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联合站是油气集输系统的重要组成部分,也是油田生产中的重要环节,联合站的工艺技术先进与否,能量损耗的多少,都对油田生产成本有着重要的影响。随着油田的逐年开采,我国大部分油田已经进入高含水的开发期,联合站系统运行成本在不断增加,所以对联合站的优化设计和优化运行的研究,能够得到非常明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

含油污水主要指原油脱出水,水中含油量高、悬浮物、微生物、有机物等含量高,若直接外排将严重污染地表水和农田,浪费水资源。为有效利用这些污水,对其进行处理回注是既经济又实用的办法。若水质处理不合格,将导致注水层渗透率下降,降低污水回注速度,因此,通过污水处理流程将含油污水处理达标后(含油≤5mg/L、悬浮物≤1mg/L、悬浮固体粒径中值≤1μm),将合格污水回注到地下。  相似文献   

原油从地下开采出来后,都不同程度的含有水,包括乳化水、溶解水、游离水等。含水原油不仅在集输技术上难度大,而且对以后的储运及油品加工也带来了诸多不利因素。为了使开采的原油含水达到商品原油的含水指标要求,原油在联合站外输前,必须对含水原油进行脱水处理,保证外输前原油含水控制在5‰以内,联合站进行原油脱水工艺一般采取重力沉降、加热、加药(破乳剂)、还有本文重点介绍的,也是最常用的电脱水工艺技术。  相似文献   

刘荣志 《化工文摘》2010,(9):26-27,31
结合东胜联合站现有的技术特点,设计了一套自动化改造及优化方案,方案数据采集及监控采用DCS系统,并用PLC实施现场控制。同时,对油田原油生产运行参数进行了优化研究,在优化的基础上进行了系统的自动化改进,使系统效率进一步得到提高。通过优化改造,联合站运行能耗节省了25%,达到了预期的设计目标。  相似文献   

位于塔克拉玛干大沙漠边缘的哈得油田,2007年原油产量为216.97万t,原油累积产量突破1000万t,成为我国最大的沙漠油田,今年产量初定为210万t,随着开采的深入,地层压力逐年递减,要实现原油产量200万t稳产5年的目标,注水工程尤为重要,对污水的处理系统提出了更高的要求。通过对哈得污水处理系统的现状分析和水质特点,提出了5方面的优化建议。  相似文献   

当油田进入到高含水的开发后期时,就会使油田系统的整体运行成本大幅度地增加,这就将影响到油田开发的经济效益。油田联合站在整个油田系统中占有较大的作用和地位,把联合站的技术处理问题有效地解决,并尽最大可能地减少系统的运行成本以及能源的消耗量,就可以大大增加联合站的经济利润。本文简述了油田联合站的几种有效的节能优化降耗措施,希望能够给读者一些帮助。  相似文献   

朱艳 《辽宁化工》2020,49(4):417-419
板一联合站现有采出水处理工艺存在设备数量多、工艺老化、故障频出、处理效果差、维修和运行成本攀升的问题。本文着重对该站采出水处理工艺进行研究,优选一体化集成装置,保证板一联地区正常注水开发生产,满足节能降耗需求,对其他联合站具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对于一条正在运行的输油管线,它的最大费用就是管线的电力消耗和燃料油消耗两大类。本文从运行角度分析了如何实现输油站优化运行,降低能耗。  相似文献   

联合站是一个复杂的系统工程,也是一个动态的、不断调整和优化建设目标的工程项目。"标准化设计、模块化建设"在油田小型站场的建设中,利用三维设计软件设计出三维装置模型,更直观、更逼真、更容易发现前期存在问题,在全面吸收现有技术和模式基础上,针对联合站站场种类多样性、工艺参数多样性、平面布局多样性等特殊情况,将该技术运用于油田大型站场站设计、建设中来。  相似文献   

联合站的设计是油气集输工艺设计的重要组成部分,对它的要求是使其最大限度的满足油田开发和油气开采的要求,做到技术先进,经济合理,生产安全可靠,保证为国家生产符合数量和质量的油田产品。  相似文献   

Optimal design and operation of combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems are complicated due to the fluctuating energy demands. Many mathematical models for the design and/or operation of CCHP systems have been developed. Most of them adopt a constant efficiency assumption, whilst others take equipment off-design characteristics into account. In this paper, we present two mathematical models for the optimal design and operation of CCHP systems with the target of minimising the total annual cost. One model is formulated using the constant efficiency assumption. In the other model, off-design characteristics of all equipments are considered. Comparative studies using different models were performed to examine the impacts of equipment off-design characteristics on the accuracy of the optimal design of CCHP systems. Results show that introduction of thermal storage facilities, connection to power grid and well designed operation strategies can diminish the negative impacts of adopting the constant efficiency assumption.  相似文献   

