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Triacylglycerol (TAG) composition by carbon number in 2 protected designation of origin cheeses, Mahón (cheese from cow milk) and Manchego (cheese from ewe milk) that were manufactured by 3 different producers was analyzed during cheese ripening using gas chromatography with a short capillary column. The TAG composition at different times during cheese ripening was also analyzed in cheeses from different batches produced at the same plant. Lipolysis levels in the Mahón and Manchego cheeses during ripening were low; free fatty acid values ranged from 2,500 to 4,000 ppm at the end of ripening. The TAG composition did not change significantly during ripening. The TAG values obtained from each cheese sample were substituted into the multiple regression equations that have been proposed to detect foreign fats in milk fat. The values obtained using the equations for bovine (proposed by the European Union) and ovine milk (proposed by our laboratory) were within the normal range. Accordingly, these equations can be considered useful for detecting foreign fat in these cheeses during the ripening period contemplated during this study.  相似文献   

为了探究脂肪酸饱和度对其植物甾醇酯生物可给率的影响,采用体外模拟消化静态模型,系统研究了油酸豆甾醇酯、亚油酸豆甾醇酯和亚麻酸豆甾醇酯的体外模拟消化规律。结果表明:体外模拟消化结束后(120 min),亚油酸豆甾醇酯游离脂肪酸(FFA)释放率最高,为78.51%,其次是亚麻酸豆甾醇酯,为74.21%,油酸豆甾醇酯FFA释放率最低,为69.15%;3种豆甾醇酯的水解速率由大到小为亚麻酸豆甾醇酯>亚油酸豆甾醇酯>油酸豆甾醇酯;3种豆甾醇酯的水解度由大到小为亚油酸豆甾醇酯>亚麻酸豆甾醇酯>油酸豆甾醇酯;油酸豆甾醇酯、亚油酸豆甾醇酯和亚麻酸豆甾醇酯生物可给率分别为14.01%、11.11%和10.19%,总体差异较小。综上,豆甾醇酯中结合态的脂肪酸(相同碳链长度)饱和度影响其水解速率,但对豆甾醇酯生物可给率影响较小。  相似文献   

乳脂肪球是由甘油三酯为核心的小球组成,周围有三膜结构,即乳脂肪球膜。乳脂肪球膜含有复杂的脂质和蛋白质,具有营养、免疫、神经和消化功能。然而,这些功能和胃肠消化之间存在的联系及其影响乳脂胃肠消化的因素未得到充分的研究。文章综述了乳脂成分及其结构、乳脂功能特性、乳脂胃肠消化概况及其影响乳脂消化吸收的因素,旨在为婴儿配方奶粉的消化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This work aimed to identify technological steps that can increase fat hydrolysis and volatile compounds production in hard cheeses; these biochemical events have been related with improved piquant taste and development of genuine flavor during cheese ripening. For that purpose, 2 different pretreatments of cheese milk were tested: heat treatment and mechanical agitation. Both factors were assayed at 2 levels: milk was either batch pasteurized or nonthermally treated, and mechanical agitation was either applied or not applied. For all combinations, hard cheeses (Reggianito type) were produced in a pilot plant and ripened for 90 d. In all cheeses the degree of lipolysis, assessed by gas chromatography, increased similarly during ripening. However, the proportion of short-chain fatty acids was higher in the cheeses made with unpasteurized milk, suggesting a higher activity of lipases with positional specificity toward the sn-3 position of the triglyceride, among which milk lipoprotein lipase is found. Similar results were found for most of the volatile compounds, determined by solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography flame-ionization detector/mass spectrometry, which constitute the groups of ketones, alcohols, esters, and the group of acids. On the contrary, no effect of mechanical agitation was observed, although some interactions between factors were found. In the conditions of the study, results suggest that heat treatment had a higher effect on cheese lipolysis and volatile compounds production than partial destabilization of the fat emulsion produced by the agitation method applied.  相似文献   

