plus建立分析模型,根据顶循环余热温度范围和安全环保要求,选取R245fa作为ORC系统工质,分析透平进口温度、透平进口压力及分流比对循环效率的影响,并通过分析耗能设备的功率变化找到影响系统效率变化的因素。结果表明:通过顶循环低温余热的回收利用,系统热效率提高4%以上;增大透平进口温度可提高顶循环的热效率,但对底循环热效率的影响较小;随着顶循环透平进口压力的增大,顶循环热效率增加而底循环热效率下降;在透平入口温度680℃、入口压力280 MPa的条件下,存在最优的再压缩循环分流比0.66使得联合循环热效率最高;使用ORC底循环回收顶循环余热,最高可以将系统热效率从50.3%提高到53.7%,联合系统可以获得6.7%的效率提升。  相似文献   

  [目的]  N2O、C2H6、SF6用于制冷剂或朗肯循环的工质,这些工质的临界点和物性特征使其具有作为超临界布雷顿循环工质的潜力。  [方法]  采用自行开发的MATLAB程序并调用美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的REFPROP物性数据库,对超临界N2O(S-N2O)、超临界C2H6(S-C2H6)、超临界SF6(S-SF6)布雷顿循环进行热力学分析,并与超临界CO2(S-CO2)布雷顿循环进行对比。选择再压缩循环方式,分别计算得到了透平入口温度为300~550 ℃、压力为15~25 MPa,预冷器出口温度为32 ℃和47 ℃的各种工况。  [结果]  热效率计算表明:S-N2O、S-C2H6、S-SF6再压缩循环均表现较高的热效率,且比相对应的S-CO2再压缩循环的热效率高,再压缩循环热效率总是随着透平入口温度的提高而提高,但提高压力不一定总是提高循环热效率,提高预冷器出口温度导致循环热效率显著下降。流量计算表明,S-N2O、S-C2H6、S-SF6、S-CO2循环的总质量流量和透平入口体积流量均远高于同等参数条件的蒸汽朗肯循环,但这四种超临界工质循环的透平出口体积流量相近。  [结论]  S-N2O、S-C2H6、S-SF6、S-CO2循环均有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环在能源领域的应用已经成为热门话题.依据超临界CO2布雷顿循环的基本原理,对其在不同能源领域应用的循环效率与传统的蒸汽工质进行比较.在火电领域应用效率提高较少,约2%~4%,但是建造成本也高出5%~8%;核电领域效率提升最明显,可以达到12%左右,应用前景最好;在太阳能发电领域中,虽然循环效率可以...  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环发电技术具有高效、清洁、结构紧凑等优点,是一种极具发展前景的新型发电循环。介绍了超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环的特点、发展历史和国内外实验及示范项目,并探讨了5个核心研究方向的进展。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳(S-CO2)布雷顿循环因其环保性与高热电转换效率而被视为核能发电未来发展的重要方向。借助Simulink软件平台,建立了S-CO2再压缩布雷顿循环闭环动态仿真系统,通过模拟结果与Sandia实验数据的比较,验证了系统模型的有效性。研究搭建的超临界CO2再压缩布雷顿循环系统在稳态设计点条件下的预测热效率为31.85%,此外,还获得了热源功率和流量扰动条件下系统热力学参数的响应特征,发现热源功率的变化促使系统效率单调提升或降低,而改变系统流量未呈现类似变化趋势;扰动施加过程中,循环系统的参数对热源功率的变化非常敏感,热源功率减小15.00%,循环效率从31.85%降低到22.00%。最终基于仿真结果,获得多参量耦合关联下的变化规律与调控策略,可为S-CO2再压缩布雷顿工程应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳动力循环(sCO2循环)系统简单、结构紧凑、效率高,可与采用化石燃料燃烧方式的热源结合,形成先进的火力发电系统。sCO2循环有间接加热和直燃加热两种方式,前者可采用燃煤锅炉间接加热获得热能,后者可采用燃气直接燃烧获得热能。基于对当前国内外的研究现状的文献调研,可以得出结论:sCO2循环可应用于火力发电,并有望开发大型的清洁、高效火力发电系统,突破传统火力发电技术发展瓶颈。  相似文献   

