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日本建筑物抗震加固新技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
汶川地震后,全国范围内陆续开展建筑物抗震能力的排查,抗震加固已经成为当前的紧要任务.对日本的建筑物抗震加固技术进行了总结和分类,并重点对若干种新技术进行了介绍.  相似文献   

杜军  赵雁 《中华民居》2012,(7):82-85
2011年3月11日14时46分23秒在日本东北部海域发生9级特大地震,造成了严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,同时造成大量建筑的损毁,本文主要结合日本此次地震的经验教训,对我国的的工程抗震提出几点建议,供大家参考。  相似文献   

2011年3月11日14时46分23秒在日本东北部海域发生9级特大地震,造成了严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,同时造成大量建筑的损毁,本文主要结合日本此次地震的经验教训,对我国的工程抗震提出几点建议,供大家参考.  相似文献   

2011年3月发生的东日本大地震及其次生危害使日本农业遭受重创,地震后数月,我国对日农产品贸易居高不下,尽管2012年受政治因素影响我国许多产品对日出口明显下滑,但农产品出口贸易规模仍有扩大趋势,这是地震所带来的刚性需求所致。东日本大地震为中国扩大对日农产品贸易提供了契机,我国应引进先进技术及农业管理理念、加大对日本农业企业招商力度、树立品牌意识、实现现代化营销,提升我国农产品竞争力,努力扩大对日农产品出口,缩小我国农产品贸易逆差。  相似文献   

以东日本大地震及其次生灾害为例,从人为因素分析入手,揭示出技术过度自信是东日本大地震及其次生灾害的一个重要的人为因素。文章围绕技术过度自信的概念、类型、成因及作用机理进行了探讨。分析了技术过度自信对工程项目建设存在的影响,即决策风险、勘察风险、设计风险、施工风险和监理风险。并从控制机制和制度、交流与学习、培训和宣传、理论研究等四个方面提出了预防或减少技术过度自信的对策及建议。  相似文献   

肖龙 《南方建筑》2021,(5):44-49
2011年3月11日东日本大地震灾后,日本东北地区成千上万套毁损住宅的重建工作所遇困境、创新政策与恢复状况的经验,为灾后住房重建实践提供借鉴。基于东日本大地震灾后10年内日本东北地区官方地震灾后重建文件、二手文献和实况记录等资料,梳理分析,总结归纳。发现日本东北地区灾后住房重建对策具有多样性、宽松性、针对性、统一性等特点。日本东北地区灾后住房重建中的多目标、新思路、弹性参与、重主体选择等先进经验对于正面临老龄化加剧、新生率缓行双重社会背景的中国具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

3.11东日本大地震给日本和全世界带来了很多灾难,也给我们带来了诸多的经验和启示。本文归纳了这次地震对日本的影响,以及各国政府、民众的不同反应。在此基础上,梳理了东日本大地震在城市防灾、应急及灾后重建中的经验,提出了日本政府、东京电力以及经济布局、城市规划等方面存在的不足;最后,对比东日本大地震和我国的汶川、玉树地震发现,日本作为世界防灾先进国家,在灾前预防、临灾预警、灾后应急系统,以及防灾硬件设施、软件环境塑造方面给我国的城市防灾规划管理提供了很多有益的启示。  相似文献   

这次日本大地震诱发海啸,给日本造成很大灾难,但因为电讯、交通的瘫痪,对重灾区的情况还没有全面了解,所以目前对地震造成灾害的损失情况,尚不能给出最后定论.但可以肯定,这次大地震对日本造成的损失是惨痛的. 作为一衣带水的我国,从这次日本大地震中,也应从中吸取一些深刻的教训.  相似文献   

建筑结构抗震概念设计及减轻地震灾害的措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄宜华 《山西建筑》2010,36(5):82-85
通过了解建筑结构抗震的基本知识,对建筑结构抗震设计原则、设计方法及基本要求作了总结,阐述了抗震结构材料与施工的相关要求,并探讨了隔震技术及消能减震技术的应用,以确保建筑物使用安全。  相似文献   

日本建筑结构抗震技术现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第6届中日建筑结构技术交流会第2次会议于2005年4月在日本东京举行,笔者有幸参加,并将减震、隔震和性能设计的部分论文编译如下,以使技术人员对日本建筑结构抗震技术现状有所了解。1减震结构的开发(作者:(株)日本设计大越俊男)11高度限制和减震墙(1)1923年关东大地震,浅草塔倒下以后,当时建筑物限高31m以下;(2)1936年修改建筑基准法,废除了高度限制;(3)1968年高度超过100m的霞关大楼建成,为减少强风和地震时的摇动,采用了预制钢筋混凝土耗能剪力墙和钢框架结构,此后京王宾馆、新宿三井大厦等60多幢超高层建筑采用了这种结构形式;(4)1979年竣…  相似文献   