The effect of the 2 common consumption temperatures, refrigeration temperature (10°C) and room temperature (22°C), on the viscoelasticity, mechanical properties, and perceived texture of commercial cream cheeses was studied. Two samples with different fat contents, regular and low fat, from each of 4 selected commercial brands were analyzed. The selection criteria were based on identification of brands with different percentages of fat content reduction between the regular- and low-fat samples (35, 50, 84, and 98.5%). The fat content of regular-fat samples ranged from 19.8 to 26.0% (wt/wt), and that of low-fat samples ranged from 0.3 to 13.0% (wt/wt). Viscoelasticity was measured in a controlled-stress rheometer using parallel-plate geometry, and the mechanical characteristics of samples were measured using the spreadability test. Differences in the intensity of thickness, creaminess, and roughness between the regular- and low-fat samples of each commercial brand were evaluated at each of the selected temperatures by using the paired comparisons test. At 10°C, all samples showed higher viscoelastic modulus values, firmness, and stickiness, and lower spreadability than when they were measured at 22°C. Differences in viscoelasticity and mechanical properties between each pair of samples of the same brand were greater at 10°C than at 22°C because of the influence not only of fat content but also of fat state. Ingestion temperature did not modify the sensory differences detected between each pair of samples in terms of creaminess and roughness, but it did modify the differences detected in thickness. The joint consideration of sample composition, fat state, and product behavior during oral processing could explain the differences detected in thickness perceived because of measurement temperatures.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the proteolysis and lipolysis profiles in goat cheese made in the Canary Islands (Spain) using raw milk with 3 different fat contents (0.5, 1.5, and 5%) and ripened for 1, 7, 14, and 28 d. β-Casein was the most abundant protein in all cheeses and at all ripening times. Quantitative analysis showed a general decrease in caseins as ripening progressed, and degradation rates were higher for αS1-casein than for β-casein and αS2-casein. Furthermore, the degradation rate during the experimental time decreased with lower fat contents. The αS2-casein and αS1-casein levels that remained in full-fat and reduced-fat cheeses were less than those in low-fat cheese. In contrast, β-casein also showed degradation along with ripening, but differences in degradation among the 3 cheese types were not significant at 28 d. The degradation products increased with the ripening time in all cheeses, but they were higher in full-fat cheese than in reduced-fat and low-fat cheeses. The free fatty acid concentration per 100 g of cheese was higher in full-fat cheese than in reduced- and low-fat cheese; however, when the results were expressed as milligrams of free fatty acids per gram of fat in cheese, then lipolysis occurred more rapidly in low-fat cheese than in reduced- and full-fat cheeses. These results may explain the atypical texture and off-flavors found in low-fat goat cheeses, likely the main causes of non-acceptance.  相似文献   

Ye A  Cui J  Singh H 《Journal of dairy science》2011,94(6):2762-2770
The influence of gastric proteolysis on the physicochemical characteristics of milk fat globules and the proteins of the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) in raw milk and cream was examined in vitro in simulated gastric fluid (SGF) containing various pepsin concentrations at pH 1.6 for up to 2 h. Apparent flocculation of the milk fat globules occurred in raw milk samples incubated in SGF containing pepsin, but no coalescence was observed in either raw milk samples or cream samples. The changes in the particle size of the fat globules as a result of the flocculation were dependent on the pepsin concentration. Correspondingly, the physical characteristics of the fat globules and the composition of the MFGM proteins in raw milk changed during incubation in SGF containing pepsin. The major MFGM proteins were hydrolyzed at different rates by the pepsin in the SGF; butyrophilin was more resistant than xanthine oxidase, PAS 6, or PAS 7. Peptides with various molecular weights, which altered with the time of incubation and the pepsin concentration, were present at the surfaces of the fat globules.  相似文献   