针对含分流再压缩和一次再热的超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环火力发电系统,建立了其数学模型,并用Fortran语言编制了计算程序.通过详细计算,深入分析了分流系数、主压缩机出口压力、主压缩机入口压力、透平入口温度等关键参数对循环效率的影响.结果表明:随着一次工质温度或二次工质温度的升高,循环效率线性升高;但由于超临界二氧化碳物性的特点以及高、低温回热器最小换热温差的约束,主压缩机出、入口压力和分流系数等参数对循环效率的影响均非单调变化,这与传统的蒸汽朗肯动力循环完全不同;超临界二氧化碳动力循环系统存在最优的压缩机出、入口压力和分流系数的耦合关系,使得该系统的循环效率最高.  相似文献   

相对于已有的高温工质进入回热器回热后再进入底循环做功的回热式布雷顿-逆布雷顿联合循环模型,本文提出了一种新型的高温工质在底循环做功后再进入回热器回热的回热式布雷顿-逆布雷顿联合循环模型。对两种回热式布雷顿-逆布雷顿联合循环进行了第一定律性能分析与优化,得出了两种联合循环的最优热效率和最优比功的表达式,比较了两种联合循环的热效率及比功特性,并分析了回热器有效度对两种联合循环最优热效率和最优比功的影响。分析表明,增加回热器后能提高两种联合循环的热效率,与已有的联合循环相比,新型联合循环能在其顶循环压气机压比较小的情况下获得较大的热效率和比功。  相似文献   

Designing new and efficient heat engines and increasing the efficiency of previous ones is one of the researchers’ interests in the field of thermodynamics. In this regard, what is mainly concerned is to design a cycle with the positive features of previous cycles, such as less pollution, and higher power‐to‐weight ratio and efficiency. One of these cycles is the supercritical carbon dioxide cycle (SCDC). The main goal of this research is designing a highly efficient SCDC with pessimistic and relatively optimistic efficiencies of 45% and 47%. This paper includes the complete first law analysis of the designed cycle, designing and discussion of efficiency improvement methods and comparison of SCDC with other power cycles. The sensitivity of the cycle efficiency to some important parameters has also been studied.  相似文献   

Energetic and exergetic performance analyses of flat-plate solar collector using supercritical CO2 have been done in this study. To take care of the sharp change in thermophysical properties in near critical region, the discretisation technique has been used. Effects of zonal ambient temperature and solar radiation, fluid mass flow rate and collector geometry on heat transfer rate, collector efficiency, heat removal factor, irreversibility and second law efficiency are presented. The optimum operating pressure correlation has been established to yield maximum heat transfer coefficient of CO2 for a certain operating temperature. Effect of metrological condition on heat transfer rate and collector efficiency is significant and that on heat removal factor is negligible. Improvement of heat transfer rate is more predominant than increase in irreversibility by using CO2. For the studied ranges, the maximum performance improvement of flat-plate solar collector by using CO2 as the heat transfer fluid was evaluated as 18%.  相似文献   

A new numerical calculation model for wellbore temperature and pressure for SC-CO2 jet fracturing was proposed in this research. In our model, the impact of tubing, casing, and cement on heat transfer, and the heat generated by fluid friction losses are all taken into consideration. The CO2 physical properties are calculated by the Span–Wagner and Vesovic models. Based on our calculation model, the factors that may affect the wellbore temperature and pressure are discussed. The results indicated that ignoring the influence of the cement sheath thermal resistance on heat transfer would lead to a wellbore temperature higher than the actual value. The wellbore CO2 pressure is always higher than its critical value, but the CO2 temperature at the jet point in some cases is lower than its critical value. The wellbore CO2 temperature is increased with the increase in injection temperature and cement sheath thermal conductivity and the decrease in annulus injection rate and coiled tubing injection rate. However, the decrease in the coiled tubing injection rate and increase in the cement sheath thermal conductivity are the only effective ways to ensure that the CO2 temperature at the jet point exceeds its critical value.  相似文献   

