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超滤膜分离技术在炼油废水深度处理中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
针对石化厂炼油废水回用至锅炉补给水的节水技术进行了工艺研究。经二级生化处理后的废水,再经过直流絮凝和超滤去除悬浮物、降低浊度后,完全能够满足下游反渗透的进水要求,并最终实现整个回用水系统的可靠运行。  相似文献   

膜生物反应器(MBR)是膜分离与生物反应器相结合的新型水处理技术。焦化污水是一种高浓度、难降解的工业污水,应用传统的生化方法处理焦化污水存在费用大、效率低的缺点。作者采用一体浸没式膜生物反应器处理焦化污水,调整合适的操作参数,污水中主要污染物COD、NH2-N的去除率分别达到80%、98%以上,操作简单,出水水质稳定,且远好于国家一级排放标准,取得了良好的效果,有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

通过对某石化企业物化处理系统进行分析、问题诊断,并对物化段进行优化试验研究,以此达到改善气浮处理效果、提高气浮运行效率、减少运行成本的目的,为下一步污水处理场其他污水处理设施稳定达标运行打好基础。  相似文献   

针对精细化工废水处理难以稳定达标的现状,通过GC/MS法跟踪测定某精细化工园区废水处理厂生物系统进水与出水中的有机组分并分析其变化,采用拓扑分析法对进水中检测出的有机物生物降解性与毒性进行定量构效研究,评估了拓扑分析结果与出水中有机成分的吻合程度.结果表明,经生物处理后,进水中含有的酸、醇及部分苯酚和苯胺类有机物能被有效降解,但氯代苯胺、氯代硝基苯、甲氧基苯系物、腈及含氮杂环化合物等物质在出水中仍能被检出,此类有机物大部分属于难降解有机物且具有较强的生物毒性,从而导致出水不能达标排放.研究结果指出,针对含有毒/难降解有机物精细化工废水的处理,应着重考虑QSAR分析结果中低PCD、低LC50值有机物的优先控制,采用有效的预处理措施和生物强化工艺是实现废水稳定达标的关键.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器处理聚酯生产废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验研究了MBR对聚酯生产废水的处理效果及其影响因素。结果表明,在进水水质变化较大的情况下,该工艺对某聚脂生产废水处理后,COD的平均去除率为93.7%,NH3-N去除率为97.3%,SS的去除率可达到100%,使出水COD的质量浓度小于100mg/L,NH3-N的质量浓度小于2mg/L,对总磷的平均去除率为71.6%。MLSS与容积负荷成线性关系。MBR对聚脂生产废水的处理具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation on the combined effect of particle size and chemical composition on the colour of fly ash - a property that determines whether fly ash polymer composites can be engineered to have very light appearance satisfying the need for a wide range of commodity applications, particularly in the building material and computer housing industry. Four fly ash samples were collected from Tarong power plant Queensland, Australia, namely fly ash from first hopper (T59), classified fly ash from first hopper (T60), grinded and then classified fly ash from first hopper (T63) and fly ash from fourth hopper (T64). It was found that the particle size of T64 is smaller but still in the same order as T63. Colour measurement and chemical composition analysis of the different FA samples showed that there is a correlation between the particle size, chemical composition and colour of the fly ash. This information could be effectively used in fly ash recycling industry.  相似文献   

The treatment of industrial chrome tanning effluents by electrocoagulation (EC) in a laboratory‐scale reactor was investigated. Mild‐steel (MS) electrodes have been found to outperform aluminum (Al) electrodes in reducing the Cr(III) concentration to <2 mg L–1. The conversion of Fe(II) to Fe(III) is slow in the lower pH range (<6), and OH ions generated during EC are amply available for Cr(III) removal by precipitation in the case of the MS electrode. Formation of Al(OH)3(s) in competition with Cr(OH)3(s) while consuming the OH ion is a cause for lower Cr(III) removal with Al. EC with the MS electrode and chemical coagulation (CC) with addition of alkali proved to be equally efficient for removing Cr(III).  相似文献   