Milk fat globule membrane polar lipids (MPL) are increasingly used as the surface-active components for emulsions in many infant food products. However, the precise effect of the emulsifier MPL on the digestion of lipids during gastrointestinal digestion has not been elucidated. This study investigated the lipid digestion of droplets covered with MPL with different sizes in a simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion assay. The well-used surface-active component casein was used as a control. Four types of emulsions were formulated: small and large droplets covered with MPL concentrate (MPL-S and MPL-L, with volumetric means of 0.35 ± 0.01 and 4.04 ± 0.01 μm, respectively), and small and large droplets covered with casein (CN-S and CN-L, with volumetric means of 0.44 ± 0.01 and 4.09 ± 0.03 μm, respectively). The emulsions were subjected to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion using a semidynamic model mimicking infant digestion. Through the determination of particle size evolution, zeta-potential, and microstructure of emulsions, the lipid droplets covered with MPL were found to be more stable than that of the CN-S and CN-L during gastrointestinal digestion. Moreover, although CN-S and CN-L showed a higher initial lipolysis rate at the beginning of gastric digestion, droplets covered by MPL exhibited a significantly higher amount of free fatty acid release during later digestion. The amount of free fatty acid release of the emulsions in both gastric and intestinal digestion could be generally classified as MPL-S ≥ MPL-L > CN-S > CN-L. Our study highlights the crucial role of MPL in the efficient digestion of emulsions and brings new insight for the design of infant food products.  相似文献   

The triacylglycerol (TAG) compositions by carbon number during ripening of two Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheeses were analysed using short capillary column gas chromatography. Lipolysis levels were high in the Cabrales (blue cheese produced from cows’ milk or from blends of cows’ with goats’ milk) and Majorero goats’ milk cheeses at the end of ripening, with free fatty acid (FFA) levels of around 24 000 ppm and significant changes in the TAG composition. The level of lipolysis in an industrial blue cheese made from ewes’ milk was low, with an FFA value of around 6000 ppm and no significant changes in the TAG composition during ripening. The TAG values recorded for each cheese sample were substituted into the multiple regression equations that have been proposed for use in detecting foreign fats in milk fat. The values thus obtained were within the established ranges in early ripening. In the cheeses with high lipolysis levels during ripening, some of the values obtained fell outside the established ranges. These equations can be potentially useful for detecting foreign fats in these cheeses, when employed early in the ripening period. Furthermore, it is important to take into account that before coming to a conclusion about cheese authenticity, several individual samples should be analysed.  相似文献   

凝乳酶对低脂干酪微观结构和功能特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了低脂干酪成熟过程中蛋白质水解程度对干酪本身的微观结构和功能特性的影响.以低脂乳为原料,添加不同剂量的凝乳酶制备低脂干酪,测定干酪不同成熟期的熔度及质量分数为12%的TCA-SN并观察干酪的微观结构.结果表明,在低脂干酪中添加双倍的凝乳酶时可以减少干酪的硬度、增加熔度和改善其感官状态;当添加3倍凝乳酶时将会导致产品比添加正常凝乳酶量时更有胶弹性.因此,添加双倍凝乳酶时能有效改善低脂干酪的质构、功能特性及感官状态.  相似文献   