如何实现氨合成塔的优化操作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数学模拟的方法 ,从理论上分析和讨论了连续换热三套管并流式氨合成塔在其催化剂有效使用期内 ,随着催化剂活性系数的逐渐衰减 ,分别调节催化床进口温度或进口氨含量、惰气含量和空速等四个设计参数 (单参数 ) ,观察其对出口温度和氨产量的影响 ,并与最佳出口温度和氨含量进行了比较。计算结果表明 :当进口氨含量或惰气含量为调节参数时 ,氨产量均不能达到设计的生产能力 ;而调节进口温度或空速时 ,氨产量均可超过设计的生产能力 ,其中 ,前者超过的幅度较大且能耗较小 ,可选择为实现氨合成塔优化操作的最佳调节参数  相似文献   

自备热电站运行简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢磊 《中国氯碱》2002,(4):45-46
1 生产现状及改进措施 江苏索普(集团)有限公司热电厂于1995年10月正式受电投运,主要承担集团公司所辖各分厂、子公司的水、电、汽供给任务,以供热为主、发电为辅,发电并网不上网,另转供公司自备水厂的工业用水及自制除盐水。现装机容量为9 MW,其中1台3 000kW背压机,1台6 000 kW抽凝机,4台35 t/h次高温次高压锅炉。热电厂水、电、汽等动力能源供给的总体框图见图1。  相似文献   

Often, the main source of disturbance for a batch distillation system is an upset in the feed to the process. If the operation of a batch column is carried out on the basis of the nominal value of the feed composition, a high degree of uncertainty in the initial conditions to the batch may lead to run the column suboptimally, with a possibly large economic penalty. In this paper, a three-step strategy is proposed for the closed-loop implementation of optimal operating policies for batch rectifiers. First, the optimal reflux rate is calculated off-line for several feed compositions. Then, a correlation is developed off-line between the optimal reflux rate and the composition profile in the column at the end of the startup phase. Finally, the detection of the composition profile is performed on-line during the startup phase, so that the optimal reflux rate can be calculated and implemented in a closed-loop fashion. This allows operating the column optimally even though the actual feed composition is not known. Since the calculations to be performed on-line are straightforward, the computational demand is kept to a minimum. Results for binary and ternary systems indicate that, by using the proposed procedure, the column performance can be improved by as much as 30% with respect to a conventional open-loop optimal strategy.  相似文献   

曾容成 《贵州化工》2013,38(1):41-44
为了使合成系统特别是合成塔的安全高负荷运行,实现公司利益最大化。通过对实际生产流程上的改造,并进行一系列的优化操作,既考虑到了原材料的合理利用,又充分体现节能、降耗和全系统的高负荷运行。  相似文献   

The efficiency of a broad class of continuous processes operated under unsteady-state conditions must often be expressed as the ratio of two integrals: in chemical reactor problems this may represent either the yield or the selectivity of a desired product in a complex reaction scheme.Objective functions taking this form are included in the formulation of the problem for solution using the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin; the resultant additional necessary condition of optimality appears in a particularly convenient form so that the complexity of the problem is only marginally increased.  相似文献   

Process models based on data from close to one hundred pilot scale pulping runs are used to investigate strategies for operating a chemimechanical pulp mill. Optimal values for a total of 55 process and pulp quality variables have been calculated by applying a genetic algorithm search to a fuzzy model of the overall system. This model consists of over 90 distinct empirical relationships. Results indicate that pulp quality is maintained at minimal fibre and energy costs when the chemical pretreatment is conducted at moderately low temperature using a high SO2 concentration producing both high sulphonation and high yield simultaneously. Subsequent refining should involve applying at least 65% of the total energy in the primary stage. The pulp quality obtained is comparable to that of a CTMP pulp but with the added benefit of higher freeness.  相似文献   

研究了超滤-反渗透的双膜系统在冬季低温进水条件下的运行优化,通过综合比较进水升温和系统提压的成本与运行情况,确定了系统最佳运行方式为加热进水至1315℃后提压,保持恒定产水量运行,此种运行方式可在保证系统有效产水的前提下,节约能耗。  相似文献   

从定性、定量优化气体探测器布局的三个研究阶段进行了分析总结:依据经验和标准规范制定布设方案,没有具体的定量指标,精确度低,会导致探测器检测性能不高;基于模拟气体泄漏扩散结果,针对高危风险区域重点布设探测器,该方法具有可信度,但未能系统量化整体风险;基于数学规划方法优化探测器布局,能实现在各种可能泄漏场景下探测器检测性能综合表现最优,该方法更科学合理。  相似文献   

Paper drying is an exergy costly operation, so also a few percent saving may be of importance. The entropy production for the paper drying process was therefore optimised for a conventional multi-cylinder drying machine, the PM2 newsprint machine at Norske Skog ASA in Skogn, Norway. The machine has 51 cylinders grouped in three drying groups; the cylinders are either heated from the inside by steam, unheated or operated under vacuum conditions. The same inlet drying air is supplied in all upper air-pockets of the machine. Our drying model for the paper temperature profile was first compared with measured data from the machine. The total entropy production of the drying process was next calculated, and then minimised subject to a fixed outlet paper moisture content. Inlet humidity and cylinder group conditions were varied. Optimum conditions were obtained for a range of inlet air humidities, and for different cylinder groupings. We found that it was very favourable to increase the inlet air humidity. Other changes had a negligible effect on the total entropy production. The results further pointed to the need for a revision of the current paper drying model, as the second-law of thermodynamics was violated at high air humidities with this model.  相似文献   

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