This research paper describes the tsunami damage to tide walls observed using aerial photographs and field investigations at 13 locations along the coast of Iwate Prefecture, where significant tsunami damage occurred as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This paper also summarizes the characteristics of the damage. The tide walls in Iwate Prefecture were constructed on a ria (hilly type) coast, this geographical feature of lwate being different from that of the other disaster areas, primarily Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures. The results of our investigations show that all the devastated tide walls suffered from overflow before being damaged. In particular, the sloping and vertical type tide walls with slope protection were damaged by scouring of the infill sand or back fill soil due to the overflow of the tsunami. In the case of vertical type tide walls without slope protection, damage was caused by scouring of the back fill soil.  相似文献   

范琳琳 《山西建筑》2011,37(17):57-59
通过整理汶川地震震害资料,对汶川地震中教学楼建筑的震害进行了归纳,探讨了不同结构形式教学楼建筑震害的原因,并通过震害案例分析得到一些关于抗震设计的经验和教训。  相似文献   

The Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on 11 March 2011 was the largest earthquake in recent Japanese history, and resulted in the generation of large amounts of disaster waste. As a result, many ‘outdoor storage areas’ were established within disaster areas. These piles include various combustible materials such as wood, paper, and plastics, as well as non-combustible materials from destroyed buildings. More than 30 fires occurred in succession at waste storage areas in the Tohoku region, from May to September 2011.One of the causes of these fires is believed to be the proliferation of microorganisms and fermentation of organic material present in the waste piles; the heat generated during fermentation may ultimately result in spontaneous ignition. In this study, we collected samples from outdoor storage areas at which fires have occurred. We then conducted thermal analyses to obtain basic data, and finally developed safety measures to prevent the recurrence of fire. Based on the results, it was reveal that when the amount of heat generated exceeds the amount of heat discharged, the possibility increases for the heat of fermentation that arises from the rotten tatami mats and wood chips and the like to trigger of spontaneous ignition.  相似文献   

汶川地震后对农村防震减灾对策的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过分析造成农村住房地震灾害的主要因素,从加强民房的抗震加固措施、农村规划布局、次生灾害防御、防震减灾知识宣传等几方面提出了农村防震减灾的对策,从而减少地震灾害带来的损失。  相似文献   

通过一系列简化模型的非线性动力分析,来研究隔震核能电厂受相当于设计地震与超越设计地震的地震力作用下的地震反应。该文以三个美国核能电厂厂址为例进行分析,包括位于美国东部的North Anna、Votgle以及美国西部的Diablo Canyon。所研究的隔震器包括铅心与天然橡胶隔震器。研究重点在理清地震力与隔震器力学性值不确定性对结构地震反应的影响。该文仅就North Anna的分析与结果进行介绍。该研究的成果已被纳入美国土木工程师学会新版核能电厂结构物耐震分析规范ASCE-4中。  相似文献   

Tohoku-Shinkansen viaducts in eastern Japan were designed in accordance with specifications published in the 1970s. They have less shear reinforcement than required by current design specifications. Consequently, the No. 5 Inohana viaducts of Tohoku-Shinkansen failed in shear during the 2003 Sanriku-Minami earthquake. The viaducts were retrofitted by means of steel jacketing so that they had sufficient shear capacity. The retrofitted columns of the viaducts performed well during the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake. However, there is a lack of understanding of the impact of these retrofitting interventions on the vulnerability of the viaduct. It is important to recognise the relationship between the damage to the Shinkansen viaduct with retrofitted reinforced concrete columns and the ground motion intensity. After a brief review of the history of the performance of Shinkansen viaducts to several earthquakes prior to the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake, this paper presents fragility curves of the retrofitted and non-retrofitted Tohoku-Shinkansen viaducts based on nonlinear dynamic analyses and Monte Carlo simulation. It was found that the median of the fragility curve associated with the ultimate limit state for retrofitted viaduct is at least five times larger than that for as-built viaduct.  相似文献   

通过对城市地震灾害模拟可视化信息管理系统开发研究,描述了系统的需求分析、结构设计和功能模块等内容,指出系统建设特色,并以山东省潍坊市为例展示了信息管理系统的主要功能,为城市抗震防灾工作提供了科学工具,对城市其他灾害防御和管理也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(4):560-572
The authors conducted a comprehensive study to identify the impact of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami disaster and to understand the lessons towards the reconstruction of Tohoku to build tsunami-resilient community. First, the authors identified the extent of tsunami inundation zone by field measurement and satellite remote sensing. A specific index for optical satellite images was applied for the extraction of tsunami inland penetration calibrated with the ground truth data (field survey data). Second, an integrated investigation of field measurement and aerial photo and video inspections with spatial information sciences was performed to understand the hydrodynamic aspect of tsunami inland penetration with a form of tsunami flow velocity and hydrodynamic force, and the preliminary results lead to new understandings of structural vulnerability against the 2011 tsunami with a form of tsunami fragility curve and an implication for land use management and relocation planning to reconstruct resilient coastal communities.  相似文献   

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