Enrichment of milk fat with n-3 fatty acids, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), may be advantageous because of their beneficial effects on human health. In addition, these fatty acids play an important role in reproductive processes in dairy cows. Our objective was to evaluate the protection of EPA and DHA against rumen biohydrogenation provided by Ca salts of fish oil. Four Holstein cows were assigned in a Latin square design to the following treatments: 1) ruminal infusion of Ca salts of fish oil and palm fatty acid distillate low dose (CaFO-1), 2) ruminal infusion of Ca salts of fish oil and palm fatty acid distillate high dose (CaFO-2), 3) ruminal infusion of fish oil high dose (RFO), and 4) abomasal infusion of fish oil high dose (AFO). The high dose of fish oil provided ∼16 and ∼21 g/d of EPA and DHA, respectively, whereas the low dose (CaFO-1) provided 50% of these amounts. A 10-d pretreatment period was used as a baseline, followed by 9-d treatment periods with interceding intervals of 10 d. Supplements were infused every 6 h, milk samples were taken the last 3 d, and plasma samples were collected the last day of baseline and treatment periods. Milk fat content of EPA and DHA were 5 to 6 times greater with AFO, but did not differ among other treatments. Milk and milk protein yield were unaffected by treatment, but milk fat yield and DM intake were reduced by 20 and 15%, respectively, by RFO. Overall, results indicate rumen biohydrogenation of long chain n-3 fatty acids was extensive, averaging >85% for EPA and >75% for DHA for the Ca salts and unprotected fish oil supplements. Thus, Ca salts of fish oil offered no protection against the biohydrogenation of EPA and DHA beyond that observed with unprotected fish oil; however, the Ca salts did provide rumen inertness by preventing the negative effects on DM intake and milk fat yield observed with unprotected fish oil.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):3810-3831
This study investigated the structural and physicochemical changes that occur in milk, a naturally designed complex structured emulsion, during gastric digestion using the bottle-fed piglet as an animal model. The gastric digestions of cow, goat, and sheep milk were compared in male piglets euthanized at different postfeeding times to collect the stomach chyme. The cow and noncow milks separated into curd (aggregated caseins) and liquid (mostly soluble whey) phases in the piglet's stomach. For milk from all the species, the curd remained longer in the stomach because of its slow disintegration, whereas the liquid phase emptied readily. The majority of the fat globules were found to be entrapped within the protein network of the curd. The rate of release of fat globules was strongly dependent on the breakdown of the surrounding protein network of the curd. The consistency of the gastric curds changed as digestion progressed, with goat and sheep milk curds having relatively softer curd consistency and less fused protein networks, especially toward the end of digestion. This might have led to the lower protein and fat retention in the goat and sheep milk curds and relatively faster gastric emptying of these nutrients from goat and sheep milk in comparison to cow milk. This in vivo study provided new and enhanced understanding of the mechanisms of the gastric digestion of milk from different species. It may have implications for developing bioinspired structures for the controlled digestion and delivery of nutrients.  相似文献   

Although many studies have reported negative effects on cheese properties resulting from the use of buttermilk in cheese milk, the cause of these effects has not been determined. In this study, buttermilk was manufactured from raw cream and pasteurized cream, as well as from a cream derived from pasteurized whole milk. Skim milks with the same heat treatments were also manufactured to be used as controls. Compositional analysis of the buttermilks revealed a pH 4.6-insoluble protein content approximately 10% lower than that of the skim milk counterparts. Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) proteins remained soluble at pH 4.6 in raw cream buttermilk; however, when heat was applied to cream or whole milk before butter making, MFGM proteins precipitated with the caseins. Rennet gel characterization showed that MFGM material in the buttermilks decreased the firmness and increased the set-to-cut time of rennet gels, but this effect was amplified when pasteurized cream buttermilk was added to cheese milk. The microstructure of gels was studied, and it was observed that gel appearance was very different when pasteurized cream buttermilk was used, as opposed to raw cream buttermilk. Model cheeses manufactured with buttermilks tended to have a higher moisture content than cheeses made with skim milks, explaining the higher yields obtained with buttermilk. Superior retention of MFGM particles was observed in model cheeses made from pasteurized cream buttermilk compared with raw cream buttermilk. The results from this study show that pasteurization of cream and of whole milk modifies the surface of MFGM particles, and this may explain why buttermilk has poor coagulation properties and therefore yields rennet gels with texture defects.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between individual milk fatty acids (FA) and diet-induced milk fat depression (MFD) using principal component analysis (PCA) and multivariate analysis (MA). Cow treatment observations (n = 63) from 3 published feeding experiments with lactating dairy cows were used in the analyses. In the PCA, principal component loading plots 1 (PC1) and 2 (PC2) described 55.9% of the total variation in milk FA and fat concentrations. Saturated FA (14:0, 16:0, and 17:0) and milk fat percentage showed negative loading for PC1. Trans-18:1 isomers (trans-6+7+8 to trans-15), trans-7, cis-9 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and trans-10, cis-12 CLA showed positive (opposite) loading, suggesting a negative relationship between these isomers and milk fat percentage. Cis-11, trans-13 CLA and cis-9, trans-11 CLA were associated with the PC2 axes (neutral), indicating that they were not associated with MFD. Multivariate analysis with milk fat percentage as the dependent variable and individual PC1 positive loading variables showed a breakpoint relationship for trans-6+7+8-, trans-9-, trans-10-, and trans-13+14-18:1 and a linear relationship for trans-11-, trans-12-, trans-15-18:1, trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and trans-7, cis-9 CLA. Subsequent MA was conducted on 41 treatment means from 12 independent experiments from the literature, in which concentrations of trans-6+7+8-, trans-9-, trans-10-, and trans-11-18:1, and cis-9 trans;-11, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA were reported. Significant negative effects of trans-9-18:1, trans-10-18:1, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA on milk fat percentage were observed. In this study, the PCA and MA showed that among trans-18:1 isomers, trans-10-18:1 was the most negatively correlated to milk fat percentage. However, the threshold concentration related to maximum MFD indicated that the relative potency was greatest for trans-6+7+8- and lowest for trans-10-18:1. These results suggested that trans-6+7+8-18:1 might be more important than trans-10-18:1 in MFD. Principal component analysis also showed that trans-10, cis-12 and trans-7, cis-9 CLA were the isomers most negatively correlated to milk fat percentage, implying a possible role of trans-7, cis-9 CLA in MFD. Additional experiments are needed to establish whether trans-7-18:1 is involved in MFD or that its effects are mediated via the endogenously synthesized trans-7, cis-9 CLA.  相似文献   