In this paper, an experimental work is carried out to investigate the characteristics of solar thermal collection using supercritical CO2. This solar thermal conversion is based on supercritical CO2 natural convection, which is much easily induced because a small change in temperature can result in large change in density close to the critical point. In addition, its critical temperature is 31.1°C and low enough to be easily reached in the low‐temperature solar thermal conversion system. The obtained results show that the supercritical CO2 flow rate is smooth curve and not affected by the sudden variation of the solar radiation. The solar thermal conversion operation process can be divided into three periods: starting‐up, transition, and stable period. When the system reaches the stable period, the CO2 flow rate will keep at a high value even if the solar radiation stays at a low level. It is also found that the smaller local solar radiation variation is, the better ability of keeping the flow rate near the peak level the supercritical CO2 fluid owns. It is also found that a small pressure difference can drive a supercritical CO2 flow with high flow rate. Furthermore, high solar thermal conversion efficiency is found at a high mass flow rate and under operation pressure near the critical point. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of finite‐time thermodynamics to optimize the power output of endoreversible intercooled Brayton cycles coupled to two heat reservoirs with infinite thermal capacitance rates. The effects of intercooling on the maximum power and maximum‐power efficiency of an endoreversible Brayton cycle are examined. With appropriate temperature ratios of turbines and compressors being used, the maximum power output of an endoreversible intercooled Brayton cycle can be higher than that of an endoreversible simple Brayton cycle without lowering the thermal efficiency. New diagrams for maximum power, maximum‐power thermal efficiency, and optimum temperature ratios of turbines and compressors are reported. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of solar energy powered transcritical cycle using supercritical carbon dioxide for a combined electricity and heat generation, is studied experimentally. The experimental set‐up consists of evacuated solar collectors, pressure relief valve, heat exchangers and CO2 feed pump. The pressure relief valve is used to simulate operation of a turbine and to complete the thermodynamic cycle. A complete effort was carried out to investigate the cycle performances not only in summer, but also in winter conditions. The results show that a reasonable thermodynamic efficiency can be obtained and COP for the overall outputs from the cycle is measured at 0.548 and 0.406, respectively, on a typical summer and winter day. The study shows the potential of the application of the solar energy powered cycle as a green power/heat generation system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To better control the state of carbon dioxide during supercritical carbon dioxide drilling, a mathematical model is established to analyze the wellbore carbon dioxide temperature and pressure influencing factors. In this model, the influences of formation temperature change and fluid-friction-generated heat on wellbore temperature distribution are considered. Additionally, the impact of casing, tubing, and cement sheath thermal resistance on heat transfer are considered. The model is validated by comparing the wellbore temperature data calculated from this model with data from previous models. Based on the model, the factors that may affect the wellbore carbon dioxide temperature and pressure are analyzed. The results show that the downhole temperature decreases with the decrease in nozzle diameter and geothermal gradient, and with the increase in injection rate. The injection temperature significantly affects the wellbore temperature near the wellhead, but it does not affect the downhole temperature. Therefore, for low geothermal gradient formation, reducing the injection rate and increasing the nozzle diameter are two effective methods to maintain the CO2 at the downhole in the supercritical state. The pressure inside the coiled tubing increases with the increase in injection rate and decrease in nozzle diameter, but the injection temperature and geothermal gradient has little effect on the pressure inside both the coiled tubing and annulus.  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳发电系统厚壁管道件存在非等温流体混合.为降低管道连接区域温差应力影响,本文以某台超临界二氧化碳锅炉内部管道含内套管T型三通为研究对象,运用k-ε方程进行流场计算并与管壁传热进行耦合.计算结果表明:在薄弱的管件相贯线处,不同工况下温度梯度变化均出现相同变化,即最高点出现在三通相贯线后缘,次高点出现在相贯线前...  相似文献   

An endoreversible closed modified simple Brayton cycle model with isothermal heat addition coupled to variable-temperature heat reservoirs is established using finite-time thermodynamics. Analytical expressions of dimensionless power output, thermal efficiency, dimensionless entropy generation rate and dimensionless ecological function are derived. Influences of cycle thermodynamic parameters on ecological performance and optimal compressor pressure ratio, optimal power output, optimal cycle thermal efficiency and optimal entropy generation rate corresponding to maximum ecological function are obtained and compared with those corresponding to maximum power output. The results show that cycle thermal efficiency improvement and entropy generation rate reduction are obtained at the expense of higher compressor pressure ratio and a little sacrifice of power output at maximum ecological function. The compromises between power output and entropy generation rate and between power output and cycle thermal efficiency, respectively, are achieved.  相似文献   

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