油田采油污水的CODCr构成分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验研究了某油田联合站稠油采出水的CODCr构成,初步探明了CODCr难以处理的原因,并提出了降低CODCr的对策。结果表明,该联合站污水CODCr的贡献可采用方程CODCr=4.3912X 0.6171(X为油含量,mg/L)来定量表征;污水中残留的在采油作业或地面作业时使用的各种化学药剂是其CODCr难以达标的主要原因。药剂的生化降解性能或水处理剂对污水中残留药剂的选择去除效果是影响CODCr处理结果的重要原因。  相似文献   

曝气微电解预处理化工酸性废水的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用曝气铁碳微电解工艺预处理高浓度有机酸性废水,研究了铁与碳质量比、反应时间对CODcr去除率等因素的影响。结果表明:在m(Fe):m(C)=4:1、反应5h的条件下,进水CODcr为1675mg/L和pH值1.77时,对CODcr的去除率为51.5%,废水的BOD5/CODer值由0.22提高到0.35.为酸性废水中和系统改造提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

化工过程排放的部分废水中酚类的质量分数比较高,含酚废水是水体的重要污染物之一,对含酚废水进行脱酚处理,有利于保护环境和回收酚类物质。在模拟含酚废水情况下,对乳化液膜法脱酚进行了正交实验研究,乳化液膜体系为水/油/水型,内水相为氢氧化钠溶液,外水相为含酚水溶液,膜相为煤油。在最优实验条件下,苯酚的脱除率达到99.8%。  相似文献   

膜生物反应器处理餐饮废水的试验研究及经济核算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用膜生物反应器处理餐饮废水,污泥泥龄50~60d,水力停留时间4~5h,MBR可长期运行。MBR工艺对污染物的去除率高,对COD,油,SS和浊度的去除率分别为99.2%,98%,100%,98.2%。系统抗冲击负荷能力强,出水水质优良;对废水处理进行经济核算,每处理1t餐饮废水所需费用为0.65元。  相似文献   

石化行业的污染影响很大,不利于国家的环保建设,尤其是之前投资建设的石化废水处理厂,配套设施老旧,石化废水处理效果不好,更容易诱发恶臭。恶臭污染让周边环境都陷入污染区,生产、工作及生活等社会行为也都会出现干扰影响,所以石化废水处理中,除臭变成了首要技术问题。对生物除臭技术的实践应用进行延展分析,获得有价值结论,以备后续研究参考。  相似文献   

工业污水COD在线监测方法的选择与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对均使用重铬酸钾氧化,分别采用分光光度法和电位滴定法测定的SHZ-4型和JHC-ⅢA型COD在线监测技术进行了比较,指出了造成SHZ-4型COD在线监测仪测定误差大的原因,分析了工业污水在线监测存在的问题并提出了几点建议,对在线监测方法发展前景进行了展望,指出臭氧氧化法和高温催化法在线监测仪以及TOC在线监测仪属清洁监测技术,是未来实现污水中有机污染物含量在线监测的发展方向。  相似文献   

以新疆某煤化工高效反渗透(HERO)高盐废水为研究对象,测试了碟管式纳滤(DTNF)膜在70%、80%、90%回收率下的分盐效果,并择优采用高级氧化进行了纯化处理。中试结果表明,DTNF膜对HERO高盐废水有很好的分盐效果;提质后的氯化钠结晶盐纯度≥98.5%,满足GB/T 5462—2015《工业盐》精制工业干盐一级标准;硫酸钠结晶盐纯度≥98%,满足GB/T 6009—2014《工业无水硫酸钠》Ⅱ类一等品标准。  相似文献   

Effect of wet screening on particle size distribution and coal properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. Govender  J. C. van Dyk 《Fuel》2003,82(18):2231-2237
Wet screening is one of the methods used to remove fine material from the coal feed to gasification. Sasol Synfuels in South Africa undertook an investigation to quantify fine coal generation in the coal supply to gasification. Coal samples were wet screened in the laboratory and results compared to the normal dry screening procedure. It was found that the fines (−0.5 mm) increased almost five times when the coal was wet screened compared to dry screening. This study was subsequently initiated by Sasol Technology R&D to establish the mechanism of fine coal generation during wet screening, as well as the effect of wet screening on particle size distribution (PSD) and chemical properties of coal. Changes in the PSD and chemical properties of coal from individual coal sources used at Sasol Synfuels were compared. Composite coal samples with a predetermined PSD of all individual coal sources used at Sasol Synfuels were screened under wet and dry conditions. The PSD was again determined after screening, as well as the mineral composition (by X-ray diffraction) of the fines. Results indicated that wet screening caused clay minerals to be removed from the coal structure leading to an increase in the fines. This removal of minerals weakened the coal structure causing further size degradation of coarser fractions.  相似文献   