采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,3个奶酪槽中原料乳的蛋白质与脂肪质量比分别为1∶1,1.2∶1,1.3∶1(通过添加脱脂干奶粉调整蛋白质含量)。研究蛋白质与脂肪比例对Mozzarella干酪的品质的影响。结果表明,随着原料乳中蛋白质脂肪比例的增加,干酪的含水量、油脂析出性显著降低(P<0.05),干酪的弹性显著升高(P<0.05),蛋白质与脂肪比例对Mozzarella干酪的蛋白质水解没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Increasing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of milk fat from lactating dairy cattle has become a research interest due to the possible health benefits afforded humans consuming CLA. Dietary supplementation of CLA to lactating dairy cows is one potential method by which CLA content of milk and dairy products may be enhanced. Feeding CLA in calcium salt form could potentially deliver CLA to the lower digestive tract through prevention of biohydrogenation by rumen microbes. Milk fat depression (MFD) occurs when cows receive CLA-60, a commercially available CLA source containing numerous CLA isomers, abomasally. Our objectives were to determine the quantity of CLA as calcium salts required to elicit maximal MFD and to evaluate the effects of CLA supplementation on fatty acid composition of milk fat. Five Holstein cows at approximately 93 DIM were utilized in a 5 x 5 balanced Latin square crossover design. Periods were 14-d in length with a 5-d treatment phase and 9-d rest phase. Treatments were 5-d supplementation of 0, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 g of CLA-60 in calcium salt form. Milk samples were collected on d 5 of CLA supplementation and analyzed for composition and fatty acid profile. Regression analysis of milk fat data suggested that MFD was not maximized over the dose levels investigated, despite delivery of 34.5 g of trans-10, cis-12 CLA in the 100-g dose of CLA. Supplementation with 50 and 100 g of CLA per day resulted in a reduction of milk fat percent of 29 and 34%, respectively. Trend analysis indicated a linear decrease in the milk fat content of caprylic, capric, and lauric acids as the dose of CLA increased. Milk fat content of cis-9, trans-11, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA increased at an increasing rate as dose increased.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study the potential for selection of cows with a higher nutritional quality of milk fat by studying the differences in fatty acid profiles within and across the following breeds: Dual Purpose Belgian Blue, Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, Montbeliarde, and non-Holstein Meuse-Rhine-Yssel type Red and White. Six hundred milk samples from 275 animals were taken from 7 herds. Several types of fatty acids in milk and milk fat were quantified using mid-infrared spectrometry and previously obtained calibration equations. Statistical analyses were made using a mixed linear model with a random animal effect. The variance components were estimated by using REML. Results showed breed differences for the fatty acid profile. The repeatability estimate obtained in the present study may suggest the existence of moderate additive genetic variance for the fatty acid profile within each breed. Results also indicated variation for each analyzed milk component in the whole cow population studied. Genetic improvement of the nutritional quality of milk fat based on fatty acid profiles might be possible, and further research and development are warranted.  相似文献   

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