As fouling has always been a major drawback of membrane technology, qualitative and quantitative understanding of membrane fouling mechanisms therefore becomes vital in order to help push membrane separation technologies forward. In this study, firstly, self-cleaning Polysulfone(PSf) membranes were synthesized by incorporation of WO_3nanoparticles(0–2 wt%) and subsequent UV irradiation for efficient ultrafiltration(UF)of landfill leachate and dairy wastewater. The membrane surface properties were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and contact angle analysis. It was found that UV-irradiated membranes exhibited higher percent COD removals due to the hydrophilicity and photocatalytic properties of nano-WO_3. Subsequently, in order to analyze the fouling behavior of the membranes, a set of experimental data from cross-flow ultrafiltration of municipal landfill leachate and industrial dairy wastewater at 25 °C was obtained. A new model of membrane fouling was proposed based on a resistance in series concept and was fitted well with all experimental data sets.Almost all relative errors of prediction provided by the proposed model were less than 2.5%. In addition, it was revealed that this newly-developed model exhibited smooth transition between the common successive twostep pore blockage-cake filtration phenomena and thus eliminates the need to use separate equations for different mechanisms.  相似文献   

化工生产废水具有污染程度高、pH变化大、可生化性较差、并且含盐量较高的特点,为了实现废水回用的目的,采用物化预处理、水解酸化 接触氧化 超滤 反渗透相结合的处理工艺.出水回用于循环冷却水补充水,同时达到了节水治污的目标.本技术推动了膜分离技术在化工废水回用中的应用.  相似文献   

刘天柱  张华  赵东风  薛建良  李石  刘伟 《现代化工》2014,34(11):140-143,145
采用浓缩石化企业含盐废水的多效蒸发(MED)实验室小试装置,并结合热性能分析的方法,优化考察了蒸发器类型(升膜、降膜)和效数对含盐废水浓缩效果的影响。同时,基于MED运行过程中物料和热量平衡,建立了一套计算MED系统加热蒸汽利用率(HSU)的数学模型。结果表明,以汽水比(GWR)和浓缩比(CR)为评价指标,一效升膜的性能优于一效降膜;从一效至三效系统,随着效数的增加,MED系统的性能提高,三效MED系统汽水比为0.50∶1,浓缩比可达3.57。三效降-升-升的HSU最高,为80.32%,被确定为最优操作方案。  相似文献   

针对工业园区电镀废水处理中生化指标达标难的问题,采用新型聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜组件构建膜生物反应器(MBR),通过现场试验研究了MBR工艺处理电镀废水的实际效果。结果表明,通过合理的维护管理,MBR膜通量能稳定维持在16.67L/(m2·h)左右,对COD的去除率可达到50%以上,出水COD质量浓度稳定在80mg/L以下,但对氨氮的去除效果受水力停留时间(HRT)、温度、系统负荷等因素的影响较大。与传统的生物接触氧化工艺相比,基于新型膜材料的MBR工艺可以大大提高污泥量,避免结垢和出水跑泥等问题,提高了处理效果。从投资运行费用来看,采用MBR工艺的总投资费用高于普通生化处理工艺,运行费用约为2元/t。  相似文献   

介绍了煤化工废水的来源、水质特点和处理难题。针对煤化工废水主要处理技术,即分离技术、生物技术和高级氧化技术,综述了国内外有关研究的现状、发展趋势和应用。展望了未来的研究方向,指出各种处理技术的组合和优化,缓解废水对生物工艺的毒性抑制性,达到高效生物脱氮的效果,是实现煤化工废水"零排放"的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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